FM7 vs. PCars 2 vs. GT:Sport

So you compared a race car with a street car...

Compare the Aventador or whatever is in booth games...

I played over 180hrs Pcars 2 and i can tell you the cars have more grip than in Forza.

I don´t say Forza grip is more realistic. It´s a bit too low imo.
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I just discovered this but looks like PCARS 2 has pre-order day one DLC, as well as pre-order exclusive season pass DLC. In terms of anti-consumerism, the other two are way less sleazy.

Than people wonder why I slammed the PC2 community the other day. :rolleyes:

Oh, so we're just going to lie and say there was nothing new to show without providing some of source to back up such a bold claim...

You do realize T10 were presenting FM7 right? Yes not much has been announced at E3, but don't act like they had nothing new to show off, as well as assume what content the game will have, because you nor anyone else knows that...

So now that it's september, and nothing new came out, is it to early to gloat?

I kid, I kid!!!

But in all seriousness, sounds like a lot of people are dissapointed now. I hope FM8 is better. I can't see myself buying a game I can (for the most part) already play. As I still have FM3, 4, 5, 6 and FH1 and 3.. and both a 360 and one hooked up already.
So now that it's september, and nothing new came out, is it to early to gloat?

I kid, I kid!!!

But in all seriousness, sounds like a lot of people are dissapointed now. I hope FM8 is better. I can't see myself buying a game I can (for the most part) already play. As I still have FM3, 4, 5, 6 and FH1 and 3.. and both a 360 and one hooked up already.

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in awhile. :P

Anyways, Maple Valley, Mugello, the returning cars and a revamped career mode are enough for me to get the standard edition. But to each their own.
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in awhile. :P

Anyways, Maple Valley, Mugello, the returning cars and a revamped career mode are enough for me to get the standard edition. But to each their own.

I'll admit I will eventually get it. Just not present order, ultra deluxe whatever. I'll probably game of the year addition. I haven't thrown in the towel completely. If nothing else FM7 is at least, a remastered FM game. And I would be lying if I told you I didn't buy remastered GTA5 and Skyrim. Those titles added absolutely nothing new to the game exept updated graphics.
So really to complain about FM7 would be kind of hypocritical of me.
Okay, all 3 titles are now close to release; so I guess it's safe for me to make a final decision.

I'm going to get all 3 titles at different points of time. However, I'm getting Forza Motorsport 7 first as I had no problems with the previous titles aside from FM5 and it has a few things that make me want to get it. The dynamic time & weather is an appealing factor to me, I think it will make going back to tracks from the previous games have a fresh feel due to it. It'll also have more freedom in the career mode than in FM6 and offline career is something I care about. With the car count, I'm dissappointed on the extreme low count of new entries to the series, but I extremely happy with the huge count of returning cars from FM4 and previous Xbox One Forzas including FH3. Which is good for me, because I couldn't get the most out of some cars in FH3 as the road circuits were too short with the exception of Goliath.

Project CARS 2 has some appeal to me with its huge track selection along with additions of cars that I haven't used in other racing games before. However, even though I've heard the gamepad controls have been improved; I still want to wait for reviews before buying it.

Gran Turismo Sport, I'm going to wait a while before getting this as I don't have room for a PS4 at the moment. That's honestly my main reason for not getting this game. I'm also not a fan of how online focused this entry to the series is, but I'll still try the online modes anyway. The amazing livery editor and photo mode have some appeal to me. I like that I can even put windshield banners on the cars. If that all fails, I'll be fine with just racing in Arcade mode; it seems that you can earn credits from racing in that mode anyway.
Thinking about this from my own perspective:

  • Forza is my favourite gaming series (even moreso than Final Fantasy or Metal Gear Solid, games which I wrote my university thesis on), so there is a very high chance of me getting Forza Motorsport 7.
  • My time with the Gran Turismo Sport Closed Beta confirmed to me that that title is exactly what I want out of an online racing environment, and the handling on controller is as close as a PlayStation title is going to get to Forza.
I'll likely put 500-1000 hours into each of those titles over the next 2 years. So where does that leave Project CARS 2?

Right now I don't see how that will fit into my gaming plans at all, as one can only dedicate so much time to "getting good" at a game and fully experiencing it.

If the game was coming out in August or after Christmas I'd be more willing to try it out, as there's enough of a gap between it and the first-party titles for me to fully explore and enjoy it. As it stands it is getting overshadowed by 2 brands that I have enjoyed for well over a decade each, that are coming out "at the same time".

I can only see myself picking up Project CARS 2 if it turns out to be a game where I can get all Achievements/Trophies in about 50 hours, which is a shame as in any other year it would be a near insta-buy (assuming it's all above board from a QA standpoint). I wouldn't like to pick it up "late" either, as that means I'm behind the curve in terms of competitiveness Online, and the Multiplayer population would have diminished anyway.

I'm sure it'll be a good game, but the release timing has killed off my potential interest. Now I know how Titanfall 2 fans must feel :lol:

2 months later and my opinion hasn't changed.

