Eminem: As bad as 50 cent

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No one really knew him here until after he was shot.
He had one semi-popular single joking about robbing celebrities ... got shot ... got dropped from his record label and not having the financial backing to release his second album and therefore started releasing mixtapes dropping them off to record stores around the country using the money he made from drugs. ...His mixtapes then became highly popular and Dr.Dre signed him

Just finishing off 50 cents life summary for you.
No one really knew him here until after he was shot.
So the media would like you to think. People over here didnt hear off him till he dropped in da club and the media filled us in about him getting shot up. They gave us that news because by then he was already hugely popular in the states and they knew he was gonan be big so the media gave us his kinda life story in which they liekd to mention he got shot a couple of times alot.

You've jus let people suck you in by taking their bait, the debate was if 50 cent is a genius or not.

I contest that.
Yeah but stewi hacked and slashed to seperate parts and put them together. Plus thats the dited clean version. The real version in which they dont have to go out their way to fill the gaps doesnt have that in it.

Be easy, start some bull****, you get your whole crew wet
We in the club doin' the same old two-step
Guerilla Unit cuz they say we bugged out
'Cause we don't go nowhere without toast, we thugged out
We in the club doing the same old two-step
Guerilla Unit cause they say we bugged out
cause we don't go nowhere without toast

How's that "hacking and slashing separate parts" exactly ?
How's that "hacking and slashing separate parts" exactly ?

Yeah I dont understand ethier, I even listened to the song and thats what he says. I guess thats the "clean version" but ethier way he still says it.
So the media would like you to think. People over here didnt hear off him till he dropped in da club and the media filled us in about him getting shot up. They gave us that news because by then he was already hugely popular in the states and they knew he was gonan be big so the media gave us his kinda life story in which they liekd to mention he got shot a couple of times alot.
No because I was here, and no one really knew him here. I know that because I was here. As for the states, he was average in the US at that time. I know a few Americans who could back that up.

And yes, by responding to people insulting hip hop, you were taking bait that was dragging you away from the original debate at hand, and hey, you've beem going round in circles since so I guess the bait worked wonders.
I see you have alot to learn about life yet little cricket. Most of the rap and hip hop songs you see on TV today has hardly got violence in it. Why? It doesnt particulary sell especially when females are the main costumers of hip hop and rap. Back in the 90's there was alot of violence in rap lyrics especially from the like of N.W.A. UK rap artists dont actually mention violence allot at all. I cant think of one mainstream UK rapper that does.
Like I said before, why is GTA one of the most popular games?

Violence sells.

It doesn't just have to be hip hop. Rock, rap, metal, whatever - I'm sure they've all had #1 hits with violence as the main theme.

As for poetry shall I post the typical gangsta homie lovin song. I would but I wont has it would probably get me banned.
"Ni**a for you, I kill a whole God damn crew (Why?)
'Cause I know you'd do the same thing too...haha
I ride, you ride for me, my enemies your enemies
How could you not love a Thug like me?"

Sounds like homie lovin' to me. Typical or not, its still far from poetry.

So you can contest 50 cent being a genius by mentioning nirvana?!!!!!? Surely you could have done allot better than that. There are plenty musical geniuses out yet nirvana is more of a geniuses because they didnt do glam rock and started off in a new genre and made it popular?
And how many modern rock bands today are highly influenced by the Seattle grunge movement of bands like Nirvana, Pearl Jam and Soundgarden? They proved to be a major stepping stone in the evolution of music.

Fine, we'll go back even further. Black Sabbath. One day a bunch of college kids decided to start a band and would play music heavier than conventional music at the time. It was quickly dubbed "metal". Any metal band (and a lot of rock bands) you listen to nowadays are influenced by Black Sabbath in one way or another. Geniuses.

Now, what is 50 Cent doing? Before 50 Cent came on the scene, what did we have? The same as what we have now that 50 Cent is on the scene. 50 Cent is just copying what made other rappers successful (and using Dr. Dre to expose him) and making lots of money. Hardly a genius.

50 cent did produce a market for himself that impressed DR.Dre and gave 50 cent finiancial backing to become a major player.
To impress Dr. Dre he dropped a few mixtapes around at a few record stores. Hardly marketting. I didn't see him independly releasing his albums and promoting them himself. I could throw together a crap song with a few of my friends, record it, drop it off at a record store and that would be that same marketting as what he used to get the attention of Dre.

