speaking of premium base models, but totally nothing to do with this discussion. . . .
I love to personalize my cars, so yeah, I will and have bought the base models for everything before buying the set ones.
but yesterday morning I made a 1.5 million dollar mistake, lol.
I wanted to test/tune some different rally cars for that seasonal. So I bought the only 2 rally cara you can paint. One of them is fine, subaru maybe, and got me the silver. But I decided to buy that Monster Ginormous base model one. awesome^^
The friggin seasonal wont let you use it. . . . It let you use the nonbase one. I was soooo p/o'd I turned the game off, lol.
So I hope noone else makes my mistake.
OK, back on track

I do like the line up, and think you guys did great setting this up so far. Looking forward to this very much