Forza Horizon 4: General Discussion

  • Thread starter PJTierney
So on my first try I naively chose to spawn myself on Edinburgh, since Jaimin mentioned how car drops are likely to appear near landmarks, and landmarks made me think of Edinburgh for some reason. Well, nicely enough I found a Raptor in a few seconds, but the arena began to shrink in the midst of the car change. Because of the many buildings I wasn't able to flexibly move around and get back in the force field in time, and I finished 50th.

On my second round I finished 5th. I was in a GTC4Lusso, but I was defeated by trees.

The third round I finished 7th. Was in a Ram Rebel TRX, but I was defeated by rocks. The ones that were on mountainous sections caused my car to topple over a couple of times.

Then I stopped playing and tried the Supra for a while before deciding to take a rest.

I wasn't exactly trying to do this, but I believe the key to my survival was the fact that I was uninvolved in head-to-head challenges for a long time. Somehow everyone else spawned far away from the places I chose and me roaming in search of the smoke indicating car drops still did not get me near the others enough for them to challenge me for a long time.

The thing is, when I finally got very near to some other players, why wasn't I able to challenge them for a few times? Their markers were plain pink, it's not like they had lines on them indicating they're already in a race. I just heard my horn blaring and their horns blaring. Perhaps it's a bug of some sort. I did get in three head-to-heads in my second run though.

Also I suppose it's worth considering that higher level cars aren't necessarily better performers off-road (and that's great, really; the fact that higher level cars can turn out weaker on certain terrain conditions kinda create a level playing field, even though it already looked like the developer focused on putting cars that may at least perform okay enough off-road in this mode, and leaving those that are rather hopeless on dirt like the extreme track toys with slick tires).

Overall I quite liked it. It's not something I imagine myself being addicted to, but I'll certainly come back for more once in a while.


Another funny thing I forgot to mention is last night; I think I encountered a wierd glitch twice. For 2 rounds of playing, noone could challenge me to a race nor could I do the same with them. Note: This was when there were 20 something drivers left in each time this happened, so it wasn't due to the game narrowing down to 11 or 12 drivers left.

Oh, glad to know I wasn't the only one. I began pondering whether it was due to my rather weak Internet connection or not (it's not dial-up speed, but still, over here it's certainly not as fast as it is on the other side of the world - I had been in the US and noticed some difference).
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It's not easy to win. I'm not good at FRR, I'm more of a circuit driver. There's also a luck element to it because your spawns might be crap and you might be in a bad position in the final showdown.

Depending on where you race, skill doesn't play a large role because the race is mostly straight so in a similar power car the person who reacts quicker/has better placement will usually win.

It's just how the mode is, it's not like Leagues, it's built from the ground up to shuffle things around. Hence why Playground was very sensible not to lock the rewards behind wins but influence points instead. This way even an average/bad player will still get to Tier 25 if they play long enough, it'll just take longer.

High points:

- Having the opportunity to meet familiar faces at random
- Many of the cars are DLC so maybe it can be used to entice players to buy DLC
- You can sit there doing nothing without being kicked from the lobby

Low points:

- Very much luck based
- Unpredictable finish line placement for H2H
- Takes a long time between matches

It has potential but I hope it remains a side activity. I still want the core of this game to be racing and fooling around like in Burnout Paradise which was one of Forza Horizon's main inspirations.
They are, but in every other case of racing; I HATE them! I really do hate them! I hated them in every racing game I have played since TDU1.

Another funny thing I forgot to mention is last night; I think I encountered a wierd glitch twice. For 2 rounds of playing, noone could challenge me to a race nor could I do the same with them. Note: This was when there were 20 something drivers left in each time this happened, so it wasn't due to the game narrowing down to 11 or 12 drivers left.
This happened to you too? I submitted a ticket to Playground hoping they'll fix it. It's quite a game-breaking bug once you consider the fact that without being able to challenge anyone, you're not getting any high level cars.
This happened to you too? I submitted a ticket to Playground hoping they'll fix it. It's quite a game-breaking bug once you consider the fact that without being able to challenge anyone, you're not getting any high level cars.

Achievement for reaching Final Showdown with the Mini isn't working either.

On a side note the Diablo GTR is absolutely ridiculous, it controls almost like an F1 car with a grip build. Feels almost like NFS but I don't consider it broken because its lap times are balanced enough.
This happened to you too? I submitted a ticket to Playground hoping they'll fix it. It's quite a game-breaking bug once you consider the fact that without being able to challenge anyone, you're not getting any high level cars.
Yup, 2 times. That was the problem, the only way I could get higher level cars was by finding them on the map (which takes forever).

