Eminem: As bad as 50 cent

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50% of the time, YW always right, all the time. :lol:
Makes sense to me :D

When was Blink 182 the epitome of the guitar/bass/drums format of rock? Oh dear...
Rock music is not about shouting and jumping up and down. This is called 'punk', the whole point of it being that it disposes of musical ability and talent required to play the instruments, ON PURPOSE!! Did you miss the whole 70's punk ideology, like the Sex Pistols etc? Looks like YW seriously has his "Blink-ers" (sorry for the pun) on regarding rock and roll... How did half a century of brilliant, musical guitar bands pass you without you noticing?

Go and listen to some guitarists like Hendrix, Petrucci, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Buddy Guy, Jeff Beck, Eric Johnson, Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Mark Knopfler (Dire Straits), Jimmy Page, Eddie Van Halen, Tom Morello, etc etc.

All of these guitarists would absolutely out-class any rapper to an incredibly embarrassing degree with their brilliant phrasing, musically advanced compositions, originality, soul and sheer facility on their instrument of choice... btw they all absolutely CREAM santana.

Hell, even comparitively simple bands like AC/DC have a thousand times more emotional intensity and tight, talented playing, genuinely catchy riffs etc, than any rap.

I almost don't consider rap as 'music' compared to what I normally listen to.
And R.Kelly is one of the most talented song writers to grace the world. However his whole 2 stepping feel good songs I belive he just released so when the jury listen to it they wont think that he commited the crimes.
This quote has to be my favorite so far. R. Kelly one of the most talented song writers to ever grace the world?! Wow.

A little off-topic, but someone (not sure who) claimed that Nirvana was one of the greatest bands in the last 50 years. Wow again. But I guess that's an argument for a different thread.
50% of the time, YW always right, all the time. :lol:
Makes sense to me :D

When was Blink 182 the epitome of the guitar/bass/drums format of rock? Oh dear...
Rock music is not about shouting and jumping up and down. This is called 'punk', the whole point of it being that it disposes of musical ability and talent required to play the instruments, ON PURPOSE!! Did you miss the whole 70's punk ideology, like the Sex Pistols etc? Looks like YW seriously has his "Blink-ers" (sorry for the pun) on regarding rock and roll... How did half a century of brilliant, musical guitar bands pass you without you noticing?

Go and listen to some guitarists like Hendrix, Petrucci, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Buddy Guy, Jeff Beck, Eric Johnson, Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Mark Knopfler (Dire Straits), Jimmy Page, Eddie Van Halen, Tom Morello, etc etc.

All of these guitarists would absolutely out-class any rapper to an incredibly embarrassing degree with their brilliant phrasing, musically advanced compositions, originality, soul and sheer facility on their instrument of choice... btw they all absolutely CREAM santana.

Hell, even comparitively simple bands like AC/DC have a thousand times more emotional intensity and tight, talented playing, genuinely catchy riffs etc, than any rap.

I almost don't consider rap as 'music' compared to what I normally listen to.

I look at rap as literature, not music. In that sense, it's kind of a shame at how respected something can be as a piece of music, when compared to classical and complex compositions of other such genres.
Saleen Man
...Nirvana was one of the greatest bands...

Kurt Cobain's clinical depression comes right through your speakers and into your head. Its real. There's nothing phony about it. That's the appeal of Nirvana.

The glory of Cobain's work is its deep, profound, all-too-genuine sadness.
The glory of Cobain's work is the fact that he was absolutely mediocre and people still worship him as if he were the greatest musician to ever live. He was a heroin junkie who killed himself. If he were still alive people would talk about how "Nirvana used to be ok back in the day", not "OMFG COBAIN IS THE GREATEST MAN TO EVER GRACE MUSIC".
I'm sorry, but i just had to quote this in my signature.

Remind me again Y_W, 50 cent is no genius, then he is in your opinion, then there is no such thing as a genius. I'm a little confused.

I don't see what 50 cent has done to even be discussed as a genius or not, personally.
Let's logically analyse this, shall we?

danoff posts evidence that says 3.6% of black males are in gaol full stop.

