F1 201X - Updates & News DiscussionF1 2010-2016 

Going way back now, F1 World Grand Prix (or was it WGP II?) on Nintendo 64 had a circuit looping through a volcano as an extra!

That track would be awesome in HD.

If i remember correctly there was a bonus track in a Roman colliseum in one installment, Anyone remember this?:)

Anyway regarding F12012, After F12011's PS3 debacle im hungry for some decent F1 action, Codies......please dont dissapoint. I dont even want anything particularly special, Just playable will do.
F1 2011 was infinitely playable. I really don't understand how anyone can think otherwise.
F1 2011? Debacle?

Having just put the Williams on pole (OK OK, so it was only on hard mode!) at Monaco (which if you believe the internet hysteria, is undriveable in the PS3 version) I must strongly disagree.

FYI - From Dictionary.com

   [dey-bah-kuhl, -bak-uhl, duh-]
a general breakup or dispersion; sudden downfall or rout: The revolution ended in a debacle.
a complete collapse or failure.
F1 2011 was infinitely playable. I really don't understand how anyone can think otherwise.

What the fact that your career might corrupt at anytime, Is a good feature to have in the game was it? This and the fact it was a terrible port was the nail in its coffin.

F1 2011? Debacle?

Having just put the Williams on pole (OK OK, so it was only on hard mode!) at Monaco (which if you believe the internet hysteria, is undriveable in the PS3 version) I must strongly disagree.

FYI - From Dictionary.com

Yeah i'd go along with dictionary.com and call it a failure.
What the fact that your career might corrupt at anytime, Is a good feature to have in the game was it? This and the fact it was a terrible port was the nail in its coffin.

I haven't had any problems with it. It seems to be a sad reflection of the modern gamer. And if you want to talk about bad ports, go back twenty years and see if you still have reason to complain.
I haven't had any problems with it. It seems to be a sad reflection of the modern gamer. An if you want to talk about bad ports, go back twenty years and see if you still have reason to complain.

Im not complaining, Its just my humble opinion on a truly horrific game. Also its not just me who thinks this game was a load of garbage, There millions of others who feel the same way about it as you probably know. And your "go back 20 years" comment?...........Thats no justification for the awfulness of this game, that i stress (as hard as it is to believe) was released in 2011

And just because you havnt experienced that particular problem, no one else has?

Its a well documented problem (along with many others).

Sad reflection on the modern gamer........Is that the smartest insult you came up with?.
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F1 fan
F1 2011 was infinitely playable. I really don't understand how anyone can think otherwise.

Agreed. I put a Williams at pole at Monaco with a 1:09.0xx in my career mode a couple weeks back, on a PS3. The frame rate drops a bit, but it's definately playable, might mess up my focus slightly, but not a big deal.

There are occasional glitches in this game, but I've never had any corruptions or anything like that. I think that it is very rare, and I'm sure it could happen with any game/digital file. I heard it was really bad pre patch in F1 2010, but since then I thought it was extremely rare.
Well quite frankly, the way you choose to describe a perfectly playable game as "horrific" is frankly over the top. I am aware that it is not a perfect game, but people nowadays are just far too picky. There are no game ruining bugs. Just people who whine and moan about insignificant things. You should look at some of the piss poor ports from twenty years ago that were unloaded on unsuspecting console gamers before you complain. Nowadays you have the Internet to research games before you buy them. Buyer beware.

If there were truly "millions" of gamers suffering from a "horrific" game, surely you would have had some advance warning.
Well quite frankly, the way you choose to describe a perfectly playable game as "horrific" is frankly over the top. I am aware that it is not a perfect game, but people nowadays are just far too picky. There are no game ruining bugs. Just people who whine and moan about insignificant things. You should look at some of the piss poor ports from twenty years ago that were unloaded on unsuspecting console gamers before you complain. Nowadays you have the Internet to research games before you buy them. Buyer beware.

If there were truly "millions" of gamers suffering from a "horrific" game, surely you would have had some advance warning.

Well the fact that you clearly only think your opinion matters, and nobody other than yourself can express opinion, Is a how do you put it?........"A reflection of the modern gamer".

Yes maybe my descriptions were a little harsh, But i still feel it was one of the biggest letdowns for a long while. And again, I stress i am not complaining its just my opinion on it.

I think the first line of your sig, Goes to show what type of person you are so i'll just leave you to it. Bye:rolleyes:
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I am not against others stating their own opinions. Don't try to pull that card. You say the game is horrific but don't give reasons as to why it is horrific. The fact that I can still play it to this day with no problems is proof of the fact that it is playable. Game data corruption can happen with any game.

