Very nice, envy..
May I ask if you did choose a more upright sitting position compared to real modern F1 racers for any specific reason?
Then again could be an illusion as well I guess + I can imagine it´s not as comfy laying almost flat they do in F1 today with feet so high up as well almost not seeing outside when racing?
Have never tried that flat position but looks uncomfy compared what yours look like?
actually, the position i have in the cockpit is the exact sitting position and angles that are in an actual F1 car.
a more upright position can work but one would not be able to use the headrest and your feet would feel odd (i would think). believe or not, this 'flat position' feels more aggressive than an upright position...
the seat is constructed to replicate the f1 seat. it is moulded to my body and is lined with a thin layer of soft rubber and alcantara.
the seat position is very comfortable...i have fallen asleep in there in the wee hours of the morning when i have worked on car and got to checking the sitting and seeing position. now i can sit in there for hours and hours on end.
the pedal position is important as well, as it would determine which part of your bum/back takes more of your weight. with an optimum sitting position in there, your weight can distribute very nicely over the entire line of the seat corresponding with your bum up to the back of your neck.
the amount of the track you see depends on many factors - FOV and camera position in the simulator programme (of course), physically - the level of the projectors and keystone value, and the height of the cockpit's nose and a little less on one's height. two other critical items are: first the track itself - you see less on an uphill gradient and at the crest of hills and secondly, whether or not you are accelerating or braking as these tend to, respectively, lift or depress the cockpit's nose.
i typically only see the track within three to four inches height of screen above the nose.
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