FM7 vs. PCars 2 vs. GT:Sport

The ones I have noticed it the worst on so far are the Ford Fusion Nascar, the 66 Mustang and maybe the worst of all is the F-Type Jag. The Jag drove so badly that I exited the session after less than 1/4 mile
I've driven two of those three and not found a dead zone issue with them at all, be it steering or FFB.

Now the 66 Mustang you would given the age of it expect to find some dead play around centre, AC models this in a lot of the older cars. The old Masserati GP cars are the most noticeable.
Project Cars 2 has impressed me on how much the gamepad controls have improved over the 1st installment. So, I think I'm keeping it and I probably will get the season pass later on once I know what the DLC packs will contain anyway. I will say while FM7 will have more cars to choose from, PC2 beats it in selection in some areas. With PC2, there's more GT race cars for me to choose from and SMS did a good job keeping it up-to-date. FM7 on the other hand seems to only have one newer GT race car added. PC2 also has a older race cars that are missing in FM7, there's also the fact it has Toyotas to drive. I know it's not Turn 10's fault that their Toyota count is now low, but it's still not changing the fact PC2 has more now. PC2 also has still the best track selection between the 2 with bringing in new circuits while keeping the previously added ones. They're definitely a reason for me to come back to PC2. Lastly, I do honestly like the fact I can race against cars in my exact class. Rather than mixing GT3 with GTE (like what FM does), when racing a GT3 car in PC2; you most certainly will be racing against other GT3 cars. The same case goes for every era out there and I enjoy that.

However, I still most definitely see myself getting FM7 and probably playing it more than PC2. Despite what I said about PC2, FM7 will still have the higher car count. Yes, FM6 & FH3 have a lot of the cars FM7 has, but I'm honestly not a fan of having to switch back through games just to drive those certain cars. FM7 gives me a convenience of driving cars from both titles plus FM5 & FM4 on just one game. While the modern GT class isn't up-to-date, there's still a good selection of each along with the other various types of cars in this game. They can be customized with a new selection of wheels plus some new widebody kits added since FH3. The other reason I see myself playing FM7 more is a recently comfirmed feature; the improved free play mode. With it being able to pick opponents by specific year, performance numbers, and other things; I could have a lot of possibilities with the cars in the game.
Will have a look and get back to you. Jack Spade has posted his ffb files over on the official forum if you want to try them.
I have downloaded those files and am using them now at least part of the time. It is a big help for the ones that were having big dead zone issues but also causes some issue with some of the tighter cars. There doesn't seem to be a one size fits all as far as I can tell. If we were able to adjust per car then there would be no issue.

I've driven two of those three and not found a dead zone issue with them at all, be it steering or FFB.

Now the 66 Mustang you would given the age of it expect to find some dead play around centre, AC models this in a lot of the older cars. The old Masserati GP cars are the most noticeable.
I'm sure the wheel in use plays a part. There is definitely a dead zone issue with those cars using a CSR Elite wheel.

As for the 66 Mustang being old and all, yes it is old and if it had the original steering box with 150k miles or more then I would expect it to have some play in it and I would of course replace or rebuild the steering box. No car should have more than a very small deadzone in the center.

Edit: To soon to be sure but I think I may have the dead zone problem sorted now. After carefully looking over Jack Spades files and then looking over the setting I used in PC1 I was able to modify the custom file to put what I think are the settings I used in PC1 in there as far as deadzone removal and falloff range. The Jag drove much better and the Formula X and Indy cars were still ok as well. So far I have tried about a dozen cars and have gotten acceptable results out of the FFB using my new settings.
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Is it too late to change my vote from getting both PCARS 2 and FM7 to only getting PCARS 2?

Unless a trusted friend tells me I have to get FM7, I'll be sitting this one out.

The demo really changed my opinion of the game, and the franchise seems to be catering to a more casual audience anyways. It's a shame too, cause FM7 is certainly pretty.
Sorry for double posting but I wonder what Simbin will do with the GTR3 pad implementation for consoles and whether it'll transfer to the PC version?

From what I remember Race Pro on the Xbox 360 had a good pad implementation, the only problems I remember having with that game were the sub Forza graphics and AI.

