First, I did quite clearly say GT created the whole car sandbox genre.
And bravo for reconising that. It's not something I'm disputing.
I would not call GT2's rally, well, rally. It was nothing more then road racing with less grip and "dust" being kicked up.
No, it's rally. I don't think you quite understand what a games physics are. What do you think a programmer does to get a track to feel like it's an off road track? How the track looks has nothing to do with it, just the programming? To a game a surface is a surface. All the programmers are doing is altering that sufaces properties. you can throw other calculations in there, like having the tyres cut a groove into the road or as done in RBR calculate the dirt build up under the wheels when accelerating and decelerating.
Sega GT had power loss over time and was linked to turbo boost preassure (more boost, faster wear and tear) back at the xbox's launch.
If that's true then fair enough. I had SEGA GT on the PC but I don't recall that happening but then I didn't play it much, it wasn't very good imo.
Slightly upgrading the game from one interation to another is nothing new, nothing revolutionary.
Never said it was, but that's all Forza has done since Forza 1.
Alot of you GT fanboys still havn't gotten it through your heads, maybe it is because you just sit in your parents basement all day who knows but there is more to simulation then just driving (even then it is debatable that GT has good physics).
Yes, there is, but the key part of a driving game is, driving 💡. Get the driving physics right and anything extra is a bonus. Having damage is great, but if the driving physics arn't that good then the game as a driving sim is no good.
Basically, a simulation is the recreation of the real world on a computer. In the real world cars get damage, cars paint gets scratched and cars don't take nuetonian theories so literally.
True, and no one is arguing otherwise, but the key here is that these are driving games. While I agree it is good to these things in the key part, the part that stands before everything else is the driving physics. And GT5
is far better than Forza 2 in this regard.
Forza was the first console game (maybe even racing game altogether) to bring all these different types of racing and UGC (user generated content) together.
First console game, yes. but I can pick a number of things any one of the Gran Turismo games was the first to be when used in combination with everything else.
Again, the number of cars is entirely relevant when it comes to damage. No other game came close to 200+ cars with damage, both physical and visual and now no game can even touch Forza 3's 400+ cars with damage and roll over. GT still hasn't got the basics yet.
No it's not, the damage is the feature. I don't care if 400+ cars can be damaged as opposed to 200 cars if the game with 200 cars is a better sim. Damage is a feature, you can't say there are 400+ cars, all of which can use the games rewind button. There are 400+ cars all of which can be panted. They are features and by that logic, damage and the livery editor would be the only areas Forza beats GT since GT does everything else but to more cars.
Again, I am not the one who directly compares Forza 2 to PC sims, that is the proffesional game journalists who specialise in SIM RACING and even they rate FM2 higher then GT5
Not many, I've read plenty of reviews and such that claim GT5
is more realistic. Importantly I've read and heard views of people with real track experience saying GT5
is more realsisitc. Back to the professional game journalists though, you've killed your point right there. "Game journalists" not scienticsts, not racing drivers, not race engineers, game reviewers. Even if they all said Forza 2 was more realistic (which they don't) it's a futile argument because they are jsut game reviers and in general they know no more about physics than the average guy.
Yes, forza copied the BASIC fomula of GT1 but expanded on it also.
It expanded in certain ways, GT is still more expansive than Forza in other areas.
Between GT1 and GT5
nothing new or exciting has been added. NOTHING.
Tha's your oppinion and you are entitled to it. I could make the same claim about Forza but the truth is there are certain features that have been brought into both series that I've looked forwards to.
GT2 and GT4 may have had more cars with which to but more options but the customisation cannot touch Forza.
Yes it can, in every way except the livery editor. and power train swaps. Besides thoes two things. I agree they are nice, but they don't onpen up a gulf. You are very extreme in your views. If something is fractionally better you are viewing it as a mile. People can play that card against you, but I'm glad they don't because it's showing the real gulf in this debate, your maturity and the rest of ours.
I remember reading a calculation in a review of Forza 1 where the total number of unique cars excluding livery editing (including paint) was something in the trillions or something (will look for it again)
So. Anyone can come up with thoes figures, do you think GT4's possible combinations is small. I'd wager that it's higher than Forza 2's.
In Forza 2 no car's bonnets or boot open up and I would prefer slighty limited damage on some cars compared to no damage across all cars.
They don't fly open but some do look like they pop up, either way I was just highlighting that the damage in Forza is inconsistent, it's dependant on the car you are driving.
No, GT did not open any doors for hardcore PC sim racers. I have never seen anywhere where a PC sim racer has said GT has gotten him/her onto consoles.
I have, quite a few. But like I said the vast majority of hardcore sim racers ignore both games. It's still a moot point but the sheer fact that GT did what Forza does many years earlier than Forza by definition means that opened the door to that type of game first. Forza 1 did not have good physics, they were not on a par with GT3's and where noting like a good PC sims at that time. Forza 2's were a lot better, still very flawed and though some may argue they were better than GT4's the truth is liekly to be that they are very close. they jsut succeed and fail in different areas. GT5
's physcis are notably better than both GT4 and Forza 2's physics.
