Eminem: As bad as 50 cent

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American rapper 50 Cent broke a sales record last week, by having four songs in the Top 10 of the American Billboard chart simultaneously. Only the Beatles had previously managed this, back in 1964.

Candy Shop and Disco Inferno, are both from the album The Massacre, while Hate It or Love It, and How We Do are from Game, which were at #1, #5, #6 and #8, respectively.
Charts are meaningless as a judge of musical genius. If they were, then artists like Led Zeppelin, Rush, and Frank Zappa for instance would be worthless in terms of musical genius; they never had a number one hit. There are dozens of brilliant rock artists who never had much success on the charts.

This thread is actually comical. I honestly can't think of anything less relevant to life in general than Fiddy Cent.
This is quite easily the funniest thing I've read on GTP in ages. We needed a thread like this. :D
That's because your record label has to pay to get your single on the charts in the first place ...
This thread is actually comical. I honestly can't think of anything less relevant to life in general than Fiddy Cent.

You obviously don't reside in 'da hood' Duke ;)

If you don't drive a Masertati MC12, and take the piss out of people who can only afford Mini Drop-tops you obviously aren't where its at.
This lyrics itself is similiar to poetry. Shakespeare like in its meanings and the way its written (No not as in old english) This infact reminds me of macbeth and a little bit of romeo and juliet the scene where mercutio and tybalt fight and romeo finds out and seeks revenge.
This might border on comic genius, if Klostrophobic had written it. Unfortunately the author has no idea how funny it is.
Hehe, this thread is beyond an argument now and becoming so funny to read! That quote in Duke's post above it the funniest by far! :lol:
Charts are meaningless as a judge of musical genius. If they were, then artists like Led Zeppelin, Rush, and Frank Zappa for instance would be worthless in terms of musical genius; they never had a number one hit. There are dozens of brilliant rock artists who never had much success on the charts.

Or, on the other hand, The Spice Girls, who managed the most successive #1 records ever in the UK.
I see you have alot to learn about life yet little cricket.

You're hardly in a position to making more wild statements.

Most of the rap and hip hop songs you see on TV today has hardly got violence in it. Why? It doesnt particulary sell especially when females are the main costumers of hip hop and rap. Back in the 90's there was alot of violence in rap lyrics especially from the like of N.W.A. UK rap artists dont actually mention violence allot at all. I cant think of one mainstream UK rapper that does.

You are a disgrace, spell it 'a lot' or don't spell it at all.

What sort of costuming do the females do? And where's the proof for any of what you said? We have could arguments forever based on fiction. Backup what you have to say with facts.

As for poetry shall I post the typical gangsta homie lovin song. I would but I wont has it would probably get me banned.

Please post it up. Several times.

So you can contest 50 cent being a genius by mentioning nirvana?!!!!!? Surely you could have done allot better than that. There are plenty musical geniuses out yet nirvana is more of a geniuses because they didnt do glam rock and started off in a new genre and made it popular?

Please don't even begin to compare one of the greatest and most influential rock bands of recent years with 50 Cent.

50 cent did produce a market for himself that impressed DR.Dre and gave 50 cent finiancial backing to become a major player.

Unfortunately the author has no idea how funny it is.
Are you sure?? I think YW knows exactly what he is doing... but that's just my 50 cents
Celine Dion, Mariah Carrey, and Whitney Houston have each sold somewhere in the neighborhood of 150 million records. Yep, 150,000,000 each.

That certainly makes them "geniuses", right?
Touring Mars
Are you sure?? I think YW knows exactly what he is doing... but that's just my 50 cents
If he does, I will be impressed beyond my current level of impression.
Celine Dion, Mariah Carrey, and Whitney Houston have each sold somewhere in the neighborhood of 150 million records. Yep, 150,000,000 each.

That certainly makes them "geniuses", right?

Yes but that was just before the broadband age. Now thanks to broadband I dont know a single person around my age that actually pays for their music. I like 50 cent but not enough to pay for it and alot of people are like me.
I like 50 cent but not enough to pay for it and alot of people are like me.

Wha...? If he was the genius you say he is, you would go down to the shops and spend your money on his music. Only geniuses make people do that... :rolleyes:
YW, you have no idea about music. Sorry. Lyrics are hard to come up with regardless of musical genre. They have to flow, rhyme etc in nearly every genre to some extent, as well as having to actually be sung in pitch, to an interesting melody...

