Blake's right regarding running laps for the Nordschleife, engine rules take longer than that to implement anyway, it was specifically mentioned as an option for later events on the calendar. Any further questions like that I think we're more than capable of answering as a group rather than having Earth feel like they're being directed at him and thus raising the possibility of insensitivity (which I know none of us are displaying, I'm just saying let's make life easy).
I was going to suggest that we can keep the series going ourselves, but this is Earth's series too, he's as central a participant as you can get, not just a coordinator, so he should be given every opportunity to remain involved. Sadly this means that there will likely be a significant delay in the series and we won't see the German GP until the new year, but the holiday season always draws people away anyway, and really, who's going to argue against more preparation time for the 'Ring?
All the best once again Earth.