Sub par graphics and AI but damn, was it a joy to drive. Granted it can't hold a candle to PCARS 1 or AC but at the time, it was the most unbridled sim on the 360. And every online race I had in it had like minded people in it. Often, people would quit before taking a loss, but I didn't encounter any crashers or cheats.

I wished Simbin kept at it. Race Pro was good in my opinion. I'm glad to see they are willing to try again, but I'll be on PC well before then, so its kind of moot for me.

Happy to announce that I am finally ordering a GTX 1070 SC sometime this weekend. I cannot wait. (I needed to put this somewhere.) :)
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I almost had a thought of getting GTS(solely for watching replays). Then, I remembered having to buy stuff or win stuff. I'm done unlocking anything. Even with FM's easy cash earnings.

The only locked thing in PC2, I really want to unlock, is the TCR events in my Career. I also don't have the time for another game(unless GTA VI drops :D).

I have mentioned, at one time, F6 was the perfect game. It has something for everyone. However, now, PC2 has everything I need and want(with much more to come).
Unfortunate, but if someone has the money to spend on a game, than I suppose that's there thing. It doesn't negatively effect us in any way. Especially considering that they're going to make sure that the economy is functioning correctly, without shafting people.

I wonder what the legitimacy behind that claim is though, as there is absolutely no source, whatsoever.
Unfortunate, but if someone has the money to spend on a game, than I suppose that's there thing. It doesn't negatively effect us in any way. Especially considering that they're going to make sure that the economy is functioning correctly, without shafting people.

I wonder what the legitimacy behind that claim is though, as there is absolutely no source, whatsoever.

The proof is in the linked Ars article...

See the quote from T10 halfway down the article. They're just waiting till the economy is balanced before introducing real currency.
No it's not.

Tell me then how a journalist provides a source of information other than to quote the representative? If you're implying Ars are making it up that's quite the accusation for a reputable tech journalism site...

Anyway, it doesn't really matter and we'll just have to see in time what happens.
And Forza's pure car content, and Pcars2 track count.
I wish forza 7 would have been that game. They could have easily upped the track count to 40 which isn't quite close to PC2 but still decent amount to race on, they could have kept the trucks, buggies, and oddballs out and added some more road cars and race cars while retaining the forza quality we know of ( the roster could have still easily topped 600-700)....but nope we get this horizon motorsport half assed game. Smh
Tell me then how a journalist provides a source of information other than to quote the representative? If you're implying Ars are making it up that's quite the accusation for a reputable tech journalism site...

Anyway, it doesn't really matter and we'll just have to see in time what happens.
It's very easy to just say someone said something. False articles have been posted before and with literally nothing else said about it anywhere else at the time of this article I wondered where it came from. It's the internet, I'm weary about it in general, so some sort of backing goes a long way with me.

I wish forza 7 would have been that game. They could have easily upped the track count to 40 which isn't quite close to PC2 but still decent amount to race on, they could have kept the trucks, buggies, and oddballs out and added some more road cars and race cars while retaining the forza quality we know of ( the roster could have still easily topped 600-700)....but nope we get this horizon motorsport half assed game. Smh
Eh I'm not too fussed. I'm liking what I see but I do have my personal gripes but not enough for me to throw a hissy fit over. All three of these games have issues I don't like.
for my opinions? Im going to make this short and painless as possible, okay.
(Background Knowledge) I have played every Forza Motorsport game in history and the 1st, 3rd, 4th and 6th Gran Turismo.

