They didn't make its way into Forza 7, a new one was created. It's funny that you posted that because it specifically says for offline use only. Do you know why? Because you'll get banned as soon as you connect to online with those things active. Stop playing dumb, no one is kicking it under the rug, I have acknowledged it since the very first post, I was asking you how it affects the leaderboard and online play since you keep saying it does.the "trainer" is a cheat used in horizon 3, now it has made its way to forza 7. I sent a link where it is happening but this guy above keeps replying bloated pointless messages in attempts to kick it under the rug lol.
They didn't make its way into Forza 7, a new one was created. It's funny that you posted that because it specifically says for offline use only. Do you know why? Because you'll get banned as soon as you connect to online with those things active. Stop playing dumb, no one is kicking it under the rug, I have acknowledged it since the very first post, I was asking you how it affects the leaderboard and online play since you keep saying it does.
You're very good and not being able to provide any evidence whatsoever.
Of which again, you have absolutely no way of knowing unless someone specifically says, "Hey btw, I got this car by speeding through the driver level by using a glitch".very funny...
I have you to know, I'm a forza fan. And this is not about which game I go now to play personally. just for the record I will be playing all three, forza7, project cars2 and gt sport.
If the apparent cheating does not effect the leaderboards specifically, it does effect the morale of the community of players who's intent to play the entire game in a respectable manner.
Because once they're online, they can be detected by the developers. How does he know this? Because they outright say it.And how exactly do they get banned as soon as they go online with it? how do you know this?
It is the same system with Forza 7.Player PC Bans
A note for our Forza Horizon 3 players on Windows 10: In the interest of protecting our in-game economies and maintaining fair play, we have begun enforcing cheating bans in Forza Horizon 3. Our monitoring systems are built to detect cheating and are actively targeting programs such as the “Forza Horizon 3 trainer.” Players who are caught using these programs while playing Forza Horizon 3 will be subject to a non-reversible permanent ban from online play in the game. We do this to help advance our goal of providing the best possible game experience for the vast majority of players who want to enjoy Forza Horizon 3 the way it was meant to be played.
With a wheel? While FM7 looks great and more of a "game" with a nice car roster going back and forth between the two is a night and day difference (with my wheel on a PC) - PC2 feels SO MUCH better (FFB, control, edge of adhesion). I actually think wheel/FFB in FM7 feels better than previous versions but I'm still tempted to only play FM7 with a gamepad.After playing both Project Cars 2 and Forza 7. I have to give the nod to Forza 7, both games currently have some issues but I find Forza to be much more entertaining that PCars 2. I'll move back to PCars 2 at some point once I get bored with FM7, hopefully they have some of the issues sorted out in PCars2 by then.
If I had a PS4 or if GT Sport was available for the PC then I would have that one too but can not see buying a PS4 [and a wheel] just for that game right now. Maybe after it has been out in the world for a while and I see what everyone says about it I may reconsider.
After playing both Project Cars 2 and Forza 7. I have to give the nod to Forza 7, both games currently have some issues but I find Forza to be much more entertaining that PCars 2. I'll move back to PCars 2 at some point once I get bored with FM7, hopefully they have some of the issues sorted out in PCars2 by then.
If I had a PS4 or if GT Sport was available for the PC then I would have that one too but can not see buying a PS4 [and a wheel] just for that game right now. Maybe after it has been out in the world for a while and I see what everyone says about it I may reconsider.
No, I actually literally never said that. So again, stop making up things and posting falsehoods in this forum. It would be appreciated.imarobot mentioned that gt sport is not competing with forza
GTS doesn't have anything, because it's not out yet, not that those things actually hinder any gameplay as the cheaters get banned instantly, and the credit glitchers don't affect us in any way. Although from what I hear from the lobby system is that it's very hit and miss, like most racing games so far. Wonder how that'll change as the months go by for both sport does not have: known cheaters or glitch exploits, disorganized lobby racing system, microtransactions, or clown outfits for your driver, loot boxes.
I'm hard pressed to put this game on the top of the podium, as it sits. I very much liked the old GT formula much better than the current one, even if I do see things that I do like. I always enjoyed building up my own vehicles to a certain PP, tuning oddball cars to make the competitive when they have no right doing so while stock. Customization was a big thing for me because I enjoyed the feeling of my car feeling like my own. Strict classed racing as well as race cars is farther down my list of what I prefer, as I prefer road cars and oddballs more than anything. These aspects is where I get most of my joy from in these games, and as a side that doesn't really do much with racing, I also enjoy the photomode, so GTS has that for me, as the game is looking great.The full game is not out yet, but as the way it seems, looks like Gran Turismo sport is going to be the perfect racing game.
With a wheel? While FM7 looks great and more of a "game" with a nice car roster going back and forth between the two is a night and day difference (with my wheel on a PC) - PC2 feels SO MUCH better (FFB, control, edge of adhesion). I actually think wheel/FFB in FM7 feels better than previous versions but I'm still tempted to only play FM7 with a gamepad.
Although pcars2 is a decent game now, it still suffers from quite a few problems to hang with forza imo. but if you are dead set on having a pure sim, you might like pcars2 but a racing wheel is needed.
