Forza Horizon 5: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Northstar
I’ve put up another 15 since then and they’ve all sold too. I can’t sell any more as the Auction House is capped at 25 sales a day. Started the day around 250 million, am now at 670 million.

It’s not my fault the snipers forgot to turn off their bots 😁
Could hit 999,999,999cr tomorrow if the snipers stay active.

This is the benefit of being a reasonably successful painter, I can list any car I sell on the Auction House with a 20 million buyout price 🙂
Put up another 25 for auction yesterday and it seems I’ve sucked the bidding bots dry of their funds (or they finally realised the Autoshow exists). About a dozen still sold for 20 million though, I’m currently at 904 million in total.

600 million made in 2 days, if only real life was this easy 🫠
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Put up another 25 for auction yesterday and it seems I’ve sucked the bidding bots dry of their funds (or they finally realised the Autoshow exists). About a dozen still sold for 20 million though, I’m currently at 870 million in total.

600 million made in 2 days, if only real life was this easy 🫠
Virtual cake and pop is on you bud. That's a hell of a result 600 million in two days. It's took me since the release of the game to get to 810 million.
Cashing in my fame from being a painter I guess 😅

I could probably hit the credit cap now if I wanted, just grab a few Festival Playlist cars and sell them off.
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Cashing in my fame from being a painter I guess 😅

I could probably hit the credit cap now if I wanted, just grab a few Festival Playlist cars and sell them off.
Why not cash in? They're great paint jobs. I'm aiming for the credit cap now as another in game goal.
Put up another 25 for auction yesterday and it seems I’ve sucked the bidding bots dry of their funds (or they finally realised the Autoshow exists). About a dozen still sold for 20 million though, I’m currently at 904 million in total.

600 million made in 2 days, if only real life was this easy 🫠
Just transfer your skillz over to Rennsport. You can become a non-fungible crypto millionaire. 😆

Only kidding but I gotta wait until I win Badlands before I can buy Lightnings in the shops. Not that I'll ever need more than one.
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Just transfer your skillz over to Rennsport. You can become a non-fungible crypto millionaire. 😆

Only kidding but I gotta wait until I win Badlands before I can buy Lightnings in the shops. Not that I'll ever need more than one.
I think the scalpers have cottoned on to the expansion cars being in the Autoshow now, only 20,000,000 sales you'll get now are people that happen to be chasing the Accolade for doing so. I'm glad I got to rinse them for the 3 days they weren't paying attention though 😁

There's no practical need for buying a car from the Action House at a price greater than in the Autoshow, unless you're trying to "transfer funds" to a friend for whatever reason.
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Almost at page 404... try loading the thread then and all you're getting is an error message ;)

But what if the game goal just leads to a 404 Error: Virtual cash not found? That would be bad.

By the way the above sentence was a joke. Happy Easter.
Sorry, all 404 jokes are subject to my pending trademark. The fine is 100 Lightnings ;) :lol:
I don't know who else suffered this bug, but driving through the sand dunes in Rally Adventure made my normally steady 72 fps tank to low-40s with horrendous choppiness. The only cure for this problem was lowering the Deformable Terrain Quality to as low as needed (some said to turn it off, others said to lower it down one step) to get my framerate back. That soured my enjoyment of an otherwise really good DLC, because that closes the doors to 25% of an already small map. (Before anyone asks: my specs are good enough. I have never struggled with performance in FH5 before, steady 72fps with all settings on Ultra or Extreme. This definitely isn't on me.)

So I decided to rush through every event I needed to get the Goliath and ... not have to bother with Rally Adventure ever again. Back to Mexico for me. Real shame, honestly. They should bring the Rally mode to the main game, the pace notes and the excitement of not knowing how you did until the very end, only to get a very narrow win, and then another, and then another, with maybe a very narrow loss here and there... That was a breath of fresh air. Sadly, performance problems of this amplitude ruin the mood.
I don't know who else suffered this bug, but driving through the sand dunes in Rally Adventure made my normally steady 72 fps tank to low-40s with horrendous choppiness. The only cure for this problem was lowering the Deformable Terrain Quality to as low as needed (some said to turn it off, others said to lower it down one step) to get my framerate back. That soured my enjoyment of an otherwise really good DLC, because that closes the doors to 25% of an already small map. (Before anyone asks: my specs are good enough. I have never struggled with performance in FH5 before, steady 72fps with all settings on Ultra or Extreme. This definitely isn't on me.)

