Forza Racing Championship Season One Thread

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm
Welp, this is beyond stupid. I've tried for the past two hours to have a clean race, and the total has sat at precisely 1. People seem incapable of realizing that when there's a mess up ahead in a race with damage, slowing down to navigate through the carnage is a lot better than keeping your foot in and hoping for the best. Just had some absolute canoe ruin my race two turns into the Nordschleife portion of the N24 circuit because while I saw fit to brake when I saw three cars get tangled, he just shunted me straight into a wall. And of course, he continued on sans damage, while I had no choice but to quit.

T10 really needs to figure out a system that takes into account the vast levels of incompetence the average driver displays. Maybe, if a player has chosen the Brazilian flag as their display badge, a little message can pop up on screen to remind them that the brakes do in fact exist.

Oh, and yes, that means the N24 is in the lineup now. Sadly, someone also saw fit to include the Daytona oval in the rotation too.
T10 really needs to figure out a system that takes into account the vast levels of incompetence the average driver displays. Maybe, if a player has chosen the Brazilian flag as their display badge, a little message can pop up on screen to remind them that the brakes do in fact exist.

Oh, and yes, that means the N24 is in the lineup now. Sadly, someone also saw fit to include the Daytona oval in the rotation too.
Maybe implementating a system like GT6's quick match non-contactish/penalty system would help. Even then though, people would find a way around it, like the classic brake check maneuver which would end up giving you the penalty :grumpy:

As for Daytona, well I can't help you there.
Jesus Christ. People have no patience, I swear. They're all trying to outbrake each other! There is a pile-up? Better plow right through it! In three races (one ended in second-to-last due to massive damage to my car, another in 2nd, and the last that I won with a comfortable margin) I saw no less than six cars with their wheels up in the air, like pathetic Ecoboost-powered cockroaches.

It's not that people are griefing - 99% of the crashes I saw last week and today were legitimate driver errors - or that they don't know how to handle a car - I am racing in the Elite league, and a lot of the guys who end up in those massive pile-ups are people I see being way faster than me in the Rivals events on a regular basis. I guess that's the problem - hotlappers thinking they're the next big thing who have no clue that in actual racing conditions, the perfect racing line may be the quickest way to the pits. Especially if you're trying to clip the apex on the first corner. Bam, you've just taken out half the field!

What can you do to prevent people from racing like they're alone on the track? Not much, I'm afraid. Especially when they'll blame their incidents on the supposedly endemic problem of people griefing and/or purposedly crashing into Forza open lobbies. "Oh, it wasn't my fault, I was driving on the fastest line, officer!".

Here's a tip: don't be suicidally brave all the time. Try to be considerate instead. Second place is still better than dead-last. The Drivatars are, after all, a perfectly good way to hone your collision-avoiding skills. And people complain about how bad they are, but really, they're just perfect - they're just learning from some terrible drivers!

P.S: am I the only one still waiting for the League payout, leave alone the Unicorns?
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That's rather odd that you haven't received the League payout. However, I don't think anyone aside from AR12Gaming has gotten either of the unicorns.
That's rather odd that you haven't received the League payout. However, I don't think anyone aside from AR12Gaming has gotten either of the unicorns.
From the most recent Week In Review:
"Players should look for these cars to be delivered to their Forza Motorsport 6 inboxes starting next week. If you missed out on the Week 1 car, you can still get in by taking part in Week 2! We’ll have the same cars available but with a special variant livery. Note that the Forza Racing Championship is the only place you can get these two bonus cars, so don’t miss your chance here in Season 1!"
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I ended up 44th in Pinnacle — truly a testament that the rankings are based on quantity of races run, not quality — and received a handy (er, useless) 970,000 Cr.

I assume since nobody has received the fabled horn-horses yet, that the DLC codes also haven't been sent out? I'm really curious what happens for those of us that already have the Car Pass (ie. about half the people taking part in the Pinnacle division, going by what I saw in the hoppers).
Yeah, I haven't gotten a code either. I'm curious if they'll give them out around the same time as the unicorns, or until the event is over.
Yup, still not getting that League money.

And of course, while they're taking their sweet time pressing the "start" button on what should be a completely automated process, thus leaving us without that sweet vintage Ford iron, they've sent the cars to AR12 of all people.

Oh, well. At least it's not SLAPtrain, right?
Yup, still not getting that League money.

And of course, while they're taking their sweet time pressing the "start" button on what should be a completely automated process, thus leaving us without that sweet vintage Ford iron, they've sent the cars to AR12 of all people.

Oh, well. At least it's not SLAPtrain, right?
Hopefully you get the money soon bud. And I can't wait for the prize cars especially the Aussie Falcon.
Even at pinnacle the amount of dirty driving is ridiculous. I had a race at Daytona last night where i was running side by side with probably a foot off the wall on the start and the guy next to me decides it'd be a good time to try to shunt me even though there was no space, ended up taking himself, me and over half the field out in turn one. T10 really needs to re-evaluate how they classify people in the divisions. Similarly all five races I ran last night had a crash going into the first corner that took out at least 5 or more cars.
Hopefully you get the money soon bud. And I can't wait for the prize cars especially the Aussie Falcon.

Hah, it's not like I need it - but the fact that it's taking so long for something that's usually almost instantaneous has me worried. I want to drive that Escort, goddangit!

Even at pinnacle the amount of dirty driving is ridiculous. I had a race at Daytona last night where i was running side by side with probably a foot off the wall on the start and the guy next to me decides it'd be a good time to try to shunt me even though there was no space, ended up taking himself, me and over half the field out in turn one. T10 really needs to re-evaluate how they classify people in the divisions. Similarly all five races I ran last night had a crash going into the first corner that took out at least 5 or more cars.

Yeah, it seems that the rammers have come out in force lately. I've been purposefully sent into the barriers more than once this morning. And the kind of obnoxious, loud-mouthed, "I am the only good racer here and everybody is a retard" kind of characters are filling the lobbies, too!
They need to try and do what iRacing does and what GTS is apparently going to do.

Add the whole safety rating thing. Crashing and going off track (aka screw corner cutters) lowers it.

Also a penalty system for people who hit others. Although I haven't seen a perfect one yet, it would be nice if they gave power/speed penalties like Codemaster games do.
Yeah, the Formula Ford is just a bad car for the leagues. All you need is a tiny tap and you're flying. I managed to win a few races, but just have no desire to keep racing. In the Mustang league I ended up top 15%. This time I'm just going to go for the top 50%.

On a different note: 1:53.3 in Rivals. I should be able to get into the 1:51s.
Yeah, the Formula Ford is just a bad car for the leagues. All you need is a tiny tap and you're flying. I managed to win a few races, but just have no desire to keep racing. In the Mustang league I ended up top 15%. This time I'm just going to go for the top 50%.

On a different note: 1:53.3 in Rivals. I should be able to get into the 1:51s.

Right there with you with a 1:53.343. I don't see myself dipping into the 51's, but I should at least be able to drop a half second. I don't think I'll have quite what it takes to make it into the knockout portion though: currently, the cut-off is a low 1:52.4xx. :eek:
I think that's more a problem with the users. Then again being open wheel you can't rub. You just end up kinda both twirling off..
I also just got the Escort and Falcon. :dopey:
The ONLY video I can find of the XY has some muppet talking over it the whole time, meaning I can't hear it. I can't get to my Xbone atm.
Well, I'm done with the League until the next one comes up. I mean, people couldn't even drive off of the start at Lime Rock straight, and don't even get me started on the melee in the first corner of Long Beach (which, of course, only crippled my car and no one else's). Seriously, you would almost think buying the game also meant getting a lobotomy or something.