Yeah sadly we are in 2014 were the graphic details are the only thing that seem to matter for some gamers of today (screw the fun of the game and playability)
It's a shame then that GT6, in its current form, is already so low on those last two features.
They are able to do interiors but at the cost of much less car quantity.
Yes, and a chunk of people prefer quality to quantity.
Immersion is a very overrated and "void" term a video game. Its still a game and always will be. There is no immersion really. If you want the real thing go drive real cars.
How convenient; immersion isn't needed when it doesn't suit your argument. Why does PD need to strive for realistic physics then? It's just a game, after all.
You drive cars because the pretty interiors? Its really a weird way to enjoy the game if you ask me.
He didn't. You still haven't wrapped your head around the concept of people enjoying the game for different reasons than you, right?
Yep, its the real driving simulator, not the real car interior modeling simulator. My point is you an still drive the cars without the 🤬 interior which is completely useless for the game until anyone here proves me wrong.
1. Don't bypass the swear filter.
2. Nobody can prove your preferences wrong; they're just that, preferences. Just as people prefer cars
with interiors. It'll be 2014/15 when a PS4 GT game shows up (ideally), for a game laying claim to "the real driving simulator" title, expecting interiors in more than 30% of the cars in the game is hardly unreasonable. Just because I enjoyed playing GT1 sixteen years ago with it's couple-hundred poly models doesn't mean I don't want to see improvements. I want a reasonable approximation of what it feels like to drive
in the car, and you can't tell me I'm wrong for that.
You know, car interiors take long to model, thats the problem. I'd rather have 500 cars without interior, than 150 with interior.
That's fine. Others feel differently.
Nope, first of all, I'm an oldschool gamer - I play games since the 8 bits consoles

and I can enjoy games without being obsessed with graphics. Believe me - gameplay is far far more important than graphics.
8 bit isn't exactly super old school... but tying this into the topic at hand; you're absolutely right, gameplay is important. Which is why I'd hope PD don't simply port over GT6 to the PS4, because a great many of the game's problems have nothing to do with graphics quality.
Because of people obsessed with graphics, we'll end up getting games with amazing graphics and no content. Look at Forza 5. Rubbish.
It's hardly the players' faults exclusively; PD has shown on numerous occasions that graphics take the top pedestal in their priority list. See the countless pointless "release" trailers (NSX, FT86 concepts, etc).
One could reasonably argue that despite having far and away the most content out of the racing games of its generation, GT6 squanders that by making so many of them completely optional. You could cut hundreds of cars from the game and it'd have no effect on the puny A-Spec mode.
Highly detailed graphics take SO much time and effort.
Far less content = far less gameplay possibilities and far less game life.
An important part of that equation is missing; less gameplay options + far less content = far less gameplay possibilities and far less game life. For all it's 1200+ cars, GT6 offers you not much more to do with them than hot-lap, or try your luck with the crapshoot that is online racing. Unless folks are savvy enough to come to a site like here and take part in organized racing, that is.
There's no community economy, there's no customization on the level of the competition, there's very little tinkering that can be done to the offline experience (your option is to either intentionally nerf your car to "race" the idiot AI, or nothing)... I could go on.
I hope these things are addressed with the next iteration even more so than I care for graphical improvements. My only real sticking point in that regard is a level of quality that is consistent across the game: no more tiers of car quality. It'd be a joke if any other developer pulled it, PD should be no exception, especially as the dead assets are now two generations old.
Im serious, it seems we have very different opinions, and mind you, I like to drive the cars, not staring at them and analysing their graphic details and interiors.
I like both. Whether someone prefers driving, or inspecting the cars visually, or both, neither person is wrong.
It's amazing you can dismiss someone's opinion like that, then simultaneously try to force yours on others as the "right" one.