My word, some people need to get a life. People complaining that their PS3 is useless, err no it's not FFXIII is still coming out on the PS3, they can still use thier PSS3's for what they intended, if their intention was to play FFXIII on it. If thier intention was as much if not more so to use FFXIII in the virtual penis tugging game of my consoles better than yours then these people are to put it simply, losers with seemingly very little in thier lives that is of any actual worth.
Anywho, I'm hoping we get some new info on GT5 tomorrow and maybe a few other interesting titles.
Well just wanted to clarify that I'm upset about what making a great game like Final Fantasy multiplatform might do to it.
As great as some may think GTA IV is it could have been better and could have been released quicker if it were exclusive to one console.
How many times did Rockstar complain that one version was holding back the other?
First it was the DVD format of the 360 was restricting them. Then problems finishing the PS3 version was most likely the reason why it got delayed until the spring.
The 360 and PS3 are two totally different machines. It's easier to get more out of the 360 but it has far less potential then the PS3.
I was excited about a great exclusive game like Final Fantasy XIII not worrying about having to be multiplatform so SE could get as much as they could out of the PS3.
Now it's pretty much a lock the game is going to suffer and won't be all it can be.
Imagine what would happen if Microsoft said GT5 was coming to 360. You bet your bottoms dollar it would get downgraded to work with the 360. I see no reason why FFXIII would be different.
MGS4, GT5, these are possible AAAA quality games that are impossible to port to the 360 without some sort of downgrade. No reason to think FFXIII would be different.
I'll just have to accept this. It won't matter that I spent $200 more then the price of a 360 to get the absolute best console in gaming when SE will just dumb down the greatest RPG franchise ever to the cheaper (in both ways) console.
Essentially, I paid more money for the PS3 to get a better gaming experience with an exclusive FFXIII then a Xbox guy paid for a 360 but we will both get the same experience when playing FFXIII. Not fair at all.
If all games went multiplatform then what's the point of paying for the more expensive console when the gameplay experience will be no better then the inferior cheaper console?
This is no doubt a dark day for the gaming industry.
Even games like GoW2, Halo need to stay exclusive to their console the developers can make the most of them. What would the 360 shooters be like without Xbox Live?
As for those saying Square did this simply because they needed the money from 360 sales, then why didn't MGS4 go multiplatform as well if money was such a big problem for the big developers?
It's been known for quite sometime that Microsoft wanted to steal Final Fantasy. SE said they had to pay for the development of both versions of the game and the refused at first but I guess somewhere along the way they made an agreement and here you have it.
In the end I think this rotten trail traces all the way back to the original virus, Electronic Arts. They are responsible for the multiplatform craze and the current, general downfall of the quality of videogames.
Several months ago SE guys working on FFXIII were talking about how blu-ray helped them make FFXIII and that was one reason why they chose PS3 over the 360 but now they are going to have one hand tied behind their back downgrading FFXIII for the 360.
I guarantee you the guys making FFXIII are ticked off they are not given the best hardware to work with but now must gimp the game to work on the 360.
This is so rotten, Microsoft and EA are the sores of the videogame industry and must be removed ASAP before they buy everything up.