You claim that "over 50% of black men end up in jail or are dead by the time theyre 21" (sic). So we need to extract from that 3.6% the percentage who are aged 12-21 (at 12 you can be placed in a young offenders' institute, so to be kind we're including all of them in the gaol population). We're looking at around 25% of the population being this age, and, given the nature of imprisonable offences, this would probably rise some amongst the prison population - let's say 40% as an arbitrarily generous figure.

So 1.4% of all black males before the age of 21 go into prison.

Now again being generous, you need to make up to the 50.1% of all black males under 21 who "end up in jail or dead" (sic) to qualify as "most". If only 1.2% of all black males end up in gaol by the time they are 21 then, to make your statement true, 48.9% of black males must die before they are 21.

Do you understand what this means? For every 100 black male kids born in 1984, 1 of them is in prison, 49 of them have died and just 50 have survived to this point in time, in order for your statement to be true.

Are you actually saying this, or will you now freely admit that you just made up some kick-ass sounding figure in your head and it's plainly testes - and apologise to danoff for implying that, with his degree-level training in statistical analysis, you know better than him how some phoney figures should be interpreted?

Pure golden Ownage delivered by Famine.

Top Dog!!
This has made my evening.

Y_W, please stop. You might leave with your account intact.
I've not read any of this topic or the other topic...

So...what I'm about to say has probably already been said/debated on, but here goes anyway.

First, let me say I'm a big hip hop fan and have been for a reasonably long time (probably since I was about 13, can't really remember). I dislike 50 Cent. His lyrical skills and delivery are poor at best.

He's a marketing rapper...he came up with a back story of being shot 9 times and being crazy, gained a lot of attention with "How to Rob (a Rapper)" and was snatched up by Dre (a man known for being able to see a good financial opportunity).

He's hyped up and seems to be popular with a lot of young people and people who are only in to hip hop at the moment because it's cool or the "in" thing.

Ask 50 Cent's fans to name 20 rappers and I seriously doubt more than a quarter would get past "Eminem" and "Nelly".

The funniest thing about 50 Cent is that he really does think he's good, perhaps no-one has the stones to tell him otherwise. Look at the reaction he got to Piggy Bank (the track on which he disses Fat Joe and Jadakiss (among others)). Everyone who knows anything about hip hop knows that lyrically Jada and Joe can wipe the floor with 50, but 50's more popular at the moment so he seems to have come off better (of course), despite Checkmate and **** 50 (the replies from Jada and Joe, respectively) being of a much higher standard than Piggy Bank.

50 really does seem crazy though (dissing and pushing The Game out of G Unit effectively just because he wouldn't diss Ja Rule and was becoming too popular), you'd think he'd be glad the money was pouring in from the other artists on G Unit records. (A slight aside, but if you haven't already, listen to The Game's diss on 50/G Unit called "300 Bars & Running". The Game might not be one of the best rappers, but this diss track is miles away from the quality 50 could aspire to).

Right, I've had my say, off to read what's already been written.
I lasted to about the 90th post and gave up. Not really worth continuing to read the thread IMO.

edit: First few pages were a laugh though :lol:

edit2: Some lyrics that basically sum up the demise of hip hop (Common's I used to Love H.E.R.).

Becoming slightly hypocritical here, I hold the belief that the common mainstream rap at the moment (e.g. B***hes, Hos, killings, crack dealers, look how much money I've got, my pen*s is huge etc) is terrible and I'd like to see it go, however, I do listen to a few artists/albums that could be classed as this. For example, Dr. Dre's The Chronic, Snoop's Doggystyle, Westside Connection's Bow Down, M.O.P.'s Warriorz and Nas' Illmatic could be put into this category, but I'm still a big fan of these particular albums.
The funniest thing about 50 Cent is that he really does think he's good, perhaps no-one has the stones to tell him otherwise. Look at the reaction he got to Piggy Bank (the track on which he disses Fat Joe and Jadakiss (among others)). Everyone who knows anything about hip hop knows that lyrically Jada and Joe can wipe the floor with 50, but 50's more popular at the moment so he seems to have come off better (of course), despite Checkmate and **** 50 (the replies from Jada and Joe, respectively) being of a much higher standard than Piggy Bank.