One thing I didn't consider however is F1 2017. That's actually been a very good game on Xbox this year (albeit with with some minor bugs and notable screen tearing). I've been playing it for the past 3 weeks and having fun with both the Single and Multiplayer races.

Even if I was interested in Project CARS 2 I doubt I could pull myself away from F1 to play it. By the time the other 2 titles release I'l have had my fill of F1 for another year but as I said before there's no time gap for Proejct CARS 2 to slot in to once those arrive.

With so many good racing games releasing this year something had to give, and that thing was Project CARS 2 for me. Hopefully it'll end up being a good game as the console space "needs" a high quality simulator. Asseto Corsa had its chance last year and blew it.
2 months later and my opinion hasn't changed.

One thing I didn't consider however is F1 2017. That's actually been a very good game on Xbox this year (albeit with with some minor bugs and notable screen tearing). I've been playing it for the past 3 weeks and having fun with both the Single and Multiplayer races.

Even if I was interested in Project CARS 2 I doubt I could pull myself away from F1 to play it. By the time the other 2 titles release I'l have had my fill of F1 for another year but as I said before there's no time gap for Proejct CARS 2 to slot in to once those arrive.

With so many good racing games releasing this year something had to give, and that thing was Project CARS 2 for me. Hopefully it'll end up being a good game as the console space "needs" a high quality simulator. Asseto Corsa had its chance last year and blew it.

Well, you will probably be surprised by Project CARS 2. The ffb nightmare has went from 21 settings down to really 2! The overall package positives definitely outweigh the small number of negatives atm.
Well, you will probably be surprised by Project CARS 2. The ffb nightmare has went from 21 settings down to really 2! The overall package positives definitely outweigh the small number of negatives atm.

Yep and Team VVV released their first video on the standard PS4 only playing with a controller. All their future videos will be with the controller as well since "it obviously already works great with a wheel". :)

For me this will be the list of 2017 racing games to look forward to :

1 - Project CARS 2 (pre-ordered, mega hype!!! This one stands above the rest and nothing comes remotely close!)
2 - Forza Motorsport 7 (pre-ordered, mostly bought it out of curiosity and the 4K HDR update over FM6, I'm sure most if not all of my FM6 frustrations will still be there. But it's been over 1.5 years since I played FM6 so that alone will give FM7 a bit of an extra fresh feeling as well)
3 - Forza Horizon 3 - XBox One X update (I played it on the XBox One standard so seeing it in 4K HDR will be great no doubt, will sure put some extra life in it)
4 - Assetto Corsa 1.14, 1.15 & 1.16 updates & DLC (Still a great game but I cannot play this with a controller. I keep buying the DLC and as soon as I have the XBox One X my current XBox will move from my living room back to my rig and I will play it some more again on my rig)
5 - WRC7 (won't get this on release date but it sure looks interesting, probably will get it on a good sale.)
6 - F1 2017 (won't get this on release date but it sure looks interesting, probably will get it on a good sale. Besides I'm not even done with F1 2016)
7 - Dirt 4 (already bought this on release date, it's not bad but I miss the real life rally stages and a full WRX circuit list... Absolutely incredible controller handling in gamer mode though, even puts Forza to shame and dethrones it as the best controller racing game I played so far)
8 - GT:SPort (absolutely at the bottom of the pack. I have a PS4 Pro, I have a 4K HDR system and a beautiful 65" TV. The only thing I don't have is the desire to play this game with it's seriously lacking track roster and fictionally spec cars). The only thing that maybe would make me get this game is a massive content update and a cheap price so maybe a bundled edition with a ton of DLC way down the road (2019-ish).
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Okay, all 3 titles are now close to release; so I guess it's safe for me to make a final decision.

I'm going to get all 3 titles at different points of time.

I will also be getting all 3 titles at different points of time.

Project Cars 2 on September 22nd.
Forza Motorsport 7 on October 3rd.
Gran Turismo Sport on October 17th.


Out of the three, the one I'm probably least keen on would be Forza 7... the career structure doesn't appeal to me, nor does the increased emphasis on the mod system. But I've still gotta have it for two main reasons: Car count and Road Atlanta.
All 3 will be part of my collection very soon. I'm a car nut so these all coming around the same time does for me what finding a golden ticket did for Charlie in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!

PC2 I'm probably most excited about. Brilliant car roster with loads of new additions.
FM7 Despite many people being disappointed in the lack of new content, I'm excited about the returning 360 models. Plus many cars will be new to the Motorsport franchise.
GTS By far the weakest in terms of car roster and track selection. But 🤬 it's another car game!!
Now that we're pretty close to the release dates of all 3 here's how I vew each of them.

Project Cars 2: Content wise it looks great and SMS has convinced me they have learned from their mistakes from the first one. I pre-ordered the regular version, so I'll find out in less than a week if they did a better job this time around.

Forza Motorsport 7: The lack of truly new content is a tad disappointing, but the returning content (Mugello!) from previous games as well as the stuff that debuted in FH3 is decent enough. Plus the career mode seems interesting enough. I did have the Ultimate edition pre-ordered at one point, but downgraded to the standard edition.

