Forza 6 News Incoming?

People need to remember that X1 SDK was horrendous at launch, it's a miracle in itself that FM5/Ryse/DR3 were able to look and run as good as they did considering the crappy tools devs had to deal with. I expect FM6 to be a massive upgrade because FM5 is in many ways just FM4 in full HD rather than a full generational leap many expected. FM6 should be the proper one that will be pushing X1 to the limits if lastgen is anything to go by. Don't forget about the 3Gb of RAM reserved for OS, once the development on OS features is complete they could work to reduce memory footprint, I wouldn't be surprised if they give at least 500mb-1gig back to devs sometime in 2016-2017. In the end I don't have a problem with current graphics at all, I just want more cars/tracks to have a good time. A part me would've preferred if they stayed on FM4 level and added dynamic ToD from Horizon when going to FM5 without redoing all the cars and tracks, this way we would've had like 800 cars by now and 30+ tracks, I don't really care if some of them are inaccurate, I've never driven them in RL so I don't give a crap, but I guess the nextgen pressure got the best of T10. Now we're gonna spend the next 4 years reaching FM4's content amount.
Don't forget guys fm6 will be running with an extra core of power.

I personally think that they should not bother with improving the graphics and use the extra power to add weather.

I wonder if pcars is running with the extra core?
Replays are downed to play at 30fps, and you can really tell right off the bat, especially in cockpit view. I dont think thats a struggle, I think thats a design choice. I cant recall if it stutters from a launch, I'll have to check that out when I get time.

I dont agree. Not every game is based off real life, some are pretty far fetched. Even with that aside, I have no problems with games being 30 FPS. Horizon pulled it off wonderfully, and the only way you notice the frames is when you go back to FM after a good while. Still, even after switching back and forth it's still not a hindrance in any way. My 60hz TV works just fine, actually so I wouldn't go and push the problem with that.

- I'm aware of the replays being reduced to 30 fps, since they use AA and additional filters to make the game look prettier. Been the case since FM2.

- Replay stutters on race launch only occurs on certain tracks depending where your car is: if its dead center in the grid with a full pack, and the track's a handful, you'll get it. Textbook example of GPU being overwhelmed.

- When I say real life, I do not mean a real life "theme" or "setting", but real-life in terms of realistic movement and fluidity. Can you imagine playing and enjoying games like COD or Tekken running at 30 fps?

- Good you don't find it a hindrance; I also game on a 60 Hz TV and Horizon vs Motorsport feels like night/day. Where I can play FM for hours with no eye-strain at all, I need to catch a break from Hor after an hour, or maybe 90 mins tops. The 30 fps are very smooth and consistent, but gives me a headache. I would love to someday see a Horizon game cranking out 60 fps.

- Happy motoring! :gtpflag:
- I'm aware of the replays being reduced to 30 fps, since they use AA and additional filters to make the game look prettier. Been the case since FM2.

- Replay stutters on race launch only occurs on certain tracks depending where your car is: if its dead center in the grid with a full pack, and the track's a handful, you'll get it. Textbook example of GPU being overwhelmed.

- When I say real life, I do not mean a real life "theme" or "setting", but real-life in terms of realistic movement and fluidity. Can you imagine playing and enjoying games like COD or Tekken running at 30 fps?

- Good you don't find it a hindrance; I also game on a 60 Hz TV and Horizon vs Motorsport feels like night/day. Where I can play FM for hours with no eye-strain at all, I need to catch a break from Hor after an hour, or maybe 90 mins tops. The 30 fps are very smooth and consistent, but gives me a headache. I would love to someday see a Horizon game cranking out 60 fps.

- Happy motoring! :gtpflag:
If 30fps gives you a headache how on earth do you manage to watch tv/films?
If 30fps gives you a headache how on earth do you manage to watch tv/films?

Good question! :lol:

For some reason, I never get headaches from movies. Besides, movies have a collection of different scenes that give your eyes a good workout + some down time.

With driving or shooters it's the same FOV and your eyes are doing the same thing 90% of the time - watching the road or going down a corridor. Perhaps that could explain the headache. Very mild though, nothing that would make me cringe or anything. I'm used to 60 fps (that's the problem), much MUCH easier on the eyes.