So why don't you tell me what it is that makes you call F1 2011 "horrific"? Simply calling it horrific without producing an argument for your claim does not help.
Hmmm, "awful"? "Horrific?" Bit free and easy with the hyperbole there, aren't ya Ryan? Your comments simply don't reflect the reality of what I've experienced with this game. In fact, the biggest frustration for me has been trying to qualify well on the hardest difficulty setting in the Williams. I dropped it to hard simply because I was tired of restarting sessions all the time due mainly to poor setup decisions or my own driving errors. My predominant feeling about this game is that it is one of the most adrenalised racing game experiences I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing, which, if I know anything at all about F1, is kinda how it should be.
The biggest problem I had with f1 2010/11 is the AI is too easy. I could get a Williams and win the race on legend AI setting. I hope they do something about it this time.
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Yes, I will agree that they need to increase the difficulty in F12012. Still, that problem isn't exclusive to the F1 games. I don't think that I'm aware of a modern console racing game that isn't too easy.

In order to have a challenging race against the A.I in GT5, I have to seriously handicap myself car-wise.
I am not against others stating their own opinions. Don't try to pull that card. You say the game is horrific but don't give reasons as to why it is horrific. The fact that I can still play it to this day with no problems is proof of the fact that it is playable. Game data corruption can happen with any game.

So why don't you tell me what it is that makes you call F1 2011 "horrific"? Simply calling it horrific without producing an argument for your claim does not help.

Ok ill try one more time uggh.....:rolleyes:
As i admitted in my last post, My choice of words to describe this game were maybe a bit harsh, Phraps i just expected to much from codies and this game. But the one big proplem i and a lot of other people have with it (along with many other small ones) you just dismiss and tell me to go back 20 years and think myself lucky. This is no justification for the little effort codies put into the PS3 version, So dont try to pull that card (again):sly:

As this thread is about F1 2012, I feel we have gone to far with this so i'll leave it here.

Hmmm, "awful"? "Horrific?" Bit free and easy with the hyperbole there, aren't ya Ryan? Your comments simply don't reflect the reality of what I've experienced with this game. In fact, the biggest frustration for me has been trying to qualify well on the hardest difficulty setting in the Williams. I dropped it to hard simply because I was tired of restarting sessions all the time due mainly to poor setup decisions or my own driving errors. My predominant feeling about this game is that it is one of the most adrenalised racing game experiences I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing, which, if I know anything at all about F1, is kinda how it should be.

As i have said, I admit i was a bit harsh with my descriptions of the game. On reflection i think the fairest discription i could give it is "poor". You enjoy the game ?..... Good for you, Doesnt mean everyone else is happy with it though does it?

"Adrenalised racing experience", Well i suppose thats what driving a car floating a couple of inches off the ground does for you i suppose:sly:

Anyway back to 2012, I think the package shots will differ region to region like FIFA has done for a good few years now, I doubt we will be able to choose. For example, Ferrari=Italy+Spain, Mercedes=Germany, UK=Mclaren and so on. Aslong as i dont get a redbull on mine i'll be happy:P
True, the pa3 version is probably the weakest version but that can be said about many multi format games this gen. The end result is still a playable game. Is that your biggest complaint? Because I don't see any other complaint listed. As for the cars "floating" it's a graphical flaw inherent in the engine. Not a game breaker for me. Try again.
True, the pa3 version is probably the weakest version but that can be said about many multi format games this gen. The end result is still a playable game. Is that your biggest complaint? Because I don't see any other complaint listed. As for the cars "floating" it's a graphical flaw inherent in the engine. Not a game breaker for me. Try again.

Did i say the "Floating" was a game breaker?

And for what feels like the 10th time!, I agree my original comment about the game being "unplayable" was inacurate and harsh so get over it.:rolleyes:
Did i say the "Floating" was a game breaker?

And for what feels like the 10th time!, I agree my original comment about the game being "unplayable" was inacurate and harsh so get over it.:rolleyes:

I put your post through google's translation service and this is what I got:

I am sorry, it appears that, in an attempt to be overly melodramatic I employed hyperbole in such a way as to imply the quality of the game was sorely lacking. Once again, my humblest and most sincere apologies.

Glad to help.
You really like using the rolleyes smiley don't you? Ironic coming from someone who initially called a game atrocious without listing reasons why (and you still haven't by the way) then changes his stance when a few people question him on the matter. My last few posts have been asking you for reasons and you still haven't given any. :rolleyes:
I put your post through google's translation service and this is what I got:

Glad to help.

Thanks that does sound better, even if didnt add a lot to the disscussion.

You really like using the rolleyes smiley don't you? Ironic coming from someone who initially called a game atrocious without listing reasons why (and you still haven't by the way) then changes his stance when a few people question him on the matter. My last few posts have been asking you for reasons and you still haven't given any. :rolleyes:

Your last posts have been asking for my gripes, i can see that, But the way you dismissed my main problem (Very lazy and shoddy port) as no problem. Shows that there isnt really any point in listing more. Overall my opinion of the game is that it is of substandard quality and i shouldnt have to be interogated by you to prove it. Its my opinion on the game, It has no bearing on you whatsoever. And no i didnt change my stance, I just changed my wording, Because i relised the harshness and inaccuracy of my original comment. In most peoples eyes that would seem like the appropriate thing to do.

