E3 Rumour gt6 coming to ps4 1080p 60fps

  • Thread starter BLACK86
Get back to the topic of an uncorroborated rumour from a single source on an internet website:lol:. That's not a topic it's a punchline.:lol:

Yes, that is the topic of the thread. If you don't like it I'm sure you can find somewhere else to have whatever discussion you want to have.

Well I think it's just odd that T10 was able to model a TS020 and R390, even though they're an American developer and the two mentioned cars have been in GT since I believe GT2.

And to answer your question, this is PD we're talking about here, the same company that took the time to model a moon rover that's only used in 3 events.

Why is it odd? PD modeled both the El Camino and the Camaro Z28. It's 2014, it's not that hard to get from Japan to America.

That's not really an answer to my question. It was a hypothetical. Wouldn't you rather PD model cars that are popular on significant rather than just all of the Japanese cars?
So wait, graphics aside do people actually want 'GT6', as is, on PS4? The same game we're playing now? With all of its flaws unrelated to console power?

Not really, but I imagine GT6 will look quite different in a year or so. Remember what GT5 was like when it launched?
I wonder myself. We should make another poll to find out. ;) But I agree, who will want GT6, as it is, on PS4? Why?
Well if you do decide to make another poll let's make sure we have a well thought out list of options so it's not all muddled like most of the polls you see around here:lol:
I wonder myself. We should make another poll to find out. ;) But I agree, who will want GT6, as it is, on PS4? Why?
I don't know but it makes no sense to me. Given the PS4 and its "blank slate" that Kaz was so happy about porting over a heavily flawed game, warts and all, seems bizarre. Surely a brand new game simply re-using the re-usable assets and everything else new and re-done is a much better prospect.

Not really, but I imagine GT6 will look quite different in a year or so. Remember what GT5 was like when it launched?

I really don't see that they're going to fix the major issues with the game, the AI and sounds are not going to get completely re-done in patches, the A-Spec mode is not going to be completely overhauled and so on. If PD on the other hand do overhaul them for the PS4 version, why leave any trace of GT6 behind? Just completely do it all over as a new game.

GT5 didn't change that much at the core, the main features remained pretty much as is. Even Spec 2 didn't do that much when you really look at it.
So wait, graphics aside do people actually want 'GT6', as is, on PS4? The same game we're playing now? With all of its flaws unrelated to console power?
No not really, because that would mean GT7 is still far away.
No chance of WipEout coming back. Not in any way, shape or form. Hurts me dearly to say that as someone who plugged 450+ hours into Fury but not a hope in hell.
There's still a chance if they get Firesprite to make the game.
Porting GT6 over to PS4 would be a huge disappointment saleswise IMO. A great many issues, as has been pointed out ad nauseum, are not related to the PS3 limitations, but to basic game design and philosophy and those will not automatically change just because PS4. I can't see a huge % of PS3 GT6 buyers shelling out another $60 for basically the same game but prettier and can't see it capturing the car sim hungry PS4 audience in the wake of PCars, DriveClub and even The Crew which looks like it might be a fun little game.
Porting GT6 over to PS4 would be a huge disappointment saleswise IMO. A great many issues, as has been pointed out ad nauseum, are not related to the PS3 limitations, but to basic game design and philosophy and those will not automatically change just because PS4. I can't see a huge % of PS3 GT6 buyers shelling out another $60 for basically the same game but prettier and can't see it capturing the car sim hungry PS4 audience in the wake of PCars, DriveClub and even The Crew which looks like it might be a fun little game.
The Crew doesn't strike me as little at all.
Well if you do decide to make another poll let's make sure we have a well thought out list of options so it's not all muddled like most of the polls you see around here:lol:
You got it bud. :D:tup:
I don't know but it makes no sense to me. Given the PS4 and its "blank slate" that Kaz was so happy about porting over a heavily flawed game, warts and all, seems bizarre. Surely a brand new game simply re-using the re-usable assets and everything else new and re-done is a much better prospect.
Agreed. :) Besides, wasn't it said that the PS4 was also easy to develop on? Why port an old game when you can just build your game from the ground up.
Porting GT6 over to PS4 would be a huge disappointment saleswise IMO. A great many issues, as has been pointed out ad nauseum, are not related to the PS3 limitations, but to basic game design and philosophy and those will not automatically change just because PS4. I can't see a huge % of PS3 GT6 buyers shelling out another $60 for basically the same game but prettier and can't see it capturing the car sim hungry PS4 audience in the wake of PCars, DriveClub and even The Crew which looks like it might be a fun little game.

Plus GT6 has already got the average reviews and negative coverage post release. Even if they tart it up as soon as PD even so much as suggest it's GT6 tarted up or still carrying most of the GT6 core gameplay then people that didn't like GT6 are going to be instantly put off. Tell them it's a new game (Even if it isn't) and the negative connotations tied to GT6 are only added to your feelings of the series as a whole.
I still think the rumour is fictional anyway, I was just curious what people actually wanted. The rumour doesn't even really make much sense anyway, it starts out saying Gran Turismo 6 is coming to PS4 then says it'll be "in the vein of" Gran Turismo 7: Prologue.