In recent history, I enjoyed playing Forza Motorsport 4 until I decided to give Gran Turismo 6 a try on playstation. although Gt6 had problems with micro transactions, it was jaw dropingly guud and totally blew my mind away from forza for a while. Then I tried Forza 5, but sadly I told my xbox "Xbox!, turn on playstation" and i went back to gt6. Then some game developer named Slightly Mad introduced Project Cars 1 to me. The game was interesting but fell flat on its face with too many bugs and unplayable with the controller. So, the King kong Forza 6 came along and stumped the already crippled Project cars 1 further into the ground. project cars 1 had potential but they procrastinated too long to fix the game; making players angry. Forza 6 couldn't have came at a better time; I even went to pcars forum and laughed so hard about it they kicked me out of the forum and banned that account; I'm still laughing about it lol. Now, Project Cars 2 is here, this game is no laughing matter, okay. Forza 7 is not going to stomp pcars2 into the ground this time. Project cars 2 has delivered for the people who wants to get in the race car and enjoy the simulated experience. this separates them from having direct competition with the almighty Forza, i think it is a smart move because forza 7 seems to provide entertainment to a wide audience of gamers while pcars2 push dedication towards serious sim racers. Now, with Gran Truismo Sport on the horizon and while it will not be considered a complete game to most. Just think of it this way, a half size Gran Truismo will still compete with a Project Cars 2 and a Forza 7. Why, you say? 1) Gran turismo is the sensei of console racing. 2) its going to blow your mind. 3) its only on playstation offering a more premium race experience than anything else out there. 4) its going to make you want to get a playstation if you don't have one already.

So in my conclusion, you would be very happy to have all three.
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Why, you say? 1) Gran turismo is the sensei of console racing. 2) its going to blow your mind. 3) its only on playstation. 4) its going to make you want to get a playstation if you don't have one already.
I'm sure it'll sell in enough quantities to justify making the game but personally I'll need better reasons than the above to justify splashing out on a PS4 or Pro. Lack of offline is a huge turnoff.
I'm sure it'll sell in enough quantities to justify making the game but personally I'll need better reasons than the above to justify splashing out on a PS4 or Pro. Lack of offline is a huge turnoff.

ps. im not trying to sell the ps4 its going to sell itself.

I do understand people are hesitant to go for gt sport because lack of offline material. if you have never played gt before, I'm sure it would be easy to underestimate its place in this competition era. I really can't find the best way to explain it though. but imagine your at an all you can eat buffet with forza with all the porterhouse steak that can fill your belly mmh mmh good right?. while at the Gran Truismo Steakhouse you are fed a nice juicy slab of fillet mignon with jumbo shrimp on the side. don't get me wrong, I enjoy both games but sometimes its more about what you get out of the game rather than what is in the game. I hear people are complaining racing is a chore to get better prizes in forza7 doing hour long races just to get a decent amount of credits to buy a car. but the big question is, whats next after that?. what are we going to get out of that experience? oh, race online with the new cars we get? but that is nothing new in forza. I hear Gt sport will offer a prestigious license for completing tasks in the game and the online community will improve allowing you to brush up your skills to race with like competitive racers based on your skill level. unlike forza, that forces you to race with a lobby full of mindless corner cutters and rammers all the time. Honestly I'm sick of that, but it gets good when you find the right niche of people to race with. And it has always been a chore getting past the boring campaigns in all the forza's too (except forza1). Boring Boring Boring, every forza campaign takes me through countless hours falling asleep through same tracks, racing with lifeless boring Ai opponents. Everybody knows online racing is where previous forza games shines. once you find a few rival racers in forza, you befriend them and start to enjoy the game by challenging them to races each day. well what a coincidence because that is exactly what gt sport seems to do, provide a more social challenging racing experience online. while forza 7 wants me to concentrate more on my racing gear outfits and loot chests. dunno I may be wrong but it seems big bad forza7 is turning more into a video game filled with micro-transactions than being a pure racing game. Turn10 has already proven they can make top-of-the-shelf racing game but I think this is mostly Micro$oft doing to make it a kiddie loot box kicker like another sad halo5 Guardians, a game that just sits there and laughs in your face until you spend more real money for REQ packs.
GTS looks as simcade as Forza to me except GTS only has licenses and mini-game offline. You are trying to describe Forza as a cheap hooker while GTS is a premium escort. That's fanboyism at it's best. Forza 7 is the best Gran Turismo game ever made.
I hear people are complaining racing is a chore to get better prizes in forza7 doing hour long races just to get a decent amount of credits to buy a car.
It's really not that hard to be honest. I've only done the very first few races in the Hot Hatch catagory, but I'm sitting just under 500k all the while being generously rewarded with free vehicles or more credits per level.

