Engine Swaps in Gran Turismo 7? New Screenshots Raise New Questions

  • Thread starter Famine
At least it's not like, you'd have to use the engine right away on your current car after you earned it such as, you use a compartible car you have to change its engine right away or the engine disappears, or that you use a non-compartible car and the engine disappears as you can't use it.

The engine can be stored and used anytime.
Absurd way to lock up a hugely desirable feature. So if you want to swap the LS1 into four different cars you've got to get lucky that firstly that specific engine even appears in a roulette and secondly that you actually win it four times, neither of which seem particularly likely odds.

Why do PD persist with silly ideas that bring down otherwise good ideas.
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I hate how they locked engine swaps behind the terrible star roulette system. Most of my 3-Star roulettes have been 5,000 credits, so the odds of getting an engine swap is extremely low. I mean on the bright side, we do have actual engine swaps rather then having special versions/variations of vehicles like Jay Leno's Oldsmobile from GT6.
Why should i swap engines? Dont get the sense of that.
I was expecting a bad take when I saw your name as most-recent poster, but this wasn't the one I was expecting at all.

There are myriad reasons to swap engines - more power, more torque, better torque curve, better weight distribution, more tuneability, better sound, just "because"... I mean, take your pick.
Bit annoying it's behind the Gatcha roulette spins, hopefully in the future they will see the feedback and just add it directly to the extreme sections of turning or GT Auto and allow purchases there. It's interesting as well because you can win it seems any kind of part for a car. I got a titanium exhaust for the 2017 alpine that I can use when I get it.

I also got really lucky on a 2 star spin and got the performance pre tuned 350z or 370z I can't remember with the pre applied kits and vinyls, looks neat, was very surprised it landed on that.

But yeah in short I hope we can just buy them from the tuning shop in the future.
Haven't yet got a ps5 or GT7, but cant help repeatedly checking the sub-forums to understand whats going on with the engine swaps.

Genuinely dont know how i feel about the way they are acquired & that they can’t just be installed on demand. I’m on the fence.

I feel like PD could be creating a hype around them before making them available through micro transactions….. time will tell
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I was thinking, yeah it sucks you can’t just do whatever you want whenever you want with regards to engine swaps.

However, I really love playing these games online and seeing an engine swapped car in an online lobby is going to be much more of a special occasion. It’s not going to be like Forza where every car in the lobby is an LS-swapped Lotus or something, actually finding the cars and trying to figure out what swap it is without knowing all the details is going to be pretty neat.
Why should i swap engines? Dont get the sense of that.

A Golf that has a F40 engine. FOR WHAT ?
You would swap a 1.8T or 20TSI engine from a newer golf into a Mk1 golf gti. It doesn't add weight since it's still a 1.8L block but now you have an engine with a much higher power ceiling. Putting a v12 into a tiny car gives you power but you lose handling and weight balance. I hope engine swaps take that into account. A VR6 into a Mk1/mk2 has been done tons of times but it makes it so nose heavy.
I love this mechanic.
I love that swaps will be very rare to see.
Oh well.
Different Strokes.
Mee too! They are pretty uncommon in real life so matching that in game makes a bit of sense (I guess?!), but yeah it will be awesome to see the odd engine swap car online as you know just how rare they are!
Just bagged the 5.0L Coyote Mustang engine. I currently have no compatible cars though.