Hey, maybe some big famous producer will come and produce that song, market me and make me rich!
I still don't get this "highly popular mixtapes" from ... Out of everyone I know, only myself and one other person were actually listening to them ... and they weren't that great, either ... several dope songs, several hilarious skits (mostly dissing Ja Rule), and a bunch of filler, IMO ...
No because I was here, and no one really knew him here. I know that because I was here. As for the states, he was average in the US at that time. I know a few Americans who could back that up.

And yes, by responding to people insulting hip hop, you were taking bait that was dragging you away from the original debate at hand, and hey, you've beem going round in circles since so I guess the bait worked wonders.

Not quiet. We get most songs about a month to two months after the americans depending on the artist and the popularity of the song but usually americans get evrything before us for about a month. i go to www.billboard.com to see whats being released in america so I can be playing all the latest songs before I hear every little kid singing them at which point I will have moved on.

Also we dont get mixtapes from the US unless you go to rare specialist stores. 50 cent was big in america atleast a good 2 months before they started playing in the club ub the UK.
I still don't get this "highly popular mixtapes" from ... Out of everyone I know, only myself and one other person were actually listening to them ... and they weren't that great, either ... several dope songs, several hilarious skits (mostly dissing Ja Rule), and a bunch of filler, IMO ...

You live in canada.... We dont listen to mixtapes over in the UK neither. Its mainly a black thing.
You live in canada.... We dont listen to mixtapes over in the UK neither. Its mainly a black thing.
So ... they weren't popular here ... and they weren't popular there ... So, how do you figure they were "highly popular ?"
Also we dont get mixtapes from the US unless you go to rare specialist stores. 50 cent was big in america atleast a good 2 months before they started playing in the club ub the UK.
Which was still well after he got shot, thank you for agreeing with me.
So ... they weren't popular here ... and they weren't popular there ... So, how do you figure they were "highly popular ?"

They were popular there. Prove me wrong that they werent popular. I have my hands full so im not gonan go out and show you that your wrong.

Because that is the main reason for eminem and Dr.Dre to sign him. Please dont make me go out and dig up the qoute. Eminem one day asaid on radio im really liking 50 cent what hes doing with the mixtapes and so I wanan sign him. Then several other record companies tried to sign him too.

Some of the tracks on 50 cents get rich or die trying album where originally relesed on mixtape and they were so popular that it led 50 cent to shooting videos for some of the tracks from his mixtape.
Listen to dr.dre's beats. He uses the keyboard alot to produce the hooks of his beats. He hasnt had any education at all so shouldnt that put him above the likes who have been to music school?
Look at the UK garage scene. Kids my age making beats in their bedroom spitting some lyrics over it and putting it on TV. I can say they are far from genius but if you keep working at your desired trade you will get better at it and these kids are actually selling records and have mass followings.

Dr Dre jacks a lot of his melodies from existing songs. He can play some instruments though, before he did hiphop (looong ago) he was in a disco group. That was even before World class wreckin crew or NWA.
They were popular there. Prove me wrong that they werent popular. I have my hands full so im not gonan go out and show you that your wrong.
You just said that you don't listen to mixtapes in the UK ... If people aren't listening to them, they can't be popular ...
Because that is the main reason for eminem and Dr.Dre to sign him. Please dont make me go out and dig up the qoute. Eminem one day asaid on radio im really liking 50 cent what hes doing with the mixtapes and so I wanan sign him. Then several other record companies tried to sign him too.
He heard some stuff he liked ... completely different from popularity ... I like a lot of stuff that isn't popular ...
Some of the tracks on 50 cents get rich or die trying album where originally relesed on mixtape and they were so popular that it led 50 cent to shooting videos for some of the tracks from his mixtape.
Why do you talk to me like I don't have the mixtapes sitting in one of my many binders of CDs ? Like I said, he had several dope songs ... but most of it was crap ...
They were popular there. Prove me wrong that they werent popular.
They, is 50 cent more than one person? I can prove you wrong, in 1999 he had a single hit record, that was How to rob and it was a hit in the US and pretty much nowhere else, a single record. He started his debut album power of the dollar but then he got shot in 2000 and the album wasn't released, and that's 50 cent before the shooting, real popular sure.
They, is 50 cent more than one person? I can prove you wrong, in 1999 he had a single hit record, that was How to rob and it was a hit in the US and pretty much nowhere else, a single record. He started his debut album power of the dollar but then he got shot in 2000 and the album wasn't released, and that's 50 cent before the shooting, real popular sure.
Yeah and now carry on after 2000. That was when he really got popular.
You just said that you don't listen to mixtapes in the UK ... If people aren't listening to them, they can't be popular ...