To play an instrument well (and come up with interesting hooks/riffs) takes a million times more hard work and talent than rap. I know, if you don't agree you simply haven't tried properly. Bugger all people can play guitar in a way I would consider "well". Even most of the guys playing in pubs/clubs I think are crap. Guitar is like most instruments: easy to pick up but damn hard to master. Try and play like Hendrix or Jeff Beck or Steve Vai etc and come back and tell me anyone can play guitar and get famous for it... What a ridiculous statement. Totally full of it. The level of musicianship required to play guitar well in a band is seriously in a different stratosphere than rapping some rhymes over a monotonal beat.
They why isnt the world filled with tupacs. As for guitarists you seem to have failed to mention arguably the greatest of them all along with henrdrix. Sanatana. Santana is another genius and like you say anyone can learn how to play the guitar but only a few can master it. Well its pretty much the same with rap. There are hundreads of rappers out there but ones we will propbably remeber in the future is Tupac Biggie Dr.Dre Eminem 50 cent and Jay Z. These men are quarenteed to be remembered. Frankly how many good guitarists are there? Not many most artists and bands that use the guitar dont do anything spectacular or new with it so your comment in unjustified.

Next you guys are gonna tell me its harder to learn how to play the flute than it is to master harmonisation like Boys II Men.
Honestly, I just can't believe YW posted this:

50 Cent
Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, but wisdom to know the difference

If you think 50 cent originated that thought, you are very sorely mistaken.

But yeah, this thread is a trip. I'm still trying to figure out how he's different from any other succesfull artist in music.

Oh, if his music isn't worth your money, then that pretty much tells us what you really think about him. If you really back something, you pay for it.

I still can't believe this thread is as long as it is in this short time. :lol:
Santana is another genius and like you say anyone can learn how to play the guitar but only a few can master it.
Santana sounds souless to me.
Honestly, I just can't believe YW posted this:

If you think 50 cent originated that thought, you are very sorely mistaken.

But yeah, this thread is a trip. I'm still trying to figure out how he's different from any other succesfull artist in music.

Oh, if his music isn't worth your money, then that pretty much tells us what you really think about him. If you really back something, you pay for it.

I still can't believe this thread is as long as it is in this short time. :lol:

Not really. Just because you back someone does mean you have to go out and spend your money on it. I dont benefit from his success and I dont know the man personally. I dont spend money on anything that wont benifit.

Many rich people were tight like me. Still are to this day.

Who came up with that thought originally swift?
Santana plays boring, predictable latin crap, with the same feel in everything he does and featuring an overly compressed, souless tone. Like he deserves a place with those I mentioned... no way mate. Looks like you need to listen to more guitarists than Santana... I NEVER JUST FORGET about certain players... I know them all very well and have studied all their styles closely... Santana is quite limited musically in what he does, he always has predictable note choice... overrated in my book anyhow.

My point is that bands that feature real musicans playing instruments that have taken a lifetime to master deserve a million times the recognition than any rapper, it simply takes more talent and brains to get it together... its unquestionably a bigger investment of time and intellect to pull off...

You want to talk about doing something genuinely NEW in their respective genres? No rap is NEW! Eminem is the only guy who shook it up a little lately, and only because of his whiteness and sense of humour (he actually had one).
Santana is another genius and like you say anyone can learn how to play the guitar but only a few can master it.

I'm a big guitar music fan and I play the guitar.... I like Santana a lot.

But Santana is also NOT a genius. It's like I said at the beginning of this thread, you're being quite liberal with the term.
You know who else is a genius along with 50 cent, Dr.Dre, MJ and Santana.

R.kelly and madonna. Although madonna has been a bit wacky the past couple of years and R.Kelly leads a morally questionable lifestyle theyre both still geniuses. Theyve been around for absoutely donkey years changing their images and persona to fit in with new generations.

And R.Kelly is one of the most talented song writers to grace the world. However his whole 2 stepping feel good songs I belive he just released so when the jury listen to it they wont think that he commited the crimes.
Maybe it would be a shorter list if you'd just put down the people you DON'T think are geniuses.

You're easily impressed.
Not really. Just because you back someone does mean you have to go out and spend your money on it. I dont benefit from his success and I dont know the man personally. I dont spend money on anything that wont benifit.

Many rich people were tight like me. Still are to this day.

Who came up with that thought originally swift?

Then you don't back him. If you did, you'd acutually buy his CD.

As far as who originally came up with that particular prayer, who knows?

Check here to see what I mean by "who knows"

But it was NOT 50 cent.

Maybe it would be a shorter list if you'd just put down the people you DON'T think are geniuses.

You're easily impressed.

You want to talk about doing something genuinely NEW in their respective genres? No rap is NEW! Eminem is the only guy who shook it up a little lately, and only because of his whiteness and sense of humour (he actually had one).

You actually liked that crap? :crazy:
At first it was a bit different and I brought his album but overall skill? Theres plentier witter and funnier rappers out there.

But maybe race does play a greater role.....

But seeing as you like wityness check out a rapper called Sway and the Mitchel Brothers. Now theyre funny.
Then there were evil geniuses. Hitler was a evil genius. Gotta give the man props for brainwashing a nation with his great speech writing technique.
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