E3 Rumour gt6 coming to ps4 1080p 60fps

  • Thread starter BLACK86
And if you don't like your ludicrous claims and assertions challenged, don't post them. Gravedigging 7 years into the past, years before I was even a member, is ludicrous by any standards, even yours.
You know what Johnny, you're probably right, and no one said a peep about it. Have a whole jar of net cookies.
How convenient; immersion isn't needed when it doesn't suit your argument. Why does PD need to strive for realistic physics then? It's just a game, after all.

8 bit isn't exactly super old school... but tying this into the topic at hand; you're absolutely right, gameplay is important. Which is why I'd hope PD don't simply port over GT6 to the PS4, because a great many of the game's problems have nothing to do with graphics quality.

An important part of that equation is missing; less gameplay options + far less content = far less gameplay possibilities and far less game life. For all it's 1200+ cars, GT6 offers you not much more to do with them than hot-lap, or try your luck with the crapshoot that is online racing. Unless folks are savvy enough to come to a site like here and take part in organized racing, that is.

It's amazing you can dismiss someone's opinion like that, then simultaneously try to force yours on others as the "right" one.

Cant answer everything (too much stuff and I have no time :scared:)

1) Immersion is always quite limited as I pointed out.
2) Yep when you see a PS3 tearing and frame dropping it means it doesnt have more power, therefore can't improve other areas that would require more console power.
3) "Crapshoot that is online racing" OMG seriously, it isnt. Why, god, why people underappreciate online mode so much? Its by far the best part of the game. And me and my PSN friends use all the cars we can. We try to do endless combos or cars, PP and tracks.
4) Im not tryint to force anything to anyone lol. Maybe im a bit agressive with my posts, I dont know.
i think the online is good beside the stupid tires bug. In my serie we never had the enormous amount of black screens/disconnections we had in gt5, pit in and out never gave us problems i heard around the forum; and to be honest
it's the drivers that make online racing good or bad.

for example in my forza days i never found as much unfair basterds as i ever saw in years of gt5+6.

Also i do not understand much the complains about A spec; i mean we are on gtplanet; there's series to race into if you want great, clean and competitive racing. I see Aspec as a money builder for car collectors no more.

going back on topic, i think that GT6 is too broken at coding level to be ported, else the aforementioned tire bug would have been fixed... But on a brighter side i thing GT7 development will be fast; new generations consoles are basically PC-like so it won't be hard to develop when you already have the assets ready
Also i do not understand much the complains about A spec; i mean we are on gtplanet; there's series to race into if you want great, clean and competitive racing. I see Aspec as a money builder for car collectors no more.
Not everyone has the time or dedication to being part of/running a series; gaming preferences (introvert vs. extrovert), time zone differences, jobs, kids and whatnot that might change ones plans. Hence a fun and long-lasting A-Spec mode as well a challenging AI is far more preferable over other alternatives.
this is the reason why i got 2 hours a week just for myself and made a serie :D

but yeah i guess i know what you mean
Not everyone has the time or dedication to being part of/running a series; gaming preferences (introvert vs. extrovert), time zone differences, jobs, kids and whatnot that might change ones plans. Hence a fun and long-lasting A-Spec mode as well a challenging AI is far more preferable over other alternatives.

I see its writing that it will be GT6 prologue or something..ok.
And also extra features, new tracks, dlcs - Well you aint gonna fool us twice PD. There will be probably 2 dlc per year, one at start and one before Xmas.
Dont you give me that DLCs, new cars/tracks every month ********. If you cant do your promises for GT6, why would you for a prologue game or GT7??? Pepole aint that stupid PD!
And if you don't like your ludicrous claims and assertions challenged, don't post them. Gravedigging 7 years into the past, years before I was even a member, is ludicrous by any standards, even yours.

That's not even the best part. Your "challenge" (for lack of a better word) to find an example somewhat more recent than Forza 2/3 led to pulling up a thread that predated both. Or that the main argument talked about on the first page of that thread for possible proof that PD does listen to the fans is that they... um... decided not to implement microtransactions...

