ExigeExcelBecause I Eminem doesn't make a habit of it.
Lets have a look at the titles of 50 Cents last 3 albums.
No Mercy, No Fear.
Get Rich or Die Tryin'
The Massacre
Lets look at Eminems. (Not incl 8mile Soundtrack)
The Marshall Mathers LP
The Eminem Show
So? Who said I wanted angelic? If I wanted Angelic I'd listen to Busted, Mcfly, backstreet boys, S Club 8.Young_WarriorSo that makes it alright all of a sudden? Eminim has come out with some mad violent stuff and graphic imagery over the years yet you forgive him and say "awww hes not all that bad" when theere are clearly alot more angelic rappers out there compared to eminem.
ExigeExcelSo? Who said I wanted angelic? If I wanted Angelic I'd listen to Busted, Mcfly, backstreet boys, S Club 8.
I like Eminem because to me his the best of a bad genre. Generally I find him a laugh.
So that makes him a genious then, just like 50 cent because he also managed to make millions fooling people. Brilliant, the world needs more Geniuses.Young_WarriorJust like to add that eminems albums are titled like that as its marketing. He couldnt exatly have a title of like "thug music" for example cause he dont look like one and he certainly hasnt any life experience as one
From what I know of Eminems life he grew up in Detroit, in a rough neighbour hood. I don't stand by this much but if he indeed did I'm sure he cam across plenty of guns.Y_Wyet eminem still talks about gang fights and spraying "mother****ers" with Tec 9's and Uzi and AK47's so isnt eminem a bit hypocritical and hes sending more of a bad message out than 50 cent because people know that 50 cents life probably did involve alot of guns
And so because 50 Cent supposedly grew up with guns he is aloud to constantly tell people about it and remind them he grew up perfectley fine because of it. Okay, I get that logicY_Wwith eminem it wasnt his life yet he raps about it so infact eminem is the one whose idoliscing guns and violence.
Young_WarriorBecause hes white?
Howcome? I find him a laugh because generally he doesn't always rap about, guns, cars, women, plasma screens,cruising and oversized rims.Young_WarriorBecause hes white?
Cause at first you said it was becuase he didnt talk about shooting and killing people like 50 cent then I informed you he does and now you make a U-turn.
BeeHow many more racist comments are you going to make?
Exige hasn't made a U turn, he made a generalisation that Eminem doesn't rap about all that crap, generally he doesn't, that doesn't mean he never has. And you're the last person on here to start accusing people of pulling a U turn.Secondly, the fact people on here have said Eminem is more of a genius than 50 ent does not a: mean we all like Eminem, or b: mean we think Eminem is a genius. He was just far more original than 50 cent.Young_WarriorBecause hes white?
Cause at first you said it was becuase he didnt talk about shooting and killing people like 50 cent then I informed you he does and now you make a U-turn.
Young_WarriorHow is that racist? Its a controversial question that borders on the dge of racism depending on the reply but following the discussion one most as it just for the reason as lyrically nothing differenceates eminem from every other rapper out there except that hes white.
Perfectly reasonable question to ask.
ExigeExcelHowcome? I find him a laugh because generally he doesn't always rap about, guns, cars, women, plasma screens,cruising and oversized rims.
What in teh hell was the white remark about?
BeeNo, that was a racist question Y_W, its pretty much asking if he only sticks to his own race.
live4speedExige hasn't made a U turn, he made a generalisation that Eminem doesn't rap about all that crap, generally he doesn't, that doesn't mean he never has. And you're the last person on here to start accusing people of pulling a U turn.Secondly, the fact people on here have said Eminem is more of a genius than 50 ent does not a: mean we all like Eminem, or b: mean we think Eminem is a genius. He was just far more original than 50 cent.
But do I hear talib, kwali and dmx on the radio? No I don't. And I won't deny being a slave to the Radio 1, Kerrang and Q play lists.Young_WarriorWell neither does common talib kwali tupac dmx and d12 and that other black dude thats on eminem record label who was rapping about woman not having teeth.
As for laughs hes generally far from funny compared to many other rappers out there. There are alot more funnier british rappers such as sway and the mitchel brothers and the streets and thats saying alot about just how not funny eminem is comapred to other rappers.
GTRacer4Eminem can flow better than 50 Cent. He has more talent (if you classify saying a bunch of words in time to a beat as talent, that is) but sadly, he lost his focus and has become just as worse as 50 cent. 50 Cent's lyrics just slur into a untranslatable mess. A drunk can do a better job than him.
Young_WarriorI say do you prefer eminem to every other single rapper in existence (there are thousands) who happens to be white in a industy thats 98% black.
But not half as much, hence the reason it was a generalisation.Young_WarriorOn the basis that you guys all said he didnt rap about guns, killing, and woman shaking their booty in which I know that he does.
ExigeExcelBut do I hear talib, kwali and dmx on the radio? No I don't.
live4speedBut not half as much, hence the reason it was a generalisation.
live4speedThey arn't his rivals if they arn't mainstream, once they atart taking people away from Eminem then they're rivals, as it is they're not nearly popular enough.
BeeWhy not post it up like that then!?
ExigeExcelSome amazing punctuation here.
So that makes him a genious then, just like 50 cent because he also managed to make millions fooling people. Brilliant, the world needs more Geniuses.
From what I know of Eminems life he grew up in Detroit, in a rough neighbour hood. I don't stand by this much but if he indeed did I'm sure he cam across plenty of guns.
And so because 50 Cent supposedly grew up with guns he is aloud to constantly tell people about it and remind them he grew up perfectley fine because of it. Okay, I get that logic![]()
Well put it like this. I have completely, and absolutely no connection to black culture in everyday life.Young_WarriorI say do you prefer eminem to every other single rapper in existence (there are thousands) who happens to be white in a industy thats 98% black.
I never said he was the most original. I don't think I even implied it.Young_WarriorThen how can you claim that eminem is the most original and best rapper if you havent even heard records from his rivals.
Once again you've made a big assumptionI didn't give any names in my post, I simply said they arn't his rivals IF......, I didn't say they did or didn't do anything, I'll leave that to people who know who they are better than me to fill in the gaps.Young_WarriorSee what I mean. You guys claim things which you havent sufficiently researched or have knowledge of. DMX is a extremly popular artist.
As for rivals if theyre in your industry and making money theyre taking money and attention away from you. Unless your on the same record label your rivals.
And just because I don't actively attempt to listen to rap music doesn't mean never hear it, I've heared a hell of a lot of Eminem songs, and they arn't all that general rap crap about his wheels and his hoes.Young_WarriorBut how can you claim that if you say you dont really listen to rap music.
ExigeExcelWell put it like this. I have completely, and absolutely no connection to black culture in everyday life.
I live in a predominetley white area with some Asian groups. I think I can count the number of black people in my school (approx 900 pupils) on one hand, maybe 2.
This doesn't mean I am racist in anyways. I just have no connection to the 'hood' in any way at all.
Oh and by rivals what do you mean? The other artists you mentioned? Well I compared him to other rappers, not other 'entertainment rapper' or however you want to classify them.