Most people in the UK didnt even know what a mixtape was. Most people in the UK dont know what a corvette is either but that doesnt mean its not popular.
We do get them now though. Only 50 cent ones at that however. MMMM rather amusing that.
Yeah and he was shot in 2000, confirming everything I said about his popularity increase.
Yeah and he was shot in 2000, confirming everything I said about his popularity increase.

Yeah he was shot in 2000. Yet most people in the UK didnt hear about him until 2002.

Look at the rapper cassidy. Hes going down for double murder. Hell thats better than gettng shot yet why isnt he super famous.?



Even in these short video clips hes showing traits of pure genius.

My dad hates him but even he has to admit that there mans a good buisness man humble and not another one of those stupid rappers.

I dont know why this isnt working :indiff: fixed :dopey:



No, being shot 9 times and surviving will make you a lot more poular that murdering 2 people. If you tend to lean more towards murderer's then fine by me, but the general public deosn't.
EDIT: Nevermind you've spotted it.
No, being shot 9 times and surviving will make you a lot more poular that murdering 2 people. If you tend to lean more towards murderer's then fine by me, but the general public deosn't.

Well I assumed by the way you guys talk rap music is all about shooting "n1ggahs" money hoes and respect. And cassidy is proven to be a little murderer
...i think some here has a little crush on old 'Fiddy' :sly:

The only person that i know of that has difficulty stringing a sentence together, but can still be considered a genius is Prof Stevie Hawkins.

50 cent has nothing of interest to say, his lyrics are unintelligent, misogynistic and largely negative in sentiment. He's a bad role-model to any 14 year old, which is probably the main demographic of his record sales. Glamourising the 'gangsta' lifestyle the way he does is hugely irresponsible and frankly old-hat.

Rap accounts for 20% of all record sales in the US - the fact that the more mainstream artists like 50 Cent are earning huge amounts of money hardly makes it the act of a genius.
Wasnt there some kind of famous genius mute aswell? Oh and yes I do quite like him :embarrassed:

American rapper 50 Cent broke a sales record last week, by having four songs in the Top 10 of the American Billboard chart simultaneously. Only the Beatles had previously managed this, back in 1964.

Candy Shop and Disco Inferno, are both from the album The Massacre, while Hate It or Love It, and How We Do are from Game, which were at #1, #5, #6 and #8, respectively.
Wrong wrong wrong wrong...

He had the song wanksta on one of his mixtapes which he consequently released on TV.

Wanksta didn't get him much popularity ... Peaked at #25 on Billboard's Top 40 ...
This thread is actually comical. I honestly can't think of anything less relevant to life in general than Fiddy Cent.
The mind of a buisnessman....

Budden's line comes in the context of "Dumb Out," a staggering seven-minute mixtape rant. Budden is pissed that no one seems to know what label he's even on, that no plans seem to be in place to put out any of his music, that his career is maybe over after his first album sold badly. He's bitter that a guy who showed great promise but didn't sell too many albums the first time out wouldn't get a second chance, as he should be. But Budden's line takes on a larger significance with this morning's news that 50 Cent has defended George W. Bush against Kanye West's criticism, telling Contactmusic.com, "The New Orleans disaster was meant to happen. It was an act of God ... What Kanye West was saying, I don't know where that came from."

50 Cent is a smart guy, and he knows exactly why Kanye said what he said. He almost certainly knows that money was diverted from the construction of levees in New Orleans, that the toady Bush installed to run FEMA proved to be woefully incompetent. So why is 50 defending Bush against another rapper? Is he turning Republican?

Now that rap is big business, now that Jay-Z can buy shares of basketball and soccer teams and appear on the cover of Fortune, now that successful rappers are basically expected to become business moguls, doesn't it make sense that rappers would take on corporate politics as they enter the corporate world? If 50 Cent loves his money as much as Kenneth Lay does, doesn't it make sense that he'd hate paying taxes just as much? 50 may have been poor, but is that any indication that he wouldn't become Republican after getting rich? He wouldn't be the first to do so.

Or is it a publicity stunt? Eazy E once attended a Republican fundraiser luncheon, explaining that the $2500 he spent on the luncheon bought him a million dollars' worth of publicity, that he didn't even vote. With 50's movie about to open and his video game about to hit stores, he's in the midst of a huge publicity push? Why wouldn't he say something to get the exurban white public on his side? If it makes him money, why should he give a ****?
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