FFB 1.12 Update

  • Thread starter DRambo
I got mine set to 6/9 and seems really good to me. I've been using 5 post update.

Not sure if anyone notice but the sounds the tires make correlate with what you feel in the wheel, especially over rough roads or jumps.

All in all I'm pleased with this option as now we can dial down what we want and not affect the whole feedback.
G27 have settings on 2 for torque and 9 for ffb, getting used to it. I think once I do, I will like the new feel better. I also set my rotation to 670 degrees.
Prior to 1.12 I was running my G27 at FFB = 4, power steering set to off and set in simulation mode. Rotation set to 670*. After updating to 1.12 my settings were defaulted to FFT = 4 and FFS=8. Power steering still off and in sim mode. Set rotation to 670* and took out a car we have just run Sunday night on the same track it was raced at. The force with which I had to use to turn the wheel is much reduced at the 4 torque setting. Ran about 6 laps with it at those default settings and was maybe .5 off my personal best but noticed there was much better feel of the road and the car. Recovering from/compensating for oversteer was much better and easier to accomplish. Put the FFS up to 10 and ran another 6 laps and got within about .3 of personal best. Reduced the FFT to 1 and didn't like that at all. Put it back to 4/10 and that's where I'll leave it. I like it just fine. The sensitivity is another level of refinement for tuning the wheel controller. The reduced torque will certainly help with wheel FFB motor life. Some months ago I tried my G27 with FFB at 8 and within about 15 minutes I could smell the motors heating up. Didn't like that so put it back to 4 and have been happily driving with it there. The wheel is almost 2 years old and haven't had any problems out of it to date.

While the change hasn't made me any faster, it hasn't made me any slower either, but I like the inputs I get from the wheel better now than I did pre 1.12.
I have a Fanatec 911 GT3 RS V2 and I immediately noticed that not only was the steering lighter but much more tactile and lively. To circumvent the light steering I just bumped the FFB on my wheel from 60 to 80 (normally run 10 in game, 60 on wheel). That's about the same weight it was pre-1.12 so the motors don't need to work any harder.

It seems that this update is great if you have a wheel with separate settings (long as you don't already run some crazy all 10's FFB setting) so you can add whatever extra weight you want. But it's a shame it's so light for people who don't have the extra adjustability.
And that is why this update doesn't bother you.

The people who were using say 8-10 FFB prior to update hate this.

Have you drifted yet? With the new settings it's sooo easy to drift now, and allows smoother lines.

Prior to the update I'd get all kinds of random snap back but now (exact car and tune) I get none at all and I can hold drifts much longer than before. It's all down to the details! They removed the "noise" from the feedback and made it a lot more accurate and detailed - I feel as if I actually know exactly where my tires are pointed.
for those who don't like the change:

Take another look at the steering and see if you notice what I do. It's frickin' brilliant now. I hear what you all are saying about less resistance, but they have seriously altered the way the wheel connects to the car and to the player, thus creating a very very real and immediate sense of control and connection to the car.

DFGT user, BTW

I agree a bit more resistance would be in order to bring the realism back, but remember that realism isn't the only factor for GT as a game. It also needs to correctly translate the feel and connection that would exist IRL even though this isn't "RL" at all...

They've just hit it out of the park. I've tried several cars with wildly different setups, and I can say that this feels like a new game again. They might have even made some physics changes - either that, or the changes to the FFB algorithms might have brought out more of the magnificence of the new GT6 physics that we simply haven't had the opportunity to "feel" until now.

Remember that FFB in GT is not about translating 1 to 1, exactly what a real wheel is going to feel like. Rather, GT has taken the approach of trying to give the driver information about the car's attitude and forces applied to it, through the wheel and the types of vibrations and resistance that come with it.
  • Steering is more direct
  • Creates better connection to car and road surface for player.
  • All camera views can viably be used as a driving option. All feel 10x better for control of car.
  • Point your car, it goes there unless too much understeer. Easy to diagnose now.
  • Easy to feel "sweet spot" in the car's suspension mated to the given track (or lack of a sweet spot)
  • Easy to suspend disbelief while driving a tough car.
  • Curbs have more intense feel to them, as should be. Can feel them with realistic application of resistance against arms, does not cause cascade effect of over-correction.
  • Driving is much more smooth, generally.
  • Driving does feel a bit "numb" to the touch because of decreased resistance from steering. Hopefully that is curable.
If, for some reason, putting the resistance levels back to the way they were before means they must revert to the old style of FFB tactile "feel", i'd say leave it exactly like it is because sooner or later I'm pretty sure that the rest of you will see how brilliant this game feels now.

If, on the other hand, they can keep this pretty much like it is now, but tweak the settings to the point of perfection, that's exactly what it will be. That, and the other thing I found today, is really going to breathe new life into this game right when it needs it. Hopefully more new content is coming such as promised community features (quick match is nice, but doesn't promote community building)

I have been playing another PC game that is coming out soon, and even though its FFB settings are a lot more ellaborate and involved, I think GT just jumped back up to being the best "feeling" racing game out there.

