Ebola: I Guess We Are All Going To Die



to forty-five people per ebola fatality

According to the caption, the data-keeping began in March '14, with estimates based on '12 data. Based on how rapidly the Ebola epidemic is spreading, this graphic will look seriously different March, 2015. The real horror is the 2016 look, unless the epidemic is stamped out. The global response so far is deemed to be inadequate by many sources.
I'm particularly fond of the articles that state they are "Exposing the Conspiracy! Ebola is a patent! Ebola is man-made! Ebola is being used to keep the African population under control! Ebola is a black-killing disease".

Take a good guess at the "culture" (for PC folks) that actually believe this garbage.
My favorites are the Anti-Vax and Homeopathic nutters, who can totally combat Ebola (and every thing else) with Colloidal Silver (note to the potentially stupid - this does not work and is nonsense).


Seriously I'm with Dara on this one:

(warning - swearing.)
In my country, our leaders seize on dramatic, but low frequency causes of death, divert trillions of dollars from projects which would actually save a huge number of lives, and spend it tilting at windmills. But first they spend an inordinate amount of time fear-mongering.

That way, they can put the trillions into their friends' pockets with the blessings of the electorate.
Turns out that, to forty-five people per ebola fatality, neither of those things is true.
Unfortunately your right but you are comparing numbers which are quite static to an exponential increase, you could update that graph in a years time and find that Ebola has flew past it.
Unfortunately your right but you are comparing numbers which are quite static to an exponential increase, you could update that graph in a years time and find that Ebola has flew past it.
Not particularly likely. See the third response below this one...
According to the caption, the data-keeping began in March '14, with estimates based on '12 data.
Ebola is official stats since the outbreak, the others are estimates of deaths in Africa in the same time period from WHO data.
Based on how rapidly the Ebola epidemic is spreading
[Citation needed]
this graphic will look seriously different March, 2015.
Oh I don't doubt it, but EBOV fatalities would need to double every month by then to get close to hunger - and keep on doubling for a full quarter to get up with HIV. And that's just in Africa.
The real horror is the 2016 look, unless the epidemic is stamped out. The global response so far is deemed to be inadequate by many sources.
And yet the global fearmongering response seems to be in fine fettle indeed.

I guess some folk just like to panic and spread panic...
Now the next step is to educate the locals about the do's and don'ts, and get rid of horror stories being spread amongst them.
I don't understand that panic around Ebola. It has no chances in well-developed countries. It only spreads in conditions of total insanitary. And it is possible to cure.
Because people aren't educated on the virus. All they see is a story on the evening news about a growing epidemic on the other side of the world, and hear dire warnings from the WHO and the UN, and then all of a sudden it's in America. They have no understanding of how Ebola works, how you can catch it or how it is treated, and most media outlets have dumbed their reports down either for the sake of making the story understandable or sensationalising it.
Not that you're overstating things and panic-mongering again, but...
Last week the UN special envoy on Ebola said the cases double every three weeks
Your reference link
UN Envoy: Ebola Cases Doubling Every 3-4 Weeks
David Nabarro
“At the moment, the outbreak curve is increasing exponentially. That means we’re doubling every three to four weeks. Being fully controlled is when transmission completely stops, and that will take a bit more time, after the end of this year."
So, your source says that transmission is likely to completely stop after the end of 2014. PANIC!!!!

Incidentally, original WHO estimates of the disease spread back in June were 20,000 total cases. We're at about half that at the moment. If Nabarro is right, numbers will exceed that. Slightly.
In my opinion, I'm not panic mongering. I'm referencing only credible sources, and making only reasonable inferences. And I'm not selling a book or collecting a paycheck. Folks here at GTP are well educated and well served thanks to the wide range of posts. They will not panic. Republican politicians seem to be the ones calling for the harshest measures, like restricting commercial air travel to the affected nations. I'm not convinced that's a good idea.

At the end of the day, it's probably better to overestimate the danger of a deadly enemy rather than to underestimate the danger. The American establishment, i.e., government and public health sector, is under considerable criticism at the moment for its lugubrious reaction to the problem.

The good news is that there are no new infections coming from the Dallas case. Almost out of the 21 day woods on that one. 👍
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The American establishment, i.e., government and public health sector, is under considerable criticism at the moment for its lugubrious reaction to the problem.

Is that because the reaction hasn't been working, or is it because the public would prefer to see a more energetic response to what they perceive to be a major crisis?

People and groups who don't know what they're talking about rarely give reasonable and rational criticism.
Edit: weird posting issues showed a double post at first so my initial response is below.

Only if your allergies make you feel nauseous, give you the chills and kick your temperature up to 100 (if they do, you should probably get that checked out).
The point is I could sneeze and the uninformed could freak. But I was mainly joking. ;)
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Our government's official stance is interesting: "look at how members of the Opposition are contradicting one another on semantic issues with their calls for us to do something more!"

Yep. That will fix Ebola.
Not so easy to not get infected.

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Is that because the reaction hasn't been working, or is it because the public would prefer to see a more energetic response to what they perceive to be a major crisis?

People and groups who don't know what they're talking about rarely give reasonable and rational criticism.
"The inconsistent response by health officials in monitoring and limiting the movement of health workers has been one of the critical blunders in the Ebola outbreak."

Here is a good, balanced look:
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"The inconsistent response by health officials in monitoring and limiting the movement of health workers has been one of the critical blunders in the Ebola outbreak."

Fair enough.

Still, I'd hardly call 3 people infected in a country of 300 million an "outbreak". They got a bit lucky in that more people weren't infected, but it doesn't appear that it's actually that easy to get infected.
Please tell me what's so funny about infectious haemorrhagic fevers. I must be missing something.

In light of all the other pandemic freak outs that became nothing, joking about the newest one seems to be pretty easy.

As for the media fear mongering on this issue, I want to give Fox News' Shepard Smith some credit.

This is hilarious. One of the 76 being monitored at Texas Presbyterian has taken it upon herself to go on a cruiseliner trip. So now she is quarantined in her cabin with her husband, and the liner's next scheduled port of call, Cozumel, has denied permission for the cruiseliner to land. So now multiple thousands of people are stuck on a cruiseliner? This is reported on Fox cable news.

The tests turned out negative, and she has been pulled of the ship.

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