- 29,464
- Glasgow
- GTP_Mars
Voting is now closed - results will be posted later today and Round 2 should follow shortly.
A"You just gave me a brilliant idea: if my steering wheel took selfies, I would have less of a problem finding the clutch at the start!"
BCome on Mr Hamilton, Smile. It's not like your teammate won the last five races...
CCheer up Lewis, if you can get it off the line you should win this race comfortably.
D"I still can't work out what the one weird trick that's making her two grand a week is. What do you think, Mr Hamilton?"
ELewis: Better take that selfie quick love. My followers will wonder where I've been over the last 45 seconds.
F"So Lewis, this is the culture you're supporting." [She says as she reads a news article about women in Bahrain and other Islamic states.]
GWoman: "Your new app is nearly ready Lewis - you just take a selfie, then it automatically detects you in the photo and tells you how #Blessed you are."
Lewis: "That's a sexy lap........er, I mean app. What does it say for me?"
Phone: "Calculating ......... #ERROR."
HLewis: "Your services won't be needed at the next race, I've replaced you. With a stick..."
I"Camera, camera, on my arm, who's about to do Bottas some harm?"
J"This 'new' version of the app eliminates the worst selfie every 90 seconds. Although this won't affect you very much as we've already scrapped this and decided that it's a good idea to do something completely different instead."
K"Say جبن!"
LAs a local fan tries out the Face Swap app, an idea pops into Lewis' head of how to dress the next day.
MThe FIA's new "Palm Tree of the Race" social media experiment was tested in Bahrain.
NRumours are growing of the circulation of a viral video showing the Kingdom Of Bahrain abusing a woman driver with blonde hair, threatening her with lashes if she doesn't keep winning. The woman's name is rumoured to be "Britney" and people in the paddock, including a well known personality on snapchat, pictured here dressed in black, are linking it with the sudden upturn in pace shown by the racing driver known as "Nico Rosberg".
OThank you!
I'm a very big fan of your work, Mister Shakur!
PHere we see Lewis Hamilton heading towards the back of the grid after the Anti-Social Media F1 governance comes up with the new qualifying system.
- Cars will not set any times during qualifying. The grid will be set in reverse order of "most self portraits taken with a mobile telecommunication device (MTD)".
- The driver with the fewest "relikes" of their self-MTD on Twitbook will start on pole.
Q"Sir Lewis, is it true that you look better in movement...?"
"Of course, dear, these earrings do not sparkle standing still. Fetch me a tuk-tuk and I'll grant you with a moving photoshoot..."
RWoman: So this is a picture of my sister; she has many goats and oil wells; are you interested Mr. Hamilton?
Lewis: How many goats does she have?
SWoman: If we use optical zoom, we can see your title chances this year
T"Oh wow, it's that guy who's famous on Instagram and Twitter, I simply must get a selfie with him - I wonder what he's doing here at the Formula 1..."
ASebastian: I'll be there in a minute sweety, giggity giggity goo
BVettel saw the non-Catholics at the end of the paddock and knew what he had to do.
CSebastian: With this disguise, they'll never realise I'm not Rosberg!
DThe secret of Ferrari's performance increase is finally revealed - the new MGU-KKK unit...
E"I put on my robe and Wizards hat..."
F"Judging by Hamilton's performance last race, my scare tactic seems to be working."
G"Not slytherin, not slytherin, not slytherin"
HAs Vettel plots to "settle a score" with Kvyat, he slips on his balaclava disguise, failing to realise that red overalls might betray his identity to witnesses.
IAdmit it - if you had access to Kimi's underwear, you'd do it too...
J"Hehe... Alonso will never know the reasons for his welcoming back gift, let's just say he'll find it "steaming" like a pile of brown stuff. And he won't believe it's not chocolate!"
K"Do the first lap with my eyes closed? I'll take that bet."
LConfirmed - Sebastian Vettel to play Jack Skellington in Nightmare Before Christmas live-action adaptation.
M"Hi, I'm Sebastian Vettel and welcome to Jackass!"
NAfter managing to hit someone, Sebastian Vettel wins "Stormtrooper of the Month" onboard the Death Star
OWith his car's retro livery and a dysfunctional, unpredictable team behind him, Sebastian just needs to put on his scary costume to complete the "Ghost of Ferrari Past" look.
PSeb: Perhaps I think I am the madman, my apologies Daniil.
QMaurizio: Kimi won't be driving, he has a hangover and vomited in the car, in my shoes and probably a few other places.
Seb: I found another one![]()
R"Erm Seb. That's your underwear. Try again. I've told you a hundred times it's underwear on the bottom."
SSebastian Vettel demonstrates his newest plan to sabotage Mercedes:
"And when Lewis realises that we've poured petrol into his balaclava it'll be too late."