First Impressions

  • Thread starter IsmokeGT
First impressions. Its been a while since I've been in GT5P, been doing most of my driving round the 'ring in NFS-S. So to come back to the GT series tonight was a wake up call!! Very edgy handling... the stock car will be the challenge for me.
The sound is a little more realistic than Prologue I think. The graphics and gameplay seem much of the same.
There are a couple of bugs though, the game drops frames on most laps through the tight chicane, not 'tearing' like prologue. The grass is like teflon ice, and if you drop a wheel off, most likely your in the wall.
Nice to see the laps by Lucas and Yamauchi-san there - tough to beat !

Nice to hear the cons and pros floating in.

Pardon me to ask: is it fun? Somebody?

yeah its fun ! 👍 not easy, didn't sweat like this in NFS :)
Nice to hear the cons and pros floating in.

Pardon me to ask: is it fun? Somebody?
Only as fun as driving a beautifully rendered, realistic feeling car as quick as you can around a good track. In other words, yes, it's all kinds of fun. Especially when you get the tuned 370Z out, take off all electronic nannies, and thrash it. It's a beautiful thing :P
Something about SuperCar Challenge just felt so wrong to me. It felt like every corner required me to slow to a crawl. That's not fun. This is.
First impressions: I was pleasantly surprised by it. Indy is actually quite an interesting and engaging circuit which was a surprise to me as i was less then impressed when i heard it was going to be the Indy GP circuit. The Nissan 370Z's are very good to drive. I prefer the stock version to the tuned version as it's a bit more unpredictable which makes it more fun. The graphics are amazing, physics feel good.

Overall...I'm very impressed by it.

well, here's my impressions

for me personally a further let down towards the physics as there's always some milliseconds behind the real and I'm not referring such as NfS Shift, I'm referring towards PC simulation titles plus GT series since day one. Maybe it's not for gamepad users but for me using a wheel I'm used to an immediate response.
My wish towards PD is giving the simulation lovers out there a bit more support instead of giving them a disadvantage.
It handles like a small dog on steroids, its way to twitchy with a controller and doesn't flow at all like GT5P. I'll have to try my wheel on it.
Even a noob like me can feel that the physics are improved. I also immediately noticed that the cockpit seems more dynamic. Try to hit a wall for example in cockpitview and see how much more realisitc it looks. The only thing i'm not impressed with are the graphics, but they look good enough for me.

Man, I can't wait when we have +- 1000 cars to choose from! And alot more tracks!
Ok after driving a bit more, I really love it, the cars respond much more like i would expect it and I think car models are improved as well matching with the environment graphics much nicer than GT5P. I can actually drive in 3rd person view again, which was completely impossible in GT5P. Cockpit view seems improved too.

Also I'm sick of this controller/ wheel discussions, neither should have an advantage period.

No, it's not fun. It's way too twitchy, grass is pathetic, textures are awful, and compared to Prologue it's a huge step backwards.

Is this what you call a troll? If so, I now get the meaning of it. :)

Seriously, what's your problem? It's free, it's fun, PD didn't have to give us anything...

and BTW huge step forward would be more appropriate, I'd think. :rolleyes:
It handles like a small dog on steroids, its way to twitchy with a controller and doesn't flow at all like GT5P. I'll have to try my wheel on it.

It did look twitchy in the video's I saw a couple of days before the release of the demo. I was a little bit concerned about that, but after playing the demo myself with a DFGT it's not twitchy at all. Seems like they have set the steering angle best for a wheel.
It did look twitchy in the video's I saw a couple of days before the release of the demo. I was a little bit concerned about that, but after playing the demo myself with a DFGT it's not twitchy at all. Seems like they have set the steering angle best for a wheel.

I think your probably right about that, it is much better setup for the wheel users but I hope this doesn't put off controller users. I don't want to play the demo with my controller anymore, I'm going to have to build a mount for my wheel.
Ok after driving a bit more, I really love it, the cars respond much more like i would expect it and I think car models are improved as well matching with the environment graphics much nicer than GT5P. I can actually drive in 3rd person view again, which was completely impossible in GT5P. Cockpit view seems improved too.
You claim to enjoy racing games yet play in 3rd person? Puh'lease...

Also I'm sick of this controller/ wheel discussions, neither should have an advantage period.

Is this what you call a troll? If so, I now get the meaning of it. :)

Seriously, what's your problem? It's free, it's fun, PD didn't have to give us anything...

and BTW huge step forward would be more appropriate, I'd think. :rolleyes:
If you are sick of them, don't read them. For a start, it's not free - I had to buy a lot of kit and services to be able to download it.

