Square Enix are also developing 3 other games for the console, forgot what they're called. I guess MS payed them a lot to fill in the lack of RPGs it has.
I could see it being Square's decision. They'll probably make more money that way. And it's not like the PS3 has a pile of RPGs either.
The Microsoft Press Conference is Today, anyone going to spy on the enemy?
Maybe, but they're claiming they are out selling the PS3 (by maybe a million units according to their chart), and that they will continue to outsell the PS3 this generation through offering exclusive Xbox titles & Live.
Yeah, I know how you feel, but it's good to know a lot more people will get the FF experience now.
PS3 games I'm looking forward to:
Dumbed Down Ported Final Fantasy XIII that only runs at 30fps on PS3 and 60fps on the 360 because Microsoft makes Square say the 360 is superior (Yeah right) with exclusive Xbox 360 Add-On Content
Woo, Final Fantasy XIII for 360.![]()
So I take it you all missed it last week when Sony's CEO was talking about how their focus is shifting to first-party because third-party exclusives aren't financially feasible for developers any more?
Wow!Definitely didn't see that one coming. Seems a perfectly reasonable development however as I'm sure the development costs for the FF series have skyrocketed these past 2 or 3 versions. So it's pretty much a win-win, Square gets twice the user base to sell to and MS gets to steal a little of Sony's thunder. Obviously all things being equal I'm rooting for the PS3, but hey free markets FTW!
I think this is a bit extreme as I personally know a lot of Final Fantasy fans who bought a PS3 in anticipation of FFXIII.Win: Square Enix
Win: Microsoft
EPIC FAIL: Final Fantasy Gamers
I think this is a bit extreme as I personally know a lot of Final Fantasy fans who bought a PS3 in anticipation of FFXIII.
And if Square gave the PS3 a few bonuses I wouldn't be surprised either.
Win: Square Enix
Win: Microsoft
EPIC FAIL: Final Fantasy Gamers
Woo, Final Fantasy XIII for 360.![]()
Besides, it may require multiple discs, which immediately makes the PS3 version a better option for those with both systems.I don't know, if I were you (or any other avid FF gamer) I wouldn't jump off a cliff just yet. I can understand your disappointment, but consider that XIII has been in development for what... at least 2 years. The vast majority of that effort has been focused on the PS3 as being THE hardware platform. So since this multiplatform development is, in comparison, fairly recent if anything I'd expect the 360 to get the inferior port this time around. So buck up camper, this announcement isn't all doom and gloom.
All jokes aside, this really is another perfect example of how the word "exclusive" means nothing anymore. I see nothing wrong with it at all but you should see some of the forums exploding over this news.
Besides, it may require multiple discs, which immediately makes the PS3 version a better option for those with both systems.
All jokes aside, this really is another perfect example of how the word "exclusive" means nothing anymore. I see nothing wrong with it at all but you should see some of the forums exploding over this news.
Pfft, I'm already stuck in an email discussion. I don't need forums.I figured all the fanboys would come out.
I think this is a bit extreme as I personally know a lot of Final Fantasy fans who bought a PS3 in anticipation of FFXIII.
And if Square gave the PS3 a few bonuses I wouldn't be surprised either.
iceltI don't know, if I were you (or any other avid FF gamer) I wouldn't jump off a cliff just yet. I can understand your disappointment, but consider that XIII has been in development for what... at least 2 years. The vast majority of that effort has been focused on the PS3 as being THE hardware platform. So since this multiplatform development is, in comparison, fairly recent if anything I'd expect the 360 to get the inferior port this time around. So buck up camper, this announcement isn't all doom and gloom.
I would expect that if we weren't dealing with Microsoft. When they buy something they want a favor in return, better framerate, exclusive add on content, something.
****, we might even have had FF-XIII by now if all these behind the scenes deals weren't going on. That's why we've seen it for 2 years and there has been next to nothing to come out on it because Microsoft was busy negotiating how much.
I never said you did. Don't over react & get so defensive.1st off, I never made any claim or reference to sales between the competing consoles (present or future). 2nd off, I clearly indicated I was stating a personal opinion. 3rd off, sales has bugger all to do with fundamental hardware design, manufacture, assembly, testing and packaging. 4th off, what else do you expect MS to say? You know Sony is going to "cook" their numbers in a similar fashion. When it comes to sales projections by these companies it's all plausible horse manure.
I never said you did. Don't over react & get so defensive.![]()
Besides, it may require multiple discs, which immediately makes the PS3 version a better option for those with both systems.
I was still fuming over being lied to and betrayed by Square-Enix for the past 2 years about FF13 being PS3 exclusive until I saw this posted on anther forum:
I lol'd, but I'm still furious we have been led around with a leash for 2 years only to be lied to and betrayed later on.
The thing is, according to initial reports they're not even going to release the 360 version in Japan because the install base of 360s there is pathetic. So that leaves just American and European territories. American 360 owners are more interseted in shooters and American RPGs not JRPGs. Iirc PS3 has already outsold the 360 in Europe.
Also, the 360 version is said to be released at the same time as the PS3 version which is another slap in the face of people who bought the PS3 for this game after seeing the 2006 trailer that said "Exclusively for the Playstation 3"
They said the deal was made 'recently' so FF-XIII might not even make 2009 because the 360 version will hold back
After that Final Fantasy bomb already has forums screaming EPIC WIN for Microsoft Sony had better drop a huge bomb.nevermind the bloody betrayers!
sony's press conference is tomorrow: finger crossed!
nevermind the bloody betrayers!
sony's press conference is tomorrow: finger crossed!
After that Final Fantasy bomb already has forums screaming EPIC WIN for Microsoft Sony had better drop a huge bomb.
Because if they come out and hint at PSP peripherals "coming soon" that have been in other regions for months and talk about a movie download service without details I will be less than impressed.
And while we will be happy with some form of GT5P or GT5 news there needs to be something for the general gaming public.
Well, they didn't want to steal their GTA4 thunder. Now that GTA4 is out the door we will probably see some more stuff.I haven't seen anything of that LA Noir since that first video popped up, looked like a potentially great game too.
+ Posted by Ro Hernandez // PLAYSTATION Store Team
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Have a great week!
After that Final Fantasy bomb already has forums screaming EPIC WIN for Microsoft Sony had better drop a huge bomb.
I haven't seen anything of that LA Noir since that first video popped up, looked like a potentially great game too.
I would say that if someone considers having a 360 version of the next FF game is an "EPIC WIN" for Microsoft, then Microsoft is in much worse shape than what the numbers have already shown.![]()