Forza Horizon 5: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Northstar
Except Horizon 5 isn't the worst Horizon game. It just has the worst bugs. Or if it's the worst Horizon game and has the worst bugs as well, why are you playing it? You must be really torturing yourself.
It least innovative, yet most broken out of five. I didn't say it bad, dont put words in my mouth. All Horizon games are great, but as fan I am disappointed with what they did after three years and Horizon 4.

Actually, its not about bugs, but half baked game. It is 20h demo for IGN, that totally missing deep. After 20h you realise that map didn't work, progression isnt here and you basically playing dumbed down Horizon 4.
Cyberpunk, really? The game that had to be taken down from the PS4 store because it was so unplayable?
Cyberpunk has great cinematic storyline, astonishing visuals on PC and great setting. So, yes, if we count PC version of C2077 as 2021 game, its GOTY. Same as Witcher 2 was GOTY in 2011.
Tell me you've never played the 360 port of FH2 without telling me you've never played the 360 port of FH2
Its not PG game, so I don't count it. Should we count stand alone F&F collab?
I didn't say it bad, dont put words in my mouth
What words did I put in your mouth? You definitely gave the impression that it's a bad game by using terms like broken. Don't blame me and seemingly everyone else who responded to you from getting the wrong impression if you're unable to express yourself precisely.

It's not the worst and if they can fix the bugs I think it'll be good enough for most people to play. I don't see where the depth is missing compared to FH4. With the long list of accolades I have more to do in this game and it's encouraged me to play more online.
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fix the bugs
Its not bugged, its broken. I dont think there is way to fix it. Bad level design and lack of good progression cant be fixed after release.

be good enough for most people to play
Its already good enough. Yet its worst out of five mainline games. Not in direct comprasion, but retrospectivly.

With the long list of accolades
90% of which doesnt have any reward. 9% have some useless Forza Link phrases and 0.5% have something worth.
Its not bugged, its broken. I dont think there is way to fix it. Bad level design and lack of good progression cant be fixed after release
I don't agree. There are two expansions on the way that are likely to add to the game's progression for me, plus user generated content.
Its already good enough. Yet its worst out of five mainline games. Not in direct comprasion, but retrospectivly.
Your opinion.
90% of which doesnt have any reward. 9% have some useless Forza Link phrases and 0.5% have something worth.
I'm not doing it for the reward. I'm doing it to prolong my interest in the game. If Xbox achievements have no reward, then I'm not surprised if in game accolades don't shower you with gifts. However, I've picked up a fair few cars from doing them so far.
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I took my RX-7 Spirit A to Guanajuato to photograph it in front of the big Christmas Tree for the playlist challenge. I spent half an hour driving around town looking for it. It wasn't where it was last week. Just the regular statue where the tree had been. Finally I decided to take a photo of the car in front of the statue, and it registered. So the game knows that's where the tree is supposed to be. It just won't show it to me.
I stopped and started the game and the tree showed up.

Cyberpunk has great cinematic storyline, astonishing visuals on PC and great setting. So, yes, if we count PC version of C2077 as 2021 game, its GOTY. Same as Witcher 2 was GOTY in 2011.
Horizon 5 has great racing atmosphere, astonishing visuals, & a great a setting as well. So, yes, we can count it as GOTY....

In reality, this comparison falls on all sorts of levels. To discredit FH5 as a buggy, broken mess & therefore, undeserving of GOTY whilst propping up Cyberpunk is down right blind fanaticism. That game did have a great storyline, visuals, & setting that was completely overshadowed & plagued with issues regardless of platform. You want to talk about "half-baked", you're in here propping up the recent king of half-baked games; over-hyped to Kingdom Come & under-delivered to hell and back. CD Projekt Red, in the last week, just gone done paying $1.85 million because their investors (not player-base) sued for the game being unplayable on consoles due to, "due to an enormous number of bugs;".
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Nailed it.

(after angrily mashing rewind about 40 times to figure out the exact speed and angle needed to actually hit it and not the pylon, shut up don't judge me)
Nice one Dude , tried it once and surprising was pretty close but ain't spending too much time trying to do stuff that maybe take gazzillion attempts, I will get it one day :)
Horizon 5 has great racing atmosphere
great a setting as well
You joking? This cringefest isnt anywhere near masterpiece that CDPR created for CP2077.
discredit FH5 as a buggy, broken mess
Quote plz. IDK, where you saw this. Its basically FH4 with worse map and progression, but its not mess. Still 8/10 from me. But GOTY ? Hell, no. You shouldn't make worse version of you previous game and get GOTY.
that was completely overshadowed & plagued with issues regardless of platform
Spend around 50h in December 2020. Buggy, but completely playable and enjoyable. One of the best stories in my gaming history. Best setting. Gameplay wasn't all that great, but its not main reason why you wanna play CDPR games. Can see why console players hate it, but PC version was good.

You joking? This cringefest isnt anywhere near masterpiece that CDPR created for CP2077.
I'm mocking your statement; swap words around & it doesn't make any difference for FH5.

Cringefest whilst praising CP2077 as a "masterpiece"?

