F1 201X - Updates & News DiscussionF1 2010-2016 

I hope that that's not legendary mode, because it would be pretty easy, he plays with a joypad and he's on second place.
Hey sandman.... You're a Kimi fan? I know I am, totally into all that iceman thing :) anyway, congratulations on the 3000 post :)

Peace out!
Codies have already said Legend mode is not in the demo.

Looking forward to cracking on it tomorrow. Shame I have to wait 2 weeks before using a wheel with it.
From some of the videos I've seen, the YDT looks quite dull. I hope when the full game is released I can skip it.
Getting pretty exited for this game. I have F1 2010 on the PS3 and still play it a lot. I skipped F1 2011, but I am probably getting this one on day one.
Not liking the Force feedback back on my fanatec.

The two previous games were quite good with FF until the patches which changed the FF for no reason.

The graphics are great. 👍

Of course they are. Codemasters figured it out since 2011 for the XBOX. Lol

The test will be to see how the demo fairs graphically tomorrow for the PS3 :-)

It seems so floaty though. The tracks are perfectly flat and curbs seem to be a colored extension of the flat track... even outside the curbs
Haven't played the demo, so I can't comment, but the kerbs and tracks in 2010/2011 were sufficiently bumpy.