Forza Horizon 5: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Northstar
The Creative Accolades are bothering me.

It seems more or less blind luck whether someone ever looks at your photos, tunes, liveries, Blueprints/EventLab courses etc., which makes it pretty hard to get the Accolades for these things. Assuming there's not a way to get your things promoted, it may well be worth GTP club members... well, circle-jerking, frankly. Download, like, whatever each other's created content?
The Creative Accolades are bothering me.

It seems more or less blind luck whether someone ever looks at your photos, tunes, liveries, Blueprints/EventLab courses etc., which makes it pretty hard to get the Accolades for these things. Assuming there's not a way to get your things promoted, it may well be worth GTP club members... well, circle-jerking, frankly. Download, like, whatever each other's created content?
I got lucky with it only b/c I created a replica color option for the ACR that no one else had; if they did, they didn't use the real world name.
The Creative Accolades are bothering me.

It seems more or less blind luck whether someone ever looks at your photos, tunes, liveries, Blueprints/EventLab courses etc., which makes it pretty hard to get the Accolades for these things. Assuming there's not a way to get your things promoted, it may well be worth GTP club members... well, circle-jerking, frankly. Download, like, whatever each other's created content?
If you're not already one of the established masters of tuning or painting or photography or whatever, you're kind of screwed. Getting a buddy to use and like your tunes, paints, photos, etc really is the best way to get noticed. Even getting just one like is enough to get your creation more attention and therefore more downloads and likes. Maybe we should have a thread for sharing codes within the club to help promote each other?
So when are we getting a Playground Game that's 3v3 car hockey?
May I interest you in some Wreckfest?
May I interest you in some Wreckfest?
Honestly the only racing game that's been worth a damn to play online the last couple of years...
Okay, I'm back in this thread after a couple of weeks. In spite of liking FH5, I kinda took a break from it.
Not because I was tired of it, but because I wanted to try other games I recently bought from black friday such as GTA V Premium Edition and Automobilista 2. I still have a couple of PS4 games that I haven't installed yet.

and wow, I see some good things. Love knowing that the final gen Celica is coming to FH5 for instance along with some of the leaked cars coming up. Man, I gotta get back into this game and try that Mercury Cyclone. I can't believe they added that, that car and it's Ford counterpart have been sooooo underappreciated in racing games.

but the problem I see is that there's also some bad things that happened since my break. More bugs and glitches.
Makes me wonder if they should've done a delay for the launch date in retrospect. Oh well, I still want to give things a try.
I used the Ford Ranger T6 with this tune 111-668-850
I tried this combination. My team won the first two races on the first try and that was it. You're right that the way it lands the big jumps without killing the forward momentum is a huge advantage.
Makes me wonder if they should've done a delay for the launch date in retrospect.
In a perfect world that would probably helped, but there's no guarantee it would helped in a real world. Because the guys at T10 and PG really care for the players and they prove that many times. From putting the most desired cars, features like drifting adventures or banning the Boneshaker and supporting the game in general for years.
I believe it would helped much more if FH5 was designed for one system only. Just like FH3.
Switching device really fixed it!

Just tried it with my Series X after playing the game last night on One X and it loads in with all progress and it stops crashing at loading screens.
Glad I could help ☺️

Going to continue playing some festival stuff today, I hope it keeps working. It seems I won’t be able to do that treasure hunt since I already 3-starred each trailblazer in the game. Will this become another series impossible to complete 100% because of bugs? 😥
Did they have QA at all? I can't understand how its possible to miss progression related bugs. Even after expedition/showcase bugs they somehow miss Trailblazer bug.
So I had some brand new trailblazing events to do, figure I give them a shot for the treasure chest and after I 3-starred 2 of them with the Alumni Craft, nothing triggered at all. So I guess the whole thing is bugged. Submitted a ticket anyway.

Checking the "World" Accolades, I noticed that there is one to drive a Mazda and knock out 25 candy canes, 25 Xmas trees and 25 snowmen. Do you have to wait until Winter for the snowmen? I can get the 25 canes and trees, although the counter is kinda wonky and doesn't register many that you hit, but snowmen I can't seem to find many. I found 2 by the volcano, I hit them and they didn't register. In any case, there are separate accolades to hit 25 each in any car, so I guess there's that.
I found five up at the volcano.

Two around some buildings to the east of the crater, one near a building close to the crater, one on the shore of the crater and one on a rock up the side of it.

They didn't always get counted, of each attempt at smashing all five usually one or two would register (not the same one or two, it varied). My slow and painful method was to hit all five, go to a race marker and start creating an Event Lab event, then quitting. This respawned the snowmen.

btw, the best way to do the snowmen is to be offline and use rewind to keep hitting the same one (poor thing), the counter will keep going up.
This sounds like a much easier solution and I wish I'd read it first! :banghead: I was online so the snowmen didn't respawn when rewinding.
Maybe we should have a thread for sharing codes within the club to help promote each other?
Even if you are, it can still be hard to get your stuff seen.
It's almost like the current system that has been in place since what, FM5, is absolute garbage and we're probably better off returning to having an actual search function that allows you to filter by most downloaded and highest rated.