Don't get me wrong I like the FFB in PCars, I liked it better in PCars1 than 2, the way they tried to simplify it in 2 caused me a lot of headaches early on, took almost two days to get it to where I could get anywhere near a decent feel, out of the box some cars had 2 or more inches of dead zone which made them almost impossible to handle at speed.With a wheel? While FM7 looks great and more of a "game" with a nice car roster going back and forth between the two is a night and day difference (with my wheel on a PC) - PC2 feels SO MUCH better (FFB, control, edge of adhesion). I actually think wheel/FFB in FM7 feels better than previous versions but I'm still tempted to only play FM7 with a gamepad.
They really aren't even in the same category anymore. GTS is more akin to Pcars2 now where as Forza is s the only car collecting game. Both games look prepared, to be honest, I don't see how one looks less so.
I never quote you saying that literally, I said you mentioned it and you did. messages #544-546
No, I actually literally never said that. So again, stop making up things and posting falsehoods in this forum. It would be appreciated.
Yeah, they worked some magic with that. That's likely the trade off of using a flat image with 3d properties rather than doing it with 3d rendered backgrounds like everyone else. That and their lighting engine is the best in the market.Well, well, well.....I guess PD has some special 'sauce' to be able to depict a car realistically. But, but....."global naming strategies".....I knew Turn 10 was lying. Gee, I wish Forza 7 had proper SS cars.
Yeah, they worked some magic with that. That's likely the trade off of using a flat image with 3d properties rather than doing it with 3d rendered backgrounds like everyone else. That and their lighting engine is the best in the market.
Why don’t you do yourself a favor and step off that high horse. You’ve been about as constructive as you accuse him of being.You have brought nothing constructive for several pages in this tread. all I have seen from you is useless ranting.
Yes with a wheel.With a wheel? While FM7 looks great and more of a "game" with a nice car roster going back and forth between the two is a night and day difference (with my wheel on a PC) - PC2 feels SO MUCH better (FFB, control, edge of adhesion). I actually think wheel/FFB in FM7 feels better than previous versions but I'm still tempted to only play FM7 with a gamepad.
Didn't see this since you sneaked it in with an edit. All I've been doing is debunking you're extremely off base, and false claims. Had you not posted misleading information, it wouldn't have panned out like this. If you don't like the direction of the discussion then you should have read up on some things before posting.You have brought nothing constructive for several pages in this tread. all I have seen from you is useless ranting.
Why don’t you do yourself a favor and step off that high horse. You’ve been about as constructive as you accuse him of being.
In terms of what?GT sport is going to blow forza7 away in terms of which one versus each other imo. sport does not have: full of bugs
This has already been hit and miss on the beta, lets see how it improveddysfunctional rating system
Looks to be plenty of freezing, crashing, and screen hanging going on in that thread as well.freezing screen of death.
Ironic considering you've brought only a boatload of misinformed views and basically no substantial evidence to back up your claims(especially with how you said the leaderboards will be affected by those credit glitchers), with little to no facts about how things happen, and little to no understanding about what happens within the game. On top of that, you literally posted no context about what you just meant, in any way.and... if you don't have any substantial support for your views to bring to the table but to only attempt to refute my opinions, your conversation here is useless to me
It's funny that now you backtrack after sayingsure there may be some issues bugs with gt sport, as it is not fully released yet, and my opinion is based off the demo we have so far.
gt sport does not have: full of bugs
Way to move the goalposts there buddyfreezing screen of death.
I don’t own a PS4, so why would I care? I’m not even discussing GT:S beyond the fact being online only doesn’t magically save it from bugs/cheaters.okay, I will step off this high horse you claim and be real with you and on the topic of this thread for a moment.
GT sport is going to blow forza7 away in terms of which one versus each other imo. I'm interested in what you have to say about that?!?
sure there may be some issues bugs with gt sport, as it is not fully released yet, and my opinion is based off the demo we have so far.
That’s ironic. I’ve posted proof but you stopped replying. You haven’t posted anything yourself either.and... if you don't have any substantial support for your views to bring to the table but to only attempt to refute my opinions, your conversation here is useless to me
Lot of big talk from someone whose just as much to blame for “idiotic” comments. He has no “deep seated interest” in what you have to say, nor do I. You got called out for spreading misinformation.edit: and this guy beneath me.. yes. because it is pointless to keep responding to these idiotic comments. it is obvious you have a deep seated interest in what I have to say, that fine but no need to keep using me as a punching bag. agree to disagree and move on but if you "can't", thats when it becomes psychological imo...
I don’t own a PS4, so why would I care? I’m not even discussing GT:S beyond the fact being online only doesn’t magically save it from bugs/cheaters.
That’s ironic. I’ve posted proof but you stopped replying. You haven’t posted anything yourself either.
What you’re posting isn’t opinions to begin with. You claimed cheaters were on the leaderboards yet you showed no proof of such. The cheaters you were complaining about have no effect there. You were proven wrong, so you instead chose to act like your point was misconstrued by talking about morality, another claim you can’t prove.
You made your own conversation useless.
