Veteran Gamers need to stop complaining, and go form their own gaming development studios, and or Hardware Consoles. We have instant communication with everyone alive on this planet, there is no reason why we can't take charge of our own desires, if we can all work together for more than 15 seconds at a time. This is what iRacing and nFactor guys are doing.
PD , as beautiful of a game and talent GT5 is, unfortunately, the mindset and company policies dictated by the Dynasty that is Sony, throws a wrench into every well oiled machine. It's not entirely Kaz's fault. He runs a company bounded my terms of service that is incomprehendable to the masses.
When I turn 50, I plan to start my own gaming studio from a recreational Vehicle.
in the mean time, I am still loving GT5 and it's shortcomings, compared to what I was playing a channel 3 cablebox , 30 years ago, this game is a godsend the way it is.