Or this bit, which is oddly prescient about a game released in 2013 for a post made in 2007:
don´t get me wrong, i love GT to death, but the game concept is the same since 1997 when the game was first released in japan. the same nagging problems that are still a hurdle for this great franchise. a quick example: we have the same tuning parts to buy since GT1. nothing big has changed since them. we know cars have more parts, so why not make them avaliable? what they managed to do in this particular aspect was to take out racing modification, loved by most fans.
I especially love how they re-added that beloved feature for GT5 (because of fan communication?); then removed it again.
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I knew this was coming. Can't wait. I will have to buy PS4 but totally worth it.

PS4 version will obviously have amazing graphics. Looking at GT5P video of 7yrs ago it was miles ahead of the competition so GT6 version of PS4 will be pretty awesome none the less:

Definitely they can add 24 cars on track and only have cars with cockpit. With PS4 a proper damage model should also be possible. PS3 they were limited with performance and memory. I think this is fantastic idea to release a premium edition or whatever they want to call it and release it ASAP with all DLC updates. GT7 can be released in 2yrs after that or so. PS4 is very popular with devs and getting lot of support as it is fast and easier to make games unlike PS3 which was more complicated.
From wikipedia:

Title Year Released Platform
Gran Turismo 1997/1998 PlayStation
Gran Turismo 2 1999/2000 PlayStation
Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec 2001 PlayStation 2
Gran Turismo Concept: 2001 Tokyo 2002 PlayStation 2
Gran Turismo Concept: 2002 Tokyo-Seoul 2002 PlayStation 2
Gran Turismo Concept: 2002 Tokyo-Geneva 2002 PlayStation 2
Gran Turismo 4 Prologue 2003/2004 PlayStation 2
Gran Turismo 4 2005 PlayStation 2
Gran Turismo 4 Online (test version) 2006 PlayStation 2
Gran Turismo HD 2006 PlayStation 3
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue 2007/2008 PlayStation 3
Gran Turismo (PSP) 2009 PlayStation Portable
Gran Turismo 5 2010 PlayStation 3
Gran Turismo 6 2013 PlayStation 3

Gran Turismo True HD 2014 Playstation 4

(sorry this website messed up my formatting.)

A demo sounds possible to me.

Either that, or something about the live action movie we heard about... sigh.
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If PD have been keeping a PS4 title under wraps, be it a tech demo, a sampler, or a prologue, then...I dunno, man... Least to say, most of the dev would be focused on developing said title instead of focusing on GT6.

I seriously hope GT6 on the PS3 is not affected by this at all if this PS4 title rumor is even true. If the game is going to be gimped in any way...I just don't know anymore. They really should be focusing on GT6 to ensure they get their game to shine bright like a diamond out there and actually put a reason in players' heads to buy it and not regret their purchase. Even if it turns out to be GT6 on the PS4, those resources spent on developing it have been thrown in the trash; they could have easily went in the direction bringing in the new and revamped features in faster, or more cars and tracks to add in.

Off-topic, but of all damnation, will GT6 be the first game to not receive an OST disc? It would be the only missing disc from my collection, simply because it wouldn't exist. :(
Cant answer everything (too much stuff and I have no time :scared:)

1) Immersion is always quite limited as I pointed out.
2) Yep when you see a PS3 tearing and frame dropping it means it doesnt have more power, therefore can't improve other areas that would require more console power.
3) "Crapshoot that is online racing" OMG seriously, it isnt. Why, god, why people underappreciate online mode so much? Its by far the best part of the game. And me and my PSN friends use all the cars we can. We try to do endless combos or cars, PP and tracks.
4) Im not tryint to force anything to anyone lol. Maybe im a bit agressive with my posts, I dont know.

1. It is if you have blacked out cockpits, sure. However if you have a fully detailed cockpit, a large display or tripe monitor display with a good wheel setup things can get very immersive.