50 really does seem crazy though (dissing and pushing The Game out of G Unit effectively just because he wouldn't diss Ja Rule and was becoming too popular), you'd think he'd be glad the money was pouring in from the other artists on G Unit records. (A slight aside, but if you haven't already, listen to The Game's diss on 50/G Unit called "300 Bars & Running". The Game might not be one of the best rappers, but this diss track is miles away from the quality 50 could aspire to).
See? Nothing against anybody who likes it, but this is why I HATE all rap and most hiphop.

It's nothing but a long-winded pissing contest set to a beat (stolen or otherwise). 95% of rap is about rap. I mean, the rock songs that mention 'rock' are the cheesiest - the ones that make you wince when you hear the line. But most rap is that self-referential.

Seriously, aren't there enough pissing contests already without inventing an entire industry around it? How tedious.
Following on from here https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=72716&page=5&pp=20

I open this thred to carry on the discussion. People seem to like to bash rap music unjustidly I feel that they dont have enough knowledge on the subject to comment on the whole scene and its pretty much a attack on the whole African american culture

1. knowledge is of limited relevance. A person doesn't have to know the life history of Degas to not like his paintings.

2. If hating rap is an attack on African American culture, it's by said culture's choice that it associates with it. If "the whole" of African Americans are offended by hatred of rap, too bad.
HAHA, disliking rap is a bash on the whole African American culture? Whatever kid.
People seem to like to bash rap music unjustidly I feel that they dont have enough knowledge on the subject to comment on the whole scene and its pretty much a attack on the whole African american culture
If hating rap is an attack on African American culture, it's by said culture's choice that it associates with it. If "the whole" of African Americans are offended by hatred of rap, too bad.

Recalling, of course, that Y_W lives in London...

ownage again.

I have stoped reading this thread since i last posted, as it was over back then.

Not sure why its still open.

I agree with Duke 👍
Why do you, Y_W, have to bring race into everything? It's irrelevant. The only thing that matters (or actually, doesn't) is that 50 cent iz teh s_uck.
Why do I like Eminem... Hmmm.

Because he doesn't rap about guns, cars, womena and 'plasma screens'. And if he does, it's funny, atleast to me. Some guy 'cruising' and his '*****' don't interest me. The guy with 22 inch rims and a 9mm doesn't interest me.

Okay, Eminem does rap about himself quite abit, but not because he's making himself look amazing.

That's why I like Eminem and not 50 cent.
Why do I like Eminem... Hmmm.

Because he doesn't rap about guns, cars, womena and 'plasma screens'. And if he does, it's funny, atleast to me. Some guy 'cruising' and his '*****' don't interest me. The guy with 22 inch rims and a 9mm doesn't interest me.

Yeah but eminem does do that. Would you like me to post up some of his lyrics.
None of us like Eminem, he's only being mentioned because when he was new, he was much more different than most rappers. He didn't rap about his money, bling and hoes, he rapped about his crappy childhood. Ironically he wants to forget about his childhood, but rapping about it won't make it go away.
It'll help get if off his chest though.

A problem shared is a problem halved.

So how halved are the problems with (I think) 3 platinum selling albums?
This is getting nowhere fast....

Can we kill this thread yet?
Yeah but eminem does do that. Would you like me to post up some of his lyrics.
I've never heard him rap about 'Some guy 'cruising' and his '*****' don't interest me. The guy with 22 inch rims and a 9mm doesn't interest me.' Okay maybe the last topic but none of the rest.

And if he does, oh know I better stop listening to him because he mentioned it in a few songs.
I've never heard him rap about 'Some guy 'cruising' and his '*****' don't interest me. The guy with 22 inch rims and a 9mm doesn't interest me.' Okay maybe the last topic but none of the rest.

