FITT - Federation of International Tuners and Test-Drivers

  • Thread starter DigitalBaka
So has anybody had any real big crashes whilst tuning for comp yet? The esprit has thrown itself into walls a few times at upwards of 200km/h. I nearly flipped it once: Spastic machine.
During the Ford Challenges I had a few crashes that I posted, they are the last picture in each post here and here. I did not have any issues tuning for this challenge yet though. As @DolHaus said though, it is just how we drive, like to push the limit sometimes and it may result in epic failure.
Oh god, I'd forgotten about that one :lol: :nervous:
I haven't forgot about that one...

I'm still going to therapy!
That... I... how?... What the hell were you doing?
Like @DaBomm4 said...I was failing!:lol: To be fair, I think I got most of the signs and put a marks on the stone wall with both rear tires. That's gotta be an accomplishment in itself. Us testers aren't quite right in the head, and push the cars as hard as we can, sometimes beyond OUR limits. That's when you hold on and enjoy the, ground, wall, tree, grass clippings, sky again. Just wish there were more testers.:indiff:
Like @DaBomm4 said...I was failing!:lol: To be fair, I think I got most of the signs and put a marks on the stone wall with both rear tires. That's gotta be an accomplishment in itself. Us testers aren't quite right in the head, and push the cars as hard as we can, sometimes beyond OUR limits. That's when you hold on and enjoy the, ground, wall, tree, grass clippings, sky again. Just wish there were more testers.:indiff:
Well done. There are few cars that I can manage to flip on their own on a normal track.
Had a look at the stats for the GT300's, should be able to split them into 2 categories:

Group 1: 300 bhp max/ 1175kg min

Lexus IS350 GT300 Base Model
295 bhp/1150kg/505pp

Subaru Imprezza GT300 Base Model
295 bhp/1100kg/507pp

Group 2: 370 bhp max/ 1200kg min

Autobacs Garaiya GT300 Base Model
352 bhp/1175kg/514pp

RE Amemiya RX7 GT300 Base Model
337 bhp/1100kg/512pp

Subaru BRZ GT300 Base Model
345 bhp/1150kg/510pp
Had a look at the stats for the GT300's, should be able to split them into 2 categories:

Group 1: 300 bhp max/ 1175kg min

Lexus IS350 GT300 Base Model
295 bhp/1150kg/505pp

Subaru Imprezza GT300 Base Model
295 bhp/1100kg/507pp

Group 2: 370 bhp max/ 1200kg min

Autobacs Garaiya GT300 Base Model
352 bhp/1175kg/514pp

RE Amemiya RX7 GT300 Base Model
337 bhp/1100kg/512pp

Subaru BRZ GT300 Base Model
345 bhp/1150kg/510pp

- very good group 2 choices of cars
Just bought the cars and they are much closer in terms of stats (the data I got from was incorrect :confused:), might just put them all in one group instead
Track: Tsukuba
Grip: Real
Tyres: Racing Hard
Transmission: 130mph

Subaru Impreza GT300 Base Model '08
Drivetrain: 4WD
Power: 317 bhp
Engine limiter: 100%
Weight: 1150kg
Ballast/Position: 50kg / -12
Time: 0:56.571

Lexus IS350 GT300 Base Model '08
Drivetrain: MR
Power: 317 bhp
Engine limiter: 100%
Weight: 1150kg
Ballast/Position: 0kg / 0
Time: 0:56.531

Subaru BRZ GT300 Base Model '12
Drivetrain: FR
Power: 317 bhp
Engine limiter: 92%
Weight: 1150kg
Ballast/Position: 0kg / 0
Time: 0:56.514

I've chosen Tsukuba because its a short lap and will make testing quicker and easier, I believe they also run GT300 time trials here in real life.
The contest will be fixed power/weight/distribution, no aftermarket parts allowed to keep the costs down (1.5 million for all 3 cars)
10 days to tune
10 days to test

(Please feel free to test the cars and check that they are equal 👍)
ok guys so I've been MIA for a while, busy with work, etc. A few weeks ago I started a conversation with a few of the regulars here about a big change in the way DC scoring is handled. In Hami's ford competition he scored the lap times differently by turning lap times into points. That kid of sparked an idea about how to integrate DC score into the point system that Hami used for the lap times that would allow us to have 1 true podium for challenges instead of a lap winner and a DC winner.

linked here is the google doc used for the mustang challenge. to the right you can see where the fastest lap is worth the full 10 points and other laps are then given point values based from how far behind they were. What I suggest is that we bump this up from a 10 point score to a 100 point score. We can then also score Drivers Choice on a 100 point scale by breaking it into categories. Then by combining both scores we would end up with a true "best" tune. Similar to the way that in racing 2 2nd place wins is worth more points than a win and a crash. We had a lengthy conversation (56 replies) and as a group decided that the 4 categories and their available points would be:

Corner entry @ 20pts
Mid corner @ 20pts
Corner exit @ 20pts
Enjoyment @ 40pts

I'll just give a short breakdown of what's included and how you would score each category.

