EA Sports WRC: General Discussion

  • Thread starter xX Jojje Xx
Google Translate managed to say exactly the opposite of what I was saying xD. I meant that while playing, the dirt doesn't look as good as in photo mode.
Photo mode has a few issues, the most frustrating one being that when you render out motion blur it seems to completely ignore all of your custom brightness and contrast settings. I'm hoping it gets patched at some point.

Regardless I'm having great fun having switched to Championship mode; the handling feels fantastic on a controller and switching to using full pace notes has really helped me get into the flow during events. My only issue now is that the AI are just not competitive enough, even at 100. I really shouldn't be able to beat them by over 20 seconds after having 2 resets during a stage...
Photo mode has a few issues, the most frustrating one being that when you render out motion blur it seems to completely ignore all of your custom brightness and contrast settings. I'm hoping it gets patched at some point.

Regardless I'm having great fun having switched to Championship mode; the handling feels fantastic on a controller and switching to using full pace notes has really helped me get into the flow during events. My only issue now is that the AI are just not competitive enough, even at 100. I really shouldn't be able to beat them by over 20 seconds after having 2 resets during a stage...

The AI in career and championship is definitely bugged and being looked into by CM. Hopefully that gets fixed in the next patch. Waiting for that fix before going back to career mode.
It's funny that the AI in DR2.0 was initially too hard before they tweaked it while the WRC bots are too easy. Whatever they do to make them more of a challenge after quitting career and restarting, they should make it do automatically. I hope they don't tweak them to become suddenly rock hard all the time but if they do, well, I've had three years at the top in career and time to expand my budgets and engineer roster so at least I have a head start.

It seems obvious to me that the scaling they use should at least reflect the featured drivers' real world times at or near 100% level, or alternatively if the top leaderboard times are faster than real life they should perhaps match those and give those aliens a run for their money. But at the very least they should make them consistent so we can adjust their level appropriately to provide a proper challenge at every skill level.

The closest I've had to an exciting championship in career so far was when I decided to go straight at the end of a Monte Carlo shakedown and yeet the car off the edge of the mountain after the finish line. This resulted in a bug where it forgot to fit a front right tyre and I had to crawl through the first two stages on three wheels and a rim, relegating my driver to 20th. I had to drive like a maniac in the remaining three stages on winter tyres in the summer to regain 1st.
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Agreed on the AI, really hoping this is something that can be fixed soon. I've found that running the AI over longer events (6 stages +) results in it feeling like it's more competitive...I think the reality is that I'm just making more mistakes though 😂

Was disappointed to see that the career season seems to feature the same events again and again too. I was rather hoping the locations / seasons / dates of the other non-WRC championships to change from year to year. Same goes for the invitational events, I thought this was a really exciting way to get people to drive cars outside of their comfort zones...but in season 2 I've got the Peugeot, VW, Audi and Lancia hospitality events as per Season 1 again (despite moving from JWRC to WRC2).

I'm very happy with the actual driving in the game (bar those performance issues, but they aren't game crippling to me) so it's annoying that these oversights are present.

And don't get me started on the livery editor! So much potential there, but for now it's a bit of a mess.
Long time listener, first time poster…

I wish you could boost the crowd sound. The great thing about rally is that excitement of the crowd at the side of the road, and while the sound effects are there, they are way too muted. I wish it was possible to hear the crowd more.

Also, on PS5 the game doesn’t seem to support VRR, but that would help a bit, I think
Was disappointed to see that the career season seems to feature the same events again and again too.

Yeah, I made the mistake of buying a Rally4 car, was quite disappointed to see that there's only one dedicated event in the JWRC-season calendar for it plus the series that the benefactor wants to run an H2 FWD car in, and was even more disappointed to find out that it won't change for the next season even if promoted to WRC2. It feels like there are several classes that don't have much use in career at all currently.
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Was disappointed to see that the career season seems to feature the same events again and again too. I was rather hoping the locations / seasons / dates of the other non-WRC championships to change from year to year. Same goes for the invitational events, I thought this was a really exciting way to get people to drive cars outside of their comfort zones...but in season 2 I've got the Peugeot, VW, Audi and Lancia hospitality events as per Season 1 again (despite moving from JWRC to WRC2).
Yes, I can confirm that :indiff: Also, when I was promoted to a WRC 2 offer from Max, the "side missions" involved Rally 2, so I used just ONE car (the Polo R5) for that entire season :boggled::lol:
What do you mean quit at a service stop? I read if you leave a rally midway and come back then the AI is borked.
If you have to quit mid-rally (time constraints e.t.c.) then ideally you'll want to do so when there's a service window at the next stage so you can adjust/reset the difficulty there when you come back to it.

