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D'oh...wrong time zone.
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Sorry, voting is now closed for this round - results will follow shortly
AThe FIA deems Alonso's new helmet unsafe to race with.
BFernando is obviously upset as he discovers his paper hat is more aerodynamic than his McLaren...
CFernando was disappointed after the team announced it would bring surprises to Suzuka.
DFernando's new helmet generates a lot of Frownforce.
EDespite replacing his helmet with a makeshift sailor hat, Fernando denies the McLaren handles like a boat.
F"GP2 Helmet!"
GSo Vettel's getting closer to the back wing of your Honda
That I know cannot perform
Shame that you are a backmarker
Lift right off before the corner
Or Sebastian will moan
On the radio to Charlie
"We ain't ever getting Blue Flagged"
H"Here's your costume for this year's company play, Fernando."
FA:"What are we reenacting this year?"
IFernando's excitement about F1's new Sorting Hat vanishes after telling him he'll be in McLaren.
JI used to own an Origami business - but it folded
KFernando's diplomatic face, keeps McLaren's 2017 details under the hat.
LAlonso wears a paper hat made by a 5-year old, in order to understand whether or not the Power Of Dreams is more powerful in childhood than in adulthood...
MFernando reads a short text message from Ron Dennis...
"Greetings McLaren Driver Unit Zero-One-Four - Your current Cranial Impact Protective Device is suboptimal and provides a negligible amount of resistance to exterior kinetic forces upon it. The team requests your attentional awareness to replace your current indequate head specific equipment and return to the previous itteration of the afformentioned item which, in line with all statistical data sets concluded was an immaculate and far superior product within the environs of head protection. Message ends."
NAlonso wins! (The hat in the Christmas cracker)
O"Oh. That was an Unhappy Meal."
PHmm this hat is so Honda atm. Does what a hat a hat does, just not the way I want.
Q"Well, at least Honda can't make me look any stupider ... can they?"
R"Maybe I can get rid of this with a Bunny Rabbit filter…"
SFernando: I am not too pleased with my Japanese anime' costume; I'd rather an oversized foam cowboy hat!
TAlonso in Wonderland - Chapter 12: Mad Hatter's Revenge.
U1/4 odds that Fernando lost at beer pong, 1/6 that it was Scalextric.
ANico instantly regrets his new headphone purchase: beatdowns by Lewis Hamilton.
BNico's recent drop in form can be traced back to this moment when Lewis replaced his calming tunes to an audiobook of facebook comments about him.
C"When I said "provide me with sick uncensored beats", I wasn't expecting a live feed to Vettel's team radio..."
DAfter Lewis Hamilton provides Mercedes personnel with a sneak preview of his debut album, the reaction was mixed.
ELH: "What you listening to, Britney?"
NR: "No, I can't stand her or her music."
LH: "No, I wasn't guessing the song! I was asking what YOU are listening to Blondie!"
NR: "I have one of her songs in this playlist, but not at the moment."
LH: "Oh forget it..."
F"Welcome to this audio course Knit yourself fit with Angela Merkel."
"For the more advance knitters Angela has a special course, Knit your knickers with Angela."
GAs the surrounding's pressure gets higher, Nico experiments with the latest noise cancelling device.
H"Last Christmas, I gave you my heart..."
IMercedes engineers prepare to upload the latest software update to their NicoBot. This new version enables him to say "Thank you to the team and the fans" in even more dull ways than usual.
JNico: These whale songs are so soothing they almost make me forget about Lewis!
KNico tries out new headphones by BORE®
L"These neue headphones Nico has bought are super. Nicht only they play music, but also show what he ist thinking. He ist böse, which means angry in Englisch, sehr often though."
M"At the tone, your championship lead will be twelve points."
NAmericans...they're always so loud.
ONico: Headphones, check. Shades, check, Team cap, check. Trousers.... ah dang it!
P"I thought Lewis was being nice when he offered me his latest mixtape, but it's just two hours of Niki Lauda shouting obscenities at me."
QI wonder if these will work when Alaϊa is teething...
RNico's phone: Hello, welcome to Rosetta Stone's Southern States English tutorial for racing drivers. Repeat after me: "Gosh, that was a slobberknocker of a race!"
Nico: Gosh, that was a...slobber...noggin?...race...?