Isn't that kind of what we do with lap times in every challenge or am I reading that wrong?
Testers A&B can handle loose race cars, Tester C cannot. So the loose tune would lose scoring time with Tester C.
Now another tune comes up that is neutral Testers A&B once again do just fine with this tune, meanwhile Tester C can handle this one and gets a better lap time. So the neutral tune would likely be victorious when the average lap times are counted.
What I'm trying to say is that we rely heavily on testers putting their right foot down and driving to THEIR limits with every tune. And most if not all, don't give up on a tune until they feel that they got what they could out of it them and are pretty consistent. We've all tested and we all share that inner competition of trying to get the best lap times. (We wouldn't be playing the game if we weren't competitive!

) I don't see what the issue would be if we followed the standard graph layout like in previous challenges (averages) with this one. And maybe take into consideration driving the stock transmission and looking for improvements like
@DaBomm4 idea. But again, if I'm missing something as far as that goes, please correct me.
I agree with
@ImToLegitToQuit that transmissions are probably more track specific, and in my opinion, sometimes more than suspension changes. But I would like to point out that there would be more to show in this challenge than just long gear vs short gear. I am interested in seeing results from this because (you might call me crazy or that I'm just imagining) different transmission setups will make a car behave differently. (I know that is in total disagreement with a few top tuners) Like mentioned, sometimes gearing is used to solve grip issues. But, I'm reminded of a test I did back in GT5 where I kept all the gearing the same except for 1st. At Grand Valley Speedway, 1st gear wasn't used but yet there was over .400 difference between the 2 transmissions in lap times. I think I'm pretty consistent and GVS is one of my testing tracks, so I'd like to think that driver error was not a factor. I could feel that the faster of the 2 had slightly better rotation, and I've seen the same results in GT6 especially on the FITT BTCC Ford Focus. Is it because of an auto transmission or what? I have no idea.
But if we wanna put this contest on the back burner or in the trash, to have a nice little shootout for the end of year, I'm up for that too. I'm sure I'm like everyone else...lets just get a reason to hit the track!👍