Though, it is possible to find higher level cars right away, but it's all based on luck. I.E. In one game, I managed to get a Porsche Panamera (a lvl 9 car) really early, but I goofed on that, losing to a Mitsubishi Lancer Evo. VI GSR (I hate myself).
My last game I spawned within spitting distance of an Aventador SV and bullied my way to 5th place, a misplaced tree killing my chances...

There's no way to reset your car if you manage to get stuck on rocks, so be careful around the quarry, else it'll be an early end.
I did it! I also won The Eliminator for the first time!
I had a Bentley Continental Super Sports when doing it. I don't know how, I was in 9th place and I somehow caught up to everyone. It felt like a perfect run, no trees hit at all.

Right, a video will be posted on my youtube channel later.
Finally!!! I finally got the "Heads Up" achievement and the Porsche 911 GT3 RS PO! Now, two more achievements left and I'm gold! I'm getting close to obtaining the Mercury Cougar Eliminator. 👍
Was pretty much the same today until I grinded out to level 25.

Got all the "do this special challenge" achievements out the way, now it's just the easy ones you get over the course of playing a lot to go.
So on the Renault Megane R26.R, the second paint group simply removes the graphics.

There are two paint field groups on the Supra, too, but for the life of me, I can't figure out what the second field is.
Managed a Second Place after securing a Ram Rebel. I took a gamble on where the final finish was and had a good lead. However, there was one guy a bit faster than me, probably a higher level.
I finally unlocked the Mercury Cougar Eliminator.
To give and idea, i'm Lv 25 (Cougar is Lv24, i won it 3 game before now) and my stats shows:
42 games
20 showdown
Play time: 10h25m
(other stats: 399 km, 93 car drops, 6 wins)
Regarding Car Drops, they can appear during the game, so some places can be visited even if you find nothing at the beginning of a game. My favorite place to get several drop cars (to work on the 100 drops achievement) is the top of the mountain at North because even if there's no drop at start, i always end get at least 3, with a good sight on the valley to spot one or two more. I made a game where i think i found 12 drops overall (yes, that means abandoning a lv6 cars for a lv 2...).


Round: highest point to spawn
Crosses: usual Car Drop spots.
I move higher, north-east and wait if there's no car.


Achievement for reaching Final Showdown with the Mini isn't working either.
I got it, so it works, sometimes at least.

So on the Renault Megane R26.R, the second paint group simply removes the graphics.
I think it paints the door handles!

Got 2 more wins. In the first one, I started out by finding the level 4 '99 GSR. Someone in a level 9 Delta challenged me but I beat him and took his car, which I used to bully a level 1 Mini. That upgraded my car to the level 10 AMG GTR. Was less than 2 miles from the finish and won by a lot. Got three achievements from that play. The second one was won with the level 5 Macan.

Got 2 more wins. In the first one, I started out by finding the level 4 '99 GSR. Someone in a level 9 Delta challenged me but I beat him and took his car, which I used to bully a level 1 Mini. That upgraded my car to the level 10 AMG GTR. Was less than 2 miles from the finish and won by a lot. Got three achievements from that play. The second one was won with the level 5 Macan.

I remember losing to a Level 9 Delta. ;)

(damn, I find this mode frustrating, but events like these make me chuckle)
Well, I got the bully achievement by beating a Mini with a Porsche Panamera that I somehow got lucky on. Got in a Ferrari FF before being challenged by an Alfa Romeo Stelvio soon after. It was a closer race, but my FF had the edge in acceleration & speed. However, I still won by luck because I crashed into a tree on the way, but the Stelvio crashed aswell. I got upgraded to a modded Lancia Delta S4 and eventually got the level 10 car achievement by beating another Delta S4. I couldn't unfortunately win the final race due to flipping on sand dunes. :/

I've noticed that I'm getting more aggressive lobbies tonight, I got eliminated early twice due to someone wanting to challenge me for some reason.
The advent freebie being the Impala saves me having to endure the weekly trial. Thank you, PG!

Another car off the list.
Got to the second lv10 car in the Eliminator, the Aventador LP700. Now I am confused a little bit. Why is the LP750 SV a lv9 car? Not a big deal to be honest, just a curiosity.
Well, I tried three games of Eliminator and unfortunately, this isn’t for me. I prefer straight-forward racing over gimmicks.

I especially don’t like how there are achievements attached to this, a few of which seem to rely on luck (and some are bugged apparently). But oh well, I’m done chasing 100% in this game.
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Well, I tried three games of Eliminator and unfortunately, this isn’t for me. I prefer straight-forward racing over gimmicks.

I especially don’t like how there are achievements attached to this, a few of which seem to rely on luck (and some are bugged apparently). But oh well, I’m done chasing 100% in this game.
Your comment reminds me of the first impressions of the LEGO expansion.