So I decided to rush through every event I needed to get the Goliath and ... not have to bother with Rally Adventure ever again. Back to Mexico for me. Real shame, honestly. They should bring the Rally mode to the main game, the pace notes and the excitement of not knowing how you did until the very end, only to get a very narrow win, and then another, and then another, with maybe a very narrow loss here and there... That was a breath of fresh air. Sadly, performance problems of this amplitude ruin the mood.
This is a well known issue bud. Hopefully they'll be able to do something to fix it.
This is a well known issue bud. Hopefully they'll be able to do something to fix it.
I'm relieved to hear it's common enough. Hopefully, as you said, they do release a patch of some description! It'd suck to leave this DLC behind just for this.
I'm relieved to hear it's common enough. Hopefully, as you said, they do release a patch of some description! It'd suck to leave this DLC behind just for this.
It would be. It's a cracking DLC. I was disappointed with Hot Wheels overall but I'm loving Rally.
I'm afraid I'm not an expert in beating Drivatars on Mexican rally courses first time. Looks like I am "highly skilled" though. Of course this is an aid to replayability. Race mode is a lot easier with the plethora of visual aids but leads to a somewhat blander experience so I'm glad the accolades encourage you to do both. I can't help cracking up at Ale's comically overenthusiastic "5-4-3-2-1... ¡¡¡GOOOOO!!!" at the start of the event.
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I'm afraid I'm not an expert in beating Drivatars on Mexican rally courses first time. Looks like I am "highly skilled" though. Of course this is an aid to replayability. Race mode is a lot easier with the plethora of visual aids but leads to a somewhat blander experience so I'm glad the accolades encourage you to do both.
I always play at 'Highly Skilled' bud.
Modern games have really spoilt me. I used to love replaying the stages over and over in Rallisport Challenge and Colin McRae 2.0 but would suck at it today.
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Did I hear someone mention Rallisport Challenge? Ohhhhhh what a game!!!

I received the sequel as a surprise when I returned home from a hospital stay as a 11-12 year old. It was such a great game. As a motorsport nut (Especially Rallying) it was perfect.

Rally, Rallycross, Crossover (Race Of Champions style tracks), Group B cars, Hillclimb events with Pikes Peak cars and Even Ice Racing with 4 wheel steer Andros Trophy type cars. One of my favourite games of all time.

With the Release of Battlefield 3 in about 2010 I later went on to be a big Battlefield fan for years and never realised that it was BF devs DICE (Digital Illusions) that made the Rallisport games when I was a wee lad. 😄

Another Rally game I remember playing around the same time was Rally Fusion: Race Of Champions. Does anyone else remember that one?

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I always play at 'Highly Skilled' bud.
I get the impression the game is primarily designed to be played at this level, especially as the required difficulty level to win playlist championships and achieve all the accolades in the expansions.

Which expansion do you prefer?: Forza Horizon 1 Horizon Rally Expansion or Forza Horizon 5 Rally Adventure Expansion

I never got to play the original expansion so it is interesting to see how they stack up side by side. While most people in the comments say that the original is better, I'm not entirely convinced. It looks like FH1 was primarily dirt roads and I appreciate how FH5's rally expansion also brings technical tarmac roads and sandy surfaces into the mix, along with some tighter sections.

Also, I find it a missed opportunity that the Rally Adventure seasonal championship just consists of regular races. I hope there are plans in future to give players the option of completing RA seasonal championships as rally events.
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I received the sequel as a surprise when I returned home from a hospital stay as a 11-12 year old. It was such a great game. As a motorsport nut (Especially Rallying) it was perfect.
It was nearly 20 years ago so I forgot that it was 2 that I played, not 1. It was the art direction and colour palette that stood out to me most in the reviews, something that Horzion has in spades as I blast through in my camero. Sorry... taking the mickey out of their "tpyos" is addictive.

I love a sunburnt country...
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you need to understand that some of the community are blinded with nostalgia and being ungrateful

Most of racing games community is always blind with nostalgia and obssesive quest for realism or something nearby to IRL car culture, even if makes all racing games look similar and uncreative

I cant belive that the racing game community is too gatekeeper and obsessive with some stuffs, it looks worst than FPS and MOBA comunities....

