Dude they litteraly teased that they will talk about Career mode, Multiplayer and all stuff people want to know in June showcase, they ended developer direct LITTERALY referencing it
i undestand the concerns but "forza bad" talk is getting pathetic at this point
I just hope they redo the physics from scratch, 1/2 Physics was the main reason i was not able to play the game for more than a single hour
I think there's a lot of scepticism involved now, which isn't helping them.
Don't forget they announced that the game is coming in Spring 2023, and have not met their own timetable, unless they're releasing the game within 19 days of the showcase.
In my job, if I don't meet a deadline and it's fault, the customer is ALWAYS unhappy, so you make sure you deal with that.
Personally, I feel they should address the delay right at the opening of the presentation. Deal with the bad news, get it out of the way and then fly high with the good stuff.
Alternatively, don't mention it and some people will bang them over the head about it. Some will do that anyway, but I feel like "dealing with it" would result in most people moving on and talking about what T10 want them to talk about.
There is a lot riding on June 11th, especially for a game that will be almost SIX years old by release. I wish them well though. in my book if the game is a success it means I usually have got a good game, "win win" situation.