
  • Thread starter Danoff
Drugs are bad. mmmkay?

I’d like to preface this thread by saying that I never have and never will take drugs for recreational reasons. I take medicine when I need it, pain killers after surgery - that kind of thing. But the drugs I’m talking about here are recreational.

I’m interested in hearing why (not whether) you guys think drugs should be made legal or stay illegal (or both and at what capacity).
I'd like to say that it is your opinion that you never will take recreational drugs, not that you will never take drugs, fact.
Ones opinions are only really valid factually for a very short amount of time if a significant environmental aspect changes.
Let's say for example for some reason everyone on the planet took recreational drugs on a daily basis because that what culturally and globally was the done thing, and you still exist as a "never will", either you will succumb and take them or you will kill yourself (or die trying to convert others) and cease to exist, as it would be impossible to live in such awareness of isolation (with a sane mind anyway). But I suppose that last option maintains your directive, a bit like a Christian being fed to lions or burnt unless they denounce god...Unless you don't get caught not taking drugs and find a life of peace in the jungle content in not taking drugs while at the same time being concerned about everyone else, or choosing to forget them.
It might be an offshoot of the topic, but it's a reminder that the subject is a point of view. And also that I am a bit drunk. Which is legal in my country but not in others.
This very opinion I am expressing now could well expire when I am sober. Other opinions may expire for other reasons, even when not intoxicated.

This evening I had a burger from a kabab shop, something i swore I would never do in my life.
Which proves my point.
But seriously I will never have a kebab.
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The federal government ruled on Friday that marijuana has no accepted medical use and should remain in the same class of drugs as heroin.(ap)


Here is the 100 page ruling :ill:


I wonder how, if at all, this is going to effect current state laws.
There is currently a bill up in California to allow industrial hemp farming. I do not know how this is affected.
Drugs are bad

Most things have the potential to be good or bad, what ever happened to Personal Responsibility?

There is currently a bill up in California to allow industrial hemp farming. I do not know how this is affected.

Well I was thinking of the states that allow medical marijuana but you raise another good point. I see no logical reason at all why hemp farming is illegal, well maybe it's corporate lobbyists working for nylon manufacturers or some sort.

Hemp has little to no thc or use as a drug, recreational or otherwise, in my experience.(a very scientific experiment I conducted while traveling through the Dakotas :P)
Drugs are bad
They might be now.
What if in the future there were general brain antidotes available from the chemist that cured any and all addictions? Or tailored pills that negated harmfull disturbances in the brain or body tissue.
Would they still be bad?
Is it more to do with something that changes significantly the way your mind thinks morally wrong?
I was not expecting those responses, honestly. :lol: I was just posting an uneducated generalization that all drugs are bad and used improperly for the sake of posting it.
I was not expecting those responses, honestly. :lol: I was just posting an uneducated generalization that all drugs are bad and used improperly for the sake of posting it.

:lol: is that last bit the definition of troll?

Then again, here is the very first post of the thread, seems it's received over 800 responses 👍

Drugs are bad. mmmkay?

I’d like to preface this thread by saying that I never have and never will take drugs for recreational reasons. I take medicine when I need it, pain killers after surgery - that kind of thing. But the drugs I’m talking about here are recreational.

I’m interested in hearing why (not whether) you guys think drugs should be made legal or stay illegal (or both and at what capacity).
You ought to post it with conviction. Then take your advice. No vitamins, no antibiotics, no anti-cholesterol meds... nothing.

Sad day when the tobacco-driven imperialist Federal Government rules against a class of products that could usurp their nicotine-powered Hegemony.


Yay Nicotine! :lol:
There is currently a bill up in California to allow industrial hemp farming. I do not know how this is affected.
There is no reason industrial hemp should be illegal. It was only made so because of the government's tendency to overreach when banning marijuana. They took practically the entire cannabis family with them.

Fortunately, hops were left alone.

But we use industrial hemp in everything from vehicles to furniture and so one. But we have to import it all, pay tariffs and basically make everything more expensive to manufacture. Legalizing industrial hemp nationwide would be a real boost to the economy that actually did help. It can grow in most US farming regions, manufacturing costs would (assuming they don't attempt taxing it to death) decrease, there would be a potential for job creation, and there are even some tests looking at it as a bio-fuel source in much the same way tropical regions can use sugar cane.
Yeah..I want to be riding on the same road that someone on Acid is driving on. That way if he kills me he will double his prison sentence and my family will have the satisfaction that he is in jail for a long time. (good trade off huh?)

Keep them illegal. That's all we need is more legal mind altering drugs for people to be driving on the roads with.
Yeah, I want to be riding on the same road that someone on ALCOHOL? is driving on. That way if he kills me he will double his prison sentence and my family will have the satisfaction that he is in jail for a long time. (good trade off huh?)

Keep them illegal. That's all we need is more legal mind altering drugs for people to be driving on the roads with.

Honestly, it's best if people were HONESTLY educated and not ignorant. That's the problem with anything and everything.
Addiction is bad, I know it firsthand. Ignorance screwed me, but then I learned.

Sad day when the tobacco-driven imperialist Federal Government rules against a class of products that could usurp their nicotine-powered Hegemony.


