F1 Caption Game - Archive ThreadFormula 1 

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Lewis: "Felipe...pssst Felipe...You'd better not be pissing in my pocket"


1st: Touring Mars - 25 pts (G: 25 votes)
2nd: Soundtrack - 18 pts (S: 7 votes)
3rd=: prisonermonkeys, PeterJB - 13 pts (R,Y: 5 votes)
5th: akmuq - 10 pts (M: 4 votes)
6th: niky - 8 pts (F: 3 votes)
7th=: Flex0r, Beeblebrox237 - 5 pts (C, H: 2 votes)

*7 entries with 1 vote - no score

If you think your votes have been incorrectly counted/assigned or that the number of
points awarded or added to your score is wrong, please let me know ASAP

Winning Entry


Touring Mars
Massa: Thanks for sticking me in the gravel trap on the first corner of the first race, pal!

Kamui: What can I say, I like Martini on the rocks.

Standings (after Round One)

1st: Touring Mars - 25 pts
2nd: Soundtrack - 18 pts
3rd=: prisonermonkeys, PeterJB - 13 pts
5th: akmuq - 10 pts
6th: niky - 8 pts
7th=: Beeblebrox237, Flex0r - 5 pts​

Round Two: Malaysia - will follow shortly

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Round Two - Malaysia 2014



Entries by Monday, 7th April - 0900 BST - please mark your final entry appropriately, and remember that you cannot change it once it has been marked.

Please read the full rules available in Post #1 before entering.

I didn't know Kimi's legs went up quite that high... Wow... did he shave?

Rosberg: "I blocked Kamui on facebook, do you think I'm next?"
Hamilton: "According to Felipe you'll first get a ton of viagra spam and then he'll rear-end you!"

Final entry.

Congrats TM
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"Nico, why do you look so tense?"
"Quiet, I'm going for a new high score on Flappy Bird."

"Read it and weep Lewis..."
"They paid you how much for the PR on the podium?!"

Final entry
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Nico: "I did not need to know what Vettel did with his finger when he doesn't need to use it..."
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Rosberg: "I think Toto meant to send this to you Lewis?"
Text: "Yo Hamdog, what up with your bad self! Mass props dude, wicka cool win! #Yolo"

Nico suddenly gets diarrhoea.

Also to those who liked my last caption. I made it my final entry based on the likes. Damn you.

Nico is dismayed when he finds out (after waiting a while for his e-mails to work) that he's been asked to promote Blackberry.

Nico: "Oh man...AGAIN?"

Lewis: "What is it?"

Nico: "This Nicole chick keeps asking me to meet up"

Nico: It says here that Bennedict Camberwatch is doing the podium interviews.

Lewis: Don't you mean Englebert Cumberbottom?

Nico: I thought it was Benewack Cucumber.

Lewis: Let's just call him Khan.

Final Entry

msg: The Finger

y o u h a d no c h a n c e i w a s t o y i n g w i t h y o u


Lewis: New phone?

Nico: Yeah the team gave it to me. They said I can control R&D path to suit my style, special treatment for being championship leader.

Lewis: But they said I was controlling R&D...

Nico;This music video is so hypnotic.
Lewis:What?-...oh you like her zinging then?
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