EA Sports WRC: General Discussion

  • Thread starter xX Jojje Xx
Ah right, it's just 1 extra set, per rally. So if you shakedown before stage 1 you get 1 extra set for that whole event.
I was talking cock earlier and they do give you plenty of tires. It's just that some are hard and some are rain. Tire management is of course way more important on these longer rallies.


Not sure whether to use hard tires at the stage 8 service and chance it on rainy stage 10 or fit rain tires and crawl through stage 8. Think I'm gonna try the second option.

[EDIT] Yay, it worked... then I nearly wrecked the car in stage 9.
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Anyone else on Steam? Looks like I've lost access to the game after being part of the early access phase:


Edit - just found the official release time and apparently it was 4am this morning in the UK. Looks like something has gone a bit wrong here!!

Edit 2 - Looks like it's fixed, green play button has returned :)
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Does anyone know how to cycle through gravel, asphalt and snow on the rally school?
I know I’m having brain failure, but just cannot get them to change from Gravel?!
Don't know what I clicked wrong or just didn't click confirm or something but I went through the manufacturer sponsored Peugeot 309 GTI event in career mode doing 5 stages on 1 set of Soft tires...um, not advisable....

Does anyone know how to cycle through gravel, asphalt and snow on the rally school?
I know I’m having brain failure, but just cannot get them to change from Gravel?!
On PC you click on the school event and it pulls up a selector for the 3 surfaces and you click on that...
I’ve been away this week and reading mixed opinions on here and Reddit, so was expecting this to be a total mess when I loaded it up. Ready to be really disappointed. I was anticipating this game so badly, so I’d already kinda accepted in my head that it wasn’t going to live up to what I hoped and had decided just to give it a fair go, because it’ll get patched and there must be some enjoyment to get out of it in the meantime.

A couple of hours in, what on earth is wrong with people?! I’ve noticed a few stutters….maybe? I’m honestly not sure if what I’ve noticed is what people are talking about - some minor tearing or a bit of scenery judder as you turn, once or twice? If that’s it, then it doesn’t really bother me at all, I’ve seen far worse on ACC. Aside from that it’s been plain sailing, and I think it looks quite good. It’s not the most stunning looking game ever, but it does the job. And it’s full of options, cars, everything I wanted from it, so yay.

Actually, the handling etc, I’m not 100% sure what I think yet. It seems quite grippy, the car turns in a bit harder than I think I expect it to and applying opposite lock etc seems more powerful than I expected so I’m finding myself struggling a little bit to get into a rhythm. I’ll try to correct in the middle of a corner and the front end will bite a bit harder than I’m used to, so I the car twitches around a bit. I might have to fiddle with the settings slightly. But I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it.
I’ve been away this week and reading mixed opinions on here and Reddit, so was expecting this to be a total mess when I loaded it up. Ready to be really disappointed. I was anticipating this game so badly, so I’d already kinda accepted in my head that it wasn’t going to live up to what I hoped and had decided just to give it a fair go, because it’ll get patched and there must be some enjoyment to get out of it in the meantime.

A couple of hours in, what on earth is wrong with people?! I’ve noticed a few stutters….maybe? I’m honestly not sure if what I’ve noticed is what people are talking about - some minor tearing or a bit of scenery judder as you turn, once or twice? If that’s it, then it doesn’t really bother me at all, I’ve seen far worse on ACC. Aside from that it’s been plain sailing, and I think it looks quite good. It’s not the most stunning looking game ever, but it does the job. And it’s full of options, cars, everything I wanted from it, so yay.

Actually, the handling etc, I’m not 100% sure what I think yet. It seems quite grippy, the car turns in a bit harder than I think I expect it to and applying opposite lock etc seems more powerful than I expected so I’m finding myself struggling a little bit to get into a rhythm. I’ll try to correct in the middle of a corner and the front end will bite a bit harder than I’m used to, so I the car twitches around a bit. I might have to fiddle with the settings slightly. But I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it.
Funny I had this same thought too in the couple stages I did - seemed that the front end would very dramatically snap. But then, I'm putting it down to not really knowing anything about steering wheel settings (Logitech G920, first time hooking it up in about 2 years) and my first two stages opting to go for a Stratos.

I'm sure I'll get the hang of it too. :lol:
I’ve been away this week and reading mixed opinions on here and Reddit, so was expecting this to be a total mess when I loaded it up. Ready to be really disappointed. I was anticipating this game so badly, so I’d already kinda accepted in my head that it wasn’t going to live up to what I hoped and had decided just to give it a fair go, because it’ll get patched and there must be some enjoyment to get out of it in the meantime.