E: Apparently not, AI difficulty randomly resetting is a complete toss-up. 😑
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If you have to quit mid-rally (time constraints e.t.c.) then ideally you'll want to do so when there's a service window at the next stage so you can adjust/reset the difficulty there when you come back to it.
This is good to know; is the suggestion that the AI difficulty adjustment works correctly when applied at a service window then? I usually change it in-between events rather than at service stops.
If you have to quit mid-rally (time constraints e.t.c.) then ideally you'll want to do so when there's a service window at the next stage so you can adjust/reset the difficulty there when you come back to it.

Doesn’t work, at first I thought it did but just have been placebo or an event where it didn’t bug out, because I’ve done it recently on Sardinia and it still bugged the AI out. Does also say in the menu the AI changes don’t take affect until the next event so I must have just fluked an event.

The AI drop off is so massive I’m pretty sure it’s resetting to 1 in the background at some point. I also think that 100 isn’t hard enough (not necessarily a bug, just an observation). If they can fix the AI difficulty resetting during a rally and maybe increase the max difficulty to 125 like in the F1 games and WRCG then that would probably appease everyone.
Yeah, I made the mistake of buying a Rally4 car, was quite disappointed to see that there's only one dedicated event in the JWRC-season calendar for it plus the series that the benefactor wants to run an H2 FWD car in
While this definitely needs work it looks like you can swap cars in and out of your garage as needed to make the most of the limited budget each season.
@FrankieStail I believe this guy is in your Club JRC?

He gets terminal damage but is allowed to continue as if nothing happened. It's a shame he didn't continue. It would have been interesting to see his final rally time with a 00:00.000 for Stage 2.

I tested this and, while not a bug, it's a terribly confusing way to implement terminal damage.

When you slide down a cliff and get the terminal damage death screen, it takes you to service. You can repair, change tires, and adjust setup. There is a Start Stage button but it will give you a message about a "damaged component" and won't let you start.

So, not a bug, just confusing. A baffling way to handle terminal damage.
While this definitely needs work it looks like you can swap cars in and out of your garage as needed to make the most of the limited budget each season.

Yeah, it was no effort to get rid of it again, I just wanted to do a few events in the 208 because it's fun to drive! The ease of switching cars is a nice effect of the career being focused on managing someone else's finances, with the car costs being more of a lease / maintenance / upkeep cost rather than doing the traditional GT thing of having to save up to buy them. It's a good piece of game design overall.
This isn't synced as closely as the previous comparison video by Sim's Racing Design.

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One thing this game does really well is the engine sounds when you're really sliding the car through a corner! I love that stuttering effect that occurs when the car is trying to regain grip.

100%. And the off throttle anti lag on the Rally1 cars is incredible too.
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Does the AI still do that reset to 0 thing in single/custom events? I must admit most of my time so far has been time trials and livery editor, I haven't really touched the career mode or gone all in for a competitive event yet, partly because I'm aware of the AI issues and partly because I always feel the need to get the hang of a game and get decent enough at it before I actually start driving competitively.

I've been going back to DR2.0, running events in Wales/Scotland and it's reminded me how desperate I am for a British event in the new game. I'm sure it will come eventually, but I really miss the Welsh forests badly. They were what I grew up watching as a kid.
Now that I am close to the PS5 Platinum trophy I think I have messed around with the game enough to give some impressions. Since I consider this game unfinished and at best in beta state, my impressions right now are "mixed" (5/10), while my long-term outlook is "positive" (8.0/10) if we get performance/bug fixes and some QoL improvements.


-The best handling model and FFB ever from Codemasters
-Lots of stages


-Game is at best in beta state
-Sparse, uninspiring environments with poor graphics and worse performance
-Baffling amount of bugs, omissions, and odd design decisions

Current verdict: Could be an excellent game six months from now.

