woohoo ive got a 32" hdtv(supports 1080p)on it's way, my 360 is away being modded atm with the blue aurora kit, blue ring of light, blue whisper fans and chipped, ive got the lm forza 2 pre-ordered with free delivery to my doorstep(either the day before or same day as release) and i'm buying the wirless wheel in acouple of weeks

and all this for NZ$250 less then the cost of a 60gig ps3
i'm going to be well set for release day 14th june, and i'll get a 5day weekend(my bday's the 7th so i'll take a couple of days of school, as a gift to myself

). And at this time i'll have money fom my bday and left over from now to buy the hd-dvd player for my 360. Man lifes looking good at the mo....
a little OT, but does the original PGR3 have an update to support FF? ive found the wheel used for under half the price of a new one but it doesn't come with the ff edition of PGR3?
back on topic: that video in the new pitpass is pretty nice, i like the track(has the same sort of "atmosphere" as suzuka), i really like the sounds...