If it's Gran Turismo 6 repackaged why would they give it a new title? Plus prologues are meant to be small teasers for the full game, GT6 renamed as a Prologue wouldn't do that. They could remove all the standard cars and tracks, re-design the career mode to only use premium cars/tracks but then once again it's not 'Gran Turismo 6', is it?

Rumour makes no sense to me.
I've only seen one trailer..looked small but interesting. I'll have to look into it some more.
The game has an interesting idea behind it. Giving you an entire Country to toy around in and the ability to modify everything on your machine.
I just can't see Sony putting another racing game by it's brand new IP for this holiday season.

None of it makes sense, and putting how disappointed everyone is of GT6, why get excited about it on PS4?
Why is it odd? PD modeled both the El Camino and the Camaro Z28. It's 2014, it's not that hard to get from Japan to America.

That's not really an answer to my question. It was a hypothetical. Wouldn't you rather PD model cars that are popular on significant rather than just all of the Japanese cars?
I'm saying its odd because, as a Japanese developer, they have easier access to said cars than most other developers. We've seen the two upgraded R390s but why did they take the extra step and premiumize it. It's significant in racing history is it not?

At this point none of us truly know what PD's intentions are. Do they want to be a car encyclopedia like in GT4 with the Model T and 2 1886 carriages, a racing simulator in lieu of all the licenses they had/have in GT5 going the extra mile and adding in the 2011 NASCAR Race cars, or what really?
If you saw my comment on page 4, here's the GT6 paperweight along with other games I've used for paperweights :D:
Yeah sadly we are in 2014 were the graphic details are the only thing that seem to matter for some gamers of today (screw the fun of the game and playability)

It's a shame then that GT6, in its current form, is already so low on those last two features.

They are able to do interiors but at the cost of much less car quantity.

Yes, and a chunk of people prefer quality to quantity.

Immersion is a very overrated and "void" term a video game. Its still a game and always will be. There is no immersion really. If you want the real thing go drive real cars.

How convenient; immersion isn't needed when it doesn't suit your argument. Why does PD need to strive for realistic physics then? It's just a game, after all.

You drive cars because the pretty interiors? Its really a weird way to enjoy the game if you ask me.

He didn't. You still haven't wrapped your head around the concept of people enjoying the game for different reasons than you, right?

Yep, its the real driving simulator, not the real car interior modeling simulator. My point is you an still drive the cars without the 🤬 interior which is completely useless for the game until anyone here proves me wrong.

1. Don't bypass the swear filter.
2. Nobody can prove your preferences wrong; they're just that, preferences. Just as people prefer cars with interiors. It'll be 2014/15 when a PS4 GT game shows up (ideally), for a game laying claim to "the real driving simulator" title, expecting interiors in more than 30% of the cars in the game is hardly unreasonable. Just because I enjoyed playing GT1 sixteen years ago with it's couple-hundred poly models doesn't mean I don't want to see improvements. I want a reasonable approximation of what it feels like to drive in the car, and you can't tell me I'm wrong for that.

You know, car interiors take long to model, thats the problem. I'd rather have 500 cars without interior, than 150 with interior.

That's fine. Others feel differently.

Nope, first of all, I'm an oldschool gamer - I play games since the 8 bits consoles ;) and I can enjoy games without being obsessed with graphics. Believe me - gameplay is far far more important than graphics.

8 bit isn't exactly super old school... but tying this into the topic at hand; you're absolutely right, gameplay is important. Which is why I'd hope PD don't simply port over GT6 to the PS4, because a great many of the game's problems have nothing to do with graphics quality.

Because of people obsessed with graphics, we'll end up getting games with amazing graphics and no content. Look at Forza 5. Rubbish.

It's hardly the players' faults exclusively; PD has shown on numerous occasions that graphics take the top pedestal in their priority list. See the countless pointless "release" trailers (NSX, FT86 concepts, etc).

One could reasonably argue that despite having far and away the most content out of the racing games of its generation, GT6 squanders that by making so many of them completely optional. You could cut hundreds of cars from the game and it'd have no effect on the puny A-Spec mode.

Highly detailed graphics take SO much time and effort.
Far less content = far less gameplay possibilities and far less game life.

An important part of that equation is missing; less gameplay options + far less content = far less gameplay possibilities and far less game life. For all it's 1200+ cars, GT6 offers you not much more to do with them than hot-lap, or try your luck with the crapshoot that is online racing. Unless folks are savvy enough to come to a site like here and take part in organized racing, that is.

There's no community economy, there's no customization on the level of the competition, there's very little tinkering that can be done to the offline experience (your option is to either intentionally nerf your car to "race" the idiot AI, or nothing)... I could go on.

I hope these things are addressed with the next iteration even more so than I care for graphical improvements. My only real sticking point in that regard is a level of quality that is consistent across the game: no more tiers of car quality. It'd be a joke if any other developer pulled it, PD should be no exception, especially as the dead assets are now two generations old.