but the big question is, whats next after that?. what are we going to get out of that experience? oh, race online with the new cars we get? but that is nothing new in forza.
What's next but to race in a racing game? This is a question that holds true to the game you're talking about.

hear Gt sport will offer a prestigious license for completing tasks in the game and the online community will improve allowing you to brush up your skills to race with like competitive racers based on your skill level
You have the possibility of getting a racing license by being part of the top bracket of players within GTSport on the live events, if I remember correctly. One that you'd still have to use your real world resources to obtain. However, the game is focused around online playability and balancing, and with the majority of the game being planned around online-play and eSports, it makes sense that the presence there is likely to be of greater importance.

unlike forza, that forces you to race with a lobby full of mindless corner cutters and rammers all the time.
Which is unfortunately the problem with most racing games this generation. We do have some new rules set in place for rammers and cheaters online though, but I've yet to give it a shot. I heard its hit and miss.

And it has always been a chore getting past the boring campaigns in all the forza's too (except forza1). Boring Boring Boring, every forza campaign takes me through countless hours falling asleep through same tracks, racing with lifeless boring Ai opponents.
It's always better to have an option at least, though. While the Ai is still too slow for me even on unbeatable, I do use the campaign as a place to get away from online shenanigans from time to time. It's also a good place to earn easy credits, and if online mode is every not working, I at least have the option to do that.

well what a coincidence because that is exactly what gt sport seems to do, provide a more social challenging racing experience online
It's not really a coincidence, it's common ground in online gaming. I like how Forza approaches this same situation for offline races like the whole Rivals section. I hope GTS implements something like that too.

while forza 7 wants me to concentrate more on my racing gear outfits and loot chests. dunno I may be wrong but it seems big bad forza7 is turning more into a video game filled with micro-transactions than being a pure racing game.
It actually seems more to revolve around collecting cars, something like the GT of old. I'm glad too, as it's the only one keeping that Genre alive. It's the only one in it's category now.

dunno I may be wrong but it seems big bad forza7 is turning more into a video game filled with micro-transactions than being a pure racing game.
While they are unfortunate, it's not littered with them. It's on system, tokens. You use it the same as the in game currency.
GTS looks as simcade as Forza to me except GTS only has licenses and mini-game offline. You are trying to describe Forza as a cheap hooker while GTS is a premium escort. That's fanboyism at it's best. Forza 7 is the best Gran Turismo game ever made.

haha, good one. but let me burst your bubble. i have you to know that EVERYBODY knows that I'm a forza fan...

I even got the blue forza 6 edition xbox one with the blue remote that has the forza stripes on it. yep, I went out and purchased that system and game bundle the same time project cars1 fell in the grave. Im a forza fan since the beginning when there was Toca and project gotham on xbox. the campaign in forza 1 was fresh new experience and was not boring but all the forza after that has been basically the same experience but with added online and improved graphics, its the long drawn out boring campaign kills it for me. Now average pc users get to show off forza 7 amazing graphics on their machines only to make my FORZA edition xbox graphics look sad. I feel pressured to buy a brand new Xbox on x now, but, "Look at my avatar helmet" hehe, its always good to have back up. Its not fanboism, not by a long shot. And Gran Turismo is AKA "Forza Killa" but beware, project cars 2 just stepped on the scene and is trying to grab a piece of that name too.
haha, good one. but let me burst your bubble. i have you to know that EVERYBODY knows that I'm a forza fan...
You have 4 posts here, I don't think anyone knows that.

the campaign in forza 1 was fresh new experience and was not boring but all the forza after that has been basically the same experience but with added online and improved graphics, its the long drawn out boring campaign kills it for me.
The campaign right now very much reminds me of the 1st game to be honest, with how you have cars tied as prizes. Very gt-esque.
And Gran Turismo is AKA "Forza Killa" but beware, project cars 2 just stepped on the scene and is trying to grab a piece of that name too.
It's not really going to be a Forza killer though, it has a completely different aim than Forza and is more akin to Pcars2. Forza is basically sitting in its own category right now. Forza is the most Gran Turismo like game since the old GT's, and it has a good spot in the industry right now.

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