If you think think it's a huge step forwards, good for you. I think it is a huge step backwards. If you disagree, good for you. Have a nice day.
Based on about 40 minutes play using the standard 370Z.

They've certainly upgraded to physics model...haven't they! To say it's had on overhaul feels like an understatement. Now it's hard as nails but you know what, I don't like this Time Trial.

It's not the physics model...the person who decided to have traction control on 7 needs to be shot. It's absolutely killing my on-track abilities. I would never consider Traction Control so why would they in a Time Trial for potential race drivers. Every time I go through a corner the Traction Control kills my speed. The game only allows me to power-slide so much rather than letting me tether the throttle and push out of a corner. NOT HAPPY ABOUT THAT :evil:

Maybe the tuned 370Z is more to my tastes so I'll dive in to that car later.

As for the physics model...well it's more demanding all round. More skill required to complete a lap and a lot easier to get the back-end out of the rails...sometimes because of the difference from Prologue it feels excessive but you get used to controlling it after a while. I went off-track about 4 times on my first lap but started to learn braking points and, as of about 20 minutes ago, I'm ranked 93rd.

Basically it's harder...more challenging...and that's exactly what I wanted to experience. As of now though I prefer Prologue simply because I can choose to have Traction Control off. It makes a BIG difference. This just doesn't suit my style.
Everyone seems to be liking the new physics and I'm trying to agree, I want to like it, but after countless laps with my G25, I'll go as far as saying GT5p had the better physics. No I'm not a troll or anything, I appreciate that PD have given us this demo and I am not fussed about graphics etc or whatever other little things some might be complaining about. All that matter about this demo is the physics. Right so that's out of the way I'll explain why I prefer GT5p physics.

The new physics definitely have a better "feel" of the car through the wheel and that's great (with a controller it's way too twitchy and unnatural). They also have improved alot of how the car behaves but a major flaw is the oversteer. Yes sure there are many things that have improved but the major factors like oversteer I'm afraid they have [insert opposite word for improve here]. In gt5p the car would flow naturally into oversteer and would be very easy to straighten or keep it going through a corner drifting. The new physics makes that pretty much impossible. Yeah you can catch those little small ones when you apply a little too much throttle coming out of a corner and the back end bites for a split second and you immediately catch it, that's fine, but when you get a big oversteer and try to drift it, almost impossible.

In iRacing, take a stock solstice and try drift...not a chance, same thing happens you can catch little ones, otherwise it just spins. In LFS take a stock XRG, a very underpowered FR car and try do the same thing, it handles wonderfully, natural oversteer which can turn into a nice drift and very easy to correct, just like in real life. A 350z in real life (or any other FR car with decent enough power) can easily be thrown sideways and caught very easily, this is not happening in the new demo (nor in iRacing).

So this is why GT5p is still better, yes some things are improved and it has a better feel but overall GT5p is still good enough and to me is better because the pros of the physics overule? superseed? (what's the word I'm looking for there?) the new demo. Looking forward to see the difference when the full game is released.

If you enjoy it though, that's fine, this is just my opinion and maybe some will agree with me, especially G25 owners who have put many many laps into GT5p with rear wheel drive cars.

As a side note: I don't want to be flamed about iRacing, yes people call it a great sim and sure it's great when racing, but if you can't do what you do on the road with a stock car in the game with a stock car, then it's not very realistic to me. LFS is more like it.
Enjoying it so far. Unfortunately I am back from uni for christmas and my G25 is there so can't comphare properly. The physics are a big plus though. As far as sound goes that is an improvement also.

With graphics some bits are great others not so, but it is a VERY bland track in real life. Obviously details like smoke etc are missing so its obviously not the full engine either, but still looks good to me!
I've got a G25 (setting up my Fanatec this week) but only had chance to use the sixaxis. Full lock comes on too quick and I know understand why some of the videos had really erratic corrections. Its seems a lot different than GT5p with the joypad and almost unusable. I can play GT5p and Forza 3 with the controller after a couple of minutes.

Sixaxis users won't stand a chance for the competition anyway and perhaps this demo is tailored for the wheel? But many will download this from PSN and be unable to play.

Maybe its just me but I don't understand why they'd do this to joypad players.
I dunno, I have been trying with the pad and racing Kaz's lap just to see how it compares and I am able to beat him till half way through and I haven't used a pad since GT3. I think they will be able to compete maybe not win, but they can still enjoy it!
You claim to enjoy racing games yet play in 3rd person? Puh'lease...
Nothing wrong with kiddie cam. If he enjoys racing with it, good for him.