However, if you're TV has a higher than 60 Hz refresh rate, you probably won't feel a thing going from 60 to 30 fps games and vice versa.

But I've never really thought about this - movies give me no strain whatsoever. Though, if I watch two back to back, it might!:boggled:
Good question! :lol:

For some reason, I never get headaches from movies. Besides, movies have a collection of different scenes that give your eyes a good workout + some down time.

With driving or shooters it's the same FOV and your eyes are doing the same thing 90% of the time - watching the road or going down a corridor. Perhaps that could explain the headache. Very mild though, nothing that would make me cringe or anything. I'm used to 60 fps (that's the problem), much MUCH easier on the eyes.

However, if you're TV has a higher than 60 Hz refresh rate, you probably won't feel a thing going from 60 to 30 fps games and vice versa.

But I've never really thought about this - movies give me no strain whatsoever. Though, if I watch two back to back, it might!:boggled:
Afaik movies are shot at 24fps which is quite low really. They aren't shot at any higher rate because it would give a sense of real life which takes away from the experience.
Greenawalt said they were pushing the Xb1 hardware to it's limits already... (With Fm5)
No idea how T10 would pull off solid 60fps if they included dynamic weather in Fm6.
So probably still no Motorsport game with weather this generation, but I would be very happy if I was wrong.
Greenawalt said they were pushing the Xb1 hardware to it's limits already... (With Fm5)
No idea how T10 would pull off solid 60fps if they included dynamic weather in Fm6.
So probably still no Motorsport game with weather this generation, but I would be very happy if I was wrong.
PR nonsense. Maybe they were pushing it to its limits at E3 two years ago but it got a severe downgrade.
PR nonsense. Maybe they were pushing it to its limits at E3 two years ago but it got a severe downgrade.

Likely PR nonsense, but some people expect graphical upgrades and a weather system, I just don't see that happening.
Btw the E3 build was running on pc.:scared:
Guys an extra core, maybe DX12, the supposed new engine for FM6 and 2 years of experience working on 2 titles for Xbox one WILL be a major factor. I don't know about full weather and day/night cycle but things are only getting to get better.
Afaik movies are shot at 24fps which is quite low really. They aren't shot at any higher rate because it would give a sense of real life which takes away from the experience.

Yes, 24 fps is ideal for movies.

Games shouldn't look like movies, they should look like games. The higher the frames, the more fun they are to play.

Ever gamed on a PC?
I remember reading that movie framerates aren't quite the same thing as video game framerates, because one is captured footage and one is dynamically generated. For example you might see game trailers that run at 24 fps but it doesn't appear choppy to the viewer, but if the game was running at 24 fps you would notice immediately. Maybe someone can explain it better.
I remember reading that movie framerates aren't quite the same thing as video game framerates, because one is captured footage and one is dynamically generated. For example you might see game trailers that run at 24 fps but it doesn't appear choppy to the viewer, but if the game was running at 24 fps you would notice immediately. Maybe someone can explain it better.

Allow ME to explain better!

The 24 frames you see in the theater are translated from camera to silver screen. Unadulterated.

The extra 6 frames you have in 30 fps games is not what makes them smoother, but certain techniques applied makes the 30 fps appear buttery smooth, especially on TVs having a higher "native" refresh rate than 60 Hz. Of course, IMO it doesn't compare to the silky smooth frames you have in Forza or Tekken and as long as your TV is 60 Hz, you're all set to take in the experience.

Slightly off-topic: Is Forza ever getting 60 fps replays? I doubt it, but it sure would make for one memorable replay-watching experience. Remember how jaw-dropping GT3 and 4 replays were?
Allow ME to explain better!

The 24 frames you see in the theater are translated from camera to silver screen. Unadulterated.

The extra 6 frames you have in 30 fps games is not what makes them smoother, but certain techniques applied makes the 30 fps appear buttery smooth, especially on TVs having a higher "native" refresh rate than 60 Hz. Of course, IMO it doesn't compare to the silky smooth frames you have in Forza or Tekken and as long as your TV is 60 Hz, you're all set to take in the experience.