Yay Nicotine! :lol:

more purposeful products, as well, I might add. Not just nasal decongestants.
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There should be drug lounges where you go to take drugs like pot with others and have a good time. And you can't get your keys back until you pass a test to see if you're too stoned. Or drugs like cocaine could be in energy products, only sold to those permitted. Meth shouldn't be allowed though.
If never met anyone who was to stoned to drive. And before you ask, I live in the Netherlands.
If never met anyone who was to stoned to drive. And before you ask, I live in the Netherlands.

Why is it significant that you live in the Netherlands? I'm not saying it isn't, as I'm sure it is, I'm just asking why it is.
I have really bad asthma. Everytime I'm near a smoker, I can't breath. Thats why I personally think that they should make a designated smokers room.

And you are right... eating other peoples smoke is really bad for your health...

But for your asthma you could try smoking some ganja...:dopey:

If never met anyone who was to stoned to drive. And before you ask, I live in the Netherlands.

Gotta introduce you to a friend of mine... so is it also legal to drive stoned in your country??
Why is it significant that you live in the Netherlands? I'm not saying it isn't, as I'm sure it is, I'm just asking why it is.

Marijuana is legal for sale here.

Not is that, but most everyone is familiar with that notion because of how the place is referenced in movies and tvs, etc.
Marijuana is legal for sale here.

Oh... I always think the Netherlands is Norway for some reason.:rolleyes: Ok, now I understand what you mean. So being extremely stoned doesn't impact your driving enough to cause accidents? I guess it's a lot better than alchohol then. Marijuana was only illegalized in the USA to improve the paper industry and cripple any chance for a hemp industry.
Marijuana was only illegalized in the USA to improve the paper industry and cripple any chance for a hemp industry.

There isn't any real reason marijuana is illegal other than select corporations lobbying to keep another competitor away. Pfizer, Anheuser Busch, etc.
Bones Brigade
There isn't any real reason marijuana is illegal other than select corporations lobbying to keep another competitor away. Pfizer, Anheuser Busch, etc.

I'm assuming alchohol is only legal because of how awfully the prohibition went (for those who don't know USA history, it was when alchohol was illegal in the 1920's; bootleg liquor and crime skyrocketed).
Oh... I always think the Netherlands is Norway for some reason.:rolleyes: Ok, now I understand what you mean. So being extremely stoned doesn't impact your driving enough to cause accidents? I guess it's a lot better than alchohol then. Marijuana was only illegalized in the USA to improve the paper industry and cripple any chance for a hemp industry.

Of course if you are extremly stoned you can cause an accident but its not as bad as alchohol or being sleepy or very tired (wich I think is as bad as alchohol)
In a nutshell, I'll put it this way. Let me stipulate that I'm oversimplifying a bit.

Drugs should be pretty much legalized. They should be sold like cigarettes or liquor, with a clear and simple warning concerning the dangers and health risks, and only to those over 18 or 21 or some age.


Any crime committed while testing positive for drug use should come with a mandatory doubling of penalty. So if you kill someone while driving blasted, or you mug someone to support your habit, you're doing double time.

If you can control your actions and your consumption, you're not a criminal.

I can forsee the outcry that this system punishes poor people, because obviously rich people won't have to steal to support a drug habit, but poor people will. Tough. Rich people can eat better food, drive nicer cars, and live in bigger houses, too. That's the reason to be rich.
Good idea Duke, considering the fact that millions of taxpayer dollars has been wasted trying to continuously stop the flow of drugs coming into the United States your idea seems like it could keep the druggies happy and result in less normal people being killed as a result of people illegally acquiring recreational drugs to get high.
Phenomenal article on gun control and how it relates to drug violence. I had never thought to completely link the gun violence statistics and the need for drug legalization quite as directly as is done here. In retrospect, how can one talk about legalizing drugs and not talk about gun violence? How can one talk about gun violence and not talk about legalization of drugs?

Phenomenal article on gun control and how it relates to drug violence. I had never thought to completely link the gun violence statistics and the need for drug legalization quite as directly as is done here. In retrospect, how can one talk about legalizing drugs and not talk about gun violence? How can one talk about gun violence and not talk about legalization of drugs?

Drugs and gun violence are not related to everywhere as they are in the US. Here in the UK both are illegal and although we do have an element of gun violence it's usually gang or revenge related rather than drug related.

That said it was an interesting article to read, my stance on the matter though is that no recreational drugs that don't pass strict tests should be made legal. Some drugs already are legal for personal use here but not distribution but there are cases where these drugs have caused psychotic episodes which have led to them doing something horrific. Why we would want more of this legalised is beyond me but then I suppose it's easier for me to see my point of view and harder to see the opposing view having felt the effects of what someone high having a psychotic episode can do. It's a tricky argument but I'm definitely against legalisation.
That said it was an interesting article to read, my stance on the matter though is that no recreational drugs that don't pass strict tests should be made legal. Some drugs already are legal for personal use here but not distribution but there are cases where these drugs have caused psychotic episodes which have led to them doing something horrific. Why we would want more of this legalised is beyond me but then I suppose it's easier for me to see my point of view and harder to see the opposing view having felt the effects of what someone high having a psychotic episode can do. It's a tricky argument but I'm definitely against legalisation.

And what about marijuana, or more controversial despite being incredibly well documented, LSD? And while you may question why anyone would want to do LSD, keep in mind a great deal of important people have considered LSD significant in the development of their lives. This includes the likes of Steve Jobs, Gates, and lord knows how many artists. Drugs can provided an incredibly different look at reality and ourselves.