If you are sick of them, don't read them.
Then why keep you posting the same thing over and over again? Hard to avoid reading them that way.
They take up a lot of space on my screen.

For a start, it's not free - I had to buy a lot of kit and services to be able to download it.
It IS free. Having to buy kit to be able to use it has nothing to do with it. So if you receive gas for free, it isn't free, because you have bought a car, had to get insurance and pay road tax?

If you think think it's a huge step forwards, good for you. I think it is a huge step backwards. If you disagree, good for you. Have a nice day.

We got that by now. There are people who think it's nice. If you disagree, good for you. Have a nice day.
I've got a G25 (setting up my Fanatec this week) but only had chance to use the sixaxis. Full lock comes on too quick and I know understand why some of the videos had really erratic corrections. Its seems a lot different than GT5p with the joypad and almost unusable. I can play GT5p and Forza 3 with the controller after a couple of minutes.

Sixaxis users won't stand a chance for the competition anyway and perhaps this demo is tailored for the wheel? But many will download this from PSN and be unable to play.
Maybe its just me but I don't understand why they'd do this to joypad players.
Isn't it weird? I think it's much easier with a pad than GT5P, especially since the demo is on professional physics.
I feel the steering is spot on with Dpad,not twitchy at all, tho the forced TC is a joke!
@ TokioDrift: Yeah, I like 3rd person view, it's actually one of the things that made me love GT... have a nice day too 👍
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I am very impressed by the demo, huge step forward from gt5p :) Little more tricky on the edge just like kaz said. LOVE those n3`s :D
I was surprised how little I learned over the months. This version confirms the GT5p conclusion, when you are a bad driver, it does not get better in this version.

Yes my attempt was just a quick try over lunch till now, less then 10 rounds on a track I do not know.
But it was killing me, I do not have the impression to see the track.
Since I do not know this track I'm using the driving line, I turned it of several weeks ago in GT5p which I found liberating. I hope tonight I'll get used to the track, turn that line off and stop looking at the ground.
For the Traction control 7 on the stock car, it still allowed me to spin out seriously on the N3s, which surprised me. (In GT5p I turn TCS off)

The thing I liked most is the new buttons in the menu, but it is hardly for this I would buy a racing sim.
the physics seams better... the hardest point until now is the braking... i still dont know if its faster to brake at 100% or brake slightly...
It's because unlike Turn 10, PD have lost the plot.

Well JamboGT is doing okay.

Waiting for the Fanatec I've been using the pad in Forza and its not that different from GT5p in terms of difficulty and I can do laps in GT5p with the pad comfortably even after using the wheel for months.

Both just need to push the stick fully over and a progressive turn happens and you just get a feel when to start and release. With this demo that just whips full lock on and I would find doing tiny increments with the analogue stick tricky.

Isn't it weird? I think it's much easier with a pad than GT5P, especially since the demo is on professional physics.
I feel the steering is spot on with Dpad,not twitchy at all, tho the forced TC is a joke!

I forgot to mention its the analogue sticks that are quite different to me. I never touch the D-pad.

Good to hear people can play it then.
it is a bit tricky with the analog stick. i spent about 15 minutes with the game, and got used to it after that. mind you i haven't played any games for the last 10 months..
one thing i really liked was the throttle response. quite a far cry from the prologue in my view.
Well JamboGT is doing okay.

I forgot to mention its the analogue sticks that are quite different to me. I never touch the D-pad.

Good to hear people can play it then.

I see, you're right. It's twitchy with stick, PD don't seem to like it anymore.
Haven't touched D-pad since DS1 came out myself, but started using it again yesterday in preparation for the demo, wasn't hard to adapt and it paid. :)
I'm nowhere near Kaz' ghost tho ^^ :lol:
Good: I'm currently the highest ranked player using a controller. :D

I think I've fallen in love with GT all over again. Thinking about modifying cars in the full game and them being as fun or more exciting that the tuned 370Z is just blowing my mind.

This :drool: :drool::drool::drool::drool::drool:

I've forgotten every game out there, i just cant stop thinking about all the cars i will be able to modify, hear and drive from the cockpit :drool:👍👍
Just want to say that control wise am using stick for steering and shoulder buttons for accelerate and brake. Using circle and triangle for gears. Using the stock on N3's is tricky I will grant you but not impossible.
If you disagree, good for you. Have a nice day.

How about you take your own advice here, and avoid making comments like these:

You claim to enjoy racing games yet play in 3rd person? Puh'lease...

If you are sick of them, don't read them. For a start, it's not free - I had to buy a lot of kit and services to be able to download it.

Consider this a warning.