Eminem: As bad as 50 cent

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Then there were evil geniuses. Hitler was a evil genius. Gotta give the man props for brainwashing a nation with his great speech writing technique.

No, he brainwashed a country by taking away all the education that taught against what he was provokating. Book burning bon-fires ring a bell?
Then there were evil geniuses. Hitler was a evil genius. Gotta give the man props for brainwashing a nation with his great speech writing technique.

Your an idiot.

Stop changing the subject and instead back up your opinion...
Hitler wasn't a genius, he failed. He didn't brainwash the nation either, he gave orders and the soldiers did their duty just like the British soldiers did what they were told to do and the Americans ect.

And agreed with Bee.
Yes but he had use his charisma to get into such a position of power in the first place.

That sounds like someone else...oh, wait. Could that be 50 Cent? Could it be that he fit what Dr Dre and Eminem were looking for in the next big star? No, that's not it. He's just a genius and we all know that genusis make millions of dollars just because they are so talented. :sly:

Sorry bud, but you haven't a leg to stand on so far in this discussion.
When did I say I actually liked Eminem to the extent that I would actually listen to him/buy his records? I just said he was the only guy to really present a new image/idea for what rap could be in the last few years. Doesn't make him a genius either. He was just at the right place at the right time IMO. 50 cent is NOT doing anything recognisably new for the genre. Its still pretty much traditional rap styling, traditional rap image etc... Nothing that unique IMO.

I'm not saying Eminem is even good, but he DID stand out from the others (even ignoring his skin tone) as a uniquely independent stylist in the genre.
I said the same thing about Eminem earleir, I don't like Eminem at all really but he was far more original than 50 cent and he created a spark in rap more than 50 cent, so that means he's a bigger genius than 50 cent.
And agreed with Bee.


Look Y_W, you are against a good 10 members, shouldn't it be time to just back down and start debating over something else?
most artists and bands that use the guitar dont do anything spectacular or new with it so your comment in unjustified.
Looks like you have no idea who Jimi Hendrix, Eddie Van Halen, or Tony Iommi are... and that's just for starters.

You know who else is a genius along with 50 cent, Dr.Dre, MJ and Santana.

R.kelly and madonna.
This thread keeps getting better and better! :lol:

If I were you, I'd take Bee's advice and just call it quits. No matter how much you like 50 Cent, he is not a genius. He makes generic hip hop, and his success is due to succesful marketing to the general public based on numerous factors (motsly Dr. Dre, who if anything is a brilliant businessman). Popularity does not equal talent. Popularity does not equal musical genius.
I'll just agree with everyone else who told YW to stop. 50 Cent is just your average mainstream rapper and would be nothing without Dr. Dre.
:rolleyes: I was just getting started. Just gonna wait abit longer and see if MrktMkr appears and then I'll drop down a fresh debate.

Hitler wasn't a genius, he failed. He didn't brainwash the nation either, he gave orders and the soldiers did their duty just like the British soldiers did what they were told to do and the Americans ect.

The man was a painter. Then skip a couple years after he somehow managed to be in charge of a country. I think you need a little bit of charisma and special talent to come out of nowhere to control one of the most powerful countries in the world .

Looks like you have no idea who Jimi Hendrix, Eddie Van Halen, or Tony Iommi are... and that's just for starters.

I said most ie 99% of the worlds population. I have already acknowleded Jimi hendrix Ive heard of van halen before but the last guy no idea who he is.

I dont listen to rock and dont klnow anyhting about it but I saw a blink 182 greatest hits advert and theyre rubbish.
The man was a painter. Then skip a couple years after he somehow managed to be in charge of a country. I think you need a little bit of charisma and special talent to come out of nowhere to control one of the most powerful countries in the world.
Again, thats not the definition of a genius, he was a painter, so what, he was still involved in politics a decade before he became in charge, it wasn't an overnight thing. He had the gift of the gab but that doesn't make you a genius, his Nazi regime failed. I get the feeling you dish out the term genius far too freely.
Alot of geniuses fail.

But anyhoo I Young Warrior admit my defeat in which after careful consideration of the term genius 50 cent isnt one. He is a very very good buisnessman but not a genius.

However I think many of us have learned quite abit about each other music and that generalisations are a very bad thing. I used to think that all grunge and rock music didnt need much talent especially grunge and that it was all about shouting and jumping up and down on the spot.

I have now learned that there is alot more talent involved in rock music and im sure many of you will know also see that although for 80% of the rap industry not vere rapper talks about money bling cars and girls. i hope you guys will also realise that there are some extremly intelligent men in the rap industry.

One thing I do contest though is that one genre requires more talent than the next or that one doesnt require any at all.

However that is a opinion for a different thread that we should discuss one day as Im sure everyone is probably a bit tired of music right now.
"buisiness man"

Hahaha. Ever heard of Agents, bud? 50 cent couldn't run a G-Unit Laundromat. I wouldn't doubt it if a lot of these rappers were in the drug-trade. I know a lot of assholes only use rap as a front to justify their drug money.

This topic is hilarious, indeed. Feeding the monster...
Hahaha. Ever heard of Agents, bud? 50 cent couldn't run a G-Unit Laundromat. I wouldn't doubt it if a lot of these rappers were in the drug-trade. I know a lot of assholes only use rap as a front to justify their drug money.


There is so much I could say about the credability of this statement but Im exhausted
"buisiness man"

Hahaha. Ever heard of Agents, bud? 50 cent couldn't run a G-Unit Laundromat. I wouldn't doubt it if a lot of these rappers were in the drug-trade. I know a lot of assholes only use rap as a front to justify their drug money.

This topic is hilarious, indeed. Feeding the monster...
Mate, no hard feelings but Y_W has conceedeed, theres no grace in ignoring that so the argument will continue.
Div is back
The expected life time of a roman was 22 years old. Caveman? right...

*Read first page*

That's pretty freaking far back there. Is that even true? That the expected lifetime was 22 years? Where's the research?

Still, even if it is true, it's astounding that we can go back THAT far in human history and still not get to the point where the expected lifetime of a human is less than 21 years old.

Congrats Div, on making my point.
It wasn't because of disease it was war, for anyone to be a Roman they had to spend a lenth of time in the army first, the army wasn't exactley doing nothing during Roman reign and as you can expect there would have been a lot of young men who died in service. Romans that survived until they could leave lived a lot longer.

Geographic variations in health within rich countries arc substantial. White men in the 10 "healthiest" counties in the United States have a life expectancy above 76.4 years. Black men in the 10 least healthy counties have a life expectancy of 61 years in Philadelphia, 60 in Baltimore and New York, and 57.9 in the District of Columbia.2 The 20-year gap in life expectancy between whites in the healthiest counties and blacks in the least healthy is as big as differences between countries at very different stages of economic development.

Does anyone NOT see the logical loophole in the above??

Anyway you can see that the numbers in the worst areas are around 60 years. Three times Young's claim.

Let's move on.
Not quite danoff. I said a black man will either be dead or be in jail by the time theyre 21.

Nearly half of the black men in america are incarcerated.

" And to further sadden that case, Black men amass 48 percent of the United States prison population-although they only make up 12 percent of the country's population.
With nearly half of our Black men incarcerated"


I think I may be right after all but I cant seem to find the exact figure the percentage of men that are dead or in jail by the ime theyre 21. But rest assured it is over 50%.
To bring it back to the original topic,

I personnaly thing 50 cent is a popular rap singer, period.

From my point of view, his music is rather repetitive and non-sensed.

He's commercial.
Ok, good to know. So we have to go back 2000+ years to find human life expectancies as low as Young claimed. Very nice.
He made this thread? ha ha...
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