Maybe i do use the rolleyes to much, But i think its suited it to the fact this should have finished a long time ago, But you just keep draging it on.
F1 Fan! Ryan! Both of you! Stop it! You monkeys!

Is there any F1 2012 news that has come out in recent weeks or days? This thread is where I get my updates on the progress.

Just about the game's covers. There are 4 differant ones, and you can vote for your favourite on facebook or something like that.
F1 Fan! Ryan! Both of you! Stop it! You monkeys!

Is there any F1 2012 news that has come out in recent weeks or days? This thread is where I get my updates on the progress.


You're right ;), I have tried to end it myself though, but to no avail.

Anyway F2012, Anybody going to use the new T-CAM?. I much prefer it to the 2011 version, As it seemed that was just perched on top of the drivers helmet. Where as this one is is a bit higher and further back, wich i think for me, will feel more comfortable.
I thought the new T-cam was just for replays? If not then I'll probably try it, but I doubt I'll switch, as the current one feels fine for me.
I thought the new T-cam was just for replays? If not then I'll probably try it, but I doubt I'll switch, as the current one feels fine for me.

There was a vid earlier in the thread and im sure it was gameplay not the replay. Not 100% though.
Your last posts have been asking for my gripes, i can see that, But the way you dismissed my main problem (Very lazy and shoddy port) as no problem.

As I've already said, it's not unusual for the PS3 to get the worst version of a multi format game. It happens all the time. As it happens, I have found F1 2011 to be a perfectly playable game. Sure, the frame rate isn't perfect, but it is certainly playable. I have asked several times now what your other gripes were and you haven't answered me.

Shows that there isnt really any point in listing more. Overall my opinion of the game is that it is of substandard quality and i shouldnt have to be interogated by you to prove it.

This is a forum for discussion. You can't call a game "horrendous" and not expect to have to back that up. I have told you several times now that I find F1 2011 perfectly playable on the PS3. Yet you are the one who has the problem with that.

Maybe i do use the rolleyes to much, But i think its suited it to the fact this should have finished a long time ago, But you just keep draging it on.

Excuse me, but you're just as guilty of this as I am, so don't try and take the high ground.

F1 Fan! Ryan! Both of you! Stop it! You monkeys!

Monkey? Excuse me for asking someone to back up a ludicrous claim.

You're right ;), I have tried to end it myself though, but to no avail.

Where exactly did you try to stop it? You didn't. You responded to my posts in the same manner as I responded to you. This could have ended if you answered my questions the first or second or third time. You didn't. You kept this going as much as I have.
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The PS3 version of multi platform games are worse than other versions, probably, 90% of the time. The game is perfectly playable.
As I've already said, it's not unusual for the PS3 to get the worst version of a multi format game. It happens all the time. As it happens, I have found F1 2011 to be a perfectly playable game. Sure, the frame rate isn't perfect, but it is certainly playable. I have asked several times now what your other gripes were and you haven't answered me.

And the some old rubbish back again.........

This is a forum for discussion. You can't call a game "horrendous" and not expect to have to back that up. I have told you several times now that I find F1 2011 perfectly playable on the PS3. Yet you are the one who has the problem with that.

Oh no no no!!! I have not displayed any intrest in why you like this game or not, I understand thats your opinion on it and i accept that, Even if i dont necessarily agree with it. Its you who has the problem here. I think thats clear to see.

Excuse me, but you're just as guilty of this as I am, so don't try and take the high ground.

Im not guilty of anything, What started this was that you heavily dissagreed with something i said, Wich is fine. But then felt the need to keep on and on about it, it and blow it way out of proportion. The only thing im mildly guilty of is replying to you when i should have really just ignored you.

Monkey? Excuse me for asking someone to back up a ludicrous claim.

Im not claiming anything, As i have said to you numorous times its my opinion nothing more. Im not after umpteen reasons why you like the game, Its because i understand its your opinion and it matters to nobody but the person who believes it

Where exactly did you try to stop it? You didn't. You responded to my posts in the same manner as I responded to you. This could have ended if you answered my questions the first or second or third time. You didn't. You kept this going as much as I have.

I tried once a few posts back.............
As this thread is about F1 2012, I feel we have gone to far with this so i'll leave it here.
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I didn't care for your use of the :rolleyes:

Oh im terribly sorry,:rolleyes:

(That was only a joke btw)

As far as im concerned the "Last word" makes no difference to me so you are free to have it.

This is my last post on the matter. After your last word, I hope we can just move on and continue with the 2012 disscussion.
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