That would be beautiful. But I'm not expecting it.
My personal timeline:
E3 2014: PD shows off GT on the PS4. No name, no release date, just precious little info and a sweet video with "2015" at the end. GTPlanet erupts with excitement and skepticism. Around the same time GT6 gets a reasonable update with one of the promised features and possibly new cars or a new track.
July through November 2014: Updates continue to roll out at a rate of 1-2 a month with 3-4 of the remaining promised features coming out along with maybe another track or two and almost certainly more cars (possibly as the first paid dlc). A few surprise features pop up here and there along the way. small bits of info about GT on the PS4 trickle out but nothing serious.
December 2014: Anniversary of GT6 is celebrated by a large year end patch. At least one promised feature is added (if any remain) as well as a few surprises in the form of features and content. It releases along side a second batch of paid DLC that is larger than the previous. Possibly followed up by a smaller holiday patch with a free car or two.
January-march 2015: Updates slow down and consist of mostly small tweaks. Another batch of paid DLC is released. More info on GT for the PS4, it's GT6: HD and will consist of all of the current DLC and updates (think GT5 XL) and will launch late 2015. Once again, video is shown and no release date is given.
April-May 2015: info continues to leak out about GT6: HD. Mostly peformance based, locked 1080P @ 60 fps, Strong AA system. GT6 updates have all but stopped along with any more paid DLC.
E3 2015: Largest batch of info on GT6: HD to date, increased car on track count, new sound engine, updates to existing GT6 features, PS4 exclusive content. A release date is given for sometime in October or November of 2015.
July-September 2015: Very few GT6 updates at all while info for GT6: HD trickles out.
October-November 2015: Launch of GT6: HD.
P.S. Lots of GTPlanet bickering and speculation throughout