As I said, blind fanaticism.
Quote plz. IDK, where you saw this.
You literally said it's broken 3 times and keep insinuating the game is in some awful state of play.
Its basically FH4 with worse map and progression,
but its not mess. Still 8/10 from me. But GOTY ? Hell, no. You shouldn't make worse version of you previous game and get GOTY.
Spend around 50h in December 2020. Buggy, but completely playable and enjoyable. One of the best stories in my gaming history. Best setting. Gameplay wasn't all that great, but its not main reason why you wanna play CDPR games. Can see why console players hate it, but PC version was good.
The hilarious irony in this statement because FH5 is exactly that whilst you praise a game that literally settled out of court for near $2 million because it wasn't playable.

Trying to shoehorn the problems into a specific platform does not absolve the game from its warranted scrutiny.
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It was only withdrawn from sale and refunded because it was so good though.

Anyway, a slight oversight on PG's behalf means you can now run over spectators in a single special circumstance.
Cyberpunk has great cinematic storyline,
If it actually did, I'm sure that this nearly 1 hour and 15 minute long video that slices up most, if not all, of the story beats into ribbons for being the very misguided story that it is wouldn't exist.

There’s also a easier way going off road than the highway.
Doing things the easy way is for nerds.


This particular route is really tricky to line up because there's a small rise below the launch spot that you hit, and then you bump off the bit where the two bushes are before taking off. That helps to scrub off speed, but you only have a half second to aim the car at something very small that you can't even see. It took a speed of exactly 98 MPH and aiming just slightly away from the left bush to make contact, and even then it's sketchy because the car will always rotate in the air because of the funny angle it launches at.

Still, as long as you get the results the method is entirely subjective. The boards beneath the freeway overpass and on the hotel balcony are the only rude ones I have left, and the balcony one is mostly a matter of getting a good enough run up to it.
Doing things the easy way is for nerds.


This particular route is really tricky to line up because there's a small rise below the launch spot that you hit, and then you bump off the bit where the two bushes are before taking off. That helps to scrub off speed, but you only have a half second to aim the car at something very small that you can't even see. It took a speed of exactly 98 MPH and aiming just slightly away from the left bush to make contact, and even then it's sketchy because the car will always rotate in the air because of the funny angle it launches at.

Still, as long as you get the results the method is entirely subjective. The boards beneath the freeway overpass and on the hotel balcony are the only rude ones I have left, and the balcony one is mostly a matter of getting a good enough run up to it.
I went off road by the highway then hit a jump, I also used a Huracan not a Jesko.
So a friend asked me to help him getting uses and likes for tunes and designs and in return he will help me. So I made a few one color designs and simple builds. Today I logged in and found out that the all black Audi design got 600 downloads. I hate myself. And maybe the game want to punish me for sharing such a lousy design.

How many likes do I need?😂
When I see Cyberpunk on sale for less than $20 and start thinking that maybe I'll finally pick up a copy, my 24 year old son (who has played it) says, "No dad - don't. Don't do it. Not even at THAT price...", it makes me pause.
OT. But it’s 100% worth that. I played through it on the One X and thoroughly enjoyed it. Yeah it’s got some problems but it’s a very enjoyable game regardless.
OT. But it’s 100% worth that. I played through it on the One X and thoroughly enjoyed it. Yeah it’s got some problems but it’s a very enjoyable game regardless.
Yeah, for $20 I would get it. Think about it being one of those controversial movies with a cult following.

It's either you like it or you don't.

I paid $60 for it on launch day and I enjoyed it. This is coming from a person who had no external knowledge about the game and went in with no expectations. Was it disappointing in some ways? Sure, but what game in 2020 - 2021 hasn't been?
So I was weirdly given the VIP welcome FE cars, modified one and drove it around a couple days ago. Now today when I logged in it’s telling me I don’t own the DLC. I mean ya of course I don’t, I never did, but what the actual hell is going on here? So weird. I am a little bummed they took them away though, even if I truly didn’t buy them :lol:
I think something similar happened with all the PO cars from various retailers in FH3. I still have them all in my garage even though I can’t drive them. :) Got gifted by accident as well I believe.
Also I wonder which other racing game could rival Horizon 5 for best Racing game this year. And please don't tell me the Hot Wheels game is better.
Have you played it? HotWheels Unleashed is a darn fine game and I would not have been upset at all if it won the racing-GOTY over FH5 at the Game Awards. It runs as smooth as butter on my Series X, has probably the most beautiful shading/lighting graphics in any game I own to date (sidenote: I own Metro Exodus Series X|S as well but have not played it yet). The game has great atmosphere and is just a joy to play. The track builder is amazing as well.