-- Corner entry includes braking performance as well as turn in responsiveness and initial oversteer/understeer balance.

-- Mid corner includes how well the car holds a line, weight transfer, rotation, and how well it carries speed through a turn.

-- Corner exit includes exit grip and stability, LSD settings, and throttle control.

-- Enjoyment includes the most important part of DC scoring and is why it is weighted with the most points. It allows you to grade the personality of the car and your personal preference of the tune.

With this system it allows a car that is a blast to drive but a bit off the pace to still be a contender for the podium because that fun factor now counts toward a total score.

An example of how the new scoring system would look could be:

Mclaren MP4 - 49.475 - DC:84

Corner entry: 20pts - I love the braking. You can brake really late and it feels like it turns almost as well under braking as it does normally. You can also tap the brakes to tighten up the line and there is no disruption to the car whatsoever. Although it did not like making adjustments to your line once you started turning though.

Mid Corner: 16pts - It would coast into a corner well and held the line great. it seemed like it had to settle a bit before it really started rotating though

Corner exit: 18pts - it had lots of grip if you had your exit speed right and would really hold the line. If you hit the gas early though and had to lift even just a little, the car would wobble and take a second to regain it's balance and that would really slow you down.

Enjoyment: 30pts - I'm confident in this car as long as you are hitting your marks. It has lots of grip and turns well. It is not super predictable though and the exit understeer will sometimes catch you off guard. Despite being a MR car it felt safe and as though you are just along for the ride instead of barely controlling the reigns.

you can see that everything in our current review process is still included, including the short description of the car, it's just now broken into categories. Also rather than just reading that the corner exit had some understeer, the tuner can see that it was still above average with 18pts. that's because it turns great and holds the line of you aren't going to fast, but will understeer if you use the throttle too early. so it's still great turning ability, but not perfect.

I apologize for the large article you just had to read but I think that using this system would allow testers to give a more focused DC score while also giving more detailed feedback. It also includes everything we already do but allows the score to be more significant in where a car places. Thanks for you time guys and I look forward to any questions and discussion on this idea.

A special thanks to @Bowtie-muscle @DaBomm4 @DolHaus @MrGrado @Otaliema @Ridox2JZGTE and @shaunm80

also tagged for their opinion and input @CyKosis1973 @Motor City Hami @krenkme @Lionheart2113 @praiano63 @brian wolf @Ronald6 @DigitalBaka @xande1959 @biffa3 @NEWDRIVER2

I'm I forgot to tag someone so apologies in advance, if there's anyone else you guys think need to weigh in on this please tag them.
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Could maybe do a short GT300 challenge over Christmas and then some kind of Ferrari/Italy/supercar (?) themed challenge in the new year?
Wasn't getting notified here :(
I was planning a short challenge the transmission tuning challenge as a follow up on @Bowtie-muscle British challenge but I'll side line it for the GT300 challenge if we would rather have that. The idea of the transmission challenge was to have a short non-stressful challenge to finish out the year. Could do the GT300 as the 2015 opener would be a good one there.

The transmission challenge would be held at GVE using @ImToLegitToQuit RX-7 tune with a couple of minor tweaks to make it a great fit for GVE and the tuners submit a transmission tune that pushes the car the car as far as it will go. The goal of the challenge is to have a short easy challenge right before the crazyniss of the holidays and answer just how much a transmission helps or hurts a car.
Testers would need to provide a base lap with a stock(default) transmission than all times for that tester are compaired to that so if transmission A improves time by .500 and transmission B improves time by .503 transmission B would be the better of the two.
DC score would be based on how the transmission operated for the car did it cause undo wheel spin did it bog down were you having to shift in The middle of a turn etc.
its fantastic idea, do not want to be in the shoes of the testers, but I have another idea to join. in Formula 1 there is the ideal lap, right eg: 1st sector (DolHaus) 2nd sector (Otaliema) 3rd sector (Motor City Hami) then would be given special points for circuit sectors. and an idea:idea::cheers::odd:
Wasn't getting notified here :(
I was planning a short challenge the transmission tuning challenge as a follow up on @Bowtie-muscle British challenge but I'll side line it for the GT300 challenge if we would rather have that. The idea of the transmission challenge was to have a short non-stressful challenge to finish out the year. Could do the GT300 as the 2015 opener would be a good one there.