You know better then I do with this, PJ, but wasn't the current system we have now for painting and getting liveries out there added into FM5 in order to change the economy to make it easier for painters to get more consistent credits from their works, and also allow painters to get more exposure? It seems like it hasn't done a damn thing in the exposure regard, since 95% of legendary painters are basically creating and flooding the livery section with garbage so they can get the auction house benefits, and the economy of the game is so lopsided, and money so easy to come by, that one probably doesn't need to worry about even getting money from liveries anymore.
TFW you take the time to win four road races in your S13 Sylvia to close out the weekly Forzathon only to realize you needed to win four street races…
I usually go back into the #Forzathon tab after doing one race to make sure they're counting down and I haven't been doing the wrong task. It'd be really helpful if they were to let you pin #Forzathon and daily tasks (like No Signal: smash 5 phonebooths) to the screen so you didn't have to keep jumping screens.
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May I interest you in some Wreckfest?
I've already had that for ages, but don't give us a big hockey rink without a game to play in it!
I usually go back into the #Forzathon tab after doing one race to make sure they're counting down and I haven't been doing the wrong task. It'd be really helpful if they were to let you pin #Forzathon and daily tasks (like No Signal: smash 5 phonebooths) to the screen so you didn't have to keep jumping screens.
I normally do that, too, just like you said, to make sure I’m not wasting my time. But last night I was super tired and I thought to myself “Let’s just get these over with. No need to check. Of course I’m doing the right races.” Such hubris.

I've already had that for ages, but don't give us a big hockey rink without a game to play in it!
Hopefully one of the big brains at THQ Nordic is playing FH5 and thinking “We should put an ice hockey rink in OUR game!”
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The Accolade for smashing stuff in a Mazda was a weird one, yesterday I smashed all of the candy canes and trees (as confirmed by the other accolades) then went for the snowmen by using the rewind method. It didn't work, no accolade triggered, so I suspended the game.

Today I pinned the Accolade even though the details were wrong and found that the snowmen had registered 25/25, as had the candy canes, but the trees were on 23/25. I smashed 2 trees and it changed to 24/25. Smashing the 3rd one then took it to 25/25. :odd:
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I can't drift worth beans, so I may never even get to that point!
I’m a 💩 drifter, too. So what I did (after switching to the drift suspension of course) was go to the ice rink at the Stadium. I started on the concrete ring just outside the ice to get my speed up, then turned it inside to start the drift and tried to hold it until “Ultimate” came up. It took a few minutes but I finally got my ten Ultimate Drifts.
I’m a 💩 drifter, too. So what I did (after switching to the drift suspension of course) was go to the ice rink at the Stadium. I started on the concrete ring just outside the ice to get my speed up, then turned it inside to start the drift and tried to hold it until “Ultimate” came up. It took a few minutes but I finally got my ten Ultimate Drifts.
That sounds like a plan. I was trying to do it at the airstrip. I can never hold it long enough to trigger ultimate though. I really hate drifting, it's such a chore.
I three-starred three trailblazers, including the one closest to the waterfall, but haven't gotten the treasure chest to work. I hadn't three-starred them before.

I'll have to head up the mountain in search of snowmen.

For the Silvia I saw I needed more power to make the top speed, so I went overboard with the 4-rotor engine conversion. After that the ultimate drifts were a lot easier as it was hard to not drift the car. Well, once I got past the burnout stage.

I'm also terrible at drifting but have three-starred a few drift zones with the BMW 2002.
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That sounds like a plan. I was trying to do it at the airstrip. I can never hold it long enough to trigger ultimate though. I really hate drifting, it's such a chore.
Throttle control is the main key, you don't want to be gunning it at wide open throttle all the time or the rear end will break traction, and if your speed is too great when you start the drift the car will just propel itself in a straight line uncontrollably and not turn. It does take a fair amount of practice to know just how much speed and power is needed to get a car to hold a drift, and it's different with each car, but the changes to the handling model have made it much easier to get the hang of it this time around. Just remember that the gas pedal isn't an on/off switch.

If you don't mind doing silly things to a DeLorean, 157 003 078 is the drift setup I made for it. I don't care too much about drifting myself, but I three-starred all of the drift zoes with it (even the dirt ones), so it'll get the job done once you've got the hang of it and it should help you to learn how to hold a drift for the time needed. I would also recommend the road on the far west of the map where the V10 story is located as a good place to practice, as it's fairly open and the turns are wide and gentle there.
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I’m a 💩 drifter, too. So what I did (after switching to the drift suspension of course) was go to the ice rink at the Stadium. I started on the concrete ring just outside the ice to get my speed up, then turned it inside to start the drift and tried to hold it until “Ultimate” came up. It took a few minutes but I finally got my ten Ultimate Drifts.
Thanks for the tip - it did the trick. I also got to 20-something in Eliminator, so that's another 2 points. I've got 42 total points, so only a Treasure Hunt away from the Maserati! 😀