I have some more observations about this update, to follow:
Try setting torque to 1, sensitivity to 10. Itโ€™s better but still not as good as the FFB used to be. I'll try getting used to it, Iโ€™m still pissed tho.
I've tried 10/10, 1/10, 10/1, 1/1, 5/5 and there's minimal difference. There's just no feel at all. It's like the whole 900 degrees of rotation is a deadzone. Even my real car with one of the numbest feeling EPS ever I can still feel the sensation of rubber scrubbing against tarmac when I take a turn. In the game it feels like your wheel isn't even plugged in to a power source.

I haven't tried messing with controller sensitivity and steering rotation though. Will do that once I get home from work.
Ive messed around with this all day and finally got my thrustmaster T500 on 8 Torque and 6 Sensitivity. I found anything over 6 on sensitivity shakes the wheel during a straightaway which is obviously not realistic and annoying.
Have you drifted yet? With the new settings it's sooo easy to drift now, and allows smoother lines.

Prior to the update I'd get all kinds of random snap back but now (exact car and tune) I get none at all and I can hold drifts much longer than before. It's all down to the details! They removed the "noise" from the feedback and made it a lot more accurate and detailed - I feel as if I actually know exactly where my tires are pointed.

I agree with you bluntified. The new ffb makes drifting lot easier to manage. Before this update,drifting was really hard because when you try to drift around a corner and save it at the exit, the car would:
1. Act the way you want it to
2. Snap at the wrong the direction and spin out on you.
Right now, drifting feels smooth as cotton.
using G27 at 6/9, prior to 1.12 ffb was set at 5
didn't play much but it seems i have more feel of what the tires are doing specifically over rougher surfaces like curbs...
I agree with you bluntified. The new ffb makes drifting lot easier to manage. Before this update,drifting was really hard because when you try to drift around a corner and save it at the exit, the car would:
1. Act the way you want it to
2. Snap at the wrong the direction and spin out on you.
Right now, drifting feels smooth as cotton.

I disagree drifting was easy before the update when done right. Not to sound rude. I had a hard time drifting when transitioning from gt5 to gt6. But after awhile I perfected my inputs and line while making sure to put the car in such a way to where the cars weight transition and inertia allow a perfect drift. All I have to do is give it the right trottle balance and point the wheel in the intended path of travel. If I messed that up then I end up in a sorta correction mode I call a steering heavy drift. This is where large corrections are needed to get the car back on line, either angle or speed are then sacrificed at the clip as a result. My opinion, quick corrections are now easy. Making steering heavy possible with one hand. But that perfect drift is hard to feel now. This will lead to poor drift fundamentals, ugly lines, excessive yaw back and forth through corners which is ugly too.

Also you may have been having snap problem because some tunes just don't drift. If the rear is changes grip to much you can't manage a drift. The snap it's cause by rear suspension hop. When it lands the grip spikes causing snap/understeer which is the worst and most dangerous least fun understeer. It's either over correct ville or wall.
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Have you drifted yet? With the new settings it's sooo easy to drift now, and allows smoother lines.

Prior to the update I'd get all kinds of random snap back but now (exact car and tune) I get none at all and I can hold drifts much longer than before. It's all down to the details! They removed the "noise" from the feedback and made it a lot more accurate and detailed - I feel as if I actually know exactly where my tires are pointed.
Yes I have drifted. On every day haha.

But no it feels lifeless now. I mean the new details on the FFB are amazing it is no longer just a on and off switch on the FFB. It is more progressive and you can feel it start to lose grip. But the problem is that the overall FFB on the grip is garbage. It literally feels like I am drifting or even racing with three power steering pumps. You don't understand this because you are used to a weaker FFB value anyway (just like the other people who are not complaining about this).

Plus the only way for me to get even close to a high FFB level is to put both FFB Torque and FFB Sensitivity on 10 which causes the wheel to counter steer at snail speed. Needs to be fixed no doubt about it. It was a move in the right direction but it is far behind in realism.
I'm using a DFGT at 10/10.
The new sensitivity is a vast improvement so ๐Ÿ‘ for that, but the weight of the wheel is too light. Having had my wheel setup for RFactor and IRacing on the PC, I can assure all of you that it is indeed possible to have more weight while keeping the sensitivity and not having any issues with FFB clipping. I was able to get a weight stronger than 10 on GT6 v1.11(probably about 15, if it went that high) and have all the feel that the new settings give, whilst connected to my Laptop.
I'm hopeful that they will tweak the new setup in the near future to allow the stronger weight that was previously available.
I don't think the FFB effects have changed at all, it's just that you can feel them more as the FFB weight/resistance has been drastically altered. In a real car, especially one without power steering, the weight is very pronounced & you can feel oversteer/understeer clearly. This new update makes it much harder to determin what the car is actually doing, & I for one can't drive with it. I hate this update with a passion, it has ruined the game for me.