There will be some inevitable comparisons to Kylotonn's (KT) WRC games and DiRT Rally and DiRT Rally 2.0.

First, the positives:

Sound is excellent. No need to even comment. It's what Codemasters does best game after game and such a welcome improvement over the horrendous KT sounds.


The force feedback is a huge step up compared to any previous CM game. The handling is also decent. No need to beat a dead horse with the sim/not-sim argument. I was not expecting a true sim and I'm not disappointed with how the game drives on my Fanatec DD Pro.

All I will say is that it is pretty intuitive and easier to get to grips with than the DiRT Rallies. I never liked driving in the DRs because I felt like I had to re-learn basic car behavior. I was always able to easily jump between WRC 8/9/10/G and RBR with minimal adjustment as well as between GT Sport/GT7 and Assetto Corsa Competizione. But any time I jumped in a DiRT Rally it just felt wierd. I always had to "train" myself to accept the odd CM physics. Luckily that is no more with EA WRC. It really feels much better, except on tarmac (again).

Braking distances (a bit longer than the DiRT Rallies) are an improvement as well. Unfortunately, locking up is nearly impossible and to make things worse, on my Clubsport V3 pedals, the brake pedal vibrates when in the last 20% of travel and it has nothing to do with locking up. Even with the car stopped it vibrates. And I have turned off pedal vibration in the config but it doesn't seem to work! In WRCG the brake would only vibrate when I lock the tires, the way it should be. This must be a bug.

I really don't feel an improvement in the tarmac handling. It is different, but more of a side step to me rather than a step forward. I do like that it has much more grip and the FFB makes it easier to understand than before. However, there is this bizarre snapping that occurs when traction is gained and lost during acceleration which does not seem intuitive at all. It's just plain weird. Other than that, overall I do enjoy tarmac whereas in the DiRT Rallies I despised driving on hard surfaces.

Another annoyance is the CM classic "lift the throttle for instant powerslide" when in reality a quick jab of left-foot braking should be used to get some quick rotation going. Thankfully this is much less prevalent than in the DRs.

I believe the many complaints about being "too grippy" are off the mark. All three WRC classes handle as I would have expected them to. It's actually not far off of WRCG which I really enjoyed.

The historical cars are a mixed bag. Some of them feel odd, others feel similar to DR2.0, while others feel pretty good. It seems most of the attention was put into the Rally1, WRC2 and WRCJ cars which is fine with me because I will be using those almost exclusively in Clubs mode.


The stages themselves are truly excellent. By far the best part of the game. My only gripe is how uniform the road surfaces are. It's generally a fixed width with very little variation and practically no camber. Some more surface detail would really add a lot to the experience.

Racenet coming back with telemetry is a big plus, and the entire Clubs system is excellent (barring some bugs and odd design desicions which I mention below).

I haven't used Photo Mode or watched a replay yet.

The livery editor is welcome but quite quirky and limited at this point. Sorry, I am spoiled by GT7 and WRCG.

Hardcore damage to my surprise is no longer just a puncture simulator. Sure, you still get punctures for ridiculous things like hitting a tree head-on at 30kph, but the car damage seems to add up much more quickly than in the DRs.

Terminal damage from a hit is much easier to get (I know this from getting the Portugal engine damage trophy). There are also many more areas to get the screen of death for falling off a cliff which is great.

The damage seems punishing enough to want to avoid hitting things and going off track while at the same time not as brutally realistic as RBR so I think it's a pretty balanced tradeoff.

If I could have my wish I would rename current Hardcore damage as Medium damage, and add a Hardcore mode with brutal RBR-style damage. It's the only way to keep the aliens from hotlapping in Clubs.

Visual damage is improved although I could care less about a BeamNG damage model. What's important is what happens mechanically, not how realistically your fender can deform.


Now for all the things holding this game back:

The stuttering on PS5 is not too bad, but the screen tearing and slowdown are horrendous. Some locations are better than others. The performance of EA WRC on PS5 is unacceptable.

The UI is horrendous, difficult to navigate, and not intuitive at all. The character models are laughable and the entire presentation is remeniscent of a cheap mobile game.

The game frankly has some baffling oversights and design decisions. Little things like needing a 30km stage to get the car dirty as a simple example. I have many more examples below.

The graphics are quite bad on PS5. However, as a 50 year old gamer who also loves Richard Burns Rally the graphics don't bother me too much but this game is anything but next-gen on PS5. In general the car models look great but the stages are hit and miss. Some locations look pretty good but most look quite bad. Overall the game is a bit blurry and most of the stage textures are woeful.

Evidently the game has HDR but I can't see any evidence of HDR actually being utilized. GT7, Gravel, DiRT 5 and many other titles have a clear use of HDR. I am just not seeing it here. At all.

Most of the stages have a bunch of bland, sparse and repeating trackside objects (tress/bushes/plants mostly) that really lower the immersion factor, plus they look quite bad. Road texture at night looks horrible. It's such a shame the seasons don't change anything other than the ambience. Winter can be especially annoying because of the jagged snow patches on the road which don't affect handling but can really make it hard to see where the road is going.

I do love the extended dust trails that get rendered.

Career mode has the same events every year, down to the same stages and weather conditions. Career mode in general seems hastily pasted together and with way too many side events. The career UI is the worst in the entire game. And why is there no track degradation in career mode? KT career mode was so much better and engaging than this, and had the option to run "realistic" length rallies of 12 to 16 stages with the added challenge of their excellent tire management system. I got the trophy for winning the WRC championship and I will never touch this mode again. It's a huge step backwards compared to what I got used to in the KT games.

The tire management system is horrible, ripped from DR2.0. I haven't tested but I assume that the tire wear is scripted as in DR2.0. There is basically zero tire strategy. I did test in DR2.0 and finishing a long 12 stage rally at 60km/hr leaves your tires in the same state as when you are pushing hard (yes this took a long time to test LOL). The KT tire management system is light years beyond EA WRC. And why are there compounds other than soft & hard for the official WRC cars?

Ridiculous tire options in long club events.
Like 1x soft, 1x medium, and 11x(!) rain for 12 tarmac stages.
Or 1x medium and 1x hard for 16(!) gravel stages

No DNFs in Clubs, you just disappear from the leaderboard instead of getting a 60' penalty per missed stage. This will make calculating the finishing order of the DNFers an absolute nightmare.

No overall results in Clubs after each stage.

There is massive cutting and cheating going on in Time Trials.

Club events can no longer be created from desktop. You have to be in the game.

Stage degradation level in Clubs can no longer be assigned by stage. It has to be set for AN ENTIRE CHAMPIONSHIP! It's absolutely mind boggling that this was changed from DR2.0.

Bizarre lack of leaderboard filters.

Builder cars. This must have been something CM had cooking for a while now because it really has no place in a WRC game. I'm not complaining that it's there. I think it's pretty cool for those of you who decide to use it. To me it just seems superfluous.
However there is one odd reason why the addition of builder cars has me fuming. Back in the CM forum days (quite a few years ago now), I remember everyone complaining about the top modern class in D4 and DR2.0 being the R5 cars and missing the modern WRC stuff because KT had the license. I made an innocent suggestion that the Gr.B interpretation of rally cars in GT Sport could be an interesting solution for having modern, powerful rally cars in a non-licensed game. I got completely roasted for it with everyone scolding me with crap like "fake rally cars have no place in a rally sim". Now that CM has debuted the builder cars, in a licensed WRC game no less, those same people are like "oh that's so cool, what a great way to give some variation to career mode". Uh-huh. Many of these are the same people I saw for years bashing everything about the KT games on Reddit, YT, FB, Twitter... Now that EA WRC has released in a horrendous state, these same people praise it. This is why you CANNOT take anyone seriously on any forum or any YouTube video. Some people have some kind of emotional attachment to Codemasters that impairs their ability to perceive reality. Although I strive to be impartial, you, dear reader, should even be doubting my opinions in this post!

Now just some of the many bugs I have experienced (there are tons more but these are just off the top of my head):

-Broken AI (there are many issues but I won't go into them here since they are pretty well known by now)
-Cannot equip used tires even if they're in decent shape. Once you change sets you cannot re-use the old set.
-Saved setups get corrupted.
-Hybrid map defaults to Cautious after each stage so if there is no service area you cannot select Balanced or Aggressive.
-Exiting a Club event gives you a brand new car with zero damage when you return
-Engine sound cannot go below 50 so it's hard to hear the co-driver
-The game randomly sets my DualSense controller as the primary device for no reason whatsoever.


There is an excellent game here but it needs months more development. I'm glad I got a disc for $30 and didn't pay full price. How EA decides to handle the state of this game in the coming months will be paramount in the way I view any future titles or DLC.
Let's hope this game gets patched up and elevated to the level it deserves because in spite of all its flaws it's pretty damn enjoyable.
I do love the extended dust trails that get rendered.
The dust/smoke rendering in the game is the one part of it that is graphically truly exceptional. I cannot think of another racing game with such good looking dust. It's not perfect, but the volume, the way it builds and moves and the time it hangs in the air is really excellent.

The gulf in quality between the dust and something like the rain effect is bizarrely huge.
There is an excellent game here but it needs months more development. I'm glad I got a disc for $30 and didn't pay full price. How EA decides to handle the state of this game in the coming months will be paramount in the way I view any future titles or DLC.
Let's hope this game gets patched up and elevated to the level it deserves because in spite of all its flaws it's pretty damn enjoyable.
Spot on. The game is remarkably fun despite it's best efforts to make it not so. Fundamentally it appears all the tools are there for it to be an exceptional game, it's just... not.
So for me, DiRT Rally 2.0 is absolute racing game Hall Of Fame stuff. Racers don’t tend to have the legacy great games from other genres do in the mainstream, but if there’s one racer that I could see being rereleased as a remaster in 10-15 years time with ultra ultra HDR 6000FPS super hologram VR or whatever it’ll be then, it’s DR2.0. I’d buy that. I know it wasn’t perfect on release but it’s perfect* now.

And that’s where my problem with EA WRC is. I didn’t mind that DR2.0 was basically just the first game with much more stuff added because that was what it needed to be. I like that EA WRC has gone it’s own way and is something different but I just don’t think it quite stacks up as a playing experience to DR2.0, even if the gameplay and handling are just as good, it has way more cars, way more locations and offers more of everything. Driving through the rallies in EA WRC the stages just don’t come alive in the same way, the performance issues aren’t terrible but they’re a step down from the buttery smoothness of DR2.0. In DR2.0 driving through a Welsh forest in an Impreza at sunset with the rain beating down and the puddles reflecting the sun, I’d just think “I bet this is what it actually felt like to race through the ‘95 RAC Rally” but I just don’t think EA WRC comes alive, the scenery is lacking and it doesn’t have the same feeling. Also, they really need to patch the AI because it’s dreadful to the point of being impossible to set up a decent challenge. The challenge either never comes at all, or falls away after a stage or two. I don’t want to win everything by miles, I’m not that good, I know I’m not.

I do think it’s a very good basis and I’ll keep playing it and enjoying it because (if they fix the AI) it’s massively better than the Kylotonn games, but it’s just that slight…..soullessness. It feels like a game, DR2.0 at its best felt like an experience, it basically rendered every rally game before it pointless and there’s part of me that thinks that if they’d just made this DR3.0 with the same core engine but adding more locations and cars, it would have been better.

* on gravel, at least.
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i`ll just leave this here. the stArt starting next tuesday (4 rallyes, each 7 days, gr. A cars)


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Requesting option to turn off the commentary and crew chief. Already getting old and yes I’m hitting the skip button. Little things can make long term play more tolerable.

Also, I’ve never heard ‘plethora’ pronounced ple-THOR-a until this game. And yes, I did my research and there’s no difference in the UK pronunciation according to Cambridge University. Heck even Mel Gibson would agree.

I turned all speech off other than the co-driver.
I know Molly does the TV coverage, not sure who the bloke in the garage is but it sounds a bit forced and not natural, plus once it's been looped a few times it gets boring.
There wasn't any off screen commentary in Dirt 2.0 which worked just fine.
I've not touched career mode yet so can't comment on that.
I know you could choose your avatar in 2.0 but that wasn't on the main screen but I don't mind that so much, I'm just glad they didn't go down the Grid Legends or F1 route of a cheesy backstory narrative, just let us drive