You can't give 3 points to one caption, it must be split 2-1 or 1-1-1 between different entries.
ATeam orders declared legal for 2011.
BMW: My god, what IS Seb doing with that trophy?
CH: Just smile and act like everything is normal
CMark: Why does it say 'Webber' on that Hispania?
DMW: No, seriously... what did you guys talk about in there? You were in there for hours!
Guys?... Guys?
E"Mark is awfully startled by Sebastian's makeover"
FMW: *returns from bathroom* Ok, which one of you buggers put Turbo Lax in my Martini?
GCH: So how are you getting home Fernando
FA: Private helicopter
CH: Me too, heard Mark is travelling by plane by to Australia
FA: He'll never get home in time for next season
MW: Huh?
HMark's unimpressed with Fernando's disrespect for dress codes;
"Damn it Fernando, it's bow tie.. Not office brown.. And what in god's name is that yellow badge?! AND FOR THE LOVE OF SEB, SHAVE!"
JFA: Christian, check out the arse on hat chick over there.
CH: Very nice.
MW: What you guys doing?
FA: Checking out that hot chicks features
MW: That's my girlfriend.
FA & CH:![]()
MW: Check out that babe over there!
CH: Mark, you're drunk. That's a shrub.
FA: Actually, if you tilt your head about 45 degrees to the right...
CH: Aw! Anne Widdecombe! I hate you Fernando![/CENTER]
If anyone wants to know what an Anne Widdecombe is, Google it. The results will not be pretty...
LFA: "Mark Webber? I think he is an ugly Australian twa..... Oh God, he's standing right next to me, isn't he?"
CH: "Just smile and look the other way, he didn't hear a thing.
MCH:You know that picture of you and a random girl flirting when you were drunk.
MW: What I dont remember this.
FA: Check facebook and you will remember.
NCH: Here is your contract Fernando.
FA: Thank you.
MW: Now I'm playing second fiddle to this guy??
CH: Oh no...
MW: Good.
CH: Wait Mark you Don't Understand your fired.
MW: Why?
CH: Cause even those dogs you were showing off to Eddie Jordan and the BBC can drive better than you!
FA: And at least there house trained!
OFernando - I want to congratulate you on the championship Mr. Horner.
CH - Thank you Fernando; Mark, can you confirm you understood this message?
PPhotographer- Everyone say cheese!
FA - I'm not a child. Let's say World Champion!
ANow that the drug test is over; drink up! Now where did I put the pee samples?
BDC fails the true Scotsman test by getting confused over which hand contains the alcohol.
C"Master give Dobby moderately-priced non-vintage champagne?"
D(So true Lewis) Red Bull gives you drinks!
EAnd they call Seb the party animal!
F"Hmm...this glass really does bring out my voice!"
GDC: "I bet 50 quid that you can't drive after 3 glasses of this."
*Vettel does the "challenge accepted" pose*
HSV: Riiight... Now I know why I only got half a glass out of that whole magnum
DC: I don't know what you are talking about Sebashtyan
IOch aye tha noo mutha:censored:! Crazy Dave comin' atcha standin' next to ma buddy Sebby V in tha Red Bull pit garage. Crazy D have no idea what tha 🤬 tha homies at R to tha B to tha R are givin' ma to drink, but it's defiantly not Red Bull. It's crazy 🤬, man, even too crazy fo' tha' D-man.
JDC: Nonsense... a little shpilled shpaghetti doeshn't mean Oim drunk. Now wot's yer name, again, liddle girlie?
KVettel realized that what he is drink won't give he wings.![]()
LDC: I'm really enjoying being a commentator - I've been getting some excellent feedback...
Microphone: *screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech*
DC: See?
MDC: You Germans may have oktober fest but you can never beat a scotsman.
NDavid Coulthard celebrates Sebastian Vettel's victory with Vettel's favourite cocktail - Red Bull, vodka and wasabi.
ODavid Coulthard can't hide the excitement of having a passed out Vettel in his hotel room as Sebastian inches ever closer to the Rohypnol at the bottom of the glass.
PCameraman: And were live in 3...2...1...
QDC: "And this is the face I pulled in Adelaide '95"
RDavid: u see thiiiiiissh....ish a face of a champion.
Sebastian: Right... *sip*
SSebastian is introduced to Kate's Dirty Brother.
T"Lovely bubbly. Very fruity. I'm getting walnuts and apples, a woody texture with overtones of cake and spongey microphone... oh wait."
UIn an effort to stop reporters from blabbering, Adrian Newey, in conjuction with the BBC, has developed a brain device with prevents them from drinking while on the job. Here the "Leggard apparatus" scrambles the journalist's motor skills:
VETTEL: "Yeah, but they usually let me drink apple juice...."
V"David Coulthard's face lights up as he sees the full crate of champagne in the Red Bull garage"
WDavid Coulthard's chin is so big it's grown a champagne glass and a microphone.
XDavid: "Seb, there's something wrong with this champagne. Its repulsive!
Seb: I know, thats what happens when teams try to keep costs down. Just drink it and act like it taste good. Like I'm doing.
ZDC: "Did Mark spit in your drink? He spit on my microphone earlier and both of these smell like Fosters."
AAI drank some champagne and I ******, IN MY PANTS
BBDavid: So let this be a reminder that masturbation doesn't cause blindness of any kind, it does however cross one's eyes. If only someone had told me that beforehand...