F1 2010F1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter MS7XWDC
Brilliant Sutil interview, he knows what he's talking about. The damage looks very promising as well, always know to trust Codemasters in that respect!
I have to say, after playing rfactor with the F1 2010 mod, it's made me a bit less interested. I was planning to pre-order this before GT5, because I want to get involved in the F1 2010 championship asap, but i've been a bit turned off.
VirtulalR embedded a great videos showing a lot of info on how the game works as a whole from a Gamescom F1 2010 conference. And we get to see the helmets we get to use, although they are the same from F1:CE in the terms of that they are from different nationalities (and there isn't the helmet I use in F1:CE). There are also a few single colored one and the helmet of Ant Davidson as a, reward for his help with the team.
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I have to say, after playing rfactor with the F1 2010 mod, it's made me a bit less interested. I was planning to pre-order this before GT5, because I want to get involved in the F1 2010 championship asap, but i've been a bit turned off.
F1 2010 mod for rFactor? Where, what, when, how? :confused:

EDIT: found it.
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Shame this game won't have a safety car. It was one thing I wish was in F1:CE, so that when there's a big crash on track, and you're involved, you can get back to the pits and grab a new nose and be back with the pack. Also, what F1:CE didn't do was when you got damaged early in the race, it wouldn't change your strategy so you could probably go the rest of the race, and not lose out so much.
Shame this game won't have a safety car. It was one thing I wish was in F1:CE, so that when there's a big crash on track, and you're involved, you can get back to the pits and grab a new nose and be back with the pack. Also, what F1:CE didn't do was when you got damaged early in the race, it wouldn't change your strategy so you could probably go the rest of the race, and not lose out so much.

Well the safety car would get old really quickly, a lot like the parade lap feature did in F1:CE. It was dismissed because it really wouldn't add any more value to the gameplay, and I can well believe it. It'd end up being a pain in the arse for people wanting to whoosh through a race but with simulation settings.
The parade lap in CE is terrible, but not as bad as the AI. I don't think it's bad, I think it's just bugged to hell. The amount of times I swear the AI cars doesn't know my car exists is so frustrating. I expect Codies to be good with this, their AI always tends to be good. I've recently gotten in to CE again, but the AI cars are making me want to put it down again.
This is a good write up that an F1 fan made of his time at Gamescom:


I found these tidbits encouraging about the handling:

I noticed that with all aids off I could drive the car pretty well. It drove like an updated F1 Championship Edition with more emphasis on getting good traction out of the corners. Because push the throttle a little too hard and you’re sure to spin

I liked the handling in F1 CE but this was a pretty key failing of it - as soon as the car was straightened out you could floor it almost every time.

Another quote, this time about about free practice:

So I went out in P1, in my Ferrari, and was the first car to tackle the asphalt. With every assist off and a solid Microsoft steering wheel in front of me, with low quality pedals, it became a very enjoyable experience. On my first lap I noticed the car sliding and how unstable it was under braking and accelerating. It was very hard to push and I decided to use it as an in-lap to get heat in the tyres. Unfortunately I can’t hide the fact that I spun once when applying throttle just a bit too hard.
My second lap went better. The tyres were warm and a little voice inside my head convinced me that the track gained grip every time I crossed the finish line.
At the end of my first run I went in and noticed that out of the 8 allocated, 1 was slightly worn. The game counts the tyres you use and allows you to go out on worn-out tyres, really awesome!

And finally:

And like that my F1 2010 experience was over. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it, especially because the handling was so good. It felt like an updated F1 CE, which is a good thing. The cars understeer more than they did in F1 09 for the Wii, and I honestly felt where the grip was and where it wasn’t. And some of the curbs were ride-able but not all of them! These are aspects that give me the impression that this game is somewhat doing a good job of representing the difficulties and experience of F1. Handling wise it’s more forgiving than the likes of rFactor but who says which one is more realistic?
Bottom line is this: F1 2010 has close to the whole package. It has the sound, it has the graphics and I enjoyed the racing very much. I could feel what happened to the car and found myself coping with everything off on hard. But then again I’m used to the likes of GTR2, rFactor and back in the days GP4. I’d say that I’m an enthusiast with a capital E. And this enthusiast is definitely buying F1 2010 as soon as possible.

