First Car Suggestions? Daewoo FTW. Nothing else Matiz. Oh, and ExigeExcel's Almera.

  • Thread starter Danny
Visit the UK mate, then come back here. A Pickup as a first car cannot be a good choice. I bet the insurance companies would rape you and I KNOW the tax would, and the economy doesn't even bear thinking about. Why would he want a truck a a first car?

Not everyone thinks like me apparantly, It was just a suggestion. My truck will still pull 20 mpg, and I can haul a ton more than any car will. Maybe there, but my insurance isn't that bad. I actually was playing around on an insurance site, it was within a few bucks of if I had gone with a fox body mustang. But yeah, with your fuel prices, I'd get a motorcycle over anything. Something like a supermoto'd 450 would be FUN, and sip fuel.
Not everyone thinks like me apparantly, It was just a suggestion. My truck will still pull 20 mpg, and I can haul a ton more than any car will. Maybe there, but my insurance isn't that bad. I actually was playing around on an insurance site, it was within a few bucks of if I had gone with a fox body mustang. But yeah, with your fuel prices, I'd get a motorcycle over anything. Something like a supermoto'd 450 would be FUN, and sip fuel.
20mpg? That's a terrible figure here. New drivers would at least need 30-40mpg, depending on how much you're earning. A Bike would be 10 times - or more - better. ;)

A smaller bike is a great idea though. They will be great on fuel, but I have no idea on the insurance. I'm scared to ride on anyway - not my thing.
I'd never get a bike, too dangerous if you crash it, and I'm not a confident bike rider (yes that includes pedal bikes).
^^ get some stabilisers. :sly:

I agree with you though, bikes are way too dangerous. When I first started learning to drive I nearly side swipped one. In certain conditions you dont see them straight away or just over look them somehow. Was a real wakeup call for me that driving was serious business.
Washington State

I read enough to know that he needed first car suggestions, and that most of you reccomended econo boxes

Lifts are not pointless if you get the truck out and wheel/crawl it.
Then try reading abit more next time. I myself even mentioned that American opinions were almost nul and void in this thread because you don't get half the cars we do over here, let alone the insurance and running costs.

Visit the UK mate, then come back here. A Pickup as a first car cannot be a good choice. I bet the insurance companies would rape you and I KNOW the tax would, and the economy doesn't even bear thinking about. Why would he want a truck a a first car?
Isn't there like £2000 tax on Pick-ups now as they are 'commercial vehicles'?

And bikes are a no-no. For a start they're not practical especially if you're going back and for to school. Anyway, I don't think Danny's slight frame could handle a motorbike :P
An equivalent value or displacement petrol will be more expensive to insure because it's faster. An equivalent performance petrol will be less expensive to insure because it isn't a diesel.

But you're looking at a difference of about £25 for me - maybe £100 or so for a newbie.
Thought this could do with an update now I've bought a car...

Dark green Daewoo Matiz 0.8 ahoy!
A few of my suggestions for a first car
- Clio
- Saxo
- Micra
- Polo
- Corsa
- Civic

Engine size preferably under 1.4 litre.

EDIT: Opps didnt read the post above.
We want a pic of the engine bay with a sign saying, "Danachroni...", er, on second thoughts, that would cover the engine. Better just put a D on it.
Hehe indeed a 0.8 must look tiny

Hope there's not too many hills in your area Danny...
A Matiz? Do you expect us to believe that? We want a pic of the engine bay with a sign saying, "Danachroni...", er, on second thoughts, that would cover the engine. Better just put a D on it.

Congrats on being mobile. :cheers:

EDIT: Bit late, Slick :dopey:
A Matiz!? Good Lord Danny I thought you had more pride than that. Good luck getting up those Yorkshire dales with anything more than yourself on board.

Mean time, I'm also looking for a car.

My budget is about a grand, sterling (Bangers ahoy!). And while I would love to be able to have 5 doors it's gettin to the point where just having a car would be great. My dad did see a Rover 400 1.6... And I almost cried when I saw the wood trim.

Mondeo 1.6 seem to be a rarity and nearly all Japanese cars (Except 15 year old models) don't dip near my budget. I'm not looking particularly for image (For a grand that would be hard anyway, but wood trim!!!) and my dad is not keen on me getting something like a Clio/106. Probably because he wants me to make my own way back and for to Uni (Southampton, Bristol, Bath to name a few options) next year.
A Matiz!? Good Lord Danny I thought you had more pride than that. Good luck getting up those Yorkshire dales with anything more than yourself on board.

It's scaring me into keeping the weight off...

My only realistic requirements were less than 10 years old, 4 doors and small.
It fits all three. :P

Sorry, Danny. I'm going to have to ban you now. You can't remain a member of a car based forum with a "car" like that....

Sorry, Danny. I'm going to have to ban you now. You can't remain a member of a car based forum with a "car" like that....


It's a funky-fresh city car for the 'yoof' of 2day.
You grown-ups wouldn't understand...

But then I didn't buy a Peugeot...

Looks like a bloated watermelon. But its a car... How much horsepower?

EDIT: :eek: 50 hp? Holy jesus this thing is dangerous.
Want to know what's even better? Over here, the Matiz is now being sold as a Chevrolet.

Congrats on the "pimpin'" Matiz! You could get 3 "hoes" in there and still have room for a gun.

A friend of mine had an orange one as a first car. I never saw the appeal myself, but she seemed happy with it.

How much?
Want to know what's even better? Over here, the Matiz is now being sold as a Chevrolet.

Congrats on the "pimpin'" Matiz! You could get 3 "hoes" in there and still have room for a gun.

A friend of mine had an orange one as a first car. I never saw the appeal myself, but she seemed happy with it.

How much?


God I love parents.
If my parents bought me something like that I'd sell them.

I mean, my first car was a $800, 140hp Cavalier.
Nissan Almera 1.4 FTW :D Been to the place today, but it wasn't there, but we had a good look at a Xsara Picasso for my dad and he's heading back tomorrow when the Almera will be in to check that out aswell. Never know, might have both by the end of the week :D