I wouldn’t know what my GOTY would be for 2021 to be honest. I played a lot of backlog this year, the only 2021 games I played are all fall-released games:

  • HotWheels Unleashed
  • Far Cry 6
  • Forza Horizon 5
  • 1 bot match in Halo Infinite 😝

If I would have played the Halo Infinite campaign (which i didn‘t… yet) and enjoyed it a lot, that would probably be my GOTY for 2021. I watched a bit of campaign gameplay streaming and this is my cup of tea. But I want to play the earlier Halo games first and wait for a sale on the Infinite campaign. No way I will pay 70 EUR full price for game where multiplayer has been cut out and offered for free. I’ll wait a year or so before I play it and by then 343 will also have optimised the code and implemented ray tracing. A better quality experience for probably half the price. ☺️

So yeah, FH5 will get my personal GOTY but it’s certainly not the home run I would have thought it would be. All the bugs and issues plus franchise fatigue are preventing me to enjoy it as much I thought I would. That same franchise fatigue is what keeps me from getting much excited about Far Cry 6 to be honest. I’m already playing FH5 in “maintenance mode”, that means I just log on to do the daily/weekly festival stuff including the new cars, and log back off. I already completed all campaign stuff, collected all cars, I could still hunt for some accolades but at the failure rate of those buggers not working correcty… no thanks. 😂

2018 was for me personally still one of the strongest years with both Assassin’s Creed Origins and Horizon Zero Dawn being released. Those were my nr. 1 and 2 GOTY of that year and yes, that’s also the year FH4 was released.

For what it’s worth, these last 5 days or so I’ve been playing Assassin’s Creed Valhalla the most. Dropped the game very early last year, now after a year of fixes and updates I decided to restart a new save game and play from scratch. I‘m liking it a lot more now, just unlocked the Jule festival which is a nice Xmas Holiday feeling. I do like the Xmas holiday theme in FH5 as well though, kudos to PlayGround games for introducing that in the franchise!

But FH5 will come back around for me for sure, I had that same fatigue with FH4 about a month after launch. I just feel like right now is not the time to enjoy it. I’m eagerly looking forward to the expansion packs though, the ones for FH4 were rather disappointing after the awesome expansions for FH3 so I hope PG can turn that around again. ☺️
Have you played it?
Sorry but Asphalt type of games are not for me. Toy cars with fake sounds and smoking tires are not what I call immersion ether even when you bring child nostalgia. And while I can agree with running smoothly on Series console that is the only plus I could find. It's everything else that is way behind FH5. And I don't even want to mention how they are handling post launch content.
I'm mocking your statement; swap words around & it doesn't make any difference for FH5.
Except, you can easily find comments here and on Reddit about "great setting" of FH5. About criengie storyies with annoying characters that speaks Spanglish.

On the other hand we have Cyberpunk that is generally praised for its setting.

You literally said it's broken 3 times
keep insinuating the game is in some awful state of play.
Once again, quote plz. Stop putting words in my mouth. Its in ok state, I literally said that in quoted message. But its worse than current state of FH4 which is basis for FH5. If FH4 never existed I would say that FH5 is aa great contender for GOTY.

is exactly that
Exactly what? Enjoyable and playable? It is. Has something greater than anything before it? No.
it wasn't playable
On consoles. There is reason why CP2077 has metascore of 54 on PS4 and 86 on PC. Its almost like saying that FH2 is a awful game because its x360 port was awful.

When I see Cyberpunk on sale for less than $20 and start thinking that maybe I'll finally pick up a copy, my 24 year old son (who has played it) says, "No dad - don't. Don't do it. Not even at THAT price...", it makes me pause.
There is big difference between ps4/Xbox one and PC versions. PC version is great, yet has some drawbacks. Xbox and PS4 versions is awful on One and PS4, somewhat ok on OneX and PS4Pro and ok on PS5 and XSS/XSX.

Smartest decision will be to wait until next gen upgrade for PS5/XS and play it that way(even if you on PC).
Sorry but Asphalt type of games are not for me. Toy cars with fake sounds and smoking tires are not what I call immersion ether even when you bring child nostalgia. And while I can agree with running smoothly on Series console that is the only plus I could find. It's everything else that is way behind FH5. And I don't even want to mention how they are handling post launch content.
HW Unleashed sure isn’t trying to be a realistic driving game/simulator and if the game isn’t your thing that’s fine. But I think it does a tremendous job at taking what already exists in the plastic toy world and enhancing it to exist in the digital world. If you see what PlayGround games did with HotWheels in FH3 (which was already an exceptionally great expansion), Milestone took it to a whole new level with HW Unleashed IMO. If you look at the task ahead for the developers and the game that it has finally become, I would say this is easily a 9/10 for the way it’s implemented, if not more.

In regards to post launch content, yeah we are absolutely spoiled with Forza but HW isn’t the worse out there. That “battle pass” is quite an easy/cheap one. The Crew 2 is already more aggressive on luring your money out of your wallet. And if you step outside the racing game genre and end up with games like CoD, Overwatch, Battlefield, Halo Infinite or even modern Ubisoft games like Far Cry, Assassin’s Creed such... those are games are far worse than what HW Unleashed does.
When creating EventLab stuff can you start, edit, save, go away, and come back later to edit the same event again? I've got an idea for something a bit convoluted but I don't want to start it if I need to sit there for eight hours doing it.

Also more Accolade fun:
Smash 200 XP Boards - 177/200
Smash 50 Fast Travel Boards - 41/50

So that's 218/250, right? Wrong.
Smash 250 Bonus Boards - 220/250

Also also:

Anyway, a slight oversight on PG's behalf means you can now run over spectators in a single special circumstance.

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