Gran Turismo Sport: Some aspects look great, but none of them are really making me want to go and get a PS4 along with the game.

I'm excited to have 2 (hopefully) great racing games coming to the XB1, I just don't know how I'm supposed to balance them. :lol:
My future game list.
P2 just have to decide on Xbox or ps4.
NFS payback pending reviews.
FM7 when on sale or used.
Crew 2 when on sale or used.
GTS (maybe) still undecided about getting a PS4.

My main concern at this point with PS4 is no 4k DVD player.

In a perfect world, I would get a PC for my TV and go that route. I just really don't know the first thing about PC.
That was pretty embarrassing, big facepalm. Just on that alone I think I'll pass on pcars2.
Really? Read the rest of the thread it ends pretty friendly, Bell can be a bit spikey but I don't see devs from any other games here answering questions about their game like Bell and The American have been for the past few months. Their interaction with GT Planet has been great. It would be wonderful if other devs would follow suit.

To pass on what is looking like a fantastic racing game over that seems a little daft.
Really? Read the rest of the thread it ends pretty friendly, Bell can be a bit spikey but I don't see devs from any other games here answering questions about their game like Bell and The American have been for the past few months. Their interaction with GT Planet has been great. It would be wonderful if other devs would follow suit.

To pass on what is looking like a fantastic racing game over that seems a little daft.
It's not very friendly towards the game with "borked" detail and features. :lol:

I agree that passing on the game after one post would be silly, but after the control issues at launch and subsequent frame rate issues the first game had on Xbox I'm glad that he's here to reassure people who aren't members of the game's development community that those issues have been addressed in the first game and won't be present in the sequel.
It's not very friendly towards the game with "borked" detail and features. :lol:

I agree that passing on the game after one post would be silly, but after the control issues at launch and subsequent frame rate issues the first game had on Xbox I'm glad that he's here to reassure people who aren't members of the game's development community that those issues have been addressed in the first game and won't be present in the sequel.
I've been saying for a while that controller implementation is much better this time around, which is also highlighted in GT Planets preview

Can't comment on any framerate issues on Xbox obviously but buy an Xbox One X and you'll be fine :P
I've been saying for a while that controller implementation is much better this time around, which is also highlighted in GT Planets preview

Can't comment on any framerate issues on Xbox obviously but buy an Xbox One X and you'll be fine :P
And yet people still have misgivings. Perhaps they're more prepared to take Bell at his word than a random WMD member and are waiting for Xbox 1 specific reviews as the frame rate problems in particular were limited to that platform. Anything SMS and their backers can do to assuage those doubts is time well spent, in my opinion.

I already bought a PC version of PCars to replace the X1 version (having bought a computer shortly after release). I don't want to go through that experience again and am going straight for the Steam version this time around. They're only getting my money the once this time. :P
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Well after playing the FM7 demo I think it's pretty safe to say that Project Cars and most likely GT Sport will both blow Forza out of the water in terms of physics. With me being a wheel users that is THE most important especially when it's as bad as Forza. Wow what a disappointment that was. T10 needs to scrap the current setup even if it means going back to FM4 physics and tweak from there.
Well after playing the FM7 demo I think it's pretty safe to say that Project Cars and most likely GT Sport will both blow Forza out of the water in terms of physics. With me being a wheel users that is THE most important especially when it's as bad as Forza. Wow what a disappointment that was. T10 needs to scrap the current setup even if it means going back to FM4 physics and tweak from there.

We are playing a really old build. But don't expect assetto corsa level of FFB because it will never happen. Forza was never meant to,be a real sim.
We are playing a really old build. But don't expect assetto corsa level of FFB because it will never happen. Forza was never meant to,be a real sim.

The FFB isn't the problem. I find that decent. It's the physics itself. FM4 was 100 times better imo. Not sure what T10 is thinking here.
After playing Project Cars for a few house, I turn back to Forza 7 demo and the FFB felt empty. The amount of information provided to me through the wheel was very light compare to Pcars. You still have better throttle control with that setup but overall it wasn't mind blowing. I am hoping this is because the demo is the E3 build and that some of it has been refined before launch.
Can you go into some specifics of why you think that because I don't agree.

Disagree 100%. The physics have improved 10 fold since FM4. What exactly do you feel is wrong?

I'm feeling like I'm having to tip toe around the entire track even with the Porsche on a dry surface. There is supposed to be levels of grip before it's completely lost. In this game it seems you either have grip or you simply have none at all and there is very very little warning. The car just feels disconnected from the road.

My wheel is producing a good amount of FFB but it's just not accurate FFB. It's just a random mess but I believe it's due to the physics being so poor.
My wheel is producing a good amount of FFB but it's just not accurate FFB. It's just a random mess but I believe it's due to the physics being so poor.
If it's a wheel only thing then I don't see how it's down to the physics because I'm pretty sure you can feel different levels of grip via the controller. does this affect all cars equally?