You do not set sidewall height through pressure, you buy different rim sizes and running low pressures gives the car a VERY squigy feeling just like low pressures in real life.
The pressure determines how flat the tyre will run, it doesn't decide how big the sidewall is, but how high from the perimiter of the tyre it will reach and once that's set the tyres shape is not affected mid race.
Seriously? It's just a graphical representation?
Shows how much, or how little, you know about games.
More than you it would appear.
Linking the physics engine to the graphics engine in such a way that in real time it can deform tires in a game with real time reflections of other cars, advanced lighting, extremely high poly cars, 360 htz physics and possibly the best A.I in console racing is far, FAR from an easy task.
Take a step back, we are not talking about the whole, we are talking about one detail contained within that whole. The visual deformation of a tyre in the game. It is nothing more than a graphical effect, the physics would be exactley the same if that visual deformation was not present in the game. It's a graphical detail like the grass in GT5
swaying when the cars drive past, it is a nice touch and I am not suggesting otherwise, but in terms of importance it's not very important.
I did clearly say in terms of COLLISIONS that GT5
is on par with burnout and the only difference is that your car slows down when you hit the other car.
And you are still way off. GT5
may not have the most dramatic collisions, but they are far more complex than Burnouts. I think I know where you're going wrong here but I don't want to jump the gun.
The difference is rewind and auto-brake (which is available on some cars in real life to a certain extent) ARE optional. Comedy collisions are not.[/QUOTENeither are all the things Forza get's wrong with its' phyics. No game is perfect, none will be for a long time. Even still, Foraz's collisions are better but the AI turns them into a nuisance at times.
Who could really care what a physics proffesor thinks when it comes to cars? Just because he can calculate how fast a car should go with xxx power and xxx weight doens't mean he knows anything about tire dynamics or wind dynamics
Do you think that's all a physics professor could calculate. Who do you think the tyre manufacturers employ to calculate the tyre dynamics on thier tyres?
and the game reviewers I refer to arn't your PSM or OXM reviewers. They are real car enthusiasts who decided to take a job reviewing simulation games.
So you say, and so they say. I've seen plenty of racing drivers who have happily commented on how good the GT games have been releative to the times the games were out. You're argument has no valid point.
Forza hasn't been based entirely on GT since the first. It took the basics and expanded on them in ways GT5
still cannot match.
GT:5P cannot match in features, because it is not a fully fleshed out GT game, so you are correct in that sense, but GT4 matched Forza 2 as far as the off line game was concerned. You really need to stop putting forwards vague opinion based comments and post them as facts, really. It's annoying.
Forza 2's A.I is so far ahead of GT5
's A.I it isn't funny. I rarely if even get hit by the A.I when I wouldn't expect to. Only when I try to overtake on a tight corner/section does the A.I OCCASIONALLY turn in when I am down the inside. Every other time you can see the A.I making moves on each other and yourself and they, 9 times out of 10, leave room for you and or the other A.I players to make a clean move down the inside.
It seems you have a different copy of Forza 2 to me. I've done plenty of testing with the AI in Forza 2 and while there are cases where the AI will give you room, there are certain AIprofiles which are far too agressive. I've had a car turn into me on the start grid. And to show just how great the AI is, I restarted that race 10 times, and the only time the AI car didn't turn into me was when I turned into him first. I re-started the race and each time I did something different but the AI did one of the same two things, every time. Both resulted in it turning into me except when I hit him. GT5
's I've found does leave room, they do pull over and they don't ram you just because you're in thier way. They do still hit you, but usually when you're racing in a tight pack and don't keep your lane discipline or you make an unexpected manouver. GT5
's AI is not perfect, but I wouldn't rate it as bad.
As I said a page or so ago I remember hearing rubber banding applied to GT5
's physics, when it was brought to my attention that wasn't the case I promptly apologised for the confusion. Maybe you fanboys should learn to actually read.
In that case I apologise, you have made a lot of posts and I must have missed it.
Also, you cannot use the A.I as a brake in Forza 1 or 2
Yes you can.
and I can be 99.999% certain in Forza 3. Why? becuase you in the A.I particularly in a corner your cars rear will come unweighted and your back in with spin out and IF you have damage on you will be far from a fast or competetive on your way to the line.
No you won't. It's just a question of how you do it. In Forza you can quite easilly bump another car off the track without crippling yourself or knocking yourself off the track too even with full damage no. It's just a case of technique.
Oh, there is one point I don't think I have brought up yet, audio. Seriously, can GT5
sound any worse? The only car that sounds even semi similar to the real thing is the Viper.
I agree, GT's engine sounds through the series history are a weak point.
I will concede ... that ... GT5
... is better then Forza 2...
Can I just quote this? Don't worry I know it's not what you said, I'm just keeping this friendly