The funniest part after all this is that the most sold racing game after all is Mario Kart, even after all those years....
I don't see why so many people here need to post (or complain?) about the "complainers." Just spend the time enjoying your game, instead of looking through other forums or watching videos to find stuff to disagree with and call people whiners and so on. If someone doesn't like something, that's fine, you don't need to take time out of your day to make thinly veiled posts where you basically try to call them dumb/unreasonable/miserable/whatever. Happens on several of the subforums here and it's not something I often see at other forums.

Let people have their criticisms, you don't have to agree with them. If you don't agree with a criticism and want to address it, then go for it, it can lead to interesting discussion. Just telling people they are wrong or whining or "ungrateful" or whatever, however, will not lead to an interesting discussion... or really anything positive for that matter.

Some of those complainers said, "The roads are too wide!"

Bruh, those roads are CHALLENGING! Hairpin turns galore that at times will knock me off guard!
Just because you find them challenging enough doesn't mean that others do, and in something that has "rally" in the name I don't think it's that unreasonable that some people would hope/expect the routes in the game feel more like rally stages than the stuff in the base game.

I think most of us get why they didn't make them narrower, both for the casual target audience and for functionality in multiplayer/AI races, but that doesn't mean people can't wish they were narrower.

By sort of straddling the line between sim and arcade, the Forza series brings in drivers from both "sides." It's only normal some people will wish the game would lean more one way for certain aspects and voice those wishes. Some people (and let's be real, probably all of us at some point or another) could work on how they present those wishes of course, but nonetheless people are welcome to their opinions.
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Let people have their criticisms, you don't have to agree with them. If you don't agree with a criticism and want to address it, then go for it, it can lead to interesting discussion. Just telling people they are wrong or whining or "ungrateful" or whatever, however, will not lead to an interesting discussion... or really anything positive for that matter.
I don't believe the problem arises when people have criticisms of the game, it's more when those criticisms are presented in a way that is unconstructive and doesn't help anyone.

Taking an example from the comments under the Rally expansion comparison video, there are several comments saying that FH1 is better without adding anything else. If people in charge of making game design decisions are to read those comments, how are they supposed to know what they need to improve? These people probably already have a lot on their plate and I doubt they are prepared to ask each individual "What exactly was better about the FH1 expansion?" and wait for a response. It's better for everyone involved if they just said why right from the get-go. For example, they could say they preferred the physics, the progression structure or anything that lets devs know how to improve the gameplay experience.

By all means, have an opinion, but you can't say something is done better in an older game without explaining why, otherwise the comment about people being blinded by nostalgia becomes just as valid.
I don't believe the problem arises when people have criticisms of the game, it's more when those criticisms are presented in a way that is unconstructive and doesn't help anyone.

Taking an example from the comments under the Rally expansion comparison video, there are several comments saying that FH1 is better without adding anything else. If people in charge of making game design decisions are to read those comments, how are they supposed to know what they need to improve? These people probably already have a lot on their plate and I doubt they are prepared to ask each individual "What exactly was better about the FH1 expansion?" and wait for a response. It's better for everyone involved if they just said why right from the get-go. For example, they could say they preferred the physics, the progression structure or anything that lets devs know how to improve the gameplay experience.

By all means, have an opinion, but you can't say something is done better in an older game without explaining why, otherwise the comment about people being blinded by nostalgia becomes just as valid.
Yeah I agree both "sides" should expand on their criticisms.

I wasn't speaking specifically to the discussion about the video above, there's also the Devon video that I couldn't remember which thread it was in, and it has happened plenty in the Forza sections specifically where there are "The haters on Reddit said _____!" posts about the official forums/Reddit/various YouTubers and snarky "That will show the whiners!" type comments and so on and it's kinda pointless and tiresome.

I wouldn't think anyone from PG/T10 takes comments like that seriously though if they don't have some reasoning.
FH1's rally expansion didn't change the roads from the original map, just added dirt to the original wide and mostly flat tarmac. In comparison, FH5's rally expansion provides custom built routes which are clearly more suited to rally. Not to mention all the other new capabilities in FH5 compared to FH1 around rally parts and off road physics. Heck, deformable terrain was only added to the series in FH4...

So yeah, nostalgia glasses are amazing :D
Yup, it sounds like an attempt to shut down the conversation to me. I'm enjoying both the DLC and the discussion on this board and believe "both sides" have done a fairly good job on expanding upon their criticisms but can only speak for myself.
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