Forza Horizon 5: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Northstar
Finally got the 500 mile and 10,000,000 credit badges. The mileage wasn't actually too strenuous; just doing highway runs in a Hennessey managed to get it done pretty quickly. For the last 5 mil, I was basically just buying up the most expensive engine and drivetrain swaps and then applying the best of everything; usually came out to 75,000 - 100k per car. Not bad, but still time consuming.

Sold my duplicate 2021 RS7 for 20 mil within literal seconds so was able to recoup my money no problem. Now to return most of the cars to stock... oh boy.
Top effort bud. I have the 500 miles accolades but just at 2 million for upgrades. I'm going to chip away at it over time.
That Barbie Corvette is a completely new model: 1956 compared to the 1953 and 1960 ones we already had... Plus of course being 4 seater and EV. The Barbie front "number plate" is terrifying :D

This month's seasonal challenge feels weird with the points from the two stories allowing you to get the monthly 80 point reward in the first week.
I love the new car pack.
The Altimaniac is a beast and is actually fairly stable in stock form if you're easy on the gas. I used it for the Hot Wheels championship. It felt appropriate, lol.
I love the new Saleen truck as well, but it does show the ugly spot of missing the Saleen S331 and S281E from previous games.
The Huayra R sounds insane and the Lotus isn't bad either, but I haven't driven either of them yet outside of the Rivals event for the Lotus.

The Donut Media story isn't bad and I like the upgrade on the fly nature of it, although now I have a third Fairlady Z I don't need, lol.
I love the new car pack.
The Altimaniac is a beast and is actually fairly stable in stock form if you're easy on the gas. I used it for the Hot Wheels championship. It felt appropriate, lol.
I love the new Saleen truck as well, but it does show the ugly spot of missing the Saleen S331 and S281E from previous games.
The Huayra R sounds insane and the Lotus isn't bad either, but I haven't driven either of them yet outside of the Rivals event for the Lotus.

The Donut Media story isn't bad and I like the upgrade on the fly nature of it, although now I have a third Fairlady Z I don't need, lol.
I actually kinda wish 'MidCar' kept the USDM 350Z base Hi and LowCars used. I realize that'd mean technically making a brand new model just for the 350Z, but it would've made a fine story reward car, especially since you're required to upgrade it anyway as part of the story.
LOL - I bet there's a fair amount of backlash to these doll related Mattel giveaways from the bro contingent on social media and forums.

I'm not interested enough to check that out but am happy to have new cars to race with in the game. I hope the pink Corvette becomes meta or is at least competitive enough to race in The Trial although some of those bros may well want to deliberately wipe out its driver on the first turn.
LOL - I bet there's a fair amount of backlash to these doll related Mattel giveaways from the bro contingent on social media and forums.

I'm not interested enough to check that out but am happy to have new cars to race with in the game. I hope the pink Corvette becomes meta or is at least competitive enough to race in The Trial although some of those bros may well want to deliberately wipe out its driver on the first turn.
Oh there'll be lots of whining from the rooftops from the usual crowd. If it brings more players into the game then bring it on. Good point on the Trial bud, I'm itching to try it now you've put the idea in my head 😂😂😂
Theres a bit more:

My older cousin would probably like that Series S. She loves playing games with my aunt and uncle. She's surprisingly good at Switch Bowling :lol:
My older cousin would probably like that Series S. She loves playing games with my aunt and uncle. She's surprisingly good at Switch Bowling :lol:
Switch Bowling is like Wii Bowling, a dark art. Once you've cracked it though it's amazing
LOL - I bet there's a fair amount of backlash to these doll related Mattel giveaways from the bro contingent on social media and forums.

I'm not interested enough to check that out but am happy to have new cars to race with in the game. I hope the pink Corvette becomes meta or is at least competitive enough to race in The Trial although some of those bros may well want to deliberately wipe out its driver on the first turn.
I don't particularly mind the novelty of it.
I do enjoy the (most likely unintentional) way your character awkwardly sits in the miniaturised Corvette. Their back is so straight and their arms are so rigid that they actually look like a doll or an action figure that’s been put in the driver’s seat. :lol:
LOL - I bet there's a fair amount of backlash to these doll related Mattel giveaways from the bro contingent on social media and forums.

I'm not interested enough to check that out but am happy to have new cars to race with in the game. I hope the pink Corvette becomes meta or is at least competitive enough to race in The Trial although some of those bros may well want to deliberately wipe out its driver on the first turn.
I tried it just now. I don't think it will become a meta car. At A800 with the full battery swaps it just spins the wheels too much because you can't AWD it. It's ok at B700. Weird seeing a Corvette with 4 seats though 😅
I do enjoy the (most likely unintentional) way your character awkwardly sits in the miniaturised Corvette. Their back is so straight and their arms are so rigid that they actually look like a doll or an action figure that’s been put in the driver’s seat. :lol:
Sounds pretty intentional to me
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I'm willing to bet that the movie tie-in was the reason we got the Hummer EV last month in FH5 in the first place, along with probably why they reintroduced 2 GMC vehicles in the seasonal playlist this month.