In-Depth Feature: Part One
Career Mode -
This is the core of Forza Motorsport (FM). It is how you will earn anything and everything you own in this game. You begin with a limited amount of credits (CR) in order to purchase your first car. Throughout your progress in career mode, you will be able to earn more credits, and in turn earn and tune more cars.
Before you do anything, you must chose a Home Region. Your home region determines the cost, availability, and rarity of the cars available to you in career mode. Initially lower class cars are very common in all regions, such as the Honda Civic, or Ford Focus. The upper class cars, like Nissan Skylines and Chevy Corvettes are much more common in their home region, and are rare to others. Any supercar you look for in your quest, for the most part, is going to be extremely rare to all regions. Supercars like Ferraris and Porsches are among the few that will be hard to come by. Your region will also determine what kind of relation ship you will build with your aftermarket part dealers throughout your career. Once you chose a region, thats it, theres no turning back from this point. Keep in mind, that though you may chose a certain region, cars from all regions will eventually be available for you to buy.
As you progress through career mode, you will unlock different relationships with parts manufacturers and car manufacturers alike. Unlocking a relationship with a parts manufacturer will grant you certain privileges, such as discounted tires, etc. As for car manufacturers, building a relationship with a manufacturer will grant you access to cars that were not initially available for purchase.
Aside from the single player aspect of Career Mode, there is also an online side. There are many races that are strictly available only to online career mode. When racing online, you will be automatically matched with players of equal level and skill, so as not to be blown away by any competition, and make things a bit more challenging on all sides of the spectrum. You will also be able to trade, sell, and buy cars online.
Bangin Body?
Tuning is also taken to a new level in FM, as you can not only buy engine upgrades, but you now can purchase body upgrades, which can effect your car in positive and negative ways. In addition to body modifications, you can also purchase aftermarket wheels, as well as place decals on your car to create a completely custom car that reflects you and your tastes. Decals can be placed on the car in up to 100 different layers per side (6 sides total), allowing you to get a look that is completely unique to your car.
The core of the custom design feature is the decals and vinyls in the game. You can create different decals and vinyls by stacking different shapes, patterns, and decals together to create your own look. You will be able to layer and stack as many as 100 different elements on one of the six given sides. The six parts are the top side, right side, left side, front bumper, rear bumper, and the rear wing. This allows you to place up to 600 total layers of custom greatness to your ride. You can also create custom skins that can serve as standards for your Online Car Club.
As for the body modifications, you can chose from a plethora of different front bumpers, side skirts, rear spoilers, and hoods. Each of these modifications will effect the cars down force, as well as the cars overall weight. In addition to standard body mods, you will also be allowed to paint your car in many different ways. You can paint the body, mirrors, hood, and wing any different color, to ensure the look is completely you.
Overall the appearance and aero tuning in FM is the most advanced car customization option on a console racer to date. Is someone else driving a car that looks exactly like yours? More than likely, youll never find out
yes there are that many options.
Stay Tuned as we keep you posted with the second half of our in-depth Forza Motorsport Preview, with details on Drivatar, multiplayer, and the down and dirty tuning aspect of FM.