Eminem: As bad as 50 cent

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But eminem talks about the hood and hood life. So basically you can relate better with eminem because hes white? Theres nothing wrong with and for that reason I can understand why you prefer eminem.
But again, you hve to understand that it's not as much as other rappers.
Entertainment rappers :rolleyes: Theres no such thing.

A rapper is a rapper regardless if he preaches guns and violence or jesus. Yes there are rappers that just talk about the good and to praise the lord but why dont they get air time seeing as everyones denoucing the "common thug" also known as the rapper?
Then what exactly were you referring to when you said rivals!?
Bear in mind "Encore" was the worst hip-hop album ever. Most of Eminem's earlier stuff is great though.

50 Cent has managed to single-handedly ruin the credibility of his genre. It is bulls*it to dismiss an entire genre as rubbish but with artists like 50 Cent, The Game, and P. Diddy being the only rappers given airtime it is an understandable mistake to make.

It's nothing but a long-winded pissing contest set to a beat (stolen or otherwise). 95% of rap is about rap. I mean, the rock songs that mention 'rock' are the cheesiest - the ones that make you wince when you hear the line. But most rap is that self-referential.

Seriously, aren't there enough pissing contests already without inventing an entire industry around it? How tedious.

While I try to avoid coming into conflict with those in power, PLEASE listen to Dizzee Rascal- Boy In Da Corner, Eminem- The Slim Shady LP, 2Pac- All Eyez On Me , and Sinik- La Main Sur Le coeur BEFORE dismissing rap as garbage.
Right now we are debating why people like eminem and all other rappers compared to him are unoriginal (supposedly)
Now your attempting to put words into peoples mouths, no one said Eminem was more original than every other rapper, just more original than 50 cent.
^ Now that is a good honest post. I could contest parts of it but Flame returns has weighed up both sides of the argument before posting.
Now your attempting to put words into peoples mouths, no one said Eminem was more original than every other rapper, just more original than 50 cent.

Well everyone was saying 50 cent is crap rap music is crap but oh wait eminem is an exception.
So the good honest posts should say 50 cent is garbage, the rest of us have been saying that since the start.
Well everyone was saying 50 cent is crap rap music is crap but oh wait eminem is an exception.
No, some people were saying he's better, he's more orignal ect, but no one that said they hate rap said they like Eminem, just that he's better than 50 cent.
So the good honest posts should say 50 cent is garbage, the rest of us have been saying that since the start.

No the rest of you have been saying every bit of rap is crap except of eminem and flame then actually listed a couple rap artists who he thinks was good.
No, some people were saying he's better, he's more orignal ect, but no one that said they hate rap said they like Eminem, just that he's better than 50 cent.

People have said they hate rap and people have said that rap music is crap. But to then mention eminem off all the other rappers in the world is basically saying hes the only good one.

And I said why. And your guys reply was because he doesnt rap about killing woman and guns whilst 50 cent and every other rapper does. I then told you that he does however rap about killing guns and woman and materialistic things so how can he be better than 50 cent when the reasons you guys stated that made him better were infact false.
No people who've slated rap in general have not said Eminem is good. Like me, I've been saying Eminem is better at it than 50 cent, but I still don't like Eminem, just because someone say's Eminem is better or more original doesn't mean they like him.
So the good honest posts should say 50 cent is garbage, the rest of us have been saying that since the start.

No, good honest posts should take a good deal of time to write, they should cover both sides of the arguement, and I'm told that they get extra points for mentioning somthing French :) .

Oh, BTW my thanks go out to Y_W for picking my post as one worthy of praise.
50 Cent has managed to single-handedly ruin the credibility of his genre. It is bulls*it to dismiss an entire genre as rubbish but with artists like 50 Cent, The Game, and P. Diddy being the only rappers given airtime it is an understandable mistake to make.

No he didn't... it was already crappy (mainstream anyway) before anyone outside of New York heard of 50 Cent. If I have to give 50 Cent credit for anything it is for getting rid of Ja Rule from the tv. Ja Rule was way worse to listen to than anything of 50 cent... because 50 at least still raps, and you won't find him singing on the hooks of crappy R&B songs.

And with Ja Rule you had Nelly and J-Kwon ruining the genre's name, before him it was Master P and Jermaine Dupri... so it isn't just 50 to blame for it. The only difference is that 50 is in the media even more because of his constant attention whoring beefseeking.