The biggest question mark for me over this game was what the handling would be like. Since I am a big fan of F1:CE, this review fills me with confidence. I'd say those who weren't so keen on F1:CE's handling and were expecting more PC levels of simulation might be a little disappointed, but it seems pretty clear that it is at least a big departure from the gamey handling of Dirt and frankly abysmal handing of Grid.
Nice. Especially his overtake on the Lotus, the AI knows he's there and gives room. F1:CE's AI would keep going and lock wheels with you, spinning you.

But the penalty system will be a real bother. I had F1 2009, which uses the same penalty, and it will give you a time penalty for almost any contact whatsoever. I had to turn it on the less strict setting to be able to do a 8 lap race without getting penalized all the time :crazy:
Encouraging review. I disagree that the AI in F1CE "gets in the way". In fact the one criticism I would make of F1CE is that the AI doesn't fight hard enough for position & actually (unrealistically) gets out of your way.

I think it's a bit hard to judge the penalties - the guy driving obviously is driving in the game for the first time, & in a noisy & distracting environment, & is (understandably) driving a bit erratically.
How so? It's clearly there to stop players from simply muscling their way through the field.

True, but that penalty system gave the guy a 10 second penalty for such small contact which wasn't even his fault. I think that damage will prevent players from muscling their way through the field anyway, if they have it on.
How so? It's clearly there to stop players from simply muscling their way through the field.
I like the idea, but the game seems a bit willing to dish out a penalty for any contact made, even between cars you're not driving.
Even that may be better than F1:CE's penalty system. Getting a 8 second penalty that slows you down incredibly for hardly going over the rumble strips. Seriously, there is something called the "at least 2 wheels on the track at once" rule. The game will dish out a 18 second penalty for some corners for barely going over it.
I like the idea, but the game seems a bit willing to dish out a penalty for any contact made, even between cars you're not driving.
Just so long as the collision detection is better than GT4's. Sometimes, you could be hit by the enemy and be the one to suffer for it; it happens countless times on Citta di Aria reverse. And a penalty for light contact is understandable, since heavy contact will result in damage.

I didn't see the game giving a penalty for two other cars colliding, though.
Just so long as the collision detection is better than GT4's. Sometimes, you could be hit by the enemy and be the one to suffer for it; it happens countless times on Citta di Aria reverse. And a penalty for light contact is understandable, since heavy contact will result in damage.

I didn't see the game giving a penalty for two other cars colliding, though.
Watch at the 1:02 mark. He's nowhere near the car in front of him, yet a penalty comes up that says, "Caused Collision" b/c the car that tried to take him on the right came & hit the car that was behind Kubica.
Sorry, but I'm not seeing it. From the looks of things, he got the penalty for hitting the car alongside him. In the moments before the penalty was given, there was definately a car - Buemi - coming up around him; it's likely they made contact. I have no idea how you can tell that two cars behind "Kubica" collided and caused him to get a penalty. Especially since there's no rear camera. And even if he did get a penalty for causing that collision, it would probably be because he gave them no where to go but into each other.
I haven't watched these videos yet because it's blocked at work but I'm going to share the links:



Fantastic videos đź‘Ť

The wet weather racing really does just look so atmospheric and intense. If anything I think the cars should be kicking up more spray, but other than that they are breathtaking. In that first video of Monaco, notice the crazy oversteer moment he has at around the 3:00 mark? Hard to tell if this is just oversteer or if he's being tagged from behind, but he's banging off the rev limiter which makes me think (and hope) it's oversteer. The handling looks very nice IMO.
That video reminds me, I hope other cars are subject to accidents and mechanical failures too, it was quite satisfying in F1:CE to be in second place with no hope of catching the leader, only to find they've acquainted themselves with the wall a few turns ahead, sailing past with a smug expression.
This is the most impressive video i've seen yet - the handling looks fun and natural, the steering looks fluid and lifelike and the track itself looks like a carbon-copy of the real thing. I'm well impressed by this:

Funny you should say that, because the handling in that particular video looks way too forgiving - it looks to me that the driver is over-steering too much & getting away with it. On the other hand, there could be some assists on.

Visually, the game appears almost the exact opposite of F1CE, which tended towards bright, saturated colours & sharp contrasts, where F1 2010 exhibits a kind of "murky realism" seen in other Codemasters games.
it looks too arcade and if it's like an updated f1 CE.. weel it's still arcade. Not gonna buy this withput a demo, i got bored with arcade games, i've already made a mistake buying nfs shift.