Engine Swap / Drivetrain Swap

  • Thread starter Brainhulk

Should engine/drivetrain swaps be in included in GT55?

  • include both engine and drivetrain swaps

    Votes: 406 61.8%
  • engine swap only

    Votes: 89 13.5%
  • drivetrain swap only

    Votes: 7 1.1%
  • Neither, just release the game already

    Votes: 52 7.9%
  • I don't want engine or drivetrain swaps at all, they do not belong in Gran Turismo series heritage a

    Votes: 103 15.7%

  • Total voters
I think it should be implemented and be limited to inner manufacturer swaps I.e. gm to gm, chrysler to chrysler. but bear in mind with enough money any car can be made into anything.
case in point:
I think it should be implemented and be limited to inner manufacturer swaps I.e. gm to gm, chrysler to chrysler. but bear in mind with enough money any car can be made into anything.
case in point:

I agree. I hope chassis swap and engine swap should be in GT6 if there's no chance PD implementing our wish list.
I think it should be implemented and be limited to inner manufacturer swaps I.e. gm to gm, chrysler to chrysler. but bear in mind with enough money any car can be made into anything.
case in point:

Perhaps I'm the only one, but a game that looks like that (the picture, that is) is not a game that I would be interested in.

Modifications are fun, but there need to be some serious limits to them. Not because certain things are not possible in real life, but because Gran Turismo (in my opinion) needs to retain a serious tone. If things go goofy it's not Gran Turismo anymore.
I'm just tired of getting kicked from drift lobbys, because one of my favorite drift cars is the Skyline R32, and whenever I use it, I get yelled at by all the drift snobs that think FR is the only way you can really drift, and I hate how the ford focus has FF and whenever I try rally racing with it, I practically have to come to a crawl just to turn corners.
I'm just tired of getting kicked from drift lobbys, because one of my favorite drift cars is the Skyline R32, and whenever I use it, I get yelled at by all the drift snobs that think FR is the only way you can really drift, and I hate how the ford focus has FF and whenever I try rally racing with it, I practically have to come to a crawl just to turn corners.

And that has to do with this thread, how?

God, this 4WD drifting BS has been discussed enough already. :ouch:

If they don't like you drifting 4WD, then don't drift 4WD. If you still want to drift 4WD, then don't drift with them.

Simple solution. 👍

Sorry, I just want to bite someone's head off whenever I hear this FR/4WD drifting crap.
A V12 Supra RZ to replicate the Top Secret Supra.
The only V12 with over 1000HP is from the TVR Speed 12, so I guess you can swap that in. :sly:
Gran Turismo (in my opinion) needs to retain a serious tone. If things go goofy it's not Gran Turismo anymore.

You can keep things as serious as you want by avoiding whatever you don't like.

As long as the physics are accurate, a monster Smart is as serious as a F1 car.

It's true. People take F1 far too seriously, in my opinion. Elitism, through its close-mindedness, kills diversity and, ultimately, fun.

Like I keep saying, treat it the same as you would custom liveries and half the issues just go away.

This is all moot anyway, because any system that appears (should it appear) in a GT game will likely be considered too constrained by most people. But adding more freedom, and the ability to control that freedom for your own tastes, is never a bad thing.
I'm more interested in a drivetrain swap than engine swaps. However only for AWD cars being able to switch RWD or FWD.

Wouldn't even be too hard to add into the game, considering we can do 10/90 already, just let us do 0/100.
I would like to see a smart car in GT so we could possibly swap the GSXR4 motor(Hayabusa equivalent) Into it and have a smart car that out runs Enzo's
I would like to see a smart car in GT so we could possibly swap the GSXR4 motor(Hayabusa equivalent) Into it and have a smart car that out runs Enzo's

Would love the old Mini with a GSX-R engine and MR or FR! It's pretty popular in real life 👍
Half a page of posts deleted: GTP isn't your personal chat room, don't treat random threads as such. We have Visitor Messages for a reason, guys 👍
why?? there are plenty of engine swap projects out there which feature different make of engines going into different make of cars. hell theres a whole community of folk who have put vauxhall, suzuki and honda engines into the rover mini.

iam currently helping a friend put a ca18det engine into a early golf gti.

cross make engine swaps have been part of the tuning world from about 10 minutes after the first cars rolled out.

yes there should be limitations based on the size of the engine bay compared to the size of the engine and the cost of swapping out should rise massively the more advanced then engine is and the tighter fit it would be too go in but a lot of things are achievable.

Yes I agree. Too make the game FUN. Sometimes I get the urge to put a V-8 in a miata. Or just swap 1.6l to 1.8l. I mean you can do that in real life. Just an idea!
engine swap but only of the same company: honda = honda, gm = gm, vw = vw ... you get the point ;)

Yeah basically what he said^

However if there were AWD versions of a car, or an engine to convert the car to AWD then it would/could be allowed. Otherwise no FWD to RWD, and if something is AWD the ability to disable the front.

These statements sound familiar.
I just thought of something.

Why don't we swap the V8 out of the Toyota GT-ONE TS020 and put a better sounding V8 in it and increase the power to the original TS020 power.