Slightly off-topic: Is Forza ever getting 60 fps replays? I doubt it, but it sure would make for one memorable replay-watching experience. Remember how jaw-dropping GT3 and 4 replays were?
Gt4 was 60fps?
As soon as you interact with a medium its appearance becomes a lot different. Movies exist independently as they should. Since video games require input we focus a lot harder on every aspect of the screen.
Greenawalt said that they are using 100% of the Xbox One's capacity, which is very different than saying they're getting every bit of performance out of it. There's plenty of optimization to be done, which is exactly what happened in the 360 era. They used 100% of the Xbox 360's capacity, too.
Of course not! 👍 There are people however who like to pretend theres no difference between 60fps and 30fps. We call those people special snowflakes. :P
The difference is quite clear I think. And I now think it is important for racers to have it.
@HAL20XX Precisely, right on the money!

This is what they said when FM2 came out that they were "pushing it". And see the wonderful advancements they made with FM3 and 4.

It just makes me wonder.. why is there always a learning curve? Why can't devs just utilize a console's strengths 100% right out the box?? Mehh... what do I know.

@GranTurismo guy Yes, GT3 and 4 had 60 fps replays.. it was with stupid GT5 and the whole hype about anti-aliasing and making the game look pretty, that the decision was made to make do with 30 fps replays. FM followed suit.

30 fps and 60 fps are practically night and day. 60 fps feels very fluid and life-like, not to mention the minimal to almost no eye strain even after hours of non-stop racing.

Racing, shooters and beat em ups - ALL need 60 fps to provide max 'fun factor' if you will. Though I really wish all games would employ an industry standard of 60 fps.

As I said earlier, games should feel and look like games not movies. And vice versa: movies would look ridiculous at 60 fps.
It just makes me wonder.. why is there always a learning curve? Why can't devs just utilize a console's strengths 100% right out the box?? Mehh... what do I know.
I'll put it this way. Johnny O’Connell and Andy Pilgrim, both drivers for the Cadillac V-Series racing team, dominated in their CTS-V.R race cars for the past 3 years. This year, they switched over to the new ATS-V.R which on paper should be a much more competitive car. Despite their expertise as drivers, they've struggled to make podium this season. So even though they're pushing these cars to 100%, they need to become more familiar with the new machinery to perfect it.
Well that's was a given, I'm not sure I heard anyone think the opposite.
Many people think the opposite. Altough technically FM5 fits inside a next-gen category in practice the gameplay visual differences between FM4 aren't a clear generation leap. The lack of something new like the mentioned weather and time changes does not help with that sentiment.

I'm not sure why it would need the same development time that FM5 needed, all the ground work is already there now, they aren't starting from scratch again, they are continuing.
You don't optimize a 4 years graphical engine to run on the edge at 1080/60 in a closed hardware to later patch it with some extra non planned features that would require tons of extra processing over that first layer of already maxed graphics. Simply put you can't load the double of boxes in an already full loaded container, but you can repack all the items in the boxes to fit smartly inside the same container. But that would require to pack all the single items from the start again, it's slower, requires more time and more skills.

They needed 4 years to pack proudly all the boxes in that limited space, you are asking them to put the double of boxes in the same container in just half of the time. Probably some of the items will arrive broken or could not be shipped at time with the rest.

Or they can borrow from Forza Horizon and work on that.
You meant downgrading the actual FH2 30 fps graphics to run at 60 fps for FM6? they probably can but I don't think that would be a good idea to develop FM6 inside the FH2 environment. Different developers. Different needs. Different resource allocation between games. Shared name franchise for marketing purposes.

I agree, and now its time to move forward and show what they can do. Which I'm hopeful they will.
Just a remember that you are asking for all the work that they were unable to implement in many years of development, many game titles and many hardware generation in just a two years gap and I guess you expect executed flawlessly at 1080/60, weather, time change, no glitches, available in all or most of the tracks, etc. I know how that tale will end.

Again, with Horizon's introduction, they have already taken a step in that direction so again, its not like they are starting from scratch, the footwork is already there. It wouldn't be to far off to assume that this can be brought over and perfected.
Again, different developers, different games and contrary gameplay. FM6 should be an state of the art custom coded game by T10 meant to take advantage of every inch of the console resources, not a recycled and patched game from a 30 fps open world arcade game.