A couple of hours in, what on earth is wrong with people?! I’ve noticed a few stutters….maybe? I’m honestly not sure if what I’ve noticed is what people are talking about - some minor tearing or a bit of scenery judder as you turn, once or twice? If that’s it, then it doesn’t really bother me at all, I’ve seen far worse on ACC. Aside from that it’s been plain sailing, and I think it looks quite good. It’s not the most stunning looking game ever, but it does the job. And it’s full of options, cars, everything I wanted from it, so yay.

Actually, the handling etc, I’m not 100% sure what I think yet. It seems quite grippy, the car turns in a bit harder than I think I expect it to and applying opposite lock etc seems more powerful than I expected so I’m finding myself struggling a little bit to get into a rhythm. I’ll try to correct in the middle of a corner and the front end will bite a bit harder than I’m used to, so I the car twitches around a bit. I might have to fiddle with the settings slightly. But I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it.
I think it makes a lot of difference being on ps5 or Pc. I think ps5 is running at medium/high with a bit more shuttering. On pc from videos it Looks miles better.

I’m on console and I am fine with the game, but it does have some issues especially framedrops.

Also they have started they are working on a patch. It is sonething known.
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I think it makes a lot of difference being on ps5 or Pc. I think ps5 is running at medium/high with a bit more shuttering. On pc from videos it Looks miles better.

I’m on console and I am fine with the game, but it does have some issues especially framedrops.

Also they have started they are working on a patch. It is sonething known.
I’m on PS5. Maybe I’ve just been lucky with what I’ve tested so far, but I don’t think it’s bad.
PS5 definitely has suffered more console wise than Xbox it seems, just going by comments here and on Discord and my own experience. Not much in it but enough. Iirc consoles are running at the equivalent to high on PC, targeting 4k with dynamic resolution.
The more I play the better it gets. Just finished Croatia in the Junior WRC and it was fantastic; lovely fast, flowing stages. Going through the compressions you can feel the FFB weight up and it feels so natural and just right. Also, incredible lighting; doing a stage in the evening and turning a corner to see the sky lit up like fire is just amazing.
The stuttering I got on PC was mostly in the first stage I did (clearly shader compilation, multiple stutters over a short stage), but have seen the odd stutter afterwards.

The worst case I had was stutter while in midair after a blind jump which needed you to turn immediately on landing - that was a big crash :D But other than that, It's just an occasional hiccup maybe once in a rally stage... Annoying but no big deal.
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PS5 definitely has suffered more console wise than Xbox it seems, just going by comments here and on Discord and my own experience. Not much in it but enough. Iirc consoles are running at the equivalent to high on PC, targeting 4k with dynamic resolution.
I was originally going to go with Xbox but based on scouring YouTube comparisons etc went with PS5 - I don’t think there’s anything in it. Some people say it’s best on one, some people say it’s best on the other, more tearing on one, more stuttering on the other, owners of both consoles saying it’s an unplayable mess and owners of both consoles saying it’s fine, why is everyone complaining. I’m still in the latter camp.
I definitely have some bad stutters on ps5 at certain points on certain stages. It's annoying and something that should be fixed sooner rather than later, but in the end its only 5 seconds on maybe a 10 minute run so I can deal with it in the meantime.

Other than that I dont have much to add to what other people have allready said. Lot of content, mediocre graphics for a current gen game, and a bit too much grip on gravel but overall a lot of fun and worth it imo.
Happy launch day everyone, we made it 🙂
Hey PJ, I just loaded the game and I was shown this. Any suggestions? I have seen some people have lost all progress even when selecting the second option so I'm unsure what to do. I'm on Steam.


Edit - I had a further search around and saw the fix is indeed to select the second option to remove content. It worked for me as I still have my progress. 👍
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As funny as this video is, it shows that the damage system and physics are 100% arcade gaming.
I would really like the option to switch to simulation mode.
You have the option to enable hardcore damage.

Finished my club rally 653rd of 1148 drivers. Solidly mid.
I’m on PS5. Maybe I’ve just been lucky with what I’ve tested so far, but I don’t think it’s bad.
Go into timetrial, dry on a Monte stage and you'll sée the truly hideous backgrounds. Run the same stage in winter conditions in quickrace and watch the changes. Visually it simply doesn't live up even if it can at times look pretty. It's just so bloody inconsistant (PS5).

As Codemasters with the backin of EA I would expect something much more polished and there is why graphicalwise I find it disappointing. A small dev I would easily look past it but not for a studio of this size with EA pockets running very deep.