Lot of big talk from someone whose just as much to blame for “idiotic” comments. He has no “deep seated interest” in what you have to say, nor do I. You got called out for spreading misinformation.
This attempt to divert and go, “You guys are just picking on me (even though I’ve been equally responsive)” is the only thing “psychological”.
if you don't own a ps4, why are you trying to refute what I'm saying about gt sport. I've already played the demo.
You played the demo. Not the full game. You propose this statement as hearsay. Prove this statement otherwise.The game is said to save all progress online, therefore it closes all opportunities for glitch exploiters and I hear they will not be teasing us with micro-transactions. Beautiful vistas I can't wait to play.
For the last time, you can't even tell who cheats & who doesn't. The money exploits are single player based.I just can't stand for all that cheating and glitching currently going on in forza 7 I prefer fairplay all around.
I have not played PCars 2 or GT Sport. I will get to PCars 2 eventually as I enjoyed the first. I applaud GT:Sport's improvements in the sound department, however, I know better than to trust everything Polyphony claims.again, what do you think about forza7 vs pcar2, vs gt sport?
The only links you sent were the developers saying they are banning people using trainers in the game. Then you posted a link to a FH3 trainer claiming it was carried over (whilst ignoring that the Trainer specifically claims it is for Offline Use-Only). You responded with how do they know the developers detect them, to which I showed you.I've already sent links to the cheating in forza 7, would you like for me to send it to you again?
Everything you keep accusing Imarobot or I have doing, you do in the exact same post.but here you go again attacking and lack of responding to anything based off this topic.
I already did. Let's have a refresher.and if you say I'm spreading misinformation, just go ahead and prove it otherwise. stop trying to fool the readers in this thread by ranting with absurd false accusations and calling me a liar.
Those 2 things do not correlate. When this was originally pointed out to you, you switched the argument to morality.Relevance? Well I let you decide. Do you want to play with exploiters and cheaters using glitch for credits? Just in, forza is now starting to ban some users in forza 7 who have been caught using the "trainer" cheat. I think it stems from the Windows pc side, I just hope they are able to catch all of them; because we don't want cheaters names sitting at the top of the leaderboards
Of which again, you'd never know who used a money glitch since it's not advertised in any way.If the apparent cheating does not effect the leaderboards specifically, it does effect the morale of the community of players who's intent to play the entire game in a respectable manner.
If you want a troll response, you got it.I have noticed you in action, all you are doing is trolling in these threads. "go away"
if you don't own a ps4, why are you trying to refute what I'm saying about gt sport. I've already played the demo.
I just can't stand for all that cheating and glitching going on in forza 7 I prefer fairplay all around.
again, what do you think about forza7 vs pcar2, vs gt sport?
I've already sent links to the cheating in forza 7, would you like for me to send it to you again?
but here you go again attacking and lack of responding to anything based off this topic.
and if you say I'm spreading misinformation, just go ahead and prove it otherwise. stop ranting with absurd false accusations and calling me a liar.
I have noticed you in action, all you are doing is trolling in these threads. "go away"
You played the demo. Not the full game. You propose this statement as hearsay. Prove this statement otherwise.
For the last time, you can't even tell who cheats & who doesn't. The money exploits are single player based.
I have not played PCars 2 or GT Sport. I will get to PCars 2 eventually as I enjoyed the first. I applaud GT:Sport's improvements in the sound department, however, I know better than to trust everything Polyphony claims.
The only links you sent were the developers saying they are banning people using trainers in the game. Then you posted a link to a FH3 trainer claiming it was carried over (whilst ignoring that the Trainer specifically claims it is for Offline Use-Only). You responded with how do they know the developers detect them, to which I showed you.
Everything you keep accusing Imarobot or I have doing, you do in the exact same post.
I already did. Let's have a refresher.
Those 2 things do not correlate. When this was originally pointed out to you, you switched the argument to morality.
Of which again, you'd never know who used a money glitch since it's not advertised in any way.
If you want a troll response, you got it.
Which goes right back to my original point.let me correct you. Right, the trainer cheat is intended for offline use, some have been caught using it online. this moves me away from forza7 at the moment, because those cheaters could have ruined the leaderboards for others.
If T10 is working to nip this issue as quickly as possible & achieve what you claim GT:Sport will be like, there's no reason to hold it against the game. If someone has managed to move up on the Leaderboards through cheating with a Trainer, they will be removed. We're only a week into Forza 7's release; the turn around to nip and ban cheaters permanently is credit enough.I'm not sure why it's being used as some sort of negative against GT:S if T10 have proven that they intend to ban/fix the glitching asap.
Which goes right back to my original point.
If T10 is working to nip this issue as quickly as possible & achieve what you claim GT:Sport will be like, there's no reason to hold it against the game. If someone has managed to move up on the Leaderboards through cheating with a Trainer, they will be removed. We're only a week into Forza 7's release; the turn around to nip and ban cheaters permanently is credit enough.
let me correct you. Right, the trainer cheat is intended for offline use, some have been caught using it online. this moves me away from forza7 at the moment, because those cheaters could have ruined the leaderboards for others.