2. That is all PDs choices. What you need to understand is that in 2014 people don't necessarily need amazing graphics, they need consistent and relatively good graphics. I played Dirt2 last night for the first time in ages and I really noticed how average the car models looked, they weren't spectacular at all. The tracks were also good, but not amazing. However it didn't bother me because it was all consistent. This is something PD fail at.

3. ...and there you go again, failing to comprehend someone elses opinion.

4. Re-read over some of your posts again. You treat everything you say as fact and can't take on board someone elses opinion.

Person A: I really like the Audi R8, it's a great looking car with good handling.
Person B: I don't really like the Audi, it's looks don't really appeal to me and I think the 911 handles better.

That is two people with opposing opinions. This is what you do:

Person A: I really like the Audi R8, it's a great looking car with good handling.
You: What, I don't understand how you could like that. It looks bad and the handling is terrible. Really, how do you like that? I don't.
I can't see how this is such an "obvious" fake, when there are so many mysteries and so much silence regarding GT6 over the past few months. Not the least is whether sales are sufficient to keep SONY motivated to maintaining its market presence.


Your last two sentences sound like too many people around here, and the lion's share on one side of the divide. But The Opinion Thing is kind of what we're reduced to with Gran Turismo, as is often the case with something which is as much a work of art as something else, a game in this case.

I've been challenged by a few members here, I believe even you, as to why I like Gran Turismo so much over any other racer. A bunch of us fans get some sort of grilling from time to time.

How can you tolerate those car sounds?
How can you put up with damage that's barely there?
How can you possibly like those Standard cars, and racing on those Standard tracks?
How can you enjoy racing against those brain dead bots?
I thought you liked Race Mod and a Livery Editor. How can you be so enthused about a game that has neither?

Yadda yadda. And of course my answer is always, "I just do, and there's nothing out there like Gran Turismo, so I keep coming back.

My last "coming back" was from Dirt 3, supposedly the reigning champ of rally games, and it wouldn't surprise me. It is a good game. But, I raced through a dozen events and then some, and I just couldn't get into it. Part of it was that Codie's choice of driver cam placement doesn't suit me. Part of it is that even in the fast n furious rallycross stages in which you're racing other cars, I often felt lost, wasn't all that sure where the other cars were until I got slammed into, and the driver views contributed to that a lot. The constant reminders that I could buy nifty new content to make the game even more super put me off. And other things I can't remember, but it also lacked that special "something." Took it out, put it away, and went back to GT6. My experience can't be that uncommon, at least to people preferring other racers to Codie's offerings, because their sales aren't exactly lighting the world on fire. Or those incredible PC sims which are so much better than any Gran Turismo. On paper.

gtracedriver's video link above still gives me the wigglies, and I remember the reaction many of us had when that panoramic shot of Suzuka came on screen with all those cars on track at once! I had to have it, and as soon as I could, ordered an import copy.

So... hey, we like GT. Other games... maybe, maybe not, depends. But it's not just nostalgia or subliminal messages keeping us addicted.
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Yeah, take the worst game in Polyphony's history to the next gen consoles. Because that's what the world needs.
Yeah, take the worst game in Polyphony's history to the next gen consoles. Because that's what the world needs.

Pretty bold claim there. If we are going by critic reviews, Gran Turismo PSP faired a lot worse than GT6.
I have done it many times. Most of time it was ok.

You can say that has some bugs, or it's unfinished, but crap? Sorry, no. Fact.

He didn't say crap, he said crapshoot.

crap•shoot (ˈkræpˌʃut)

an unpredictable venture; gamble.

Even if he did say it's crap yes, that would still be his opinion and yours that it isn't.
Reg. expectations regarding GT7, if you want 24 cars on track with weather, time-change and damage you better be ready(possibly) to lose native 1080p and locked 60FPS. I just think that, even for the PS4, that would be really tough to pull off with the level of graphical fidelity the premiums in GT have. I could be totally wrong, but I think achieving that would be some feat.
So... hey, we like GT. Other games... maybe, maybe not, depends. But it's not just nostalgia or subliminal messages keeping us addicted.
That simply has nothing to do with anything.