There is a lot to like in the game, don't get me wrong. I love the stage design, cars , handling and sounds but man it could be so much more.

Just hope they are able to patch some more 'polish' over the months to come. The impression it gives is that the game isn't finished on all fronts and I don't think I wrong here.
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I just used my Rally.TV now. I'll forget I have a code by next year probably :lol: If I like it I may continue. I have been meaning to try it.

For anyone who may lose out on the main club way of getting a code. I think its the first 7000. Oliver Solberg has a club with the same giveaway going on in his club.

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Hardcore damage should really be more hardcore for sure, but yeah, not a deal breaker for me. Also, judging the overall physics from crashing is not fair imo.

Visually it requires some fiddling to get right, some settings doesn't do well. You can't use lower AA than high if you use FSR for example, that will pixelate everything, which is a known bug. I also turn the post processing down as low as possible because that makes it blurry.

What combo of time of day and seasons and what not also have a BIG impact how it looks visually. Sunset and morning usually looks best.

With DR2 and EGO everything was so polished and was quality through and through, but I like the more realistic approach to visuals here, even if its still hit or miss and generally rough around the edges.
Go into timetrial, dry on a Monte stage and you'll sée the truly hideous backgrounds. Run the same stage in winter conditions in quickrace and watch the changes. Visually it simply doesn't live up even if it can at times look pretty. It's just so bloody inconsistant (PS5).

As Codemasters with the backin of EA I would expect something much more polished and there is why graphicalwise I find it disappointing. A small dev I would easily look past it but not for a studio of this size with EA pockets running very deep.

There is a lot to like in the game, don't get me wrong. I love the stage design, cars , handling and sounds but man it could be so much more.

Just hope they are able to patch some more 'polish' over the months to come. The impression it gives is that the game isn't finished on all fronts and I don't think I wrong here.
I did try Monte Carlo and it wasn’t great - ugly and chugging. I can see why that’s already on their ‘to fix’ list. It’s funny, I feel like the tarmac events are the ones where there are issues - Spain feels quite juddery too, Japan looks a bit rubbish - whereas I’ve played New Zealand, Chile etc and it feels smooth as silk. Still, I don’t think it’s dire or anything, I’ve seen far worse. Some of the KT games have had even worse issues, I remember WRC7 having terrible slowdown in some areas - genuine, late 90s Sega Dreamcast slowdown, not just stutters - on a base PS4. It’ll improve with patches, I’ll just avoid Monte Carlo till then.

Actually my issue with the game isn’t the technical imperfections, which I can take, it’s that I’m still not sure I like the handling. I’m not used to a rally game that feels so….oversteery. I’m used to the car scrabbling for grip, constant micro-corrections, slides, snaking something that feels really heavy in between banks and trees. That just feels grippier and if you make one mistake I find it really hard to recover because you bite too hard the other way. I’m trying to get used to it.
I’m not used to a rally game that feels so….oversteery. I’m used to the car scrabbling for grip, constant micro-corrections, slides, snaking something that feels really heavy in between banks and trees. That just feels grippier and if you make one mistake I find it really hard to recover because you bite too hard the other way. I’m trying to get used to it.
Well... that already exists and it's called DR 2.0 :lol::lol: (sorry)
I’ve put many hours now. For me is the best rally game ever played both content, gameplay and career wise. Basically what I was dreaming when I was a kid playing the first colin.

A big plus is that the t300 is perfect out of the box. So nice to play without losing time in the settings.
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PS: Does anyone know how you can get the VW Golf GTI in the career mode? I am sick of that Peugeot...
I started the career at WRC3 level and bought the GTI for one of the early side races.

Edit: I bought it for the FWD Regularity Championship in Week 3.
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This game isn't very good at launch on Xbox Series X.

I have been switching betweent this and WRC Generations and the differences are night and day.

There are so many annoyances:
  • Screen tearing
  • Frame rate drops
  • If you have in car view there is some kind of lightning filter going on which adds a rainbow effect over all the textures (I find it incredibly annoying on dirt/sand stages)
  • Textures are of extremely low quality
  • Environment in the distance looks like an oil painting
For now I am going to leave this until it has received a number of patches.

Unlike this game, WRC Generations does look like a next-generation game on Series X. The switch from the Dirt Rally 2.0 engine to Unreal 4 seems like a very stupid mistake on Codemaster's side. Even Dirt Rally 2.0 looks better on it. This look slike Dirt Rally 2.0 pre-nextgen (4K) update.