What glitches if you dont mind me asking? Horizon didnt seem to bad.
Horizon runs at 30 fps, this automatically means less glitches. If FM6 runs at 60 fps and include a proper real-time time engine, with dynamic shadows, night, etc you will see more pop-up, flicker and pixelated textures than in FM5, aside of other unexpected problems that for sure will arise in a full dynamic real-time rendered environment.

Not by much, but to say that its not going to work because X is more powerful is ridiculous. One car being more powerful then another car doesn't make the other obsolete.
For a good performance reference check the Project Cars comparisson, the differences are big considering the resolution between each version. Is a point that should be taken in account at the time of looking at other games or systems and asking for certain things in Xbone and FM6.

PS4: 1920 x 1080p
XB1: 1600 x 900p

I have a feeling these are just repeating with different sentence structures.
Should be noted that the actual FM5 engine is running at a fine edge, with not much free resources available for extra effects, even after the graphical downgrade from the E3.

It's funny, you say it as if it cant be done. We'll just have to wait and see on that.
I said because it will introduce some graphical differences and because it will require time and with just two years each FM5 re-adapted track will borrow resources traditionally invested at the newer tracks.

I have yet to try Pcars but I should hopefully be picking it up next Friday. Still, its only a loss of resources if they plan to take that route. 40 cars on track is amazing, but I was never hindered by 16. If they can get 16 that actually put up a good race and make things interesting, I'm all for that.

OR there could be a possibility that the Xbox One's potential hasn't been tapped yet, just like every console early on in its life, and that these things can be a possibility with minor sacrifices. We'll have to wait and see before we can say no they can't
Aside of finding the holy grail inside the hardware they would need time, time and time... to make it all good looking and playable at a high level in a hardware like Xbone at 1080/60.

I would certainly hope they stick with 60fps.
I'm certain that they will focus on the 60fps, not sure about the resolution. Again, more decissions and trades.
Many people think the opposite. Altough technically FM5 fits inside a next-gen category in practice the gameplay visual differences between FM4 aren't a clear generation leap. The lack of something new like the mentioned weather and time changes does not help with that sentiment.
I wouldn't agree with that. I feel the physics alone are proving to be a clear generational leap on its own.

You don't optimize a 4 years graphical engine to run on the edge at 1080/60 in a closed hardware to later patch it with some extra non planned features that would require tons of extra processing over that first layer of already maxed graphics. Simply put you can't load the double of boxes in an already full loaded container, but you can repack all the items in the boxes to fit smartly inside the same container. But that would require to pack all the single items from the start again, it's slower, requires more time and more skills.
Thats the thing, you are assuming they are on the edge. There will always be things here and there that they were never fully used to, that they will be able to optimize the more and more they get used to it. an Example; you did a rush job filling up that container with boxes, probably not making the most of the set-up but pretty much just getting the job done. Eventually you realize all these different area's you could have saved room if you had just arranged them differently in certain sections, and in turn allowing you to actually have fit more then what you originally had fit. It will not require the original amount of time that it took to actually fill the trailer, because all your doing is rearranging some things.

They needed 4 years to pack proudly all the boxes in that limited space, you are asking them to put the double of boxes in the same container in just half of the time. Probably some of the items will arrive broken or could not be shipped at time with the rest.
Now that its all laid out and they have a full view of the container, they aren't redoing a container, just simply rearranging. With the saved space, they are introducing new "boxes."

You meant downgrading the actual FH2 30 fps graphics to run at 60 fps for FM6? they probably can but I don't think that would be a good idea to develop FM6 inside the FH2 environment. Different developers. Different needs. Different resource allocation between games. Shared name franchise for marketing purposes.
I'm unsure how upgrading from 30fps to 60fps is downgrading? You admit they probably can. They aren't developing anything in the FH2 environment, more so borrowing features. They are sharing more then a name, if thats what you're insinuating.

Just a remember that you are asking for all the work that they were unable to implement in many years of development, many game titles and many hardware generation in just a two years gap and I guess you expect executed flawlessly at 1080/60, weather, time change, no glitches, available in all or most of the tracks, etc. I know how that tale will end.
Just remember, that this development probably wasn't just recently started. What if they've actually been working on it all this time, and are actually waiting for it to be optimized? They could have been working on it for 5 years already, and we wouldn't know. So theres a possibility that you can think about.