I enjoy GT6 myself, can't say it was a bad investment or a bad game itself. But it's current state, and the features that were published on marketing material are still not there. Let alone support the moronic idea of upgrading it to PS4 when is not even 🤬 done in the PS3.

Yeah, people has different opinions, I use the hood view and almost never use cockpit, yet I can see why people are discontent with the game for having the standards, and I can see why people are discontent about damage even though I don't care much about it, among others

I like time trialling with long tracks, and in those areas GT6 is competent, however the racing itself is really broken, AI was written to functional but not competitive, bugs everywhere that break some fundamental racing disciplines (like endurance races which got broken by bugs that affect the tire model).

People might like the game with such flaws, but not recognizing those flaws is what makes the whole GT6 in PS4 idea way more irritating. You might like the game as it is, but is not a reason to shovel it into another console where there is much stuff to be worked on and fixed, that not even considering the :censored:ing time that the developers need to invest in order to correct the most basic glitches in the first place.

I can see still people delusional about some features because most of them have no idea how a game is put together, then most of them will moronically start thinking things like the Senna content will bring many amazing things, when what it probably will do is put a couple of cars, events and maybe a track to fulfil that segment of the game and TBH PD and Sony did what they corresponded by making the Ayrton Senna Institute more public by featuring it in nearly all the media they could use, to showcase the real problems that exist with poverty and social inequity in Brazil. Here some people will go all riddled up because they couldn't fit McLarens or whatever and will go on hate parade, or will find another way to BITCH for something that was obvious for someone who has common sense.

I read one of Famine's posts talking about a community manager, but that would be such a wrong concept with a community that is clueless about how the game is supposed to be, it's flaws and it's problems, when there are people who think that somehow PD has enough workforce to produce a game to fulfil Every.Single.Thing they showcase while is clearly impossible and they had to implement it in a basic form (mostly the driving model and some other features like photomode).

I might sound pissed off, because I am, reading through the GT6 leaves with a 🤬 headache because one side has all the right to be pissed about some of the game flaws, yet the issue is exaggerated to an astronomical level. The other side diminishes any criticism towards it because is GT and PD. One side has grow bigger than the other, yet still a handful of people are aware of what the game IS supposed to be and what it's flaws are.

And yes, I will go ahead and say it, whoever thinks that GT6 should be ported to the PS4 as it is, is a 🤬 retard.

(sorry, I just had to get it out of my system)
Why is it odd? PD modeled both the El Camino and the Camaro Z28. It's 2014, it's not that hard to get from Japan to America.

That's not really an answer to my question. It was a hypothetical. Wouldn't you rather PD model cars that are popular on significant rather than just all of the Japanese cars?

Yes, we understand that it's not hard to travel across the globe, but why not give premium treatment to the cars closer to home? It doesn't make sense at all.

The fact that a NA gaming company will go all the way to JAPAN to model a piece of history tells you something about that company. Then you have PD, who either don't model the car at all, or don't bother to update a model from the PS2 era. There is a garage filled with all of Nissan's racing cars from the present, and past, just a stone's throw away from their headquarters, compared to the length Turn10 had to travel.
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If this rumour turns out to be true, which I pray that it doesn't, then PD is going to be in for more backlash than ever from fans if GT6 ends up getting ported to PS4 in it's current state.
Just looking at the timeline maybe Polyphony have an A and B Team like a lot of other studios, it could be that the A Team has been working on the PS4 Title maybe even since the PSP GT or GT5 was launched and the B Team have given us GT6.
Just looking at the timeline maybe Polyphony have an A and B Team like a lot of other studios, it could be that the A Team has been working on the PS4 Title maybe even since the PSP GT or GT5 was launched and the B Team have given us GT6.


Are you telling us PD works like that? Awesome. If not perhaps what PD needs is to hire the A-Team.
Wow. So if the rumors are true, PD is going to repackage GT6, call it GT7: Prologue (I think that's what's implied?) and release it mid-2015?

PD, you are sinking fast. Very fast.