PD; if you wanna give us more options for FFB how about giving us one for wheel weight? The weight was always too light compared to a real car even when my G25 was set to 10, now you've given me & many others who used high settings nowhere to go. People who used very low settings can simply turn up the FFB, but other like myself can't. Please fix it so that we can.

I only had a couple of minutes on the game to test my T500. Before I used ffb@2 and power steering on for road cars and ffb@4 power steering off for race car and even with those settings I found that the wheel was too heavy and at the same time I didn't have a good enough feeling of the road...

I was affraid of the weak feeling everybody talks about but with the default setting (FFT=4 and FFS=8, if I remember correctly) the feeling is great and the wheel is still heavy oO. I need to play with FFT and FFS to find the best tune for me. As a T500 user => thank you PD ๐Ÿ‘ :D

I've seen a lot of different versions of FFT and FFS on this thread. What is the one that manage the centering force ?

PS : I mainly use road cars, I didn't try with race casr and single seaters...
So had some time to test it. MUCH MUCH better!
I always struggled to get a feel for what the car was going to do round the last corner of Bathurst, NO LONGER DO I WONDER IF I WILL MAKE IT ROUND THE BEND!

The wheel feels more alive like I am actually driving around the track with bumps etc.


Played around with the settings, got it set to:

Love it

So get your bums off GTP and give it a proper go

I'll just fire up the ps3 for some sweet new conten- anddd the FFB is gone..
I tried various settings and even tweaked the settings on my GT3 RS V3, but it made little improvement. The wheel weight is now too weak and uncommunicative. You get more info through the wheel which is nice, but you can drive any car around any track using only a finger, and that's not nice or challenging.
So after hearing about the new update I thought I'd give it a go after a few weeks rest and must say at first it was very strange, very light compared to my previous settings but after a few min I started to notice the main difference compared to before.

Like everyone else has said (apart from those who want 1000ft/lb of torque for their FFB) it feels a lot more accurate. Did the rally event in the GTO and I found it MUCH easier to judge how much grip I have, when I'm pushing it close to its limit and when the car is slipping and just how it's acting in general!

Must say I'm loving it...
I know what I had with my DFGT before & now it's just plain rubbish, no matter what changes I make to the settings. Once again, PD has fixed something that wasn't broken! ๐Ÿคฌ!!!!! I give up with this bunch of geniuses... ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž
for those who don't like the change:

Take another look at the steering and see if you notice what I do. It's frickin' brilliant now. I hear what you all are saying about less resistance, but they have seriously altered the way the wheel connects to the car and to the player, thus creating a very very real and immediate sense of control and connection to the car.

DFGT user, BTW

I agree a bit more resistance would be in order to bring the realism back, but remember that realism isn't the only factor for GT as a game. It also needs to correctly translate the feel and connection that would exist IRL even though this isn't "RL" at all...

They've just hit it out of the park. I've tried several cars with wildly different setups, and I can say that this feels like a new game again. They might have even made some physics changes - either that, or the changes to the FFB algorithms might have brought out more of the magnificence of the new GT6 physics that we simply haven't had the opportunity to "feel" until now.

Remember that FFB in GT is not about translating 1 to 1, exactly what a real wheel is going to feel like. Rather, GT has taken the approach of trying to give the driver information about the car's attitude and forces applied to it, through the wheel and the types of vibrations and resistance that come with it.
  • Steering is more direct
  • Creates better connection to car and road surface for player.
  • All camera views can viably be used as a driving option. All feel 10x better for control of car.
  • Point your car, it goes there unless too much understeer. Easy to diagnose now.
  • Easy to feel "sweet spot" in the car's suspension mated to the given track (or lack of a sweet spot)
  • Easy to suspend disbelief while driving a tough car.
  • Curbs have more intense feel to them, as should be. Can feel them with realistic application of resistance against arms, does not cause cascade effect of over-correction.
  • Driving is much more smooth, generally.
  • Driving does feel a bit "numb" to the touch because of decreased resistance from steering. Hopefully that is curable.
If, for some reason, putting the resistance levels back to the way they were before means they must revert to the old style of FFB tactile "feel", i'd say leave it exactly like it is because sooner or later I'm pretty sure that the rest of you will see how brilliant this game feels now.

If, on the other hand, they can keep this pretty much like it is now, but tweak the settings to the point of perfection, that's exactly what it will be. That, and the other thing I found today, is really going to breathe new life into this game right when it needs it. Hopefully more new content is coming such as promised community features (quick match is nice, but doesn't promote community building)

I have been playing another PC game that is coming out soon, and even though its FFB settings are a lot more ellaborate and involved, I think GT just jumped back up to being the best "feeling" racing game out there.

I have some more observations about this update, to follow:

Its looks like its great for thrustmater wheels but not for other wheels!