By the way, Eminem was awesome during the Slim Shady and Marshall Mathers LP times... ever since the first D12 album dropped he started to fall off. Unfortunately this happened, because for a while he was one of my favorite artists. Fortunately I have discovered many better artists ever since that time.
No people who've slated rap in general have not said Eminem is good. Like me, I've been saying Eminem is better at it than 50 cent, but I still don't like Eminem, just because someone say's Eminem is better or more original doesn't mean they like him.

Maybe not you persoanlly but many people who denounced rap music said they liked eminem and several people here also said that they own eminem albums.

And your reasons for stating eminem is betetr and more original are out of the window as he raps about pretty much the same things as 50 cent.
I was being confrontational :lol:, I know what it takes to write an honest post, it's just annoying when Y_W is twisting what people say all the time tryin to make it look like were all changing what we say.
I was being confrontational :lol:, I know what it takes to write an honest post, it's just annoying when Y_W is twisting what people say all the time tryin to make it look like were all changing what we say.

Its called good debating. The western world has mastered the artform.
And your reasons for stating eminem is betetr and more original are out of the window as he raps about pretty much the same things as 50 cent.
For someone who knows rap I'd think you could see quite clearly that Eminem has a very different style to 50 cent and until Eminem came it wasn't a style you ever heared (unless there was someone somewhere in a corner of the world that did it only a couple of people know of ect). And with the subjects in his raps, as I said, in general he doesn't, thats not to say he never has, sure theres raps where he has gone on about that stuff, but it's not in half as many of his tracks as 50 cent.
Its called good debating. The western world has mastered the artform.
Twisting peoples comments isn't debating.
Ja Rule was way worse to listen to than anything of 50 cent... because 50 at least still raps, and you won't find him singing on the hooks of crappy R&B songs.

So you think that Candy Shop, Just a Lil Bit, and Piggy Bank qualify as rap do you?

I have no idea why I like "I'm Supposed to Die tonight" so much though.
For someone who knows rap I'd think you could see quite clearly that Eminem has a very different style to 50 cent and until Eminem came it wasn't a style you ever heared (unless there was someone somewhere in a corner of the world that did it only a couple of people know of ect). And with the subjects in his raps, as I said, in general he doesn't, thats not to say he never has, sure theres raps where he has gone on about that stuff, but it's not in half as many of his tracks as 50 cent.

But how do you know when you dont own a 50 cent album? Another generalisation.

50 Cent as long realised that he makes alot more money when he makes more tunes that girls can dance to that ones about guns.

And what exactly is "Eminems Style" that ive never hear before. When it comes to lyrical conetent Tupac is the King. When it comes to flow Biggie smalls is arguably the master. When it comes to a certain swagger 50 cent does that the best. Best freestlyer and battler is cassidy. Funny rappers well sway and the mitchell bros are far better than eminem. Having bleach blond hair and holding your nuts on stage whilst killing people eminem is the one and only.
Having bleach blond hair and holding your nuts on stage whilst killing people eminem is the one and only.

He might not have peroxide blond hair
No, I don't own an Eminem album either, I've heared a lot of tracks from both of them, you don't have to like or own someones album to know what their tracks are like. As for his style, his tracks arn't the same crap as 50 cents crap, they're a different crap. Thats the best I can put it, a lot of rappers sound a like, I think 50 cent is one of them, I can recognise Eminems raps anytime, I still think they're crap though, not as crap as 50 cents.
So lawyers and judges and presidents and newspapers dont debate?
The definition of debate is NOT twisting other peoples words, ofcourse you get debates where words are twisted, but thats not a debate itself, it's an unfortunate state of afafirs that it happens so much.
The definition of debate is NOT twisting other peoples words, ofcourse you get debates where words are twisted, but thats not a debate itself, it's an unfortunate state of afafirs that it happens so much.

So if there are debates in which words get twisted this is a debate.
Because eminem has a whinny pasty voice? Tell me could you tell snoop dogs voice apart from every other rapper?
No, I don't like Snoop dog either, and yes I have heared a track or two of his. I just hate rap, it's not a style of music I enjoy listening to and Eminem is THE only rapper I can regognise by voice and music style alone.
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