The transmission challenge would be held at GVE using @ImToLegitToQuit RX-7 tune with a couple of minor tweaks to make it a great fit for GVE and the tuners submit a transmission tune that pushes the car the car as far as it will go. The goal of the challenge is to have a short easy challenge right before the crazyniss of the holidays and answer just how much a transmission helps or hurts a car.
Testers would need to provide a base lap with a stock(default) transmission than all times for that tester are compaired to that so if transmission A improves time by .500 and transmission B improves time by .503 transmission B would be the better of the two.
DC score would be based on how the transmission operated for the car did it cause undo wheel spin did it bog down were you having to shift in The middle of a turn etc.
I honestly don't mind which one runs, I'm just putting ideas out there 👍
(I don't mind running the contest over Christmas, having a quiet one this year so I've got nothing but time)
Good ideas I see sprouting up, the most I would be able to participate is by being an eye for errors because my craziness for the holidays has started. I have not been on for over a week because that is how crazy it was around here. If I get some extra time during this week I might try to get a sneak peek at one or both of these ideas though.
I would be up for trying the ideas from @ImToLegitToQuit & @xande1959 I think both would require an easier type of challenge to put them through their paces though. All tied into one year end challenge (in 2 parts) that needs something to ensure more testers than tuners. Ok, here it goes...only FITT tuners who have NOT received a 1st place in either lap time or DC score for 2014 can tune for this challenge. :scared:
I would be up for trying the ideas from @ImToLegitToQuit & @xande1959 I think both would require an easier type of challenge to put them through their paces though. All tied into one year end challenge (in 2 parts) that needs something to ensure more testers than tuners. Ok, here it goes...only FITT tuners who have NOT received a 1st place in either lap time or DC score for 2014 can tune for this challenge. :scared:
@ImToLegitToQuit 's thing is a revision to the DC scoring that will be trialled in the new year, just looking for any objections from active/key members 👍
@xande1959 's idea would be tricky and time consuming to implement (sector times are only accessible by using a replay), its a good idea in theory though.

We can't really exclude people from a whole contest, specially seeing that most of the regulars have won one or the other at some point. We can exclude them from a group but not a whole contest (December contest is going to have to be short and simple)
Corner entry @ 20pts
Mid corner @ 20pts
Corner exit @ 20pts
Enjoyment @ 40pts

I'll just give a short breakdown of what's included and how you would score each category.

-- Corner entry includes braking performance as well as turn in responsiveness and initial oversteer/understeer balance.

-- Mid corner includes how well the car holds a line, weight transfer, rotation, and how well it carries speed through a turn.

-- Corner exit includes exit grip and stability, LSD settings, and throttle control.

-- Enjoyment includes the most important part of DC scoring and is why it is weighted with the most points. It allows you to grade the personality of the car and your personal preference of the tune.

This seems awfully complicated at a time when we are trying to attract more testers. I probably wouldn`t have time to test and write up 15 of these reviews.
With this system it allows a car that is a blast to drive but a bit off the pace to still be a contender for the podium because that fun factor now counts toward a total score.
The reverse therefore must also be possible, where the tune with the fastest average lap time doesn`t win? Makes no sense to me.

I`m not sure what the problem is with the current system?
@ImToLegitToQuit 's thing is a revision to the DC scoring that will be trialled in the new year, just looking for any objections from active/key members 👍
@xande1959 's idea would be tricky and time consuming to implement (sector times are only accessible by using a replay), its a good idea in theory though.

We can't really exclude people from a whole contest, specially seeing that most of the regulars have won one or the other at some point. We can exclude them from a group but not a whole contest (December contest is going to have to be short and simple)
Short and simple is good for this time of year. Like ten day for the entire challenge would be a good time frame so that we are trying to squezze anything in right up to holiday deadlines.

This seems awfully complicated at a time when we are trying to attract more testers. I probably wouldn`t have time to test and write up 15 of these reviews.

The reverse therefore must also be possible, where the tune with the fastest average lap time doesn`t win? Makes no sense to me.

I`m not sure what the problem is with the current system?
There is no problem with the current system, the idea behind this is to allow cars that are not knife edge fast and are not stable and often more fun to drive to have a honest chance of winning. It would allow three podiums per class of a contest, Lap time, DC and overall. Sorta like a race championship where the over all winner of the season is not newsiarly the one who won the most races but the one that was most consistant.
Edit; the current challenge is a perfect exsample, Hami's tune is coming 3rd for time and 2nd for DC with the revised system he would take 2nd overall maybe even first due to DC break down of corner and enjoyment factors cause every tester so far has loved his car but Dolhaus is getting a very slight edge on DC prolly cause it's. Tad faster with the new system Hami would be so ohh very well in all areas making it a very high scoring car for DC.
This seems awfully complicated at a time when we are trying to attract more testers. I probably wouldn`t have time to test and write up 15 of these reviews.

The reverse therefore must also be possible, where the tune with the fastest average lap time doesn`t win? Makes no sense to me.

I`m not sure what the problem is with the current system?
In fairness I think the description makes it look more complicated than it is. Basically the problem with the current DC system is that its a very short scale (5-10) and it is hard to differentiate between cars because of it, it is also too influenced by the lap time, faster cars always get better scores which is defeating the purpose of having separate drivers choice/time categories.

The reviews don't need to be as detailed as they are in the description, a short sentence on each will more than suffice. The break down of the scoring system will allow testers to be more objective in their scoring and give better feedback for the tuners.