Again, different developers, different games and contrary gameplay. FM6 should be an state of the art custom coded game by T10 meant to take advantage of every inch of the console resources, not a recycled and patched game from a 30 fps open world arcade game.
Contrary? to an extent. They both are just fundamentally driving games. They share alot in common, that is why I'm confused as to why you think things cant be borrowed from each other. You say they just share a name, if thats the case where did playground get all the models for their vehicles? I doubt they started from scratch. If that was the case, they wouldnt have thrown Forza in the title. If that can happen one direction, it can happen in the other. Recycled and patched? Thats all every iteration of any game isn't it? They have a base, and they improve upon it.

Horizon runs at 30 fps, this automatically means less glitches. If FM6 runs at 60 fps and include a proper real-time time engine, with dynamic shadows, night, etc you will see more pop-up, flicker and pixelated textures than in FM5, aside of other unexpected problems that for sure will arise in a full dynamic real-time rendered environment.
Lol, no it does not mean less glitches, and I'd be willing to bet that it would introduce just as much problems. Trial and error my friend. Every game goes through it. You talk about wanting it all the time, but now you dont because possible problems might occur?

For a good performance reference check the Project Cars comparisson, the differences are big considering the resolution between each version. Is a point that should be taken in account at the time of looking at other games or systems and asking for certain things in Xbone and FM6.
Right now its hard for me to watch that video, my laptop isn't the best so it gets stutters just on its own. Still, Like I said, X being more powerful doesn't make Y obsolete.

Should be noted that the actual FM5 engine is running at a fine edge, with not much free resources available for extra effects, even after the graphical downgrade from the E3.
Can you show me how you came to the conclusion that FM5 is in fact at the edge of its capacity? Where did you gather the info, and what articles showing proof of this? I would be interested in reading that.

I said because it will introduce some graphical differences and because it will require time and with just two years each FM5 re-adapted track will borrow resources traditionally invested at the newer tracks.
I understand youre not very optimistic about it(or is that just your anti-everything Forza related peaking through?) but like mentioned, you assumption is if they only started development on that after Forza 5, which I would be isn't the case.

Aside of finding the holy grail inside the hardware they would need time, time and time... to make it all good looking and playable at a high level in a hardware like Xbone at 1080/60.
I'm hopeful.

I'm certain that they will focus on the 60fps, not sure about the resolution. Again, more decissions and trades.
Im certain they will too, and I'm glad for that.
FM2 was pushing 360 to it's limits too. Just saying...

And it was the FM on 360 with the best audio clarity, Fm4 in comparison used very compressed samples.
My point is you have to make compromises when developing a console game.
And it was the FM on 360 with the best audio clarity, Fm4 in comparison used very compressed samples.
My point is you have to make compromises when developing a console game.

You've brought back good memories - FM2's engine/exhaust sounds were killer.

Some of the sound samples in FM5 remind me of FM3 - weak and lacking oomph. Don't like some of the downshifting sounds, which were actually quite good in Fm3 and 4.
You've brought back good memories - FM2's engine/exhaust sounds were killer.

Some of the sound samples in FM5 remind me of FM3 - weak and lacking oomph. Don't like some of the downshifting sounds, which were actually quite good in Fm3 and 4.
They really killed the mazda 787b downshift should. Apparently it's the way the game now simulates the shifts that's the issue (or something like that)

I don't think they lack oomph as fm4 had quite exaggerated sounds which often didn't even sound like the real car. I would definitely say that fh2 has the best audio of the series. The new Amg 6.3 sample is killer, and new additions like the capri and metro 6r4 are audio porn :D
And it was the FM on 360 with the best audio clarity, Fm4 in comparison used very compressed samples.
My point is you have to make compromises when developing a console game.
Same principles apply to every game. Like for example image quality got progressively worse when going from GT5Prologue>GT5>GT6. Some sacrifices have to be made.
As for FM6 the biggest improvements can come from better art which doesn't really require more power, the FM2>FM4 upgrades were mainly art based too, the engine itself is hardly different. T10 has a lot of room to grow and a lot of it doesn't depend on xbone's power, after all it's not like ps4 has unlimited power, it's ceiling is a little higher yes, but the gap is not nearly as wide as it looks on paper looking a current games. Both are powerful enough in my opinion and good gameplay doesn't depend on power at all.

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