And if he does, oh know I better stop listening to him because he mentioned it in a few songs.

So for some reason you dont mnd that eminems done it ina couple of songs but because 50 cent has done it in a couple of songs its a whole different story.

Eminem has talked about killing people
Eminem has talked about robbing people
Eminem has talked about guns
Eminem has talked about lyrical beefs
Eminen has had "beefs"
Eminem is a semi drug addict
Eminem has talked aboue "hoes"
Eminem has talked about "bling"

So what difference is there between eminem and 50 cent as they have both rapped about what you frown upon.
None of us like Eminem, he's only being mentioned because when he was new, he was much more different than most rappers. He did rap about his money, bling and hoes, he also rapped about his crappy childhood. Ironically he wants to forget about his childhood, but rapping about it won't make it go away.

Yep just like 50 cent.

And BTW just like 50 cent eminem was nothing even less than what 50 cent was till Dr.Dre came along.

And eminem wrote and recorded racist lyrics.
Eminem is horrible. I abhor everything assossciated with "Shady Aftermath".
So for some reason you dont mnd that eminems done it ina couple of songs but because 50 cent has done it in a couple of songs its a whole different story.

Eminem has talked about killing people
Eminem has talked about robbing people
Eminem has talked about guns
Eminem has talked about lyrical beefs
Eminen has had "beefs"
Eminem is a semi drug addict
Eminem has talked aboue "hoes"
Eminem has talked about "bling"

So what difference is there between eminem and 50 cent as they have both rapped about what you frown upon.
Because I Eminem doesn't make a habit of it.

Lets have a look at the titles of 50 Cents last 3 albums.
No Mercy, No Fear.
Get Rich or Die Tryin'
The Massacre

Lets look at Eminems. (Not incl 8mile Soundtrack)
The Marshall Mathers LP
The Eminem Show

Hmm a distinct change in attitude already.

Ok, 50 Cents track names from his last album.# Intro
# In My Hood
# This is 50
# I'm Supposed to Die Tonight
# Piggy Bank
# Gatman And Robbin' f/ Eminem
# Candy Shop f/ Olivia
# Outta Control
# Get In My Car
# Ski Mask Way
# A Baltimore Love Thing
# Ryder Music
# Disco Inferno
# Just A Lil Bit
# Gunz Come Out
# My Toy Soldier f/ Tony Yayo
# Position of Power
# Build You Up f/ Jamie Foxx
# God Gave Me Style
# So Amazing f/ Olivia
# I Don't Need Em
# Hate It Or Love It Remix f/ G-Unit

Eminems from his last album.

1. Curtains Up
2. Evil Deeds
3. Never Enough
4. Yellow Brick Road
5. Like Toy Soldiers
6. Mosh
7. Puke
8. My 1st Single
9. Paul (skit)
10. Rain Man
11. Big Weenie
12. Em Calls Paul (skit)
13. Just Lose It
14. Ass Like That
15. Spend Some Time
16. Mockingbird
17. Crazy In Love
18. One Shot 2 Shot
19. Final Thought (skit)
20. Encore/Curtains Down

Okay. There is guns, there is 'dogs' and such in Eminems material. There is political stuff in Eminems stuff. But dammit, there is nowhere near as much 'ghetto, guns. cars and women' in Eminem's material as there is in 50 Cents.
And BTW just like 50 cent eminem was nothing even less than what 50 cent was till Dr.Dre came along.

Subjective. I'm not a fan of Eminem but I actually think his pre-Dre album is his best.
Okay. There is guns, there is 'dogs' and such in Eminems material. There is political stuff in Eminems stuff. But dammit, there is nowhere near as much 'ghetto, guns. cars and women' in Eminem's material as there is in 50 Cents.

So that makes it alright all of a sudden? Eminim has come out with some mad violent stuff and graphic imagery over the years yet you forgive him and say "awww hes not all that bad" when theere are clearly alot more angelic rappers out there compared to eminem.
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