Im serious, it seems we have very different opinions, and mind you, I like to drive the cars, not staring at them and analysing their graphic details and interiors.

I like both. Whether someone prefers driving, or inspecting the cars visually, or both, neither person is wrong.

That's your opinion.

It's amazing you can dismiss someone's opinion like that, then simultaneously try to force yours on others as the "right" one.
And how many people here are saying "all other developers being SO much more open than PD"?. Please point them out to me. And if you have to go back many years as with Forza 2 and 3 to find an example, you don't really have much of a point anyway do you?
Your memory is apparently selective when it concerns me. This is one thread devoted to the topic.

Plus, you know, if you didn't consider it such a need to pursue my posts and correct them constantly as if you were on some crusade, maybe you would have more time to propose something positive, like I do on occasion.
Your memory is apparently selective when it concerns me. This is one thread devoted to the topic.

Plus, you know, if you didn't consider it such a need to pursue my posts and correct them constantly as if you were on some crusade, maybe you would have more time to propose something positive, like I do on occasion.

Ok, I'll bite, what does a petition from 7 years ago have to do with, "all other developers being SO much more open than PD?". You do realize "here", as in, "how many people here", means now, in this thread or other active threads, not threads dug up from 3/4 of a decade ago. And I don't see anywhere in the OP of that thread where the OP says, "all other developers are so much more open than PD". He provides examples of other devs that do communicate and then asks that we have the same type of relationship with PD, a request that has obviously fallen on deaf ears in the seven years since.

And if you don't like your ludicrous claims and assertions challenged, don't post them. Gravedigging 7 years into the past, years before I was even a member, is ludicrous by any standards, even yours.
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I really don't see that they're going to fix the major issues with the game, the AI and sounds are not going to get completely re-done in patches, the A-Spec mode is not going to be completely overhauled and so on. If PD on the other hand do overhaul them for the PS4 version, why leave any trace of GT6 behind? Just completely do it all over as a new game.

GT5 didn't change that much at the core, the main features remained pretty much as is. Even Spec 2 didn't do that much when you really look at it.

Well no, It is just a port afterall. But you need to remember not everyone is completely enraged by the mere thought of GT6. There are plenty of us who still play the game regularly and are ok waiting for the next game to see core changes. If by the time GT6 hits the PS4 we have all of the promised features and they've added some new cars and tracks that should be fine.

A GT6 port will also give them more time to work on the full blown GT7 and I think is a better option than a GT7P where we'd only have a small number of cars and tracks.
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Why reuse Standard cars on the PS4 when you can reuse an entire game?

I sincerely hope this isn't true. It's a new console and should be considered a fresh start. That fresh start is called GT7.
Maybe they realized that it would actually take longer to develop GT7 than they originally thought, so they're throwing us a bone while they get the next full GT done up. If this is true, then that's probably what they're doing. Unfortunately since no one here trusts PD it'll probably end up driving even more customers off unless all the standards are either removed or converted via magic to premium in just over a year.
I'm calling this a rumor and nothing more. To re-release GT6 on PS4 as is would be a huge loss to Sony and PD. In the wake of Project CARS and Drive Club, which would be out before GT6 PS4, would have already captured a lot of racing genre fans setting a standard of what to expect from a racing game on PS4. The "standard" cars and tracks (non-updated tracks that is) would stick out like a sore thumb on PS4. So much so that GT6 PS4 would not be able to gain back some fans from other next gen (well current gen now) racing titles. And with a sour taste for GT6 currently, this would KILL the GT series for sure.

All in all, Sony and PD aren't stupid enough to do such a silly thing aka lose a lot of money. GT6 sales isn't going so good right now and a LOT of it has to do with sticking with the old "2 GT games per console cycle" business plan while another good chunk has to do with missing features and literal carry-over content from PS One gen. Re-releasing it on current gen won't change customer perception (it's the same game) AND it'll be a last gen port against current gen games. The GT series image would be damaged much worse than it is today.

IMHO, GT7 should be the first thing that Sony/PD release on PS4, not a port. If GT6 gets ported, it had better be COMPLETELY redone for the current gen.
It is reasonable to believe now that some sort of GT will come to the PS4 around 2015, it won't be a straight port of GT6, re-using the 2,000-5,000 poly models from GT4 a decade after its release, when the industry-wide standard is roughly equal to the premium cars (not to mention some of the old tracks that need updating like Monaco and Trial Mountain) would be completely absurd.
Hopefully the work being done on this new GT won't leave GT6 abandoned without the advertised features.
That is an absolutely tiny chance but I would love it if that was the case. They said in a recent interview they would be up for it but after 2048 i'm not sure I would even want the game.
There's still a chance if they get Firesprite to make the game.
The release of PS4 version with additional contents and enhancements is the optimistic explanation of all the undelivered promises PD made about GT6 on PS3.

The alternative explanation being that, as always, PD does not manage to deliver anything on schedule.