EA Sports WRC: General Discussion

  • Thread starter xX Jojje Xx
Haven't really played much since I lost my career save. Now it's fixed I'll be keeping to my usual pace at the back of the pack :cheers:
I'm already sick of Molly and Keith!
I figured that might well be the case, looking forward to getting stuck in then! Between career mode and the 1995 Club I think I've got a busy weekend ahead...much to my girlfriends delight I'm sure :lol:
You could always enlist her as a co-driver...
I've tried that before...it didn't go well :lol:
Crikey, mate, I was only having a laugh... maybe bad pace notes are the problem or did she write those as well? :lol:
Haven't really played much since I lost my career save. Now it's fixed I'll be keeping to my usual pace at the back of the pack :cheers:
I'm already sick of Molly and Keith!
I swallowed my pride early on and bumped the AI down quite a bit 'cos I want that Max money. Once I'm sure it's consistent and have built up a fairly large stable of engineers and have trained Keith up to superhuman levels I might start bumping it up a little.

I tend to hit the skip button if the voiceovers become annoying but they haven't for the most part so far.

I tried out a rally at full length 9 stages but decided I preferred eating and sleeping so have whacked it down to medium again. Hope they don't pick the same five stages each time.

I've steered clear of the 1995 club for similar reasons I'm afraid.
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Just to confirm, if anyone is wondering, yes I DO keep the optional spare tire when racng:

However, sometimes I forgo the optional boot lid :lol:
Can anyone confirm this issue is resolved, now? (Or explain why it happens, if it's intended)

I suspect it's not actually an issue. The poster might have started the wrong championship (there are two that start in Chile at the start of the season and you can use the H2 FWD cars in both), you have to make sure you select the correct one. I've never seen anything like this happen and I've played a lot of career mode.
Pretty sure it’s an issue. I ran into this where I’m absolutely positive I used the Peugeot 205 and never received a single point towards the benefactor request.

The game also prompts you when you accidentally attempt to skip a benefactor event (unless you turned that prompt off).
Pretty sure it’s an issue. I ran into this where I’m absolutely positive I used the Peugeot 205 and never received a single point towards the benefactor request.

The game also prompts you when you accidentally attempt to skip a benefactor event (unless you turned that prompt off).
Hmm, yeah I think I was wrong. Looks like there's an issue with points not counting towards minor benefactor targets. Seems like it's ignorable as long as you focus on your main target for the season, but defo not ideal.
Pretty sure it’s an issue. I ran into this where I’m absolutely positive I used the Peugeot 205 and never received a single point towards the benefactor request.

The game also prompts you when you accidentally attempt to skip a benefactor event (unless you turned that prompt off).
Can confirm. If they keep working on this game, maybe flush out the career mode some more, they could easily turn this game into a solid 7/10 imo. And that's pretty good for my standards.

Hey everyone, hoping someone can help me with this. I just finished my first season and I'm wondering what I did wrong here. I came in first in the FWD Extreme championship using a H2 FWD car, yet I still lost benefactor relationship. Honestly I'm really unsure what I did wrong. Any ideas? Thanks!
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The only stutter is the shader compiling at the start of a stage you haven't run before isn't it? I've had no stuttering at all since after the update when we had to recompile the shaders the first time we entered all the stages. Or are some people still getting it in normal gameplay?
So I came back to the game about a week ago to try the updates, but it was being a stuttery pain in the hole and so I gave up again and went back to DR2. Is it just like when the game first released and it sucked until you'd gotten enough time in the stages for the game to have mostly compiled all the shaders again?

I'm not sure I have the patience to go through that for a second time. I like the game when it works, but playing a high paced rally game with stutter is a miserable experience.
So I came back to the game about a week ago to try the updates, but it was being a stuttery pain in the hole and so I gave up again and went back to DR2. Is it just like when the game first released and it sucked until you'd gotten enough time in the stages for the game to have mostly compiled all the shaders again?
I don't understand. The update hit less than a week ago. I think it's only two or three days old.
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I don't understand. The update hit less than a week ago. I think it's only two or three days old.
Yeah Thursday the update came out and users have reported unanimously that the performance has been much better.
So I came back to the game about a week ago to try the updates, but it was being a stuttery pain in the hole and so I gave up again and went back to DR2. Is it just like when the game first released and it sucked until you'd gotten enough time in the stages for the game to have mostly compiled all the shaders again?

I'm not sure I have the patience to go through that for a second time. I like the game when it works, but playing a high paced rally game with stutter is a miserable experience.
I really think you need to try again, I suspect that you tried 1.4 update that was launched before Christmas.
The 1.4.1 update was launched this same week and improved the game significantly, screen tearing is now on only a few stages as Mediterranean rally , some frame dips also, and some pop in, but it’s now in its best state since launch, having now reached a great base to start polishing the game here and there.

Give it a shot again, and you surely will stay now in ea wrc instead DR2
On Series S even the little stutters at start line before you press A to start have gone. All super smooth here. In fact it's so smooth now, there's time for your copilot to get out for a pee during the race...

Taken shortly before flying off a Monte Carlo cliff for terminal damage. RIP.
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I’d honestly give anything for a Celica, the ST205 is probably my favourite rally car ever, in part thanks to Sega Rally. I realise the ST185 is the more successful one. Either would do.
Well despite saying I'm not playing this anymore, I thought why folks so happy and I'm not playing it, I reinstalled and checked the settings out for Controller, I noticed Wheel Linearity was at 0, Changed to 1 and the driving becomes more enjoyable and dare I say it easier, Before it felt more like driving a road car than a rally car :)
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If anyone happens to be playing this on Steam with a controller (preferably DS4/5) then I could use some help getting mine to work "properly" again.

