E3 Rumour gt6 coming to ps4 1080p 60fps

  • Thread starter BLACK86
IF there is a Gran Turismo at E3, it will be 7 - Prologue or not -
But personally, I don't believe it. I think they keep it for next year, E3 2015.

Now we must wait to see concrete before expecting anything.
IF there is a Gran Turismo at E3, it will be 7 - Prologue or not -
But personally, I don't believe it. I think they keep it for next year, E3 2015. I think they keep it for E3 2017.

Now we must wait to see concrete before expecting anything.
History doesn't teach anything? Fixed.
I already said before that i expect them to release a GT7P this year, probably right before xmas just as they did with GT6. It's all about maximizing potential sales remember, and i'm sure there will be some form of pressure from Sony's side to deliver again.

Expect a teaser in the next months, like @Hyland said a poorly dubbed trailer or something.
PD release two games within a year? I think there is more chance of a pig walking on the moon.
A prologue can be limited in content. Seeing they are totally neglecting GT6 they must be busy with something and i get the impression Sony is forcing them to deadlines more after the fiasco that was GT5; with the underlying thought that they could deliver the finishing touches with updates anyway like other developers do, but even there PD manages to screw it up.

Also as a flagship title, they missed PS4's launch so they gotta make that up whilst the console is still fresh.


Sony: Make a GT for the PS4
PD: We're still finishing GT6, we need more people
Sony: Don't worry

That's how i see it.
If the next GT turns out to be 'GT6 XL' branded as 'GT7: Prologue', haven't they killed the point of releasing any paid-for DLC for GT6? Even if they haven't, they have probably killed the interest for anyone wanting to purchase DLC on GT6.

I wouldn't mind if GT7: Prologue turned out to be an upscaled GT6, but please get rid of the standard cars, especially the ones untouched from GT4. PS2 tracks could do with new textures too, like they did with Laguna Seca.
Also as a flagship title, they missed PS4's launch so they gotta make that up whilst the console is still fresh.
Definitely, espescially if they're keen on continuing with two games per generation; as I honestly can't see this console generation lasting as long as last-gen did.
Definitely, espescially if they're keen on continuing with two games per generation; as I honestly can't see this console generation lasting as long as last-gen did.
I see them copying FM5 in a way, couple of tracks couple of cars but everything next gen.
They will probably manage to couple that with nice graphics, and improved sounds (finally!), but i'm guessing they will still fail in the gameplay department compared to the competition.

Anyway, that's just my glass ball talking here, i might be wrong ;)
Before GT6 there was a seasonal with Nissan if im right?
GT7 first teaser can be done like this too.
Some superdetailed car with a manufactorer that wants to pay for commersial. I bet there will be couple of millions that will download it. That is really nice way to promote your brand and car.
Whatever the situation with PS4 what precendent is there for PD putting out two games in quick sucession? Unless we're talking about something as tiny as the old Concept games I just don't see it.

Sony: Make a GT for the PS4
PD: We're still finishing GT6, we need more people
Sony: Don't worry

That's how i see it.

Thanks for a good laugh, I needed that.
Whatever the situation with PS4 what precendent is there for PD putting out two games in quick sucession? Unless we're talking about something as tiny as the old Concept games I just don't see it.
That's what it's gonna be probably; 20 or 30 cars and a track or 5 with different layouts.

Maybe they will call it GT7 "vision" :D
That's what it's gonna be probably; 20 or 30 cars and a track or 5 with different layouts.

Maybe they will call it GT7 "vision" :D

So you're thinking a free demo akin to GT HD? That they could possibly pull of in a year, a paid Prologue however or anything greater I highly doubt.
So you're thinking a free demo akin to GT HD? That they could possibly pull of in a year, a paid Prologue however or anything greater I highly doubt.
Remember the Tokyo Geneva game (forgot the year), something in those lines @ 30-40 bucks?
Guess what!

Some of us like cockpit view! And struggle using anything but!

Standard cars have cockpit view, its black, but it's still there. You also get a much bigger dials. You dont need to see the dashboard instruments, they serve no purpose other than decoration.
Standard cars have cockpit view, its black, but it's still there. You also get a much bigger dials. You dont need to see the dashboard instruments, they serve no purpose other than decoration.
Sorry but we are in 2014 , so yes I need as everybody the interior and it isn't decoration but part of the car !!!!
And also because they are able to do it , Deeeeeeee !!
Standard cars have cockpit view, its black, but it's still there. You also get a much bigger dials. You dont need to see the dashboard instruments, they serve no purpose other than decoration.

You really dont know.
Yeah, I don't know. That a game on PS3, that's rumored its going to be repackaged for PS4, will be anything different than it is now but a graphics update and probably more features added...

Anyway both of you seem obsessed with standard cars. As long as they are decent looking (there are many quality levels inbetween the standards) you should not dislike them. They dont have interior, sure, but its better a decent looking standard car than no car at all.
Look for example the RUF's or the Seat Ibiza, they dont have interior but they look rather good in the exterior.
Obsessed? With standard cars? No way in the heck. See, I don't mind having standard cars again for GT6 on PS3, but on PS4? No. Also, a next gen game with no interiors modeled for all cars? Umm, dude. GT claims to be "The Real Driving Simulator", why should there not be interiors modeled for all cars? That's just silly.
If PD just only started work on GT7 this year, then I guess we will be about 2-3 years from a full game, unless somehow a better sound, AI, Damage Model/Engine is already ready.
Well I'd like to have:
GT7 for PS1 = fully working intro, nothing else, no updates or bugs.
GT7 for PS2 = same as PS1 plus few sound tracks and plenty of promised updates what won't work.
GT7 for PS3 = same as PS1+2 plus more updates and promises, and some track and car from PS4 version which stutters 5-10fps without sound and constantly burns YLODs out from PS3's.

Remastered version of Motor toon grand prix to all platform's, this is must!

Actually I'd like to have this current version finished, fixed and have promised contents to it, no more money milking until this crap is finished and working.
I think that will be GT7 prologue not GT6 on PS4. Game with premium content from GT6 (car's and track), some new cars and track, with updated graphic, physics and sound ( sound that was promised to be added to GT6 via update) and maybe better damage. I think that damage in GT6 is bad because off standard car in game. In GT5 difference between damage on premium and standard car was big, so PD reduced damage to basically scratches in GT6 to reduce that difference between standard and premium car's. They have a lot of job done, around 400+ premium cars, about 20+ good quality track. So the base is there. About release date, late 2015 I think that is more for full GT7 than Prologue. Prologue should be there by christmas 2014. My opinion is that standard car will disappear from GT7 because even PD know that they would look bad on PS4 with super realistic premium content. PD must focus on Aspec mode. Race should be longer with more restrictive regulations, car selection for race must be better (in GT6 we have race between BMW M5, Zonda, Audi Q7 prototype), add qualification. That is so easy to make (better Aspec mode) but PD simple ignoring that and our wishes...
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Sorry but we are in 2014 , so yes I need as everybody the interior and it isn't decoration but part of the car !!!!
And also because they are able to do it , Deeeeeeee !!
Yeah sadly we are in 2014 were the graphic details are the only thing that seem to matter for some gamers of today (screw the fun of the game and playability)
They are able to do interiors but at the cost of much less car quantity.
Also, there is no interior.
I didnt say the opposite.
It's called 'Immersion'. Look it up.
Immersion is a very overrated and "void" term a video game. Its still a game and always will be. There is no immersion really. If you want the real thing go drive real cars.
But the interior is so pretty. :) This is why I mostly use Premiums.
You drive cars because the pretty interiors? Its really a weird way to enjoy the game if you ask me.
Obsessed? With standard cars? No way in the heck. See, I don't mind having standard cars again for GT6 on PS3, but on PS4? No. Also, a next gen game with no interiors modeled for all cars? Umm, dude. GT claims to be "The Real Driving Simulator", why should there not be interiors modeled for all cars? That's just silly.
Yep, its the real driving simulator, not the real car interior modeling simulator. My point is you an still drive the cars without the 🤬 interior which is completely useless for the game until anyone here proves me wrong.
You know, car interiors take long to model, thats the problem. I'd rather have 500 cars without interior, than 150 with interior.
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