Eminem: As bad as 50 cent

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"1 A discussion involving opposing points; an argument.
2 Deliberation; consideration: passed the motion with little debate.
3 A formal contest of argumentation in which two opposing teams defend and attack a given proposition."

Just to clear that up.
So if there are debates in which words get twisted this is a debate.
No, you said a debate is where people twist other peoples words, it's not. You can see peoples words being twisted in a debate, but twisting of words is not itself a debate.
"1 A discussion involving opposing points; an argument.
2 Deliberation; consideration: passed the motion with little debate.
3 A formal contest of argumentation in which two opposing teams defend and attack a given proposition."

Just to clear that up.
There you go, no twisting the other persons words mentioned there.
No, I don't like Snoop dog either, and yes I have heared a track or two of his. I just hate rap, it's not a style of music I enjoy listening to and Eminem is THE only rapper I can regognise by voice and music style alone.

Yes eminem has a definitive voice like no other but so have many other rappers. No one else sounds anywhere close to snoop dog. I can always tell 50 cents voice aswell.

What about pharrel hes a different type of rapper/hip ho artists and so are the black eyed peas.
50 Cent has managed to single-handedly ruin the credibility of his genre. It is bulls*it to dismiss an entire genre as rubbish but with artists like 50 Cent, The Game, and P. Diddy being the only rappers given airtime it is an understandable mistake to make.
Out of any of the above , P-Diddy deserves his airtime , Back in the Day . . . BadBoyRecords used handle proper hiphop atristes suchas Craig Mack , Keith Murray & of Course . . . Biggie Smalls . In that era '95 hiphop was less of a medium in the mainstream and a lot of inspirational devotion emanated from the top ranks . Now, itsa HappyMeal .
"1 A discussion involving opposing points; an argument.
2 Deliberation; consideration: passed the motion with little debate.
3 A formal contest of argumentation in which two opposing teams defend and attack a given proposition."

Just to clear that up.

So im well within my boundries.
No, your twisitng words, thats not mentioned in there.
I've heared Dizzee Rascal, he's crap, I couldn't point out a random song of his if I heared it unles I'd already been told that was Dizee Rascal.
The chances are you have heared Dream which is a god damn awful track, listen to Fix Up, Look Sharp before judging Dizzee Rascal it is a great track and it realy showcases his style.
Yes I've heared of Kano, can't recall any of his tracks though. I will listen to s few Dizzee rascal tracks if anything just to see if he has a distinc style like you say.
Dizzee does indeed have a distinct style however the most popular artist to emerge from the Undergroung UK garage scene is kano. Listen to Nite Nite im sure you will enjoy it. And then hopefully see that rap/hiphop is not all bad.
I will listen to s few Dizzee rascal tracks if anything just to see if he has a distinc style like you say.
He has a very distict style throughout his first (and best) album "Boy In Da Corner" but he threw any vague sense of style out the window with his second album "Showtime", the track "Stand Up Tall" is worth listening to though.
No I doubt I'll enjoy it, I'm not saying it's not okay to enjoy it, but I've not once enjoyed a single rap, I hate it. I'll happilly acknowledge that theres more distinct rappers than Eminem once I've heared them.
No I doubt I'll enjoy it, I'm not saying it's not okay to enjoy it, but I've not once enjoyed a single rap, I hate it. I'll happilly acknowledge that theres more distinct rappers than Eminem once I've heared them.
If you're a rock fan listen to "Une Epoque Formidable" by Sinik, also "L'assain" they are great tracks that combine rap and rock, that is if you can survive the intro to "Une Epoque Formidable."
I'm a bit of a old guy when it comes to my preferred music :lol:, that probably explains my not likeing rap more than anything else I can tell you. Tracks like Everybody wants to rule the world are more my thing.
I think I'm going to have to resurrect my Fur Q avatar.

Best rapper evAh.
How is that racist? Its a controversial question that borders on the dge of racism depending on the reply but following the discussion one most as it just for the reason as lyrically nothing differenceates eminem from every other rapper out there except that hes white.

Perfectly reasonable question to ask.

Because Eminem has a sense of humour. Almost all of his lyrics and antics are done in jest, or just mess with people. If you can't see the satire or the irony in it, then you're just blind.

And it's not because he's white.
Man, this is the funniest thread I've seen all year. :lol:
How many more racist comments are you going to make?
Many, I'm sure. Our poster child Young_Warrior specializes in sweeping, unsupported, stereotyped generalizations.
Eminem and 50 Cent ??? Both should be shot down... Eminem for being a black wannabe and acting like a black which he's NOT !!!! And 50 Cent for dissing Fat Joe and trying to act like a gangsta which he's never going to be. I understand why The Game left G-G-G-Unit so fast...

Little Tupac wannabe... Shorty Wanna be a thug remix... Fifty wanna be, but than he's gunna be, Fifty wanna be, Fifty's gunna be a thug... But actually wont become because once again, HE SUCK !!!!
This is a very painful debate (due to Y_W's inability to understand simple points of view from everyone, reworded for his clarification perfectly clearly again and again), but its still "sort of" a debate. But it should be in the music forum.

50 pence is crap. Eminem (only his early stuff) is less crap - directly because he had a funnyish sarcastic/ironic style, which stood out at the time, it was different enough for most people to notice a definate change in what rap could be about. We have ALL said that Eminem is still crap however. We were only EVER comparing Eminem and 50 shillings, so there is NO logical reason to bring other rappers into the debate.

Maybe if I put the debate in rap format, you'll get down wit' it more easily.

I don't care if yo tryin' 'n' sayin'
Ya'all got better rappaz yo could be payin'
We've only been sayin' - again and again'n
Ya ol' bro Em' is da **** compar'd t' 50 yen"​

Whether there are better rappers than either 50 yen or Eminem isn't the point of THIS debate.

Nothing that liveforspeed said contradicted itself. You (Y_W) basically just want to invent a race issue out of thin air. Stop painting folks as racists. Its REALLY annoying, especially as we have all given our EXACT reasons for thinking Eminem is slightly less crap than 50 Kupik (actually sounds more hip-hop when you use the Russian term for cent...). Namely, that GENERALLY, Eminem is funnier and doesn't rap about normal genre staples (poppin' caps in asses, hoes, hoods, etc etc) nearly as much as 50 lira.

Got what we're sayin' now Y_W?
Stop painting folks as racists.

Im not painting anyone as anything but instead I was merely asking.I never once called anyone racist or anyhting close of the sort.

Its REALLY annoying, especially as we have all given our EXACT reasons for thinking Eminem is slightly less crap than 50 Kupik (actually sounds more hip-hop when you use the Russian term for cent...). Namely, that GENERALLY, Eminem is funnier and doesn't rap about normal genre staples (poppin' caps in asses, hoes, hoods, etc etc) nearly as much as 50 lira.

So you guys dont own 50 cent albums but some of you own eminem albums. Yet you all claim (well most of you except for the few honest ones) that 50 cent has done more violent songs than eminem. How can you come to that conclusion when you dont even own a 50 cent album. A couple of people here who dislike 50 cent but who like hip hop have themselves said that 50 cent unlike many other rappers doesnt talk about killing and shooting people anywher as much as you would like to think. Infact hes probably on par with eminem.

And did you guys not say rap is crap because everyone talks about killig and shooting yet you guys like eminem cause he doesnt do it alot.

Well tehre are plenty of rappers out there who are popular who dont do it at all.

Got what Im sayin now James2097?
How can you come to that conclusion when you dont even own a 50 cent album.

Neither do you. You've simply stolen all of your 50 cent music, by your own admission.
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