Looking back I think it was either the update that reset bindings/tunes or something on Steam's end around that time, but the first couple of months my DS4 was being read as an Xbox controller in-game, presumably because of Steam input/controller settings or preferences... which I wasn't fussed about because it was perfectly playable.

Fast forward to now and after a couple weeks of driving increasingly like a bit of a muppet I had the stark realisation that I had lost all vibration through the controller. It wasn't perfect before but I still had a good sense of feel and response, now it just feels completely dead and I've seen no way of enabling it natively for the Dualshock.

I've been going through various options in + outside of Steam's BPM mode (Steam input e.t.c) to try and force it back into the Generic/Xbox configuration, sadly it stubbornly refuses to unrecognize the DS4.
Finished off the Rally School today and also ran the Dirty Daily in the Sierra Cosworth (mostly sideways...). Up to level 4 on the battle pass - hoping to get up to level 20 this time around.
Way to go, way to go... ("Anish"??)

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Talking of the brilliant Sega Rally... I came across this on Steam the other day, Looks glorious. 😍

Lets hope they get their wish and Sega take them up on it.


If anyone happens to be playing this on Steam with a controller (preferably DS4/5) then I could use some help getting mine to work "properly" again.

Looking back I think it was either the update that reset bindings/tunes or something on Steam's end around that time, but the first couple of months my DS4 was being read as an Xbox controller in-game, presumably because of Steam input/controller settings or preferences... which I wasn't fussed about because it was perfectly playable.

Fast forward to now and after a couple weeks of driving increasingly like a bit of a muppet I had the stark realisation that I had lost all vibration through the controller. It wasn't perfect before but I still had a good sense of feel and response, now it just feels completely dead and I've seen no way of enabling it natively for the Dualshock.

I've been going through various options in + outside of Steam's BPM mode (Steam input e.t.c) to try and force it back into the Generic/Xbox configuration, sadly it stubbornly refuses to unrecognize the DS4

I use DS4 on Steam but I purposely don't use Vibration due to damage I did to my hands/nerves when I was younger. Even holding the pad for extended periods gives me numbness, Let alone of it was vibrating constantly :lol:

A bit of a stupid question but have you checked in game settings?

Steam says that it directly supports the DS4 so I dont know why you would have to have it recognise the DS4 as a Xbox pad. I have Steam Input turned off by the way.



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Doesn't it look amazing!!! 😀👍

In the Steam page description they say -

"This game is a proof-of-concept hoping to get Sega's approval, Please spread the word and wishlist it: every number counts to get green-lit"

I really hope they succeed in getting it published.
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In the Steam page description they say -

"This game is a proof-of-concept hoping to get Sega's approval, Please spread the word and wishlist it: every number counts to get green-lit"

I really hope they succeed in getting it published.

They're also going to have to find the budget for Lancia and Toyota licenses, and hope that they haven't angered the manufacturers by using their designs to advertise the game without permission. I'm not sure there's a tremendously long history of clone games by fans being adopted and approved by publishers, but I can't fault them for ambition at least.
It looks good but Sega Rally is all about the handling and the feel so they'll have to absolutely nail that or it won't be any more than a curiosity. Even Sega Rally 2 didn't do that, so it's not an easy job, bottling what made thr original special.
It'll be great to be able to run longer rallies where I can dip in and out - finding time to play properly is pretty tough with a domineering small person tearing through the house demanding my time all evening, and our four year old is pretty full on, too.

I've tended to run 6-8 stage rallies in one hour slots when I've had some time, which is fine - but being able extend those will be great.
As a father, I feel your struggle man, hehehe
You still do great to be honest with hurricanes inside your house.
My time of play is after everyone is asleep, reason why I got the more "quite" Thrustmaster T300 RS.
I use DS4 on Steam but I purposely don't use Vibration due to damage I did to my hands/nerves when I was younger. Even holding the pad for extended periods gives me numbness, Let alone of it was vibrating constantly :lol:

A bit of a stupid question but have you checked in game settings?

Steam says that it directly supports the DS4 so I dont know why you would have to have it recognise the DS4 as a Xbox pad. I have Steam Input turned off by the way.
It was your post recently about vibration/camera selection that made me double-check myself! It does display the controller properly in Steam on my end, that does seem to be part of the problem for some reason as Steam now properly recognises Dualshock controllers whereas as recently as last year it would be listed as a generic or Xbox pad.

After a quick search around yesterday I did notice a few complaints with the same issue, that being the Dualshock having no haptic feedback or vibration if used with Steam for this game despite being officially supported (and presumably working properly on PS5). There also isn't a vibration sub-menu for controller options when the DS4 is recognised as the active controller.

Anyway, just booted it up again to get a screenshot to showcase my woes and (predictably) it seems to have heeded my wishes, Steam Input converting it to read as an Xbox controller as before;

EA WRC controllers.png

Hopefully that holds up, for some reason when I was fiddling about with it last night there was a short span when both "controllers" were active at the same time, and as the "Xbox" bindings had been reset in the update that wiped them I was stuck between 4th and 5th gear (I have the Gear Up/Down bindings inverted). Which would have been rather unfortunate if it happened in the middle of a championship. :nervous: